Ten most jaw dropping statements from Cohen's leaked testimony today....

Of course they love the USA, that’s why they refuse to secure our borders and vote for infantacide! Democrats are fuckstains
Oh, drop the infanticide horseshit, will ya? You could at least learn how to spell it, if you're going to be flinging it around all over the place like you know what you're talking about. But you probably got that spelling from whatever ignorant piece of garbage propaganda you read that confirms your asinine notions about late term abortion. Go soak your head.
Nope! You sleazevballs voted to refuse medical treatment to infants who survive botched abortions. That is fucking infantacide. Shitstain!
Learn why those fetuses are being aborted. Then come back and talk to me.

If a doctor attempts and fails to abort a fully viable "fetus", and it is still breathing when it comes out, we in the sane, real world, call that BIRTH. Not a botched abortion, BIRTH.

And when you are against saving the child's life in that circumstance, you are rightfully viewed as someone who does not cherish life or understand its value. Killing a living newborn after a failed abortion is not choice, it's EUGENICS.

Learn the actual value of life before you start lecturing anyone. Then come talk to me. Or don't.

It's people like you who make me fear for the future of the human species.
You missed where I requested this topic go in an appropriate thread, didn't you?

You are the one who chose to continue that off topic conversation with Willow. No response from you on that subject would have illicited no response from me. This thread would have been merrily on its way to hell without us.

It's pointless to ask for an off topic discussion to be moved to a more relevant thread when you are participating in it.

Nuff said.


Sure attack the source. First HufPO and now Cohen

Cohen said “He is a racist. He is a conman. He is a cheat,” WE ALL KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE

The relationship between the two men deteriorated last year following an FBI raid on Cohen’s New York City home and offices based on a referral from the special counsel’s office. Trump vehemently defended Cohen at the time, accusing his own Justice Department of carrying on a “witch hunt” against his allies. Within weeks, however, the president changed his tune. Trump’s new attorney, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, went on TV repeatedly to attack Cohen’s credibility.

Well this is awkward: All of the times that Team Trump praised Michael Cohen

It’s hard to erase a paper trail — and even harder to obliterate a long string of public comments complimenting someone who was your former ally.

Donald Trump and his advisers are working hard to discredit his former lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen, following reports that Cohen is ready to testify that Trump himself knew about the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between top Trump campaign officials and Kremlin-connected Russians.

The Trump Tower revelation comes shortly after Cohen released a recorded conversation between himself and Trump where they discussed payments to Karen McDougal, who alleges she had an affair with Trump.

On Thursday, Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani called Cohen a “pathological liar” who shouldn’t be trusted. “He’s been lying for years,” he told CNN’s Chris Cuomo. “There’s nobody that I know that knows him that hasn’t warned me that if his back is up against a wall, he’ll lie like crazy, because he’s lied all his life.”

So then why did Trump work with him all those years?

There is a reason Trump and Giuliani are flip-flopping on Cohen so quickly and starkly. If Cohen testifies that Trump knew about the meeting in Trump Tower, the president’s allies need to discredit him to avoid further legal problems.

Cohen may be a persona non grata now — but Team Trump has long advocated Cohen’s honesty, loyalty, and totally-normal legal expertise involving hush money payments.

Cohen used to be honest
In May, Giuliani defended Cohen as an “honest, honorable lawyer.”

During an appearance on the Sunday talk shows in July, Giuliani said he trusted Cohen’s honesty. “I have no concern that Michael Cohen is going to do anything but tell the truth,” Giuliani said.

So who lied? Did old Trump and Rudy lie or are they lying now?

In April, Trump accused the New York Times of “going out of their way to destroy Michael Cohen and his relationship with me in the hope that he will ‘flip.'” He called Cohen “a fine person with a wonderful family” who is a “businessman for his own account/lawyer who I have always liked & respected.”

On June 15, 2018, White House reporters asked Trump in a press gaggle if Cohen was still his friend and lawyer. He said, “I always liked Michael Cohen… No, he’s not my lawyer anymore. But I always liked Michael, and he’s a good person.”

During a 2017 fundraiser, Trump called out Cohen in the crowd, after complimenting his loyalty and legal skills. “I haven’t seen Michael in a month. It’s good to see you, Michael. I miss you, man.”
Democrats don't want the truth, they want a circus with Trump painted in the worst light.
This is pretty hilariously backwards. The GOP has spent all day trying to talk about anything but today's testimony.
Strange the dems don't want to talk about Russia.....seems Cohen would have info on that.

?? Cohen just said that he witnessed Stone telling Trump about incoming email release by wikileaks.

That's like believing a two bit whore when she says she made her love interest wear a condom.

Not really trustworthy, is it?

I'm inclined to believe the word of any two bit whore testifying under oath to Congress, the penalty for lying is very high.
Democrats don't want the truth, they want a circus with Trump painted in the worst light.
This is pretty hilariously backwards. The GOP has spent all day trying to talk about anything but today's testimony.
Strange the dems don't want to talk about Russia.....seems Cohen would have info on that.

?? Cohen just said that he witnessed Stone telling Trump about incoming email release by wikileaks.
He can claim whatever he wants. It doesn't mean jack shit if it's only his word. Furthermore, there's nothing illegal about having contact with Wikileaks or Julian Assange.

Wikileaks was talking for weeks about email dump batches.

Trump didn't need Stone or anyone else to inform him about it.
Cohen has repeatedly stated that Herr Trumpenfurher has never told him to lie,
Of course, he never once said that. And, on the contrary, he has explicitly said the opposite a few times today.
Yes! He did!

"Mr. Trump knew of and directed the Trump Moscow negotiations throughout the campaign and lied about it. He lied about it because he never expected to win. He also lied about it because he stood to make hundreds of millions of dollars on the Moscow real estate project. And so I lied about it too," said Cohen.

"Mr. Trump had made clear to me, through his personal statements to me that we both knew were false and through his lies to the country, that he wanted me to lie. And he made it clear to me because his personal attorneys reviewed my statement before I gave it to Congress," he added.

Michael Cohen to Congress: I lied because Trump 'wanted me to lie'

Cohen just said Trump paid $15,000 to have a story about a love child he had with an employee spiked by his friend at the National Enquirer.
Democrats don't want the truth, they want a circus with Trump painted in the worst light.
This is pretty hilariously backwards. The GOP has spent all day trying to talk about anything but today's testimony.
Strange the dems don't want to talk about Russia.....seems Cohen would have info on that.

?? Cohen just said that he witnessed Stone telling Trump about incoming email release by wikileaks.

That's like believing a two bit whore when she says she made her love interest wear a condom.

Not really trustworthy, is it?

I'm inclined to believe the word of any two bit whore testifying under oath to Congress, the penalty for lying is very high.
Hillary and other Dims have lied to Congress repeatedly. The only people ever prosecuted for lying to Congress were targets of the Mueller witch hunt.
Democrats don't want the truth, they want a circus with Trump painted in the worst light.
This is pretty hilariously backwards. The GOP has spent all day trying to talk about anything but today's testimony.
Strange the dems don't want to talk about Russia.....seems Cohen would have info on that.

?? Cohen just said that he witnessed Stone telling Trump about incoming email release by wikileaks.
This is pretty hilariously backwards. The GOP has spent all day trying to talk about anything but today's testimony.
Strange the dems don't want to talk about Russia.....seems Cohen would have info on that.

?? Cohen just said that he witnessed Stone telling Trump about incoming email release by wikileaks.

That's like believing a two bit whore when she says she made her love interest wear a condom.

Not really trustworthy, is it?

I'm inclined to believe the word of any two bit whore testifying under oath to Congress, the penalty for lying is very high.
Hillary and other Dims have lied to Congress repeatedly. The only people ever prosecuted for lying to Congress were targets of the Mueller witch hunt.

I'm not interested in discussing baseless bullshit swirling around in your head.

If you want to refute that Cohen has the strongest incentive possible to tell the truth (avoiding more jail) then go ahead and argue it. I'm not interested in your wataboutism trips to nowhere.
Democrats don't want the truth, they want a circus with Trump painted in the worst light.
This is pretty hilariously backwards. The GOP has spent all day trying to talk about anything but today's testimony.
Strange the dems don't want to talk about Russia.....seems Cohen would have info on that.

?? Cohen just said that he witnessed Stone telling Trump about incoming email release by wikileaks.
He can claim whatever he wants. It doesn't mean jack shit if it's only his word. Furthermore, there's nothing illegal about having contact with Wikileaks or Julian Assange.

Wikileaks was talking for weeks about email dump batches.

Trump didn't need Stone or anyone else to inform him about it.
Julian Assange announced to the public in June that Wikileaks was going to release some of Hillary's email. Cohen said he informed Trump of the fact in mid July. A committee member pointed that out to him.
What I don't understand is how anyone that is assumed to be a gun owner. Believing in the 2nd amendment for the good of this country. And a member of this forum could side with any democrat about anything. This President has done more for this country in 2 years than any other president in history. And without a salary. And these buffoons want to discredit him with anything they can find in his past. He was elected to do what he is doing and not to win a popularity contest that meets the Democrats approval.
Strange the dems don't want to talk about Russia.....seems Cohen would have info on that.

?? Cohen just said that he witnessed Stone telling Trump about incoming email release by wikileaks.

That's like believing a two bit whore when she says she made her love interest wear a condom.

Not really trustworthy, is it?

I'm inclined to believe the word of any two bit whore testifying under oath to Congress, the penalty for lying is very high.
Hillary and other Dims have lied to Congress repeatedly. The only people ever prosecuted for lying to Congress were targets of the Mueller witch hunt.

I'm not interested in discussing baseless bullshit swirling around in your head.

If you want to refute that Cohen has the strongest incentive possible to tell the truth (avoiding more jail) then go ahead and argue it. I'm not interested in your wataboutism trips to nowhere.
His motivation is to tell Mueller/Dimocrap lies. What you call "wataboutism" means pointing out facts that contradict your horseshit.
Cohen just said he does not believe "The Elevator Tape" is real.
This is pretty hilariously backwards. The GOP has spent all day trying to talk about anything but today's testimony.
Strange the dems don't want to talk about Russia.....seems Cohen would have info on that.

?? Cohen just said that he witnessed Stone telling Trump about incoming email release by wikileaks.
He can claim whatever he wants. It doesn't mean jack shit if it's only his word. Furthermore, there's nothing illegal about having contact with Wikileaks or Julian Assange.

Wikileaks was talking for weeks about email dump batches.

Trump didn't need Stone or anyone else to inform him about it.
Julian Assange announced to the public in June that Wikileaks was going to release some of Hillary's email. Cohen said he informed Trump of the fact in mid July. A committee member pointed that out to him.

The point is that it establishes a direct communication link between Trump, his people and wikileaks.

No one knew exactly when the emails would get dropped or even if any of what Assange said would be true.
Strange the dems don't want to talk about Russia.....seems Cohen would have info on that.

?? Cohen just said that he witnessed Stone telling Trump about incoming email release by wikileaks.

That's like believing a two bit whore when she says she made her love interest wear a condom.

Not really trustworthy, is it?

I'm inclined to believe the word of any two bit whore testifying under oath to Congress, the penalty for lying is very high.
Hillary and other Dims have lied to Congress repeatedly. The only people ever prosecuted for lying to Congress were targets of the Mueller witch hunt.

I'm not interested in discussing baseless bullshit swirling around in your head.

If you want to refute that Cohen has the strongest incentive possible to tell the truth (avoiding more jail) then go ahead and argue it. I'm not interested in your wataboutism trips to nowhere.
You have him do
It's a diverse country . We tolerate the uneducated hillbilly trump cultists in this thread.

Does the Green New Deal mean I get a cement pond?

Exactly what an Appalachian hillbilly would ask.
Oh, drop the infanticide horseshit, will ya? You could at least learn how to spell it, if you're going to be flinging it around all over the place like you know what you're talking about. But you probably got that spelling from whatever ignorant piece of garbage propaganda you read that confirms your asinine notions about late term abortion. Go soak your head.
Nope! You sleazevballs voted to refuse medical treatment to infants who survive botched abortions. That is fucking infantacide. Shitstain!
Learn why those fetuses are being aborted. Then come back and talk to me.

If a doctor attempts and fails to abort a fully viable "fetus", and it is still breathing when it comes out, we in the sane, real world, call that BIRTH. Not a botched abortion, BIRTH.

And when you are against saving the child's life in that circumstance, you are rightfully viewed as someone who does not cherish life or understand its value. Killing a living newborn after a failed abortion is not choice, it's EUGENICS.

Learn the actual value of life before you start lecturing anyone. Then come talk to me. Or don't.

It's people like you who make me fear for the future of the human species.
You missed where I requested this topic go in an appropriate thread, didn't you?

You are the one who chose to continue that off topic conversation with Willow. No response from you on that subject would have illicited no response from me. This thread would have been merrily on its way to hell without us.

It's pointless to ask for an off topic discussion to be moved to a more relevant thread when you are participating in it.

Here is a good advice for you, my friend... Never stick your dick in crazy.
There could be an elevator tape of Trump punching Melania. What an interesting new development.
Nope! You sleazevballs voted to refuse medical treatment to infants who survive botched abortions. That is fucking infantacide. Shitstain!
Learn why those fetuses are being aborted. Then come back and talk to me.

If a doctor attempts and fails to abort a fully viable "fetus", and it is still breathing when it comes out, we in the sane, real world, call that BIRTH. Not a botched abortion, BIRTH.

And when you are against saving the child's life in that circumstance, you are rightfully viewed as someone who does not cherish life or understand its value. Killing a living newborn after a failed abortion is not choice, it's EUGENICS.

Learn the actual value of life before you start lecturing anyone. Then come talk to me. Or don't.

It's people like you who make me fear for the future of the human species.
You missed where I requested this topic go in an appropriate thread, didn't you?

You are the one who chose to continue that off topic conversation with Willow. No response from you on that subject would have illicited no response from me. This thread would have been merrily on its way to hell without us.

It's pointless to ask for an off topic discussion to be moved to a more relevant thread when you are participating in it.

Here is a good advice for you, my friend... Never stick your dick in crazy.
At least use a condom.

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