Tell us, what would YOU do to defeat Isis?

i don't care about your tactics - you can't be dumb enough to believe iran supports isis.

Who is supplying ISIS then?
it isn't iran. they've been fighting isis.

so why should anyone take you seriously when you can't get basic facts right?
So you don't know. Crazy to think the worlds leading sponsor of terrorism would support an Islamic terrorist organization.....
yes, it is crazy.

not all terrorist groups are the same. iran has been fighting is it you don't know this?
Obama tells you Iran has been fighting ISIS.
Facts say otherwise.
doubling down on stupid. i can respect the tenacity but reality isn't on your side.
Obama won't say Islamic terrorism because if he did, ISIS could use it as propaganda for recruitment easily.

To defeat ISIS, the pussy Arab nations surrounding ISIS need to take out their own trash.

Obama won't say Islamic terrorism because if he did, ISIS could use it as propaganda for recruitment easily.

And when he acts like a pussy, they use his weakness for recruitment.
and you have proved to us that stupid is a live and well in the republican party ...

Obama's stupid is thriving in the dem party.
B52 are so out dated as a strike force
B52's provide precision strikes on multiple targets simultaneously. They are essential in this fight.
actually the b2 bomber is a lot more accurate but I expect you to not know that ... the B2 bomer carries 40,000lb of weapons and can handle anything the 52 did ... the one thing the b52 doesn't have is stealth and they are a easy target in the sky ...
So now you think ISIS has SAMs? :bang3:
and you think they are looking at them that would be your first mistake ... do you think they would sit around and let the us bomb the hell out of them are you really this stupid???
You tell us how ISIS will shoot down B52's, military genius.
you are stupid
Who is supplying ISIS then?
it isn't iran. they've been fighting isis.

so why should anyone take you seriously when you can't get basic facts right?
So you don't know. Crazy to think the worlds leading sponsor of terrorism would support an Islamic terrorist organization.....
yes, it is crazy.

not all terrorist groups are the same. iran has been fighting is it you don't know this?
Obama tells you Iran has been fighting ISIS.
Facts say otherwise.
doubling down on stupid. i can respect the tenacity but reality isn't on your side.
You leftards just parrot whatever Obamanation tells you to,
B52's provide precision strikes on multiple targets simultaneously. They are essential in this fight.
actually the b2 bomber is a lot more accurate but I expect you to not know that ... the B2 bomer carries 40,000lb of weapons and can handle anything the 52 did ... the one thing the b52 doesn't have is stealth and they are a easy target in the sky ...
So now you think ISIS has SAMs? :bang3:
and you think they are looking at them that would be your first mistake ... do you think they would sit around and let the us bomb the hell out of them are you really this stupid???
You tell us how ISIS will shoot down B52's, military genius.
you are stupid
Hilarious. Leftard who claims ISIS can shootdown B52's calls others stupid.
it isn't iran. they've been fighting isis.

so why should anyone take you seriously when you can't get basic facts right?
So you don't know. Crazy to think the worlds leading sponsor of terrorism would support an Islamic terrorist organization.....
yes, it is crazy.

not all terrorist groups are the same. iran has been fighting is it you don't know this?
Obama tells you Iran has been fighting ISIS.
Facts say otherwise.
doubling down on stupid. i can respect the tenacity but reality isn't on your side.
You leftards just parrot whatever Obamanation tells you to,
So you don't know. Crazy to think the worlds leading sponsor of terrorism would support an Islamic terrorist organization.....
yes, it is crazy.

not all terrorist groups are the same. iran has been fighting is it you don't know this?
Obama tells you Iran has been fighting ISIS.
Facts say otherwise.
doubling down on stupid. i can respect the tenacity but reality isn't on your side.
You leftards just parrot whatever Obamanation tells you to,
It must be true, I saw it on the internets!

Gullible sheep....
So you don't know. Crazy to think the worlds leading sponsor of terrorism would support an Islamic terrorist organization.....
yes, it is crazy.

not all terrorist groups are the same. iran has been fighting is it you don't know this?
Obama tells you Iran has been fighting ISIS.
Facts say otherwise.
doubling down on stupid. i can respect the tenacity but reality isn't on your side.
You leftards just parrot whatever Obamanation tells you to,
Get back to us with a report on who is supplying ISIS with weapons and fuel.
yes, it is crazy.

not all terrorist groups are the same. iran has been fighting is it you don't know this?
Obama tells you Iran has been fighting ISIS.
Facts say otherwise.
doubling down on stupid. i can respect the tenacity but reality isn't on your side.
You leftards just parrot whatever Obamanation tells you to,
It must be true, I saw it on the internets!

Gullible sheep....
i gave you several different news sources about iran fighting isis.

what do you have other than your desperate desire to create your own reality?
yes, it is crazy.

not all terrorist groups are the same. iran has been fighting is it you don't know this?
Obama tells you Iran has been fighting ISIS.
Facts say otherwise.
doubling down on stupid. i can respect the tenacity but reality isn't on your side.
You leftards just parrot whatever Obamanation tells you to,
Get back to us with a report on who is supplying ISIS with weapons and fuel.
captured areas
How ISIS Uses Wheat Supplies To Tighten Its Control In Iraq
So I'm watching With all Due Respect with Mark Halperin, and Nicole Wallace and some older white Republican were the guests. So they asked the older guy how Obama was doing against Isis. He said Obama is so scared and Isis knows it. Because Obama can't say the words "Islamic Terrorists", Isis knows they have him scared and weak. As long as Obama won't say those words, Isis won't take him seriously.

So all it takes is those to words to scare Isis.

So then the question came up, "What was Obama's biggest mistake". Nicole Wallace said the Red Line, which, of course, had nothing to do with Isis.

Then the male guest was asked what he would do if he were president. He said, that's easy, he would have experts follow the bad guys on the Internet, find out where they are and do something.
That's what he said, he would do something. Apparently, Obama isn't "doing something".

So to all you right wingers, tell us what you would do that Obama isn't doing to take out Isis. Tell us how it's done.
whats so funny here, just yesterday the Obama administration killed 250 Issi troops in Fallujah ... seems like all republicans, they didn't Get Benghazi right and they have got this right .... Obama fears no man or beast ...
250! Wow, only 599,750 to go. Oops, 2,000 joined as I was typing.
i skipped this retarded post earlier but it's worth noting that not only does Weatherman2020 wrongly believe iran supplies isis but he also believes that there are more than a half million members.

So now you admit Obama is not as smart as General Sherman was 152 years ago.

So where's their weapons coming from?
150,000 US troops would invade isis held land
I'd then put in a military governor to govern that area
Any caught practicing radical islam would be put up against the wall and shot.
I'd burn all books and shit that teaches such.
I'd put in instead for the children a education that teaches how to build roads, computers, and other good stuff. Some children and adults would help build their country! They would also learn reading, writing, math and science!
My military governor would be a capitalist and would help these people build up this area to compete with the rest of the world.

Once this is done then they wouldn't want to go back to the caveman days.
There are parts of the Quran that call for Jihad.
ISIS is Sunni - Saudi Arabia is the most powerful Sunni country - Bin Ladin was Saudi and Sunni

Iran is Shia and the most powerful influence of that sect.

They hate each other and both are very, very radical.

And then there are Kurds who are very pro - American and fairly accepting of different sects as well as Christians and Jews - The major issue is the Turks are in NATO and they hate the KURDs and the Kurds want their on country on the Turkish border.
So you acknowledge that ISIS is selling 60,000 barrels of oil a day.
The fact these oil fields are not smoldering validates Obama has no intention of defeating ISIS.
Nicole Wallace said the Red Line, which, of course, had nothing to do with Isis.
Obama's failure to stand firm on his red line threat directly lead to the formation of ISIS. ....... :cool:

Yep, even Hillary has criticized Obama and hung the rise of ISIS on him for that failure, stating it created a vacuum and opportunity for them, which it did.

His foreign policy sucks. Again, even Hillary has criticized it as "not doing stupid stuff" not being any real policy at all.

What we're seeing is what happens when American sits on its hands and lets a problem that would have been manageable grow out of control.

What to do now? We're fucked for some time to come due to Obumbles letting this get out of control, however, eliminating the caliphate eliminates the caliphate. That would be step 1. Unfortunately doing that means killing thousands of innocent people or putting our troops in an incredibly dangerous house to house situation which wouldn't work either as the actual fighters would blend into the population, be released, and get right back to work. The only solution that actually works is razing Raqqa and the rest of their caliphate. We don't have the will to do that, so we're back to 'we're fucked' until such time as these fuckers do something really drastic ala 9-11 or get their hands on a nuke, at which point what should be done now to prevent it, will be done in retaliation.
So I'm watching With all Due Respect with Mark Halperin, and Nicole Wallace and some older white Republican were the guests. So they asked the older guy how Obama was doing against Isis. He said Obama is so scared and Isis knows it. Because Obama can't say the words "Islamic Terrorists", Isis knows they have him scared and weak. As long as Obama won't say those words, Isis won't take him seriously.

So all it takes is those to words to scare Isis.

So then the question came up, "What was Obama's biggest mistake". Nicole Wallace said the Red Line, which, of course, had nothing to do with Isis.

Then the male guest was asked what he would do if he were president. He said, that's easy, he would have experts follow the bad guys on the Internet, find out where they are and do something.
That's what he said, he would do something. Apparently, Obama isn't "doing something".

So to all you right wingers, tell us what you would do that Obama isn't doing to take out Isis. Tell us how it's done.

I'd force them to read your posts. Their heads would :blowup:

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