Tell us, what would YOU do to defeat Isis?

So I'm watching With all Due Respect with Mark Halperin, and Nicole Wallace and some older white Republican were the guests. So they asked the older guy how Obama was doing against Isis. He said Obama is so scared and Isis knows it. Because Obama can't say the words "Islamic Terrorists", Isis knows they have him scared and weak. As long as Obama won't say those words, Isis won't take him seriously.

So all it takes is those to words to scare Isis.

So then the question came up, "What was Obama's biggest mistake". Nicole Wallace said the Red Line, which, of course, had nothing to do with Isis.

Then the male guest was asked what he would do if he were president. He said, that's easy, he would have experts follow the bad guys on the Internet, find out where they are and do something.
That's what he said, he would do something. Apparently, Obama isn't "doing something".

So to all you right wingers, tell us what you would do that Obama isn't doing to take out Isis. Tell us how it's done.
Seems odd to read "white republicans" since 99% of Republicans are indeed white.

So I guess if a black person views white people he/she always notices right away they are white !?

So, what about rice then ?! Rice is white 99% of the time too.

What about snow ?! Snow is white 99.99999999% of the time.

Anyhoo ...

BHO admits that his only mistake so far was probably trying to make expensive quick fixes to stimulate the economy instead of going for the long haul and investing in a big way in infrastructure.

Now it has been almost 8 years since The Great Recession started in 2008 and there is still no infrastructure improvement while trillions of dollars have been wasted on pork barrel spending.

He was interviewed for one of the news shows and I watched it.

NOT chasing ISIS/ISIL is NOT a mistake.

The USA should get the hell out of the Middle East and US citizens should be warned NOT to travel there.

Now, everybody knows that BHO is a BLACK President so I don't need to say "I was watching our BLACK President ...".
So I'm watching With all Due Respect with Mark Halperin, and Nicole Wallace and some older white Republican were the guests. So they asked the older guy how Obama was doing against Isis. He said Obama is so scared and Isis knows it. Because Obama can't say the words "Islamic Terrorists", Isis knows they have him scared and weak. As long as Obama won't say those words, Isis won't take him seriously.

So all it takes is those to words to scare Isis.

So then the question came up, "What was Obama's biggest mistake". Nicole Wallace said the Red Line, which, of course, had nothing to do with Isis.

Then the male guest was asked what he would do if he were president. He said, that's easy, he would have experts follow the bad guys on the Internet, find out where they are and do something.
That's what he said, he would do something. Apparently, Obama isn't "doing something".

So to all you right wingers, tell us what you would do that Obama isn't doing to take out Isis. Tell us how it's done.
I'd leave the UN, leave NATO, bring everyone home.

Restrict immigration until the fighting is over.

declare America to once again, be a neutral country. as we were intended.
So I'm watching With all Due Respect with Mark Halperin, and Nicole Wallace and some older white Republican were the guests. So they asked the older guy how Obama was doing against Isis. He said Obama is so scared and Isis knows it. Because Obama can't say the words "Islamic Terrorists", Isis knows they have him scared and weak. As long as Obama won't say those words, Isis won't take him seriously.

So all it takes is those to words to scare Isis.

So then the question came up, "What was Obama's biggest mistake". Nicole Wallace said the Red Line, which, of course, had nothing to do with Isis.

Then the male guest was asked what he would do if he were president. He said, that's easy, he would have experts follow the bad guys on the Internet, find out where they are and do something.
That's what he said, he would do something. Apparently, Obama isn't "doing something".

So to all you right wingers, tell us what you would do that Obama isn't doing to take out Isis. Tell us how it's done.
Seems odd to read "white republicans" since 99% of Republicans are indeed white.

So I guess if a black person views white people he/she always notices right away they are white !?

So, what about rice then ?! Rice is white 99% of the time too.

What about snow ?! Snow is white 99.99999999% of the time.

Anyhoo ...

BHO admits that his only mistake so far was probably trying to make expensive quick fixes to stimulate the economy instead of going for the long haul and investing in a big way in infrastructure.

Now it has been almost 8 years since The Great Recession started in 2008 and there is still no infrastructure improvement while trillions of dollars have been wasted on pork barrel spending.

He was interviewed for one of the news shows and I watched it.

NOT chasing ISIS/ISIL is NOT a mistake.

The USA should get the hell out of the Middle East and US citizens should be warned NOT to travel there.

Now, everybody knows that BHO is a BLACK President so I don't need to say "I was watching our BLACK President ...".
Nice ignorant racist opinion.
Nicole Wallace said the Red Line, which, of course, had nothing to do with Isis.
Obama's failure to stand firm on his red line threat directly lead to the formation of ISIS. ....... :cool:

Close -- it was his weakness to threaten things that he didn't intend to enforce. YES. But it was NOT a mistake to NOT to go after Assad. It was the proper decision.

Right now we should be sending Assad flowers and kissing his ass and apologizing for aggravating the situation in his country. Allow HIM and Russia to return Syria to government. THEY will take care of ISIS in Syria. We should stop the idiotic folly of recruiting "moderates for democracy" as a proxy army to make the ground situation worse.

We don't NEED an another smoking hole in the Mid East to be yet ANOTHER breeding ground for terrorist orgs. Good Lord -- if we haven't learned at this point that those countries NEED a ruthless bastard or two to keep a lid on the violence -- we should have our weapons taken away from us...
Put a $1Billion bounty on Al-Baghdadi's head.

Kinda expensive penalty to pay for a guy who was in US custody in Iraq. We not only set the stage for the Iraqis to spring him -- but we put his mobile armor and weapons on the ground in Iraq for him to simply take.

It's a long string of very bad decisions. And like our support of the Taliban and Al-Queda in the 80s --- we are hurting OURSELVES more than we are hurting them..
Put a $1Billion bounty on Al-Baghdadi's head.

Kinda expensive penalty to pay for a guy who was in US custody in Iraq. We not only set the stage for the Iraqis to spring him -- but we put his mobile armor and weapons on the ground in Iraq for him to simply take.

It's a long string of very bad decisions. And like our support of the Taliban and Al-Queda in the 80s --- we are hurting OURSELVES more than we are hurting them..
It'd still be cheaper than most other options.
So I'm watching With all Due Respect with Mark Halperin, and Nicole Wallace and some older white Republican were the guests. So they asked the older guy how Obama was doing against Isis. He said Obama is so scared and Isis knows it. Because Obama can't say the words "Islamic Terrorists", Isis knows they have him scared and weak. As long as Obama won't say those words, Isis won't take him seriously.

So all it takes is those to words to scare Isis.

So then the question came up, "What was Obama's biggest mistake". Nicole Wallace said the Red Line, which, of course, had nothing to do with Isis.

Then the male guest was asked what he would do if he were president. He said, that's easy, he would have experts follow the bad guys on the Internet, find out where they are and do something.
That's what he said, he would do something. Apparently, Obama isn't "doing something".

So to all you right wingers, tell us what you would do that Obama isn't doing to take out Isis. Tell us how it's done.
I would make Obama THEIR President.
Unlike our President...

I would not have supplied them
I would not have funded them
I would not have armed them
I would not have trained them
I would not have protected them

I would have destroyed their mile-long convoys as they tried to enter Iraq, never allowing them to get a foothold there, never allowing them to take territory our military had already liberated at great cost.

I would never have protected their black market oil industry that funded 50% of their terrorist activities, to include the Paris attack.

I would never have dragged the US into the middle of a civil war between terrorists and a dictator - Syria OR Libya!
You are right.

Easy to defeat ISIS -- just break up the CIA and throw all their operatives into prison, hopefully where they would be waterboarded.
These answers have to be satire.

Nope, I know more than you....infinitely more. When the globalists stop funding the ISIS mercenaries, they will have no other choice but to leave because there is no money it it. You are such a blinded idiot and you can't see what has been going on. You don't have the slightest clue as to what is really going on.., are simply a "Go Team Leftard" rainbow colored flag waving dipshit....but wtf, it's your cyber dime but anyone with even a lick of sense knows that you are a blithering idiot.
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Unlike our President...

I would not have supplied them
I would not have funded them
I would not have armed them
I would not have trained them
I would not have protected them

I would have destroyed their mile-long convoys as they tried to enter Iraq, never allowing them to get a foothold there, never allowing them to take territory our military had already liberated at great cost.

I would never have protected their black market oil industry that funded 50% of their terrorist activities, to include the Paris attack.

I would never have dragged the US into the middle of a civil war between terrorists and a dictator - Syria OR Libya!
You are right.

Easy to defeat ISIS -- just break up the CIA and throw all their operatives into prison, hopefully where they would be waterboarded.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
I would sick the IRS on them. Have you seen one of there women? They look like the toughest lesbians on the face of the earth.
I would have a very large fleet of Reaper drones watching their every move. Then I would bomb the begeezus out of them with hellfire missiles from the drones when I could. That would probably be 70% of my activity against them. The other 30% would be with our special forces hunting them down and killing them.

In a nutshell - it would be the most comprehensive and relentless campaign in warfare history. I would instruct the NSA to wage cyber warfare on them 24x7. Crash their websites, hack their devices, disrupt their communications. I would wage psychological warfare on them with the right materials and with the Reaper drones. And I would wage traditional warfare on them with our special forces.

We have the ability to kill exponentially faster than ISIS has the ability to recruit, train, finance, and plan. We just need a leader who is committed to wiping them out of existence.
Put a $1Billion bounty on Al-Baghdadi's head.

Kinda expensive penalty to pay for a guy who was in US custody in Iraq. We not only set the stage for the Iraqis to spring him -- but we put his mobile armor and weapons on the ground in Iraq for him to simply take.

It's a long string of very bad decisions. And like our support of the Taliban and Al-Queda in the 80s --- we are hurting OURSELVES more than we are hurting them..
It'd still be cheaper than most other options.

If you're looking to save money.. ---- we should have been setting up sanctuaries with coalitions in the neighborhood about 3 years ago. In Iraq, Syria, maybe Libya.. So that the trail of Mass Migration OUT of the hot zone DIDN't have to come to the EU and America.. A LOT cheaper than "carpet bombing" and then having decades of "whack-a-mole" in the smoking voids we leave behind. Or the fights over immigration that are happening now.
So I'm watching With all Due Respect with Mark Halperin, and Nicole Wallace and some older white Republican were the guests. So they asked the older guy how Obama was doing against Isis. He said Obama is so scared and Isis knows it. Because Obama can't say the words "Islamic Terrorists", Isis knows they have him scared and weak. As long as Obama won't say those words, Isis won't take him seriously.

So all it takes is those to words to scare Isis.

So then the question came up, "What was Obama's biggest mistake". Nicole Wallace said the Red Line, which, of course, had nothing to do with Isis.

Then the male guest was asked what he would do if he were president. He said, that's easy, he would have experts follow the bad guys on the Internet, find out where they are and do something.
That's what he said, he would do something. Apparently, Obama isn't "doing something".

So to all you right wingers, tell us what you would do that Obama isn't doing to take out Isis. Tell us how it's done.
Bombard them with leaflets of your constant trolling on USMB.
So I'm watching With all Due Respect with Mark Halperin, and Nicole Wallace and some older white Republican were the guests. So they asked the older guy how Obama was doing against Isis. He said Obama is so scared and Isis knows it. Because Obama can't say the words "Islamic Terrorists", Isis knows they have him scared and weak. As long as Obama won't say those words, Isis won't take him seriously.

So all it takes is those to words to scare Isis.

So then the question came up, "What was Obama's biggest mistake". Nicole Wallace said the Red Line, which, of course, had nothing to do with Isis.

Then the male guest was asked what he would do if he were president. He said, that's easy, he would have experts follow the bad guys on the Internet, find out where they are and do something.
That's what he said, he would do something. Apparently, Obama isn't "doing something".

So to all you right wingers, tell us what you would do that Obama isn't doing to take out Isis. Tell us how it's done.
Bombard them with leaflets of your constant trolling on USMB.

... and offer them some love. :D

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