Ten most jaw dropping statements from Cohen's leaked testimony today....

Funny, 10 totally meaningless statements, if they are even true. They carry no legal weight and at best are just one man's opinion to placate a prosecutor hoping to get leniency for himself. Worse, considering the source, questionable value in any regard. Best the funniest thing of all is that had Cohen waxed GLOWING PRAISE for Trump, the REALLY BIG QUESTION IS:


And we all know what the answer to THAT question is! :auiqs.jpg:

Put another way: another meaning nothingburger of a Trump-bashing thread that utterly fails again at its perceived mandate.
Like anything else. Accusations require corroborating evidence

Cohen has provided some evidence and pointed the right direction for further investigation

Let’s see where it goes

This has to be the dirtiest Administration in US History....Nixon and Clinton don't come close.....
LBJ was a scumbag Democrat.
LBJ was about as uncouth and lacking in civility as Trump. Like Trump he was a liar. However, the difference is LBJ told the big lies. Trump, on other is a pathological liar. Trump tells lies to exaggerate the truth, to say what he thinks people want to hear, and I believe often he just doesn't consider the truth important enough to check his facts.

The two men also shared other traits. For example both had the morals of an ally cat. They both were great deal makers, Trump in business and LBJ in politics. They were also both wealthy. Trump got his financial start from his father and LBJ married into money. Neither was really a self made man.
LBJ got us into a war that cost 58,000 men. LBJ gave the shit burger of a domestic policy know as the Great Society.
Not so much when they are watching from behind the bars.
While the child president continues the con...
I can be honest and say that Trump is not the best but he's the best we've had in decades. I still support him.
Enabling and covering for horrible behavior is not really support, though. Would you be supporting your opioid-addicted family member, by covering for their use? No, intervention would be TRUE support. Would you be supporting his own wife/kids, to cover for him? No, you would be harming them.
I believe he is working for the people not a Republican agenda. Unemployment is down, cunsumer optimism is high, possible relations with North Korea, $100 million being paid to NATO from countries that would pay in the past, NAFTA is down, Obamacare down, things are better!
Forget North Korea for a while. The summit ended and Trump is coming home early. Must have been too much late night tweeting.
My Socialist, Communist, Fascist, Stalinist Progressive USMB friends, if you believe Cohens testimony will get Trump impeached, please put suiside prevention on speed dial
Impeachment is not a legal process. It is a political process and normal rules of criminal court do not apply. This why when you will see a bill of impeachment it will contain both violations of federal statues and ethical violations which are often more important than legal ones.

In the Clinton's bill impeachment he is accused of bad behavior, distrust,
bringing about disrepute on the Presidency, etc. The only actual crime stated was lying to congress.

The thinking that impeachment is a legal process is due to the term "high crimes and misdemeanors in the constitution. The meaning of that term is not what you think. It covers allegations of misconduct by officials, such as perjury of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, unbecoming conduct, refusal to obey a lawful order, chronic intoxication, and tax evasion. Technically, Trump could be impeached without a single violation of federal law being listed although that is unlikely.

Impeachment clause in the U.S. Constitution empowers the House of Representatives to remove the President, Vice-President or other civil officers of the U.S. from their office for committing offences like treason, bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Not unethical deeds.
No, the House of Representatives only indicts with a bill of Impeachment. They don't remove the accused. It take a trial in the Senate to do that.

The Term "high crimes and misdemeanors"comes out of English law and it was widely used in colonies to remove officials. It covers allegations of misconduct by officials, such as perjury of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, unbecoming conduct, refusal to obey a lawful order, chronic intoxication, and tax evasion. These are only examples of type charges that were common in those days. Any type of misconduct can be listed in a bill of impeachment. Violation of the law has never been the only criteria for impeachment.

In the Clinton bill of impeachment, the only federal statue violation was lying to congress. All the rest were ethics charges.
Well said. Most Trump derangement people don’t understand this.
1. NO Collusion
2. NO Prague
3. NO blackmail of Trump
4. NO asking him to lie
5. NO illegal payments to Daniels
6. Yes, I lied to Congress
7. Yes, I am going to prison for perjury
8. Yes, I illegally withheld info
9. No evidence
10. No crime.
Cohen is not a credible witness.
The fact the the Democrats have Cohen on the Hill to talk about everything except Russia shows what a farce this whole Mueller probe has been. The most despicable part of this is the timing. With the American President in Vietnam trying to walk the world back from the brink of a nuclear war. If this was happening with President Obama, they would be clamoring for a Noble Prize. The Democrats hate Trump more than they love the USA. At least very sad, at most treasonous.
Ans that's l you care about? You dont care that the orange is a criminal ?
Be loyal to your country not to a slimy fake billionaire.

If Trump loses in 2020,
there will never be a smooth transition of power

Damn right there won’t be...
turn about is fair play
He has provided no evidence that can be corroborated
Mueller already it all, remember? So, if such evidence exists... Mueller has it.
Anything Mueller has, CNN has
Completely politicized and pointless investigation.
Completely politicized and pointless investigation.
Gee...what gave it away?

The fact that Hillary’s good friend is MC lawyer

The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony | HuffPost

This will not change the opinion of mindless trumpettes....They will just look past the truth and continue to hump their Great Leader's leg....

All the while he gives a brutal murderer the advantage of acting like a leader on the world stage....I hear Kim will dedicate his next flame thrower execution to trump.....
Sounds like Cohen was talking about himself. That's called projection.
1. NO Collusion
2. NO Prague
3. NO blackmail of Trump
4. NO asking him to lie
5. NO illegal payments to Daniels
6. Yes, I lied to Congress
7. Yes, I am going to prison for perjury
8. Yes, I illegally withheld info
9. No evidence
10. No crime.
Cohen is not a credible witness.
Of course, if he had come out and declared Trump had colluded with Russia, Dems and snowflakes would be arguing that he is.
Cohen provably lied today to congress twice....what a joke....what a waste of time and money...shouldn't the new leadership in the house be working on the peoples behalf?.....what are they doing?...they look like fools!...

I agree. Cohen has already been proven to be a liar and the Dem's have him as their star witness??

You can't cure stupid.
I'm disappointed that the Democrats would use a disgruntled employe and at the same time, someone who has already lied to Congress to get digs in on President Trump.

They haven't done one single thing to negotiate fairly in this Congress. And when and if they do fool the public into giving them the red button, socialists have a way of hating down on anyone who says a peep about bad things they do. They're pushing communism too hard. I hope the American people tell them no at the polls next time. They aren't delivering anything but rehashed lies when they pull another stunt like putting a liar back up on the stand.
With so many of the Trump people facing jail or court, it's kind of hard to find upstanding members of the community that know anything about Trump's dirty little secrets.
Thank you for your heart-felt opinion. "So many?" How many was that? Link, please. I'd like to read the source of this astonishing piece of information.

In the meantime, the second day of this little melodramatic circus to divert the putlic's attention away from the talks with North Korea of President Trump, here's the other side of the story that is not all about "getting President Donald Trump"--a Lenny Davis (Clinton's best friend and genius of character assassinations):

Here is one more knowledgable than most of us about the Cohen circus trying to hurt the President of the United States, to divert attention from his working towards world safety:

The old saying, "Birds of a feather flock together" certainly seems true of Trump and his gang. Cohen is only one of a dozen or more Trump associates who have been indicted, plead guilty, or under investigation. His former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, his former deputy campaign manager Rick Gates, his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, and Michael Cohen, his former personal lawyer, all now been convicted of felonies. He has 4 cabinet members leave under an ethical cloud . To think Trump has no involvement and knows nothing is being pretty naive.

Conservatives argue that what we see now is just democrats out to get Trump. However, that does not explain the 30 years of investigations, charges, and lawsuits. In the 70's, there there was violations of the Fair Housing Act. He was represented by the infamous Roy Cohn, a now disbarred lawyer who was known for shady legal practices and being a close friend of Trump. In the 80's, New York City brought him to court for using unethical tactics to force out tenants. In 88, the Justice department had in court for illegal stock deals. In the 90's his outrageous behavior resulted in a series of defamation lawsuits. He was also fined by New Jersey for illegal Casino operations. Sex related criminal cases from child rape to molestation were filed but later dropped. In 2000, he was charged with violation of state lobbying laws. In 2001, he was charged by the SEC for with inaccurate fillings and misleading statements about properties. In 2013, he was sued by the State of New York for defrauding students at Trump University. In the 30 years prior to his presidency, Donald Trump amassed over 3000 lawsuits about half being instigated by Trump mostly over business matters. However, the rest were filed mostly by investors, home owners, and government claiming violation of civil ordinances, fraud, and illegal business practices.

He’s the President, not on trial as a mobster. You lost. Deal with it.

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He's not on trial yet. In the past he's always been able to buy himself out of trouble. Those days are over, private settlements and payoffs aren't going to work.

Still waiting..........

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Michael Cohen's testimony:

Republican committee members' questions completely bypassing testimony regarding President Trump and his counselors, were of greater shame to their own political party.

The direction of their questions exposed their own and their party's ethically inferior position to the perjured and disbarred lawyer they were interrogating.

Respectfully, Supposn
Today was a circus, and at the end of the day, the best they had on Trump was that
his character lacks. Everybody knew that when he called Ted, "Lying Ted", and Marco, "Little Marco".
The dems got nothing on Trump, but it was a smear campaign under the Big Top during NOKO talks.
Fascinating. And what was the alternative? How could they have "gotten something" on Trump, from an interview? Please clarify.
So it WAS just a smear campaign, huh?
It must have been a slow day on the Hill to have the circus in town.
Cohen was a key advisor to the President. He described the inner details about working for Trump
Nothing yesterday that is impeachable
But possible tax crimes
The most chilling thing Cohen said yesterday

"Mr Trump will not leave office peacefully if he loses re-election".
I found Republican tactics yesterday confusing

No interest in possible crimes of the President. Just provide cover and scream that Cohen is a liar who can’t be trusted

But what lies did Cohen tell to Congress?
The exact same lies Trump was telling at the time. There was no contacts with the Russians, the business deal was dead.

How can republicans be outraged at Cohen while ignoring that Trump was telling the same lies?
The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony | HuffPost

This will not change the opinion of mindless trumpettes....They will just look past the truth and continue to hump their Great Leader's leg....

All the while he gives a brutal murderer the advantage of acting like a leader on the world stage....I hear Kim will dedicate his next flame thrower execution to trump.....

Mr. Cohen didn't offer any PROOF of his lie that President Trump is a racist. None whatsoever. The fact that he said it means nothing. He's a self proclaimed enemy of Trump's, Trump has acknowledged Cohen is a loser, and Cohen obviously decided to make up a lie about his President

IMHO, Cohen should be prosecuted over the "racist" remark. See what 12 angry men have to say. See if they agree with Cohen or that the statement is false and therefore Perjury.

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