Ten most jaw dropping statements from Cohen's leaked testimony today....

HuffPo basks in Cohen's childish insults. No news, but lots of partisan sophomoric propaganda, and the Left is slurping it up - it's their favorite food!
Nope! You sleazevballs voted to refuse medical treatment to infants who survive botched abortions. That is fucking infantacide. Shitstain!
Learn why those fetuses are being aborted. Then come back and talk to me.

If a doctor attempts and fails to abort a fully viable "fetus", and it is still breathing when it comes out, we in the sane, real world, call that BIRTH. Not a botched abortion, BIRTH.

And when you are against saving the child's life in that circumstance, you are rightfully viewed as someone who does not cherish life or understand its value. Killing a living newborn after a failed abortion is not choice, it's EUGENICS.

Learn the actual value of life before you start lecturing anyone. Then come talk to me. Or don't.

It's people like you who make me fear for the future of the human species.
You missed where I requested this topic go in an appropriate thread, didn't you?

You are the one who chose to continue that off topic conversation with Willow. No response from you on that subject would have illicited no response from me. This thread would have been merrily on its way to hell without us.

It's pointless to ask for an off topic discussion to be moved to a more relevant thread when you are participating in it.

Here is a good advice for you, my friend... Never stick your dick in crazy.

Aw sheeeeit. Gonna take a long time to pull out now.

This President has done more for this country in 2 years than any other president in history.

Like WHAT dummy? What has this president done that no one else has?

Pass a tax-cut with full Republican majorities, rubber stamp some judges from a list he was handed and lie his ass off every fucking day? :auiqs.jpg:

You sound like one of those tools who were bitterly defending Nixon to the very end and even after he was forced to resign. He went to China dontcha-know! How can you possibly be against this great guy.
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Yup and he's already lied yet the lefty loons on this board take what he's saying as gospel.

No proof of any of it. Just his word.

I've never seen a bigger pack of fools as the lefty loons on this board. Fools who will believe anything they think is negative about Trump.

Proof?? They don't need no stinking proof. Just the say so of a proven liar. LOL

What a pack of morons.
Strange the dems don't want to talk about Russia.....seems Cohen would have info on that.

?? Cohen just said that he witnessed Stone telling Trump about incoming email release by wikileaks.
He can claim whatever he wants. It doesn't mean jack shit if it's only his word. Furthermore, there's nothing illegal about having contact with Wikileaks or Julian Assange.

Wikileaks was talking for weeks about email dump batches.

Trump didn't need Stone or anyone else to inform him about it.
Julian Assange announced to the public in June that Wikileaks was going to release some of Hillary's email. Cohen said he informed Trump of the fact in mid July. A committee member pointed that out to him.

The point is that it establishes a direct communication link between Trump, his people and wikileaks.

No one knew exactly when the emails would get dropped or even if any of what Assange said would be true.

Actually, Wikileaks published every time in advance when next batch of emails will be released.

Direct link? Right there on their website and thru the Twitter.
Strange the dems don't want to talk about Russia.....seems Cohen would have info on that.

?? Cohen just said that he witnessed Stone telling Trump about incoming email release by wikileaks.
He can claim whatever he wants. It doesn't mean jack shit if it's only his word. Furthermore, there's nothing illegal about having contact with Wikileaks or Julian Assange.

Wikileaks was talking for weeks about email dump batches.

Trump didn't need Stone or anyone else to inform him about it.
Julian Assange announced to the public in June that Wikileaks was going to release some of Hillary's email. Cohen said he informed Trump of the fact in mid July. A committee member pointed that out to him.

The point is that it establishes a direct communication link between Trump, his people and wikileaks.

No one knew exactly when the emails would get dropped or even if any of what Assange said would be true.
ROFL! How does it do that when Assange announced publicly that he was going to release the emails?

Furthermore, what you morons fail to understand, is that communicating with Assange is not a crime, and he isn't a Russian. He's Swedish.
Learn why those fetuses are being aborted. Then come back and talk to me.

If a doctor attempts and fails to abort a fully viable "fetus", and it is still breathing when it comes out, we in the sane, real world, call that BIRTH. Not a botched abortion, BIRTH.

And when you are against saving the child's life in that circumstance, you are rightfully viewed as someone who does not cherish life or understand its value. Killing a living newborn after a failed abortion is not choice, it's EUGENICS.

Learn the actual value of life before you start lecturing anyone. Then come talk to me. Or don't.

It's people like you who make me fear for the future of the human species.
You missed where I requested this topic go in an appropriate thread, didn't you?

You are the one who chose to continue that off topic conversation with Willow. No response from you on that subject would have illicited no response from me. This thread would have been merrily on its way to hell without us.

It's pointless to ask for an off topic discussion to be moved to a more relevant thread when you are participating in it.

Here is a good advice for you, my friend... Never stick your dick in crazy.
At least use a condom.

Not even than.

Unless you're leftist...
If I have to explain it to your ignorant ass. Then you are the dummy. What did your little tin pot dictator do for America for 8 years riddle me that. The guy was a fucking genius no.
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Learn why those fetuses are being aborted. Then come back and talk to me.

If a doctor attempts and fails to abort a fully viable "fetus", and it is still breathing when it comes out, we in the sane, real world, call that BIRTH. Not a botched abortion, BIRTH.

And when you are against saving the child's life in that circumstance, you are rightfully viewed as someone who does not cherish life or understand its value. Killing a living newborn after a failed abortion is not choice, it's EUGENICS.

Learn the actual value of life before you start lecturing anyone. Then come talk to me. Or don't.

It's people like you who make me fear for the future of the human species.
You missed where I requested this topic go in an appropriate thread, didn't you?

You are the one who chose to continue that off topic conversation with Willow. No response from you on that subject would have illicited no response from me. This thread would have been merrily on its way to hell without us.

It's pointless to ask for an off topic discussion to be moved to a more relevant thread when you are participating in it.

Here is a good advice for you, my friend... Never stick your dick in crazy.

Aw sheeeeit. Gonna take a long time to pull out now.


?? Cohen just said that he witnessed Stone telling Trump about incoming email release by wikileaks.
He can claim whatever he wants. It doesn't mean jack shit if it's only his word. Furthermore, there's nothing illegal about having contact with Wikileaks or Julian Assange.

Wikileaks was talking for weeks about email dump batches.

Trump didn't need Stone or anyone else to inform him about it.
Julian Assange announced to the public in June that Wikileaks was going to release some of Hillary's email. Cohen said he informed Trump of the fact in mid July. A committee member pointed that out to him.

The point is that it establishes a direct communication link between Trump, his people and wikileaks.

No one knew exactly when the emails would get dropped or even if any of what Assange said would be true.
ROFL! How does it do that when Assange announced publicly that he was going to release the emails?

Furthermore, what you morons fail to understand, is that communicating with Assange is not a crime, and he isn't a Russian. He's Swedish.

Assange has been a Russian tool for a long time now.
The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony | HuffPost

This will not change the opinion of mindless trumpettes....They will just look past the truth and continue to hump their Great Leader's leg....

All the while he gives a brutal murderer the advantage of acting like a leader on the world stage....I hear Kim will dedicate his next flame thrower execution to trump.....

The testimony was hilarious.
Trumpies complaining about a liar.
Never a mention of our 6000 lie Pres who has a website devoted to them.
And Cohen did point out the repubs were doing the same as he did, protecting trump
The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony | HuffPost

This will not change the opinion of mindless trumpettes....They will just look past the truth and continue to hump their Great Leader's leg....

All the while he gives a brutal murderer the advantage of acting like a leader on the world stage....I hear Kim will dedicate his next flame thrower execution to trump.....
Maybe Trump should have just given 150 billion to Kim in the middle of the night. :eusa_whistle:

It was their money darlin.
Geez, the ignorance.
I guess you believe hill sold our uranium to Putin?
Cohen would make a good lawyer, or used car salesman.
Yep, and that's why Crooked Donald hired him as his fixer, his consigliere, and paid him for the past 10 years... :beer:
except cohen is saying trump only saw this as a marketing opportunity and never expected to win.

In Attempting to Bury Trump, Michael Cohen May Have Inadvertently Exonerated Him

This, of course, raises the question: why would the Trump campaign actively work with Russia to for an election that Trump wasn’t planning on winning in the first place?

you need to put your hate and predetermination of guilt down just for a bit and listen to what is being said.
It isn't that we hate the Dems so much, it's that they aren't worthy of our hatred.

They're second-stringers.

Bench warmers.

They're in lock-step.

They're lemmings running over the edge of the cliff, falling to their political deaths on the rocks of ignorance; led by the likes of Nancy P., Bernie the Commie, Beto the Dunce, and Alexandia 'Sandy' O.C., (Another Overrated Commie).

In the case of AOC - she is clearly ignorant in the truest sense of the word. She the second half of "Dumb", she's "Dumber".

They're so pathetic, so intellectually retarded to be much of a challenge to Trump.

They're so predictable. He's fighting his battle and winning, no matter what they throw at him.

The Dems are so afraid of President Trump, they haven't done a single thing - not one, to prove they are bi-partisan in any way, shape, or form.

We prefer to hate the Republican traitors in our own Party who slither in and around the President; trying their best to see to it he fails - these (R)s are the useful idiots of the Dems; they're the extreme Leftists who actually make up the Democrat sinkhole of a party.

Those swamp critters who, by virtue of a two-party political system that is so bloated - staff-wise, and that has so blended into one another, it's almost impossible for the President to find them out and rid himself of them.

I mean the backstabbing, GOP never-Trumpers - those we reserve our pent-up hatred for.

Go Trump!

Troll away.

Jealous of his groping?
These trumpies always have a brave boy pic, john Wayne, draft deserter,
preferably armed.
Never been in hand to hand in their lives.
I guess you knew a Scottish grandma wouldn't sell to T?
Guess what the small boy did?
Built a dune across her house so she couldn't see the North Sea.
Do you really support such a lowlife?
Support getting his dad to pay for 5 deferments?
He can claim whatever he wants. It doesn't mean jack shit if it's only his word. Furthermore, there's nothing illegal about having contact with Wikileaks or Julian Assange.

Wikileaks was talking for weeks about email dump batches.

Trump didn't need Stone or anyone else to inform him about it.
Julian Assange announced to the public in June that Wikileaks was going to release some of Hillary's email. Cohen said he informed Trump of the fact in mid July. A committee member pointed that out to him.

The point is that it establishes a direct communication link between Trump, his people and wikileaks.

No one knew exactly when the emails would get dropped or even if any of what Assange said would be true.
ROFL! How does it do that when Assange announced publicly that he was going to release the emails?

Furthermore, what you morons fail to understand, is that communicating with Assange is not a crime, and he isn't a Russian. He's Swedish.

Assange has been a Russian tool for a long time now.
A snowflake conspiracy theory with no visible means of support.
Can any lefties on the board name at least 5 things 0bama achieved while in office. I’ll wait and try not to laugh.
Cohen would make a good lawyer, or used car salesman.
Yep, and that's why Crooked Donald hired him as his fixer, his consigliere, and paid him for the past 10 years... :beer:
except cohen is saying trump only saw this as a marketing opportunity and never expected to win.

In Attempting to Bury Trump, Michael Cohen May Have Inadvertently Exonerated Him

This, of course, raises the question: why would the Trump campaign actively work with Russia to for an election that Trump wasn’t planning on winning in the first place?

you need to put your hate and predetermination of guilt down just for a bit and listen to what is being said.

Because he might darlin.
That's why trump needed comey to release hills email investigation.
That's what turned the election
Trump should worship comey every morning

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