Ten Gun Myths and Memes-- Shot Down

Question for Liberal idiots:

If banning guns makes us safer, who confiscates our guns and who gets to keep their guns?

I'll save you the effort. Answer: The government, law enforcement, and the military. The same people who had the guns in genocidal tyrannies.


Questions for Paranoid Schizophrenics:

There is no comprehensive effort to ban all guns; it is only in your head. Have you discussed this fantasy with your doctor and are you taking your meds as the Dr. ordered?
And I've never been to China so obviously it doesn't exist.

As i have said it's meaningless to say that if you live in a household with guns that you are more likely to be shot than if you live in a household without guns.

If you live in a household with a wood shop you're more likely to get a finger cut off than if you live in a household without one.

If you have a pool you're more likely to drown than someone without a pool.

If you Live in a flood zone you're more likely to get flooded than if you live in the desert.

These are meaningless comparisons.

But it's not though. Not when the whole reason to own a weapon is to promote safety. If more people are getting injured/killed when they possess a gun then they are failing to do the one thing you claim they are needed for...ensure safety.

For one I do not believe a gun ensures safety. A gun is a tool, certainly a dangerous tool but a tool nonetheless no different than a chain saw or any other dangerous tool. A gun is a way to protect yourself. Most people who own guns and will never be shot either accidentally or purposely.

If a pools sole purpose was to prevent people from drowning then you would have a point. But a pool isn't designed to prevent drowning. It's designed for swimming.....which drowning happens to be a potential by-product of. HUGE difference.

You may say a guns purpose is to kill, I don't buy that. i have owned guns my entire life and have never killed anything with them except for paper targets and clay pigeons. The purpose of a gun is to give people an option to protect themselves from harm.

It's not my fault if another is irresponsible with their guns or their chainsaws or their swimming pools for that matter.
Question for Liberal idiots:

If banning guns makes us safer, who confiscates our guns and who gets to keep their guns?

I'll save you the effort. Answer: The government, law enforcement, and the military. The same people who had the guns in genocidal tyrannies.


Questions for Paranoid Schizophrenics:

There is no comprehensive effort to ban all guns; it is only in your head. Have you discussed this fantasy with your doctor and are you taking your meds as the Dr. ordered?

They did door-to-door gun confiscation in Katrina you idiot.

» DOJ Memo: Outlaw and Confiscate All Guns Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
NRA uses Justice memo to accuse Obama admin of wanting to confiscate guns - Washington Times


As i have said it's meaningless to say that if you live in a household with guns that you are more likely to be shot than if you live in a household without guns.

If you live in a household with a wood shop you're more likely to get a finger cut off than if you live in a household without one.

If you have a pool you're more likely to drown than someone without a pool.

If you Live in a flood zone you're more likely to get flooded than if you live in the desert.

These are meaningless comparisons.

But it's not though. Not when the whole reason to own a weapon is to promote safety. If more people are getting injured/killed when they possess a gun then they are failing to do the one thing you claim they are needed for...ensure safety.

For one I do not believe a gun ensures safety. A gun is a tool, certainly a dangerous tool but a tool nonetheless no different than a chain saw or any other dangerous tool. A gun is a way to protect yourself. Most people use guns and will never be shot either accidentally or purposely.

If a pools sole purpose was to prevent people from drowning then you would have a point. But a pool isn't designed to prevent drowning. It's designed for swimming.....which drowning happens to be a potential by-product of. HUGE difference.

You may say a guns purpose is to kill, I don't buy that. i have owned guns my entire life and have never killed anything with them except for paper targets and clay pigeons. The purpose of a gun is to give people an option to protect themselves from harm.

It's not my fault if another is irresponsible with their guns or their chainsaws or their swimming pools for that matter.

But thats the point. You've been shown data that says guns aren't even a good tool for protection. Yes, they do work for some to protect, but they are causing more harm than good.

And if you refuse to even discuss responsible gun legislation then it absolutely is your fault when innocent people are shot and killed because you insisted on protecting your precious toys.
I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."
George Mason
Co-author of the Second Amendment
during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the Constitution, 1788

"A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves …"
Richard Henry Lee
writing in Letters from the Federal Farmer to the Republic, Letter XVIII, May, 1788.

"The people are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are left in full posession of them."
Zachariah Johnson
Elliot's Debates, vol. 3 "The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution."

"… the people are confirmed by the next article in their right to keep and bear their private arms"
Philadelphia Federal Gazette
June 18, 1789, Pg. 2, Col. 2
Article on the Bill of Rights

"And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the Press, or the rights of Conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms; …"
Samuel Adams
quoted in the Philadelphia Independent Gazetteer, August 20, 1789, "Propositions submitted to the Convention of this State"
The Founding Fathers on Arms

"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence … from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference — they deserve a place of honor with all that's good."
George Washington
First President of the United States

Folks, this is why we use real links of real facts --- I happen to know, from prior experience, that your George Washington quote here is bogus. Don't take my word for it -- look it up. That's the only one I read in your list ; it's a commonly used bogus quote so I page-searched for it and sure enough there it was. Check your sources. Somebody else can fact-check the rest; I'd guess you'd find pretty good hunting.

And let's try to deal in facts rather than made-up internet fables, emotional meltdowns and bloviator bloggers. Can we do that?
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Quit dancing around that fact that you want all guns banned and gun confiscation.

He didn't say will we be a gun-free society, he said you want a gun-free society.


Who is HE?

I left the United States 16 years ago. You all do whatever you want hwith your guns. My family lives in a much safer place.

Do not try to tell people what they think, you are not very good at it.

More dancing around the fact that you think America would be better off a gun-free society.


I am suspicious of anyone who does not think a gun free world would be a better place. No one is dancing around.
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From your own link....

"In 2008, the Australian Institute of Criminology reported a decrease of 9% in homicides and a one-third decrease in armed robbery since the 1990s"


More selective statistics: ...but an increase of over 40% in assaults and 20% in sexual assaults.

The rest of the sentence you left out.

which is what our argument has always been. you may stop gun violence but it will only manifest itself in some other area. and there's the proof
Guns are good for protection like ocean water is good for thirst.

You may think it's a good idea but it's only going to make the problem worse.
Who is HE?

I left the United States 16 years ago. You all do whatever you want hwith your guns. My family lives in a much safer place.

Do not try to tell people what they think, you are not very good at it.

More dancing around the fact that you think America would be better off a gun-free society.


I am suspicious of anyone who does not think a gun free world would be a better place. No one is dancing around.

i'm suspicious of anyone who feels the need to eliminate guns.
Folks, this is why we use real links of real facts --- I happen to know, from prior experience, that your George Washington quote here is bogus. Don't take my word for it -- look it up. That's the only one I read in your list ; it's a commonly used bogus quote so I page-searched for it and sure enough there it was. Check your sources. Somebody else can fact-check the rest; I'd guess you'd find pretty good hunting.

And let's try to deal in facts rather than made-up internet fables, emotional meltdowns and bloviator bloggers. Can we do that?

You actually are correct on that, I'll remove it. How about the others?
Who is HE?

I left the United States 16 years ago. You all do whatever you want hwith your guns. My family lives in a much safer place.

Do not try to tell people what they think, you are not very good at it.

More dancing around the fact that you think America would be better off a gun-free society.


I am suspicious of anyone who does not think a gun free world would be a better place. No one is dancing around.

I am suspicious of anyone who actually believes a gun free world is possible within the confines of reality. Seek professional help.
Let's say there is no current tyrannical government planning to confiscate guns, that doesn't mean that a new President won't be a tyrant in the future.

Historically, governments are tyrannical, and you want to call me paranoid? An armed populace keeps tyranny at bay, the Founding Fathers told you that.

But it's not though. Not when the whole reason to own a weapon is to promote safety. If more people are getting injured/killed when they possess a gun then they are failing to do the one thing you claim they are needed for...ensure safety.

For one I do not believe a gun ensures safety. A gun is a tool, certainly a dangerous tool but a tool nonetheless no different than a chain saw or any other dangerous tool. A gun is a way to protect yourself. Most people use guns and will never be shot either accidentally or purposely.

If a pools sole purpose was to prevent people from drowning then you would have a point. But a pool isn't designed to prevent drowning. It's designed for swimming.....which drowning happens to be a potential by-product of. HUGE difference.

You may say a guns purpose is to kill, I don't buy that. i have owned guns my entire life and have never killed anything with them except for paper targets and clay pigeons. The purpose of a gun is to give people an option to protect themselves from harm.

It's not my fault if another is irresponsible with their guns or their chainsaws or their swimming pools for that matter.

But thats the point. You've been shown data that says guns aren't even a good tool for protection. Yes, they do work for some to protect, but they are causing more harm than good.

And if you refuse to even discuss responsible gun legislation then it absolutely is your fault when innocent people are shot and killed because you insisted on protecting your precious toys.

How are they not a good tool for protection when there are no stats for how many times a person with a gun prevented a crime without firing the weapon?

One does not need to fire a weapon for it to be effective as protection.

This is probably as meaningless as any other stat but since you like them so much

Private Guns Stop Crime 2.5M Times A Year In US

And legislation does not make people responsible. It never has and it never will.

All the legislation in the world cannot prevent accidents.
funny how the politicians who wrote the constitution viewed guns as a way the population could protect themselves from government and tyranny.

Here let me help you with that:

I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."
George Mason
Co-author of the Second Amendment
during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the Constitution, 1788

"A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves …"
Richard Henry Lee
writing in Letters from the Federal Farmer to the Republic, Letter XVIII, May, 1788.

"The people are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are left in full posession of them."
Zachariah Johnson
Elliot's Debates, vol. 3 "The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution."

"… the people are confirmed by the next article in their right to keep and bear their private arms"
Philadelphia Federal Gazette
June 18, 1789, Pg. 2, Col. 2
Article on the Bill of Rights

"And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the Press, or the rights of Conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms; …"
Samuel Adams
quoted in the Philadelphia Independent Gazetteer, August 20, 1789, "Propositions submitted to the Convention of this State"
The Founding Fathers on Arms

"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence … from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference — they deserve a place of honor with all that's good."
George Washington
First President of the United States

Folks, this is why we use real links of real facts --- I happen to know, from prior experience, that your George Washington quote here is bogus. Don't take my word for it -- look it up. That's the only one I read in your list ; it's a commonly used bogus quote so I page-searched for it and sure enough there it was. Check your sources. Somebody else can fact-check the rest; I'd guess you'd find pretty good hunting.

And let's try to deal in facts rather than made-up internet fables, emotional meltdowns and bloviator bloggers. Can we do that?

who wrote the 2nd amendment ? james madison

what did james have to say about guns? Americans need never fear their government
because of the advantage of being armed,
which the Americans possess over the people
of almost every other nation."
Let me help you with that, from the US Department of Justice itself:

You are far more likely to survive
a violent assault if you defend yourself with a gun.

Resisting with a gun 6%
Did nothing at all 25%
Resisted with a knife 40%
Non-violent resistance 45%

U.S. Department of Justice, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, Rape Victimization in 26 American Cities, 1979 60
Department of Justice's National Crime Victimization Survey 61
U.S. Department of Justice 62
U.S. Department of Justice 63
British Home Office &#8211; no a pro-gun organization by any mean

From these same studies.

Of the 2,500,000 annual self-defense cases using guns, more than 7.7% are by women
defending themselves against sexual abuse.
When a woman was armed with a gun or knife, only 3% of the attempted rapes are
successful, compared to 32% when unarmed.

The probability of serious injury from an attack is 2.5 times greater for women offering no
resistance than for women resisting with a gun. Men also benefit from using a gun, but the
benefits are smaller: offering no resistance is 1.4 times more likely to result in serious injury than
resisting with a gun.

27% of women keep a gun in the house.

37.6 million women either own or have rapid access to guns.

In 1966 the city of Orlando responded to a wave of sexual assaults by offering firearms
training classes to women. The number of rapes dropped by nearly 90%.

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Guns are good for protection like ocean water is good for thirst.

You may think it's a good idea but it's only going to make the problem worse.

Your opinion.

I have seen a crime thwarted with a gun. My uncle stopped a couple burglars by racking his shotgun and saying, "You have 3 seconds to get the fuck out of my house"

Seems to me he made the situation better.

Oh and btw no one in my uncle's family has ever been shot even though they own guns.

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