"Tell your breasts to stop looking at me."

Limbaugh was simply aghast. "[Liberals] just despise basic human nature," the host said.

He had a suggestion for men the next time they check out a woman: "You walk up to the woman and say, 'Will you please ask your breasts to stop staring at my eyes?'"

Classy as always, Rush!

Rush Limbaugh's Latest Attack On Women Is Especially Gross

I would have no idea how to respond. None.

I'd likely have to walk away, because I don't want to go up on assault charges.

I do love me some breasts. Serious. They are soft and curvy. Yeah, breasts are awesome.
Dave here, likes to pretend he doesn't get butt hurt at every turn.
I don't have to pretend, because I DON'T get butthurt, despite butthurt progressives projecting their own pathetic need for validation from anonymous internet strangers on everyone else.

Do you really think you can hurt my feelings? Good Gaea, where'd you get a stupid idea like that? :lol:
Dave here, likes to pretend he doesn't get butt hurt at every turn.
I don't have to pretend, because I DON'T get butthurt, despite butthurt progressives projecting their own pathetic need for validation from anonymous internet strangers on everyone else.

Do you really think you can hurt my feelings? Good Gaea, where'd you get a stupid idea like that? :lol:

No, you don't get butt hurt at all.

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Dave here, likes to pretend he doesn't get butt hurt at every turn.
I don't have to pretend, because I DON'T get butthurt, despite butthurt progressives projecting their own pathetic need for validation from anonymous internet strangers on everyone else.

Do you really think you can hurt my feelings? Good Gaea, where'd you get a stupid idea like that? :lol:

No, you don't get butt hurt at all.

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Luissa, outside of the political realm, I think we get along okay. You're a lovely young lady, and I kind of have a soft spot in my heart for lovely young ladies. So let me give you a little wisdom from Uncle Dave:

No one can hurt your feelings without your permission. That permission is intrinsically part of the relationship we have with some people...family, lovers, friends....and that's okay; we can't love and be loved without letting people in where they can do some damage. That's part of the deal: We love and are loved, and take the chance of those people hurting us. Because the rewards vastly outweigh the risks.

But there's one group of people to whom you have to consciously grant the permission to hurt you: Anonymous internet strangers on a message board.

Why in heaven's name would you grant them that permission? Why give strangers that power over you? That's just asking for pain.

Now, do me a favor. DON'T claim I have done just that -- because that would be wrong, or else I wouldn't be speaking against it. Right?

Of course, you'd only be projecting YOUR decision on me. YOU have decided to give strangers the power to hurt your feelings, to control you.

To let them make you butthurt, in other words.

Do yourself a favor -- think about what I've just said. Seriously.
I don't have to pretend, because I DON'T get butthurt, despite butthurt progressives projecting their own pathetic need for validation from anonymous internet strangers on everyone else.

Do you really think you can hurt my feelings? Good Gaea, where'd you get a stupid idea like that? :lol:

No, you don't get butt hurt at all.

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Luissa, outside of the political realm, I think we get along okay. You're a lovely young lady, and I kind of have a soft spot in my heart for lovely young ladies. So let me give you a little wisdom from Uncle Dave:

No one can hurt your feelings without your permission. That permission is intrinsically part of the relationship we have with some people...family, lovers, friends....and that's okay; we can't love and be loved without letting people in where they can do some damage. That's part of the deal: We love and are loved, and take the chance of those people hurting us. Because the rewards vastly outweigh the risks.

But there's one group of people to whom you have to consciously grant the permission to hurt you: Anonymous internet strangers on a message board.

Why in heaven's name would you grant them that permission? Why give strangers that power over you? That's just asking for pain.

Now, do me a favor. DON'T claim I have done just that -- because that would be wrong, or else I wouldn't be speaking against it. Right?

Of course, you'd only be projecting YOUR decision on me. YOU have decided to give strangers the power to hurt your feelings, to control you.

To let them make you butthurt, in other words.

Do yourself a favor -- think about what I've just said. Seriously.

What are you even talking about?

I am sorry, but it is very easy for me to separate this place from the real world. I am sorry you can't.
When I sign off... From my phone, I don't think about this place.

I think you need to step back a little, experience the real world.

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No, you don't get butt hurt at all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Luissa, outside of the political realm, I think we get along okay. You're a lovely young lady, and I kind of have a soft spot in my heart for lovely young ladies. So let me give you a little wisdom from Uncle Dave:

No one can hurt your feelings without your permission. That permission is intrinsically part of the relationship we have with some people...family, lovers, friends....and that's okay; we can't love and be loved without letting people in where they can do some damage. That's part of the deal: We love and are loved, and take the chance of those people hurting us. Because the rewards vastly outweigh the risks.

But there's one group of people to whom you have to consciously grant the permission to hurt you: Anonymous internet strangers on a message board.

Why in heaven's name would you grant them that permission? Why give strangers that power over you? That's just asking for pain.

Now, do me a favor. DON'T claim I have done just that -- because that would be wrong, or else I wouldn't be speaking against it. Right?

Of course, you'd only be projecting YOUR decision on me. YOU have decided to give strangers the power to hurt your feelings, to control you.

To let them make you butthurt, in other words.

Do yourself a favor -- think about what I've just said. Seriously.

What are you even talking about?

I am sorry, but it is very easy for me to separate this place from the real world. I am sorry you can't.
When I sign off... From my phone, I don't think about this place.

I think you need to step back a little, experience the real world.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You didn't spend a single second thinking about what I said, did you?
Luissa, outside of the political realm, I think we get along okay. You're a lovely young lady, and I kind of have a soft spot in my heart for lovely young ladies. So let me give you a little wisdom from Uncle Dave:

No one can hurt your feelings without your permission. That permission is intrinsically part of the relationship we have with some people...family, lovers, friends....and that's okay; we can't love and be loved without letting people in where they can do some damage. That's part of the deal: We love and are loved, and take the chance of those people hurting us. Because the rewards vastly outweigh the risks.

But there's one group of people to whom you have to consciously grant the permission to hurt you: Anonymous internet strangers on a message board.

Why in heaven's name would you grant them that permission? Why give strangers that power over you? That's just asking for pain.

Now, do me a favor. DON'T claim I have done just that -- because that would be wrong, or else I wouldn't be speaking against it. Right?

Of course, you'd only be projecting YOUR decision on me. YOU have decided to give strangers the power to hurt your feelings, to control you.

To let them make you butthurt, in other words.

Do yourself a favor -- think about what I've just said. Seriously.

What are you even talking about?

I am sorry, but it is very easy for me to separate this place from the real world. I am sorry you can't.

When I sign off... From my phone, I don't think about this place.

I think you need to step back a little, experience the real world.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You didn't spend a single second thinking about what I said, did you?

Why would I?

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Luser doesn't spend much time thinking about anything..except blow jobs.

She thinks about those a LOT.
Um no, go back and read your lunatic response to someone calling him fat.

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Awww, did I point out that your fellow commie was an ignorant moron?

You KNOW that's pretty much SOP for you commies, right?

When the doctor said your IQ of 35 is average, he meant "average for a commie." :lol::lol:

I am not a communist. So not sure who would be my "fellow" communist.

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