Tell us, what would YOU do to defeat Isis?

Obama won't say Islamic terrorism because if he did, ISIS could use it as propaganda for recruitment easily.

To defeat ISIS, the pussy Arab nations surrounding ISIS need to take out their own trash.
The rightwing lunatic from the 5 said that Obama should just level Raca today. Nevermind the millions of innocent civilians that would be killed, and it was pointed out to him.

Republicans are sick, degenerate inhumans.

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“Tell us, what would YOU do to defeat Isis?”

The first and most important thing to acknowledge is the fact that ISIS can’t be ‘defeated’ as Nazi Germany and Japan were defeated in World War II.

Indeed, this explains why conservatives are wrong on the issue of ISIS: they incorrectly perceive the so called ‘Islamic state’ as some sort of conventional military entity that can be ‘defeated’ using conventional military tactics, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

ISIS, as is the case with other terrorist organizations, can be managed like a chronic illness, its adverse effects mitigated, but not completely eradicated, and it would be naïve to believe otherwise.
Obama won't say Islamic terrorism because if he did, ISIS could use it as propaganda for recruitment easily.

To defeat ISIS, the pussy Arab nations surrounding ISIS need to take out their own trash.
The president also doesn’t use the term because it’s ignorant and inaccurate.

Religions do not commit acts of terror, individuals do – individuals who are not ‘representative’ of the religion they might claim to belong to, individuals who are alone responsible for their criminal acts.
“Tell us, what would YOU do to defeat Isis?”

The first and most important thing to acknowledge is the fact that ISIS can’t be ‘defeated’ as Nazi Germany and Japan were defeated in World War II.

Indeed, this explains why conservatives are wrong on the issue of ISIS: they incorrectly perceive the so called ‘Islamic state’ as some sort of conventional military entity that can be ‘defeated’ using conventional military tactics, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

ISIS, as is the case with other terrorist organizations, can be managed like a chronic illness, its adverse effects mitigated, but not completely eradicated, and it would be naïve to believe otherwise.

I agree with that. Thus the truculent solution approach I have proposed.
It would have to be understood that the U.S., alone, cannot eliminate Daesh as a fighting force.
Further, eliminating the ideology behind Daesh is impossible by physical means.
Militarily, Daesh would not be difficult to defeat. In fact, that it continues as a military force is testimony that too many interests do not want to defeat Daesh. This has to do with far more than anything America has real control over.
We could spell out the formula for engaging and eliminating the armed force of Daesh, but it would be academic; it isn't going to happen.
They need food, weapons, shelter, electricity, fuel.

You bomb all sources. Even if most of the bombs land in Iran, the suppliers of ISIS.

About HOW MANY countries would that be? How many MORE voids of power do you want to create over there?

Yemen? Iran? Lebanon? Libya? the freaking Sinai? Give me a number.
Do you know who is supplying ISIS with weapons and fuel? I don't either.
Why this isn't front page news has nothing but a lot of dark meanings. Most of all it means our government is not serious about fighting ISIS.
Warfare 101 is you go after their command structure and supply lines.
Obama won't say Islamic terrorism because if he did, ISIS could use it as propaganda for recruitment easily.

To defeat ISIS, the pussy Arab nations surrounding ISIS need to take out their own trash.
When FDR said the Germans and Japanese are evil and must be defeated he actually meant every one in those nations and it was used as a propaganda tool?
150,000 US troops would invade isis held land
I'd then put in a military governor to govern that area
Any caught practicing radical islam would be put up against the wall and shot.
I'd burn all books and shit that teaches such.
I'd put in instead for the children a education that teaches how to build roads, computers, and other good stuff. Some children and adults would help build their country! They would also learn reading, writing, math and science!
My military governor would be a capitalist and would help these people build up this area to compete with the rest of the world.

Once this is done then they wouldn't want to go back to the caveman days.

Lol, they would just hate you more.
B52 bombers. Kill every man woman and child in ISIS occupied territory. Put fear of wrath of God in them. Hit the Shia Iranians too. Put fear of wrath of God in them as well. Eliminate North Korea as a threat and send message to world that we are ready, willing, and able to force our will upon your miserable ass.

So I'm watching With all Due Respect with Mark Halperin, and Nicole Wallace and some older white Republican were the guests. So they asked the older guy how Obama was doing against Isis. He said Obama is so scared and Isis knows it. Because Obama can't say the words "Islamic Terrorists", Isis knows they have him scared and weak. As long as Obama won't say those words, Isis won't take him seriously.

So all it takes is those to words to scare Isis.

So then the question came up, "What was Obama's biggest mistake". Nicole Wallace said the Red Line, which, of course, had nothing to do with Isis.

Then the male guest was asked what he would do if he were president. He said, that's easy, he would have experts follow the bad guys on the Internet, find out where they are and do something.
That's what he said, he would do something. Apparently, Obama isn't "doing something".

So to all you right wingers, tell us what you would do that Obama isn't doing to take out Isis. Tell us how it's done.
whats so funny here, just yesterday the Obama administration killed 250 Issi troops in Fallujah ... seems like all republicans, they didn't Get Benghazi right and they haven't got this right .... Obama fears no man or beast ...
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B52 bombers. Kill every man woman and child in ISIS occupied territory. Put fear of wrath of God in them. Hit the Shia Iranians too. Put fear of wrath of God in them as well. Eliminate North Korea as a threat and send message to world that we are ready, willing, and able to force our will upon your miserable ass.
and morons are alive and well on these post ....
B52 bombers. Kill every man woman and child in ISIS occupied territory. Put fear of wrath of God in them. Hit the Shia Iranians too. Put fear of wrath of God in them as well. Eliminate North Korea as a threat and send message to world that we are ready, willing, and able to force our will upon your miserable ass.
B52 are so out dated as a strike force
They need food, weapons, shelter, electricity, fuel.

You bomb all sources. Even if most of the bombs land in Iran, the suppliers of ISIS.
you can't be that dumb
They need food, weapons, shelter, electricity, fuel.

You bomb all sources. Even if most of the bombs land in Iran, the suppliers of ISIS.
you can't be that dumb
Yeah, it would be stupid to use basic military tactics in defeating an armed enemy.
  • Off the books (Black Ops) strike teams taking out leaders and financiers - Put the fear of God in them (Ala Massad)
  • Take out religious leaders advocating Jihad
  • Freeze assets
  • Take physical assets like oil fields used to make money
  • Restrict all immigration and travel from any suspected terrorist
This to start.
So I'm watching With all Due Respect with Mark Halperin, and Nicole Wallace and some older white Republican were the guests. So they asked the older guy how Obama was doing against Isis. He said Obama is so scared and Isis knows it. Because Obama can't say the words "Islamic Terrorists", Isis knows they have him scared and weak. As long as Obama won't say those words, Isis won't take him seriously.

So all it takes is those to words to scare Isis.

So then the question came up, "What was Obama's biggest mistake". Nicole Wallace said the Red Line, which, of course, had nothing to do with Isis.

Then the male guest was asked what he would do if he were president. He said, that's easy, he would have experts follow the bad guys on the Internet, find out where they are and do something.
That's what he said, he would do something. Apparently, Obama isn't "doing something".

So to all you right wingers, tell us what you would do that Obama isn't doing to take out Isis. Tell us how it's done.

According to BO there is no such thing as Islamic terrorists.
no he didn't but I would expect you not to know what he said he said

President Barack Obama said Wednesday that he refuses to describe the Islamic State and al Qaeda as groups fueled by “radical Islam” because the term grants them a religious legitimacy they don’t deserve.

“They are not religious leaders; they are terrorists,” Obama said during remarks at a White House event on countering violent extremism. “We are not at war with Islam. We are at war with people who have perverted Islam.”

Obama said the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, also known as ISIS or ISIL, is “desperate” to portray itself as a group of holy warriors defending Islam. It counts on that legitimacy, he said, to propagate the idea that Western countries are at war with Islam, which is how it recruits and radicalizes young people.

“We must never accept the premise that they put forward, because it is a lie,” he said.
B52 bombers. Kill every man woman and child in ISIS occupied territory. Put fear of wrath of God in them. Hit the Shia Iranians too. Put fear of wrath of God in them as well. Eliminate North Korea as a threat and send message to world that we are ready, willing, and able to force our will upon your miserable ass.
B52 are so out dated as a strike force
B52's provide precision strikes on multiple targets simultaneously. They are essential in this fight.

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