Ten most jaw dropping statements from Cohen's leaked testimony today....

The most chilling thing Cohen said yesterday
- "Mr Trump will not leave office peacefully if he loses re-election".

Based on WHAT, besides your Trump-hating TDS-suffering opinion and the unsubstantiated/collaborated word of a convicted Felon Perjurer Nance Pelosi made the star of her 'Get Trump' freak show circus?

Dumbass Democrats and snowflakes like you declared Hillary would win in a 'landslide' only to have her ass kicked by Trump.
Dumbass Democrats and snowflakes like you declared the economy would tank if Trump won.
Dumbass Democrats and snowflakes like you declared it would be Armageddon if Trump won.

Over and over they / you allow their / your butt-hurt to do their / your talking for them / you and get proven wrong over and over. Like Cohen, butt-hurt 'doom and gloom' failed partisan prognosticators like yourself have been stripped of your credibility for yelling 'Wolf' / 'The Sky Is Falling' too many times to be believed any more.
I found Republican tactics yesterday confusing

No interest in possible crimes of the President. Just provide cover and scream that Cohen is a liar who can’t be trusted

But what lies did Cohen tell to Congress?
The exact same lies Trump was telling at the time. There was no contacts with the Russians, the business deal was dead.

How can republicans be outraged at Cohen while ignoring that Trump was telling the same lies?

Cohen didn't offer any proof of any crimes, mere allegations.

Cohen lied when he called Trump a racist, he lied as well when he said he wasn't interested in a WH position. That's two charges that he needs to answer to.
I found Republican tactics yesterday confusing

No interest in possible crimes of the President. Just provide cover and scream that Cohen is a liar who can’t be trusted

But what lies did Cohen tell to Congress?
The exact same lies Trump was telling at the time. There was no contacts with the Russians, the business deal was dead.

How can republicans be outraged at Cohen while ignoring that Trump was telling the same lies?
Every word out of Michael Cohen’s mouth is a lie, that’s what the hearing proved
I thought Trump colluded with Putin to steal the 2016 election from HIllary Clinton.

What happened with that thing, you know....the one that the Dimms and MSM talked about 24/7 for 2years?

You guys just moving on to the next thing, huh?
Be patient; Mueller's on top of it!!!

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Now AOC is reading a statement....accusing Trump of IRS fraud.
Based off of wild assumptions.
This is what Democrats do.
They lie in Congress and it's up to us to prove they lied.
They commit fraud and it's up to us to prove they committed fraud.

And when we do.....they ignore the facts.....then quickly change the subject...moving on their next false accusation.

There's often a lot of projection going on by Democrats and what can loosely be described as their propaganda arms in the media. "Trump's the most divisive president..." Maybe so, but the polls show a greater percentage of the country blames the media for being divisive and while tribalism affects the blame placed on the political parties, that the Democrats and those in the media share many of the same views would put them equally at fault. Look at how many of them pushed the initial Covington and Smollett stories, for example, not to mention the Kavanaugh mess and this Smollett story they created from hoaxes.

"Russian collusion" coming from the party with shady ties to Russia.
"Trump always lies" from media sources that they themselves make fact checker's heads spin daily.
"Trump is racist and sexist" while Virginia's top three officials at the state level are refusing to step down amid racism and sexual assault allegations of their own, not to mention Al Franken, DNC's Keith Ellison and Hillary Clinton's own highly questionable past.
"Trump is xenophobic" for wanting to secure the southern border, in other words, mitigate illegal border crossings, the exact same thing the Democratic party defended as an absolute necessity before comprehensive immigration reform could happen.
"Trump's a fascist" while the erosion of liberty is coming from the left side of the aisle under the guise of "social justice."

How the hell does anyone take the Democrats seriously anymore without first admitting they're completely full of crap?
Cohen is going to prison as a rat and a snitch. Everyone in the big house saw how he sang like a canary yesterday, trying to take down anyone else he could, just to save his own worthless carcass. That will be good for him, if he is a fan of sodomy. A lot of gay guys in the joint, he would be well advised to keep a good grip on the soap.
Rep. Jim Jordan on Wednesday accused the Democrats of using President Trump’s former fixer Michael Cohen as a “patsy” to get at Mr. Trump. “We just had a five-minute debate where Mr. Cohen disputes what the Southern District of New York found, what the judge found, that he was actually guilty of committing bank fraud,” Jordan said. “If this statement back here doesn’t say it all, ‘Cohen’s consciousness of wrongdoing is fleeting, his remorse is minimal, his instinct to blame others is strong.’ There’s only one thing wrong with that statement. His remorse is nonexistent. He just debated a member of Congress saying I really didn’t do anything wrong with the false bank things that I’m guilty of and going to prison for.”

“Mr. Jordan, that’s not what I said, and you know that’s not what I said,” Cohen responded. “I said that I pled guilty and I take responsibility for my actions.”

“They just want to use you,” the Ohio Republican said to Cohen during a highly-anticipated House Oversight Committee hearing. “You are the patsy today. They want to find someone somewhere to say something so they can remove the president.”

Cohen, once Trump’s loyal attorney and fixer, has turned on his former boss and cooperated with special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. He begins a three-yearn sentence in May after he pleaded guilty to lying to Congress in 2017 and committing campaign finance violations while he was working for Trump. “This is the first time a convicted perjurer has been brought back to be a star witness,” he said. “This is a first because no one else would do it.”

Yeah, that's not how that went down at all. You gotta take off the tRump-colored glasses and see reality for a change.

Perhaps you need to take the Surrender Monkeys dick out of your mouth and opened your eyes ...you may be able to see again....but I wouldn't bet on it!

Wrong hole.

So you and purge are a thing?

You still dreaming of the Surrender Monkey fucking you....get over it!

Is that your pet name for your micropenis?
The fact the the Democrats have Cohen on the Hill to talk about everything except Russia shows what a farce this whole Mueller probe has been. The most despicable part of this is the timing. With the American President in Vietnam trying to walk the world back from the brink of a nuclear war. If this was happening with President Obama, they would be clamoring for a Noble Prize. The Democrats hate Trump more than they love the USA. At least very sad, at most treasonous.
The only reason Cohen was there was to create Sound Bites for all The Democrat 2020 candidates. That's why they needed 7 hours to completely avoid asking him about Russia.

They asked about some pretty old stuff, more or less to smear the president, and asked about the only thing they care about now, his tax returns.

The one question asked about Russia resulted in Cohen himself stating that there was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION.

Two years and 18 Investigations and Hearings and still No RUSSIAN COLLUSION.

When are they going to ask Obama and Clinton why they felt the need to purchase Russian Propaganda from Putin during the 2016 Election?

Why hasn't Loretta Lynch had to testify about her telling Comey to exonerate Clinton after her tarmac meeting?

Why isn't Rice, Mills, and Powers being interviewed over their illegal unmasking during the 2016 election?

Why isn't Obama being asked why he felt the need to spy on The Trump Campaign during the election based on Russian Propaganda that he himself helped to purchase?
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I find it hilarious that Lanny Davis is Michael Cohen’s lawyer… Lanny Davis worshipps the Clintons.

Every bit of his testimony was scripted by shit eating Lenny Davis...
The more Dem's attack president Trump the more determined we are to re-elect him.
The we you refer to are the brainless, minion, lackey Trump supporters.
To win Trump needs some people with brains. Unless the Democrats screw up big time Trump should be defeated if he is not in jail.
Once Trump is gone the brainless, minion, lackeys will scurry back to their rat holes to live out the rest of their lives

LOL Trump won 30 states fool. Come here :itsok:

Nuff said.


Those words are being reported by numerous news outlets

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They were also reporting that someone lynched Smollett. Lol. Mainstream is just worthless lib propaganda .

Your useless deflection is ignored. Trump has now been directed implicated in Congress as a criminal co-conspirator, who knew about and directed the Wiki-Leaks dumps, who knew about and participated in the ongoing Trump Tower Moscow negotiations, which was clearly going to be built after he lost the election.

Furthermore, there was also direct testimony of RICO violations by the entire Trump Crime Family. No one in New York is in any way surprised by this. They've watched Trump the small time hood for years.

This has NOTHING to do with any media, and EVERYTHING to do with yesterday's testimony. The Republican representatives seemed angry that their emperor was being exposed as fully naked and kept attacking Cohen. No Republican asked a SINGLE question. They just harrangued, insulted and attacked Cohen\'s credibility.

Loved the Southern Congressman, who dragged a black employee over to the Hearing, to make the claim that Trump is not a racist. What a totally racist and demeaning thing to do.
The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony | HuffPost

This will not change the opinion of mindless trumpettes....They will just look past the truth and continue to hump their Great Leader's leg....

All the while he gives a brutal murderer the advantage of acting like a leader on the world stage....I hear Kim will dedicate his next flame thrower execution to trump.....

Mr. Cohen didn't offer any PROOF of his lie that President Trump is a racist. None whatsoever. The fact that he said it means nothing. He's a self proclaimed enemy of Trump's, Trump has acknowledged Cohen is a loser, and Cohen obviously decided to make up a lie about his President

IMHO, Cohen should be prosecuted over the "racist" remark. See what 12 angry men have to say. See if they agree with Cohen or that the statement is false and therefore Perjury.
Personal observation that is supported by Trumps actions

It was a bizarre ploy to bring in a black woman to say..... See, we hired a black woman, that proves we cannot be racist

Shows Republican views on race relations

Nuff said.


Those words are being reported by numerous news outlets

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

They were also reporting that someone lynched Smollett. Lol. Mainstream is just worthless lib propaganda .

Your useless deflection is ignored. Trump has now been directed implicated in Congress as a criminal co-conspirator, who knew about and directed the Wiki-Leaks dumps, who knew about and participated in the ongoing Trump Tower Moscow negotiations, which was clearly going to be built after he lost the election.

Furthermore, there was also direct testimony of RICO violations by the entire Trump Crime Family. No one in New York is in any way surprised by this. They've watched Trump the small time hood for years.

This has NOTHING to do with any media, and EVERYTHING to do with yesterday's testimony. The Republican representatives seemed angry that their emperor was being exposed as fully naked and kept attacking Cohen. No Republican asked a SINGLE question. They just harrangued, insulted and attacked Cohen\'s credibility.

Loved the Southern Congressman, who dragged a black employee over to the Hearing, to make the claim that Trump is not a racist. What a totally racist and demeaning thing to do.
Love how he gloated and asked.....What do you think of this?

No wonder Republicans do not get minorities
The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony | HuffPost

This will not change the opinion of mindless trumpettes....They will just look past the truth and continue to hump their Great Leader's leg....

All the while he gives a brutal murderer the advantage of acting like a leader on the world stage....I hear Kim will dedicate his next flame thrower execution to trump.....

Mr. Cohen didn't offer any PROOF of his lie that President Trump is a racist. None whatsoever. The fact that he said it means nothing. He's a self proclaimed enemy of Trump's, Trump has acknowledged Cohen is a loser, and Cohen obviously decided to make up a lie about his President

IMHO, Cohen should be prosecuted over the "racist" remark. See what 12 angry men have to say. See if they agree with Cohen or that the statement is false and therefore Perjury.
Personal observation that is supported by Trumps actions

It was a bizarre ploy to bring in a black woman to say..... See, we hired a black woman, that proves we cannot be racist

Shows Republican views on race relations

Cohen didn't say it was just his opinion, he stated that "Trump is a racist" as if it was a fact.

He can certainly bring up a defense if he wants, but IMHO, it should be decided by 12 angry men.

Nuff said.


Those words are being reported by numerous news outlets

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

They were also reporting that someone lynched Smollett. Lol. Mainstream is just worthless lib propaganda .

Your useless deflection is ignored. Trump has now been directed implicated in Congress as a criminal co-conspirator, who knew about and directed the Wiki-Leaks dumps, who knew about and participated in the ongoing Trump Tower Moscow negotiations, which was clearly going to be built after he lost the election.

Furthermore, there was also direct testimony of RICO violations by the entire Trump Crime Family. No one in New York is in any way surprised by this. They've watched Trump the small time hood for years.

This has NOTHING to do with any media, and EVERYTHING to do with yesterday's testimony. The Republican representatives seemed angry that their emperor was being exposed as fully naked and kept attacking Cohen. No Republican asked a SINGLE question. They just harrangued, insulted and attacked Cohen\'s credibility.

Loved the Southern Congressman, who dragged a black employee over to the Hearing, to make the claim that Trump is not a racist. What a totally racist and demeaning thing to do.

What direct testimony? Cohen says? Not even admissible in a court of law. In fact, that whole hearing was nothing but a Kangaroo Court. Nothing will come of it. About the only thing Congress can do with this hearing is charge Cohen with lying to Congress again and failing to register as a Foreign Agent for Korea Aerospace and Kazakhstan.
The 10 Most Jaw-Dropping Lines From Michael Cohen's Leaked Testimony | HuffPost

This will not change the opinion of mindless trumpettes....They will just look past the truth and continue to hump their Great Leader's leg....

All the while he gives a brutal murderer the advantage of acting like a leader on the world stage....I hear Kim will dedicate his next flame thrower execution to trump.....

Mr. Cohen didn't offer any PROOF of his lie that President Trump is a racist. None whatsoever. The fact that he said it means nothing. He's a self proclaimed enemy of Trump's, Trump has acknowledged Cohen is a loser, and Cohen obviously decided to make up a lie about his President

IMHO, Cohen should be prosecuted over the "racist" remark. See what 12 angry men have to say. See if they agree with Cohen or that the statement is false and therefore Perjury.
Personal observation that is supported by Trumps actions

It was a bizarre ploy to bring in a black woman to say..... See, we hired a black woman, that proves we cannot be racist

Shows Republican views on race relations

We don't need Trump to tell us he's a racist, he's obsessed with race. His entire "Birther Campaign" was founded in racism and delegitmizing Obama's Presidency. His obsession with undoing everything that Barrack Obama did as President, is direct evidence of his obsession with race. He's not trying to build a wall on the Canadian border to keep the white people from "invading".
Trump has now been directed implicated in Congress as a criminal co-conspirator, who knew about and directed the Wiki-Leaks dumps, who knew about and participated in the ongoing Trump Tower Moscow negotiations, which was clearly going to be built after he lost the election.

That part about Wikileaks was rather weak, but you can rest assured, Mueller has the goods on that one.

More important was the information that Trump and his lawyers directed Cohen how to lie to Congress about Trump tower Moscow.

That's on top of tax fraud, bank fraud, insurance fraud, and felony campaign finance violations, all currently investigated and further avenues for Congressional investigations.

It's going to be a real test for the country's immune system, and its ability to protect the rule of law and the Constitution. Given the Goobers' line of "questioning" yesterday, it's readily apparent their charted path is all hands on deck to obstruct of justice.

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