Tell us, what would YOU do to defeat Isis?

What would WE do? We support a freaking "intelligence" network with a freaking secret budget and an FBI that couldn't find the Boston Marathon bombers before they committed an atrocity and ended the investigation into the Orlando shooter and you ask us "what would we do"? As usual the radical left has the world upside down and ass backwards.

'You' would do what Bush did for 8 years. Dig the hole deeper and deeper.
Tell us, what would YOU do to defeat Isis?

I would do pretty much what we are doing now. I would fund and materially support the Arab nations in the region to fight ISIS.

Iraq is finally taking the offensive against ISIS, and they are kicking ass. I would continue to help them any way we can.

We don't need a US invasion force. We need the Arab nations to fight their own battles.
I didn't hear the pseudo cons whining that Al Qaeda was winning after the Madrid train bombings. I didn't hear the pseudo cons attacking Bush for losing the war on terror after the London bombings.

This post-2009 whining is why the pseudo cons remind me so much of the loser hippies of the 60s and 70s. The Viet Cong knew all they had to do was make a few symbolic gestures of horror to demoralize the hippies in America, and then the hippies would demand an end to the war we were actually winning.

The modern day cowardly liberals who think they are conservatives are now letting a few terror attacks cause them to shit their pants and believe ISIS is winning.

ISIS is getting its ass kicked. They are in full retreat., but you would never know that if you listened to the retards.
those sand pukes have been fighting with each other since time began, and for the last 15 years we were stupid enough to get involved in their family feud. We're providing NEW BLOOD (literally) to their fight, and as long as we dick with an ideology that's all we will ever provide.
What would WE do? We support a freaking "intelligence" network with a freaking secret budget and an FBI that couldn't find the Boston Marathon bombers before they committed an atrocity and ended the investigation into the Orlando shooter and you ask us "what would we do"? As usual the radical left has the world upside down and ass backwards.
First I'd decouple the issue from electoral politics. I'd stop using the issue to scare voters in the voting booth. (This leads to lying, especially when your party benefits from increased terrorism.)

Second. I'd educate voters on the challenges to creating political stability in a region with such deep tribal conflicts. Political stability is crucial to building a consistent and durable Arab-lead military response to ISIS.

To create political stability, I'd help republicans take a critical stance toward FOX News, which doesn't speak of the regional tribal complexities between Kurds or Shiites. [It doesn't help that most Fox News viewers don't know who controls the Syrian government, or why Reagan chose to support Hussein, because he needed a brutal strongman to keep the warring tribes in line].

Too many voters see the region as a monolithic block of evil doers who just need to be killed. This is fucking insane because their are over a billion Muslims. The inability of Bush to stabilize the country after 6 years of bombing should help Republican voters see that brute military force is meaningless in the absence of a stable government that can HOLD military gains. [What if Republicans over-estimated the power of Washington to magically rebuild an entire Arab region in our image? What if Washington's intervention actually made the region worse and more unstable? Why don't Republicans understand the limits of Washington's power to save the world?]

Third. I'd sacrifice the electoral and geopolitical benefits of Islamophobia for a more nuanced view of how important it is for us to win over and work with moderate Muslims, who number in the hundreds of millions. If the Trump vision wins, than our fear/hatred of all Muslims will drive moderates into the hands of the radicals. This will make it impossible to create stable pro-western governments in the region.

Here is the real challenge. The Right benefits from instability and violence in the Middle East. Terrorism not only gives the them a National Security issue for winning elections, but it provides a very useful context for continued intervention in the world's most important market (energy). This is why they had so much trouble when the Cold War ended, because they needed the Soviet Threat to intervene in resource-rich parts of the third world.

So to solve the ISIS problem, the first thing I'd do is unplug our Republican friends from the idiot-press so that they could see the region's problems and solutions beyond the insanely simplistic optic of killing evil doers.

We need to build stable governments who can hold military gains or we're simply throwing lives down the drain. Trump never mentions how he is going to create political stability, nor does Fox News. This is fucking insane.
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So far, Trump is the only one to come with a policy. Kill babies, women and children. But how come the Republicans accuse Obama of doing that but they endorse Trump?
What would WE do? We support a freaking "intelligence" network with a freaking secret budget and an FBI that couldn't find the Boston Marathon bombers before they committed an atrocity and ended the investigation into the Orlando shooter and you ask us "what would we do"? As usual the radical left has the world upside down and ass backwards.

Like most private and government operations there is generally limited resources to get things done as preferred; balancing the resources results in positioning manpower, equipment and supplies where needed but not always in the numbers and strength desired. Such as has been a major DRAW BACK on the FBI as they continue the assignment of 100 FBI agents in the investigation of Hillary Clintons personal server and the dispatch of sensitive and highly classified government information in a manner that makes it easily available to anyone (throughout the world) who may have an interest in it. That massive assignment of manpower has without a doubt distracted from other important duties such as seeking out, investigating and tracking potential threats against this country. The FBI should have had their investigation completed months ago, and, they may have completed the investigations had Clinton not held the releases of emails up and had not destroyed many she claims to have been strictly personal. If the FBI had their investigator assigned to following up threats the Orlando shooter may have still been under investigation! Maybe, just maybe, the distractions minimized our nations ability to meet our security and safety concerns!
What would WE do? We support a freaking "intelligence" network with a freaking secret budget and an FBI that couldn't find the Boston Marathon bombers before they committed an atrocity and ended the investigation into the Orlando shooter and you ask us "what would we do"? As usual the radical left has the world upside down and ass backwards.

Exactly. Given that government lacks the competence to run a laundromat, why did you trust Bush with the money and power to rebuild the Arab world in our image.

For all your talk about the limits of government, your party has given it more power than the Left in my lifetime.

Your global war on terror has made things worse. With the Patriot Act and Dept. of Homeland Security, you've created an invasive surveillance state, which is coupled with a totally broken Middle East.

God help us if you win the next election, because lord only knows what contingent you will entrust Washington to break-then-rebuild next.

We all want to kill evil-doers, but sometimes entrusting Washington to solve BIG problems IS the problem.

Please fucking stop breaking things that you don't know how to fix, and don't depend on the Left to fix your fucking mess because they will make it worse too.
What would WE do? We support a freaking "intelligence" network with a freaking secret budget and an FBI that couldn't find the Boston Marathon bombers before they committed an atrocity and ended the investigation into the Orlando shooter and you ask us "what would we do"? As usual the radical left has the world upside down and ass backwards.

'You' would do what Bush did for 8 years. Dig the hole deeper and deeper.

Now that Obama has hugged it out for 8 years, it's all better now. Right?
B52 bombers. Kill every man woman and child in ISIS occupied territory. Put fear of wrath of God in them. Hit the Shia Iranians too. Put fear of wrath of God in them as well. Eliminate North Korea as a threat and send message to world that we are ready, willing, and able to force our will upon your miserable ass.
B52 are so out dated as a strike force
Don't need a strike force. Need carnage and death on a mass scale.
Put fear of wrath of God in them. Hit the Shia Iranians too. Put fear of wrath of God in them as well.

Need carnage and death on a mass scale.

Has anyone told you that you sound a lot like a terrorist?
Sounds like victory to me.

Well of course it does, because you also think like a terrorist.

If only we can kill enough, scare them enough, they'll start behaving and stop causing us problems. We are righteous and God is with us. Yeeeehhaaa!
B52 bombers. Kill every man woman and child in ISIS occupied territory. Put fear of wrath of God in them. Hit the Shia Iranians too. Put fear of wrath of God in them as well. Eliminate North Korea as a threat and send message to world that we are ready, willing, and able to force our will upon your miserable ass.
B52 are so out dated as a strike force
Don't need a strike force. Need carnage and death on a mass scale.
i wasn't the one who said they need a b52 strike force, you morons did
Put fear of wrath of God in them. Hit the Shia Iranians too. Put fear of wrath of God in them as well.

Need carnage and death on a mass scale.

Has anyone told you that you sound a lot like a terrorist?
Sounds like victory to me.

Well of course it does, because you also think like a terrorist.

If only we can kill enough, scare them enough, they'll start behaving and stop causing us problems. We are righteous and God is with us. Yeeeehhaaa!
So all the military leaders through time who have prosecuted war to victory are terrorist. You think like a pussy.
So all the military leaders through time who have prosecuted war to victory are terrorist. You think like a pussy.

Oh yes, The Victory. How can we forget the joys of victory.


Lets go be victorious in some other countries since it worked out so well for us.
Complete opposite of what the USA is doing stop funding, arming and training them. Secondly get the fuck out of the Middle East and stop desposing leaders we don't agree with that leads to shit like Isis

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