Ten most jaw dropping statements from Cohen's leaked testimony today....

I have to be honest. I thought a long time today, "What would I do if I was COHEN?" Would I do what he did or refuse to incriminate anyone of anything.

I think I would have kept my mouth shut.
You're right, Jackson. The Good Book says the mouth gets people more trouble than anything else. A closed one gets respect.
I have to be honest. I thought a long time today, "What would I do if I was COHEN?" Would I do what he did or refuse to incriminate anyone of anything.

I think I would have kept my mouth shut.
You're right, Jackson. The Good Book says the mouth gets people more trouble than anything else. A closed one gets respect.
He doesn't deserve the respect and if I was in his boots, I wouldn't expect to get any respect either. Just take it.
Let's see...Trump is in Vietnam doing his job, protecting the U.S. from a possible war by negotiating with little Kimmy. Meanwhile, the Democrats stage a dog and pony show using a known liar and felon as a 'credible' witness. Forget that Cohen has provided 0 proof. My guess is that powerful Democrats (Pelosi, Schumer) already know that Mueller got nothin' on Trump. This ridiculous kangaroo court is nothing but a Hail Mary. Honestly, do the Democrats really think We The People are that gullible???
Not familiar with that.
Well, Cohen is, as he is going to jail over it.
I don't know how I feel about that. He was a mess at the end of today.. Poor family.
He really was. I was watching that little weasel closely, and he wasn't acting. He is really feeling the pain. I have kids close to his kids' his ages, and going away for 3 years would be devastating to me.

But that's kind of the thing that doesn't make me feel sorry for him: Oh sure, NOW he feels the pain, when he is facing the consequences. Where was the forethought, of what this would do to his life and his kids' lives? These are exactly the people that need these hard lessons.
I think all the people we hear about in the news, put themselves in the positions where it may have been expected to bend the rules or break them altogether. The one question I would ask if I was a prosecutor is, "Was that job worth it?"
Let's see...Trump is in Vietnam doing his job, protecting the U.S. from a possible war by negotiating with little Kimmy. Meanwhile, the Democrats stage a dog and pony show using a known liar and felon as a 'credible' witness. Forget that Cohen has provided 0 proof. My guess is that powerful Democrats (Pelosi, Schumer) already know that Mueller got nothin' on Trump. This ridiculous kangaroo court is nothing but a Hail Mary. Honestly, do the Democrats really think We The People are that gullible???

Of course. But if it was Clinton finally going to the gallows for her emails and hiding them, we'd do the same. We are no better.
Seriously, Cohen seems to be in the running for dumbest human ever, or at least a tie with Charles Manson.....

Can someone ask him his opinion or Trumps first wife's shoes?

We need his opinion on this

All you're doing, dumbshit, is commenting on Trump's judgement for a personal attorney for ten years.
Goddamn, you Trumpanzees are stupid.
Trump has dozens of lawyers, Cohen was more of a shoe polisher
Although Trump has a number of lawyers, he has generally had only one personal lawyer. He uses his personal lawyer to handle the really dirty deeds and the private stuff. The Trump lawyer who really stands out is Roy Cohn, who was McCarthy's go to guy in 50's. Trump met him in 70's and they became close friend until in the 80's when Cohn was disbarred and died of Aids. Cohn was the guy most responsible for Trump's great deals. He got rid of tenants in building Trump wanted to sell, got wavers on zoning, got construction code violations to disappear, and dealt out hollow threats and spurious lawsuits to those he couldn't deal with. In fact, Trump called him the magician. Why Trump broke with him is unknown. Trump refused to talk about him, apparently he didn't visit him when he was ill and did not attend his funeral. However, that is not uncommon for Trump.
How Donald Trump and Roy Cohn’s Ruthless Symbiosis Changed America
Seriously, Cohen seems to be in the running for dumbest human ever, or at least a tie with Charles Manson.....

Can someone ask him his opinion or Trumps first wife's shoes?

We need his opinion on this

All you're doing, dumbshit, is commenting on Trump's judgement for a personal attorney for ten years.
Goddamn, you Trumpanzees are stupid.
Trump has dozens of lawyers, Cohen was more of a shoe polisher
Although Trump has a number of lawyers, he has generally had only one personal lawyer. He uses his personal lawyer to handle the really dirty deeds and the private stuff. The Trump lawyer who really stands out is Roy Cohn, who was McCarthy's go to guy in 50's. Trump met him in 70's and they became close friend until in the 80's when Cohn was disbarred and died of Aids. Cohn was the guy most responsible for Trump's great deals. He got rid of tenants in building Trump wanted to sell, got wavers on zoning, got construction code violations to disappear, and dealt out hollow threats and spurious lawsuits to those he couldn't deal with. In fact, Trump called him the magician. Why Trump broke with him is unknown. Trump refused to talk about him, apparently he didn't visit him when he was ill and did not attend his funeral. However, that is not uncommon for Trump.
How Donald Trump and Roy Cohn’s Ruthless Symbiosis Changed America
Thank You, GOD, for not allowing me to be rich.
Not familiar with that.
Well, Cohen is, as he is going to jail over it.
I don't know how I feel about that. He was a mess at the end of today.. Poor family.
I can tell you missed the Republican Congressmen questioning Mr. Cohen. All I can tell you is that he has been a very bad boy, and if you can find it on youtube, I'd spend a half hour listening to the three Congressmen questioning him. What he owned, most people never do that kind of stuff in a lifetime. And the rumor mill is a whole 'nother version of familial dysfunction due to messing around. The Republicans did not get into his personal life, to their credit. The reason people like Cohen are difficult to rehabilitate is due to several reasons, among them being the ease with which they hang all the blame on an innocent bystander instead of themselves. He sees his boss as the perfect object of his projecting and blaming. I knew all this and still felt sorry for him, too, Jackson. And I think it's very harsh of Democrats to keep the public regurgitating even the smallest chance of finding any collusion with Russia. It did not happen. They're beating a dead horse, too. Over and over, ad nauseum already.
Seriously, Cohen seems to be in the running for dumbest human ever, or at least a tie with Charles Manson.....

Can someone ask him his opinion or Trumps first wife's shoes?

We need his opinion on this

All you're doing, dumbshit, is commenting on Trump's judgement for a personal attorney for ten years.
Goddamn, you Trumpanzees are stupid.
Trump has dozens of lawyers, Cohen was more of a shoe polisher
Although Trump has a number of lawyers, he has generally had only one personal lawyer. He uses his personal lawyer to handle the really dirty deeds and the private stuff. The Trump lawyer who really stands out is Roy Cohn, who was McCarthy's go to guy in 50's. Trump met him in 70's and they became close friend until in the 80's when Cohn was disbarred and died of Aids. Cohn was the guy most responsible for Trump's great deals. He got rid of tenants in building Trump wanted to sell, got wavers on zoning, got construction code violations to disappear, and dealt out hollow threats and spurious lawsuits to those he couldn't deal with. In fact, Trump called him the magician. Why Trump broke with him is unknown. Trump refused to talk about him, apparently he didn't visit him when he was ill and did not attend his funeral. However, that is not uncommon for Trump.
How Donald Trump and Roy Cohn’s Ruthless Symbiosis Changed America
With what we know about our mentally ill president, it may have been one little insult that broke them apart. People in his condition don't have any real sense of scale or degree, when it comes to slights. Toss off a comment in front of other people that he sounds like an idiot, and you might as well have pulled his pants down and punched him in the junk in pubic. Trump's ill mind recognizes no meaningful difference, there.
Not so much when they are watching from behind the bars.
While the child president continues the con...
I can be honest and say that Trump is not the best but he's the best we've had in decades. I still support him.
Enabling and covering for horrible behavior is not really support, though. Would you be supporting your opioid-addicted family member, by covering for their use? No, intervention would be TRUE support. Would you be supporting his own wife/kids, to cover for him? No, you would be harming them.

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