"Tell your breasts to stop looking at me."


So there are actually people who are claiming to be upset by this line?



Apparently the people claiming the right doesn't have a sense of humor doesn't understand a joke.

Yet, they have no problem defending Bashir when he is completely serious. Go figure.
I wouldn't laugh.

Of course you wouldn't.

Your idea of "humor" is "Rush is a stinky doo doo head."

It's okay Luissa, you lack the brains for wit, so you use hate instead. Pretty typical for leftists...

Have I made one comment about Rush?
I think you have shown more hate for liberal breasts than I have towards anything in this thread.
Of course you are never honest, are you?

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The point is that you and others here are trying to make this joke into something it is not. Either you cannot recognise a joke when you see one or you are a partisan hack. Which is it?
Of course you wouldn't.

Your idea of "humor" is "Rush is a stinky doo doo head."

It's okay Luissa, you lack the brains for wit, so you use hate instead. Pretty typical for leftists...

Have I made one comment about Rush?

I think you have shown more hate for liberal breasts than I have towards anything in this thread.

Of course you are never honest, are you?

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The point is that you and others here are trying to make this joke into something it is not. Either you cannot recognise a joke when you see one or you are a partisan hack. Which is it?

I could care less about his comment. Rush is a loser without it.

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Limbaugh was simply aghast. "[Liberals] just despise basic human nature," the host said.

He had a suggestion for men the next time they check out a woman: "You walk up to the woman and say, 'Will you please ask your breasts to stop staring at my eyes?'"

Classy as always, Rush!

Rush Limbaugh's Latest Attack On Women Is Especially Gross

I would have no idea how to respond. None.

I'd likely have to walk away, because I don't want to go up on assault charges.

Has anyone ever told you that your avatar looks kind of cute BD?
Rush Limbaugh again? Really? If I took to creating a thread everytime Al Sharpton or Ed Schultz said something so incredibly stupid, there would be nothing but threads I've created.

For someone that the left absolutely HATES, why can't you just ignore him? I mean it's no secret that he says stuff just to make the left absolutely scream. And you do. By the fact that you can't keep from talking about him, he stays literally at the top of talk radio.

By the way, the several threads of "Rush is done" information started when he called Sandra (I'm as dumb as a curb) Fluke a slut, kind of went by the wayside. Rush is still #1. Raking in cash AND still has 20 million listeners. Ever get the feeling that the reason he does is because YOU guys get so outraged by the things he says?

I mean, you have to give it to him. He knows how to push your buttons. And he laughs all the way to the bank.
And yet he has so much more class than anyone on the left. Including the assholes who follow certain posters around, en masse, to jeer at them for their physical ailments/illnesses and pains.

It is amazing.

He also has more class than any of the yahoos here who refer to women's sexual organs as "naughty bits" and who maintain that a mother is a bad mother if she opts to give birth to, rather than kill, a child.

You have no class, KG. Which is probably why you defend someone like Rush. Losers have to stick together.
Like you, bodey, BD Poop and sarah hag.

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Like you, bodey, BD Poop and sarah hag.
Rush Limbaugh's Latest Attack On Women Is Especially Gross

I would have no idea how to respond. None.

I'd likely have to walk away, because I don't want to go up on assault charges.

It's not really surprising.

This guy has no class.

He obviously has a way with women, doesn't he?

yes he does, dykes and liberal hags not so much.

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Rush Limbaugh again? Really? If I took to creating a thread everytime Al Sharpton or Ed Schultz said something so incredibly stupid, there would be nothing but threads I've created.

For someone that the left absolutely HATES, why can't you just ignore him? I mean it's no secret that he says stuff just to make the left absolutely scream. And you do. By the fact that you can't keep from talking about him, he stays literally at the top of talk radio.

By the way, the several threads of "Rush is done" information started when he called Sandra (I'm as dumb as a curb) Fluke a slut, kind of went by the wayside. Rush is still #1. Raking in cash AND still has 20 million listeners. Ever get the feeling that the reason he does is because YOU guys get so outraged by the things he says?

I mean, you have to give it to him. He knows how to push your buttons. And he laughs all the way to the bank.
Seems to me that they roll out of bed in the morning all pissed off, and need a totem onto which to project all that anger. Rush seems all to eager to oblige them with comments like this, which are almost certainly designed to whip them all into a frenzy.

The truly hilarious part if it is that they fall for it so easily and repeatedly. :lol:
Limbaugh was simply aghast. "[Liberals] just despise basic human nature," the host said.

He had a suggestion for men the next time they check out a woman: "You walk up to the woman and say, 'Will you please ask your breasts to stop staring at my eyes?'"

Classy as always, Rush!

Rush Limbaugh's Latest Attack On Women Is Especially Gross

I would have no idea how to respond. None.

I'd likely have to walk away, because I don't want to go up on assault charges.

Has anyone ever told you that your avatar looks kind of cute BD?

You are the second. :lol:


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