Ten myth busting facts about welfare

Too bad you only get Pub bs, functional idiot.

  1. GOP senators block top Obama jobs initiative -...
  2. www.cnn.com/2012/07/19/politics/senate-bring-jobs-home...
  3. Cached
  4. Jul 18, 2012 · Senate Republicans blocked Obama's jobs ... tax deductions for companies that move jobs ... Bring Jobs Home Act would provide a ...
  5. Senate Republicans Vote Against American Jobs By ...
  6. Senate Republicans blocked a bill today that would potentially bring millions of jobs back to the United States by refusing to end tax breaks for companies who ...
  7. Bring Jobs Home Act blocked by Republicans -...
  8. Bring Jobs Home Act blocked by Republicans. ... Next: A prophetic case for Obama's second term. July 19, ... Company Links . About us; OnTopic ...
  9. Republicans block Bring Jobs Home Act, protecting...
  10. Jul 18, 2012 · Republicans block Bring Jobs Home ... If someone is searching for "Barack Obama," is this a ... she passed legislation to pay companies to bring the jobs ...
  11. GOP senators block Dem ‘insourcing’ bill |...
  12. Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked an "insourcing ... jobs overseas.The Bring Jobs Home Act also would have given a tax incentives to companies that bring jobs ...
  13. Stabenow’s “ Bring Jobs Home Act” Gets Majority...
  14. ... was supported by a majority of Senators today but Senate Republicans blocked the bill with ... for Companies that Bring Jobs ... Bring Jobs Home ...
  15. Republicans Spread Despair by Blocking Bill to...
  16. ... Republicans blocked a measure to reward companies that ... when Democrats and President Obama sought to ... With Republicans blocking the Bring Jobs Home ...

Okay, so you gave me a laundry list I simply can't research. I will take them one at a time when I have time.

Item 2, no such page exists.

Item 5, Senate blocks tax break bill. From FactCheck.org:

We first addressed this popular theme in 2004, when we reported on a John Kerry campaign ad in which he blamed President George W. Bush for providing tax incentives to companies “outsourcing” jobs overseas. At the time we found that such tax breaks, which do exist, pre-dated the Bush administration and that even Democratic-leaning economists did not support the idea that changing the corporate tax code would end the movement of jobs overseas.

Three years later, in Dec. 2007, we reported on an ad launched by a labor group in support of John Edwards. The ad implied that corporate tax breaks were responsible for the shipment of jobs overseas from an Iowa Maytag plant. We found that the jobs were actually sent to Ohio and that, again, eliminating such tax breaks would not go far in stanching the flow of jobs overseas.

Oil and Gas Company Tax Breaks

Talking Tax Breaks for Offshoring
Posted on October 10, 2012


Do companies get a tax break for shipping U.S. jobs overseas? Several readers asked us that question after it came up during the first debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney.

Obama claimed that “companies that are shipping jobs overseas” get tax breaks, saying that they “can actually take a deduction for moving a plant overseas.” But Mitt Romney said that he had “no idea” what the president was talking about, adding that “the idea that you get a break for shipping jobs overseas is simply not the case.” And both men are right, in a way.

There is no specific tax break for the sole purpose of relocating a U.S. job to another country, as Romney said. But the tax code does allow companies to deduct business expenses when calculating their tax liability. And those expenses can include the costs of moving a job to another state or even to another country, according to tax experts with whom we spoke. The White House confirmed in an email that that is what Obama was referring to in the debate.

“Firms can generally deduct business expenses,” said Kimberly Clausing, the Thormund A. Miller and Walter Mintz Professor of Economics at Reed College. “Thus, of course, if firms incurred expenses in moving abroad, they would be able to deduct those expenses.”

“My interpretation is that the President’s statement was accurate,” she said in an email to FactCheck.org

William McBride, chief economist for the pro-business Tax Foundation, agreed with her point about the ability of companies to deduct moving costs as a business expense.

There are no special tax provisions that provide incentives to move overseas, but, of course, in general, the IRS allows companies to deduct business expenses, one of which is moving expenses, whether within the U.S. or abroad,” he said.

Talking Tax Breaks for Offshoring
Too bad you only get Pub bs, functional idiot.

  1. GOP senators block top Obama jobs initiative -...
  2. www.cnn.com/2012/07/19/politics/senate-bring-jobs-home...
  3. Cached
  4. Jul 18, 2012 · Senate Republicans blocked Obama's jobs ... tax deductions for companies that move jobs ... Bring Jobs Home Act would provide a ...
  5. Senate Republicans Vote Against American Jobs By ...
  6. Senate Republicans blocked a bill today that would potentially bring millions of jobs back to the United States by refusing to end tax breaks for companies who ...
  7. Bring Jobs Home Act blocked by Republicans -...
  8. Bring Jobs Home Act blocked by Republicans. ... Next: A prophetic case for Obama's second term. July 19, ... Company Links . About us; OnTopic ...
  9. Republicans block Bring Jobs Home Act, protecting...
  10. Jul 18, 2012 · Republicans block Bring Jobs Home ... If someone is searching for "Barack Obama," is this a ... she passed legislation to pay companies to bring the jobs ...
  11. GOP senators block Dem ‘insourcing’ bill |...
  12. Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked an "insourcing ... jobs overseas.The Bring Jobs Home Act also would have given a tax incentives to companies that bring jobs ...
  13. Stabenow’s “ Bring Jobs Home Act” Gets Majority...
  14. ... was supported by a majority of Senators today but Senate Republicans blocked the bill with ... for Companies that Bring Jobs ... Bring Jobs Home ...
  15. Republicans Spread Despair by Blocking Bill to...
  16. ... Republicans blocked a measure to reward companies that ... when Democrats and President Obama sought to ... With Republicans blocking the Bring Jobs Home ...

Okay, so you gave me a laundry list I simply can't research. I will take them one at a time when I have time.

Item 2, no such page exists.

Item 5, Senate blocks tax break bill. From FactCheck.org:

We first addressed this popular theme in 2004, when we reported on a John Kerry campaign ad in which he blamed President George W. Bush for providing tax incentives to companies “outsourcing” jobs overseas. At the time we found that such tax breaks, which do exist, pre-dated the Bush administration and that even Democratic-leaning economists did not support the idea that changing the corporate tax code would end the movement of jobs overseas.

Three years later, in Dec. 2007, we reported on an ad launched by a labor group in support of John Edwards. The ad implied that corporate tax breaks were responsible for the shipment of jobs overseas from an Iowa Maytag plant. We found that the jobs were actually sent to Ohio and that, again, eliminating such tax breaks would not go far in stanching the flow of jobs overseas.

Oil and Gas Company Tax Breaks

Talking Tax Breaks for Offshoring
Posted on October 10, 2012


Do companies get a tax break for shipping U.S. jobs overseas? Several readers asked us that question after it came up during the first debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney.

Obama claimed that “companies that are shipping jobs overseas” get tax breaks, saying that they “can actually take a deduction for moving a plant overseas.” But Mitt Romney said that he had “no idea” what the president was talking about, adding that “the idea that you get a break for shipping jobs overseas is simply not the case.” And both men are right, in a way.

There is no specific tax break for the sole purpose of relocating a U.S. job to another country, as Romney said. But the tax code does allow companies to deduct business expenses when calculating their tax liability. And those expenses can include the costs of moving a job to another state or even to another country, according to tax experts with whom we spoke. The White House confirmed in an email that that is what Obama was referring to in the debate.

“Firms can generally deduct business expenses,” said Kimberly Clausing, the Thormund A. Miller and Walter Mintz Professor of Economics at Reed College. “Thus, of course, if firms incurred expenses in moving abroad, they would be able to deduct those expenses.”

“My interpretation is that the President’s statement was accurate,” she said in an email to FactCheck.org

William McBride, chief economist for the pro-business Tax Foundation, agreed with her point about the ability of companies to deduct moving costs as a business expense.

There are no special tax provisions that provide incentives to move overseas, but, of course, in general, the IRS allows companies to deduct business expenses, one of which is moving expenses, whether within the U.S. or abroad,” he said.

Talking Tax Breaks for Offshoring
Forget it. Libs have been postign "gov gives big corporations tax breaks to relocate abroad" for as long as I've been on this board. Link after link, source after source, argument after argument showing this is false, untrue, misleading and incorrect only result in them repeating it the next time. It's a waste.
One myth-busting fact...

Get off your lazy ass and get a job, and you get off my dime....

But you're a Democrat, right????
hilarious, that's all they post around here is less work or no work for the money. They're always conniving something for free
Actually, we believe in helping the unfortunate, like christians duh. You people seem to think we can't see past the ends of our noses and idiocies, like yourselves.
One myth-busting fact...

Get off your lazy ass and get a job, and you get off my dime....

But you're a Democrat, right????
Oh Christ stop pretending YOUR tax dollars are the ones supporting this program. There's a high probability they don't. You cons like to pretend you are more important than you actually are.

You obviously didn't even bother to read the article. Anyone on TANF is employed. Most of the money spent on it goes directly to the children affected. 8% goes to helping the adults find higher paying jobs.

It is my tax money. I can see the withholding on my check dude.

I can look up where money goes in the governmental budgets.

You Democraps like to pretend that the magic money fairy pays for everything. Sorry, it's the working people that pay for everything.

I qualified for TANF. That in and of itself, proves it should be cut.
How bout a living wage and raising all boats? Now you know why food stamps and assistance have risen, not by changes in regs, but by the slow ruin of the working class by your lying greedy idiot heroes.

In a free country, it's not up to the government to make you what you're worth, it's up to the individual to make themselves what they are worth.
Of course, but gov't policies help or hinder the individual, and the last 30 years they've been hindering more and more. Reaganist policy that Pubs are still defending to the death.
Do you need a diagram?

2012: "With the Senate Republicans action on Thursday, they exposed their agenda of corporate profit protection at the expense of Americans’ jobs. In one fell swoop, they obeyed the Chamber of Commerce, guaranteed more companies will outsource Americans’ jobs, subsidized outsourcing with taxpayer dollars, provided millions for Romney, created jobs in foreign countries, prevented economic growth, and most importantly, killed millions of Americans’ jobs. Their claim the bill was a political ploy by the Obama Administration is patently false because this is the second time in two years Republicans blocked an anti-outsourcing bill. In 2010 after Republicans blocked a similar bill, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid commented that the bill was a “simple, common-sense” effort to “keep American jobs here in America” and to “stop forcing taxpayers across the nation to pay for giveaways that reward companies for sending American jobs overseas.” Mitch McConnell said at the time that the bill was “an insult to the millions of Americans who want us to focus on jobs.” Yes, he really said it and since then, he and his job-killing cohorts have taken every step to convince Americans that the GOP is following the will of the people who want Republicans to “focus on jobs” while they ship them overseas.
The Republican focus on jobs since January 2009 has been killing them, not creating them. They voted against the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (stimulus), opposed the auto industry bailout, payroll tax cut and extension, all of the President’s jobs bills, and have blocked any new revenue sources that would fund rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure. All of the Republican job-killing measures have as their basis protection of the rich and keeping unemployment figures high, and they are not close to being finished if they win control of the White House and both houses of Congress. One of Romney and Republicans promises is to give corporations more tax cuts and leeway to outsource jobs and the only winners are the corporations and their wealthy investors like Willard Romney.
Rewarding companies that outsource American jobs is more than just enriching corporations, it is about ethics and moral responsibility to the American people who expect their representatives to look out for their interests. Willard Romney and the Chamber of Commerce tell Americans that outsourcing is good for business, and instead of acknowledging the devastating effect on the economy and American workers, Willard said, “the world of finance is not as simple as some would have you believe,” but for Americans who lost their jobs to outsourcing, Romney’s words are no consolation. Outsourcing may be perfectly acceptable in the complicated world of high finance, but it is extremely unpopular with the American people. In a recent Wall Street Journal poll, 83% of blue-collar workers and 95% of professionals and managers believe the weak economy and joblessness is because of outsourcing American jobs. However, continuing tax cuts for the top 2% of income earners is extremely unpopular too, but that has not stopped the GOP from going ahead with plans to extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy."
Republicans Spread Despair by Blocking Bill to Bring Jobs Home

Your boys are a disgrace, and so are you for swallowing their bs and lack of coverage of inconvenient fact.
One myth-busting fact...

Get off your lazy ass and get a job, and you get off my dime....

But you're a Democrat, right????
hilarious, that's all they post around here is less work or no work for the money. They're always conniving something for free
Actually, we believe in helping the unfortunate, like christians duh. You people seem to think we can't see past the ends of our noses and idiocies, like yourselves.
bs. You guys always want more. You want your welfare queen the government to take all our money and then dole out what you think we deserve.
about time someone called you out franko ole buddy
One myth-busting fact...

Get off your lazy ass and get a job, and you get off my dime....

But you're a Democrat, right????
hilarious, that's all they post around here is less work or no work for the money. They're always conniving something for free
Actually, we believe in helping the unfortunate, like christians duh. You people seem to think we can't see past the ends of our noses and idiocies, like yourselves.
bs. You guys always want more. You want your welfare queen the government to take all our money and then dole out what you think we deserve.
about time someone called you out franko ole buddy
I'm a retired teacher and businessman, and you are an ignorant hater dupe lol. Actually we want to help your stupid ass and make the bloated rich and freeloader corps pay their fair share for a change to do it, chump.
Too bad you only get Pub bs, functional idiot.

  1. GOP senators block top Obama jobs initiative -...
  2. www.cnn.com/2012/07/19/politics/senate-bring-jobs-home...
  3. Cached
  4. Jul 18, 2012 · Senate Republicans blocked Obama's jobs ... tax deductions for companies that move jobs ... Bring Jobs Home Act would provide a ...
  5. Senate Republicans Vote Against American Jobs By ...
  6. Senate Republicans blocked a bill today that would potentially bring millions of jobs back to the United States by refusing to end tax breaks for companies who ...
  7. Bring Jobs Home Act blocked by Republicans -...
  8. Bring Jobs Home Act blocked by Republicans. ... Next: A prophetic case for Obama's second term. July 19, ... Company Links . About us; OnTopic ...
  9. Republicans block Bring Jobs Home Act, protecting...
  10. Jul 18, 2012 · Republicans block Bring Jobs Home ... If someone is searching for "Barack Obama," is this a ... she passed legislation to pay companies to bring the jobs ...
  11. GOP senators block Dem ‘insourcing’ bill |...
  12. Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked an "insourcing ... jobs overseas.The Bring Jobs Home Act also would have given a tax incentives to companies that bring jobs ...
  13. Stabenow’s “ Bring Jobs Home Act” Gets Majority...
  14. ... was supported by a majority of Senators today but Senate Republicans blocked the bill with ... for Companies that Bring Jobs ... Bring Jobs Home ...
  15. Republicans Spread Despair by Blocking Bill to...
  16. ... Republicans blocked a measure to reward companies that ... when Democrats and President Obama sought to ... With Republicans blocking the Bring Jobs Home ...

Okay, so you gave me a laundry list I simply can't research. I will take them one at a time when I have time.

Item 2, no such page exists.

Item 5, Senate blocks tax break bill. From FactCheck.org:

We first addressed this popular theme in 2004, when we reported on a John Kerry campaign ad in which he blamed President George W. Bush for providing tax incentives to companies “outsourcing” jobs overseas. At the time we found that such tax breaks, which do exist, pre-dated the Bush administration and that even Democratic-leaning economists did not support the idea that changing the corporate tax code would end the movement of jobs overseas.

Three years later, in Dec. 2007, we reported on an ad launched by a labor group in support of John Edwards. The ad implied that corporate tax breaks were responsible for the shipment of jobs overseas from an Iowa Maytag plant. We found that the jobs were actually sent to Ohio and that, again, eliminating such tax breaks would not go far in stanching the flow of jobs overseas.

Oil and Gas Company Tax Breaks

Talking Tax Breaks for Offshoring
Posted on October 10, 2012


Do companies get a tax break for shipping U.S. jobs overseas? Several readers asked us that question after it came up during the first debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney.

Obama claimed that “companies that are shipping jobs overseas” get tax breaks, saying that they “can actually take a deduction for moving a plant overseas.” But Mitt Romney said that he had “no idea” what the president was talking about, adding that “the idea that you get a break for shipping jobs overseas is simply not the case.” And both men are right, in a way.

There is no specific tax break for the sole purpose of relocating a U.S. job to another country, as Romney said. But the tax code does allow companies to deduct business expenses when calculating their tax liability. And those expenses can include the costs of moving a job to another state or even to another country, according to tax experts with whom we spoke. The White House confirmed in an email that that is what Obama was referring to in the debate.

“Firms can generally deduct business expenses,” said Kimberly Clausing, the Thormund A. Miller and Walter Mintz Professor of Economics at Reed College. “Thus, of course, if firms incurred expenses in moving abroad, they would be able to deduct those expenses.”

“My interpretation is that the President’s statement was accurate,” she said in an email to FactCheck.org

William McBride, chief economist for the pro-business Tax Foundation, agreed with her point about the ability of companies to deduct moving costs as a business expense.

There are no special tax provisions that provide incentives to move overseas, but, of course, in general, the IRS allows companies to deduct business expenses, one of which is moving expenses, whether within the U.S. or abroad,” he said.

Talking Tax Breaks for Offshoring
Forget it. Libs have been postign "gov gives big corporations tax breaks to relocate abroad" for as long as I've been on this board. Link after link, source after source, argument after argument showing this is false, untrue, misleading and incorrect only result in them repeating it the next time. It's a waste.

Agreed, however when it comes from one of their partisan sources like FactCheck, it disables them more than if it came from a right-wing bias source or even a neutral source. While Fact Check does try to tilt the scale from time to time, they don't ignore facts even if it kills them to print it. I use Fact Check as often as I can for that reason.
One myth-busting fact...

Get off your lazy ass and get a job, and you get off my dime....

But you're a Democrat, right????
hilarious, that's all they post around here is less work or no work for the money. They're always conniving something for free
Actually, we believe in helping the unfortunate, like christians duh. You people seem to think we can't see past the ends of our noses and idiocies, like yourselves.
bs. You guys always want more. You want your welfare queen the government to take all our money and then dole out what you think we deserve.
about time someone called you out franko ole buddy
I'm a retired teacher and businessman, and you are an ignorant hater dupe lol. Actually we want to help your stupid ass and make the bloated rich and freeloader corps pay their fair share for a change to do it, chump.

Right. So many "businessmen" talk like you do. LOL!
Do you need a diagram?

2012: "With the Senate Republicans action on Thursday, they exposed their agenda of corporate profit protection at the expense of Americans’ jobs. In one fell swoop, they obeyed the Chamber of Commerce, guaranteed more companies will outsource Americans’ jobs, subsidized outsourcing with taxpayer dollars, provided millions for Romney, created jobs in foreign countries, prevented economic growth, and most importantly, killed millions of Americans’ jobs. Their claim the bill was a political ploy by the Obama Administration is patently false because this is the second time in two years Republicans blocked an anti-outsourcing bill. In 2010 after Republicans blocked a similar bill, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid commented that the bill was a “simple, common-sense” effort to “keep American jobs here in America” and to “stop forcing taxpayers across the nation to pay for giveaways that reward companies for sending American jobs overseas.” Mitch McConnell said at the time that the bill was “an insult to the millions of Americans who want us to focus on jobs.” Yes, he really said it and since then, he and his job-killing cohorts have taken every step to convince Americans that the GOP is following the will of the people who want Republicans to “focus on jobs” while they ship them overseas.
The Republican focus on jobs since January 2009 has been killing them, not creating them. They voted against the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (stimulus), opposed the auto industry bailout, payroll tax cut and extension, all of the President’s jobs bills, and have blocked any new revenue sources that would fund rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure. All of the Republican job-killing measures have as their basis protection of the rich and keeping unemployment figures high, and they are not close to being finished if they win control of the White House and both houses of Congress. One of Romney and Republicans promises is to give corporations more tax cuts and leeway to outsource jobs and the only winners are the corporations and their wealthy investors like Willard Romney.
Rewarding companies that outsource American jobs is more than just enriching corporations, it is about ethics and moral responsibility to the American people who expect their representatives to look out for their interests. Willard Romney and the Chamber of Commerce tell Americans that outsourcing is good for business, and instead of acknowledging the devastating effect on the economy and American workers, Willard said, “the world of finance is not as simple as some would have you believe,” but for Americans who lost their jobs to outsourcing, Romney’s words are no consolation. Outsourcing may be perfectly acceptable in the complicated world of high finance, but it is extremely unpopular with the American people. In a recent Wall Street Journal poll, 83% of blue-collar workers and 95% of professionals and managers believe the weak economy and joblessness is because of outsourcing American jobs. However, continuing tax cuts for the top 2% of income earners is extremely unpopular too, but that has not stopped the GOP from going ahead with plans to extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy."
Republicans Spread Despair by Blocking Bill to Bring Jobs Home

Your boys are a disgrace, and so are you for swallowing their bs and lack of coverage of inconvenient fact.

Which would be fine if it wasn't all a lie. This bill apparently (as fact check points out) would not stop any outsourcing or moving jobs overseas. And as factcheck points out, even the most leftist economists disagree that this would keep jobs here.

What would help keep jobs here is lowering the corporate tax, but instead, DumBama increased the tax. And because of DumBama's attacks on our coal industry, the cost of our electricity is bound to go up in the very near future. That's not real inviting for businesses who really use a lot of electricity to keep their operations going.
One myth-busting fact...

Get off your lazy ass and get a job, and you get off my dime....

But you're a Democrat, right????
hilarious, that's all they post around here is less work or no work for the money. They're always conniving something for free
Actually, we believe in helping the unfortunate, like christians duh. You people seem to think we can't see past the ends of our noses and idiocies, like yourselves.
bs. You guys always want more. You want your welfare queen the government to take all our money and then dole out what you think we deserve.
about time someone called you out franko ole buddy
I'm a retired teacher and businessman, and you are an ignorant hater dupe lol. Actually we want to help your stupid ass and make the bloated rich and freeloader corps pay their fair share for a change to do it, chump.

Right. So many "businessmen" talk like you do. LOL!
Successful ones don't...but crappy teachers do. The thought of Franco mingling with children makes my skin crawl.
hilarious, that's all they post around here is less work or no work for the money. They're always conniving something for free
Actually, we believe in helping the unfortunate, like christians duh. You people seem to think we can't see past the ends of our noses and idiocies, like yourselves.
bs. You guys always want more. You want your welfare queen the government to take all our money and then dole out what you think we deserve.
about time someone called you out franko ole buddy
I'm a retired teacher and businessman, and you are an ignorant hater dupe lol. Actually we want to help your stupid ass and make the bloated rich and freeloader corps pay their fair share for a change to do it, chump.

Right. So many "businessmen" talk like you do. LOL!
Successful ones don't...but crappy teachers do. The thought of Franco mingling with children makes my skin crawl.

Well the nice thing about the internet is you can be anybody you desire: scientists, CEO's, business owners, astronauts, published authors and so on.

I've seem to have met them all on discussion boards. LOL.
Do you need a diagram?

2012: "With the Senate Republicans action on Thursday, they exposed their agenda of corporate profit protection at the expense of Americans’ jobs. In one fell swoop, they obeyed the Chamber of Commerce, guaranteed more companies will outsource Americans’ jobs, subsidized outsourcing with taxpayer dollars, provided millions for Romney, created jobs in foreign countries, prevented economic growth, and most importantly, killed millions of Americans’ jobs. Their claim the bill was a political ploy by the Obama Administration is patently false because this is the second time in two years Republicans blocked an anti-outsourcing bill. In 2010 after Republicans blocked a similar bill, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid commented that the bill was a “simple, common-sense” effort to “keep American jobs here in America” and to “stop forcing taxpayers across the nation to pay for giveaways that reward companies for sending American jobs overseas.” Mitch McConnell said at the time that the bill was “an insult to the millions of Americans who want us to focus on jobs.” Yes, he really said it and since then, he and his job-killing cohorts have taken every step to convince Americans that the GOP is following the will of the people who want Republicans to “focus on jobs” while they ship them overseas.
The Republican focus on jobs since January 2009 has been killing them, not creating them. They voted against the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (stimulus), opposed the auto industry bailout, payroll tax cut and extension, all of the President’s jobs bills, and have blocked any new revenue sources that would fund rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure. All of the Republican job-killing measures have as their basis protection of the rich and keeping unemployment figures high, and they are not close to being finished if they win control of the White House and both houses of Congress. One of Romney and Republicans promises is to give corporations more tax cuts and leeway to outsource jobs and the only winners are the corporations and their wealthy investors like Willard Romney.
Rewarding companies that outsource American jobs is more than just enriching corporations, it is about ethics and moral responsibility to the American people who expect their representatives to look out for their interests. Willard Romney and the Chamber of Commerce tell Americans that outsourcing is good for business, and instead of acknowledging the devastating effect on the economy and American workers, Willard said, “the world of finance is not as simple as some would have you believe,” but for Americans who lost their jobs to outsourcing, Romney’s words are no consolation. Outsourcing may be perfectly acceptable in the complicated world of high finance, but it is extremely unpopular with the American people. In a recent Wall Street Journal poll, 83% of blue-collar workers and 95% of professionals and managers believe the weak economy and joblessness is because of outsourcing American jobs. However, continuing tax cuts for the top 2% of income earners is extremely unpopular too, but that has not stopped the GOP from going ahead with plans to extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy."
Republicans Spread Despair by Blocking Bill to Bring Jobs Home

Your boys are a disgrace, and so are you for swallowing their bs and lack of coverage of inconvenient fact.

Which would be fine if it wasn't all a lie. This bill apparently (as fact check points out) would not stop any outsourcing or moving jobs overseas. And as factcheck points out, even the most leftist economists disagree that this would keep jobs here.

What would help keep jobs here is lowering the corporate tax, but instead, DumBama increased the tax. And because of DumBama's attacks on our coal industry, the cost of our electricity is bound to go up in the very near future. That's not real inviting for businesses who really use a lot of electricity to keep their operations going.
A) The rate is bs as the effective rate of 12% is the lowest anywhere, B)Obama didn't raise anything, he wants to cut the rate to 20% and do away with loopholes. Blah blah blah. Oil and gas are cheap as hell. Watch that.
Actually, we believe in helping the unfortunate, like christians duh. You people seem to think we can't see past the ends of our noses and idiocies, like yourselves.
bs. You guys always want more. You want your welfare queen the government to take all our money and then dole out what you think we deserve.
about time someone called you out franko ole buddy
I'm a retired teacher and businessman, and you are an ignorant hater dupe lol. Actually we want to help your stupid ass and make the bloated rich and freeloader corps pay their fair share for a change to do it, chump.
Right. So many "businessmen" talk like you do. LOL!
Successful ones don't...but crappy teachers do. The thought of Franco mingling with children makes my skin crawl.

Well the nice thing about the internet is you can be anybody you desire: scientists, CEO's, business owners, astronauts, published authors and so on.

I've seem to have met them all on discussion boards. LOL.
I'm not talking, I'm typing- and I don't like it lol. You chumps don't believe anything but BS Pub pundits. Ay caramba.
bs. You guys always want more. You want your welfare queen the government to take all our money and then dole out what you think we deserve.
about time someone called you out franko ole buddy
I'm a retired teacher and businessman, and you are an ignorant hater dupe lol. Actually we want to help your stupid ass and make the bloated rich and freeloader corps pay their fair share for a change to do it, chump.
Right. So many "businessmen" talk like you do. LOL!
Successful ones don't...but crappy teachers do. The thought of Franco mingling with children makes my skin crawl.

Well the nice thing about the internet is you can be anybody you desire: scientists, CEO's, business owners, astronauts, published authors and so on.

I've seem to have met them all on discussion boards. LOL.
I'm not talking, I'm typing- and I don't like it lol. You chumps don't believe anything but BS Pub pundits. Ay caramba.

Don't even pub pundits have souls????
Do you need a diagram?

2012: "With the Senate Republicans action on Thursday, they exposed their agenda of corporate profit protection at the expense of Americans’ jobs. In one fell swoop, they obeyed the Chamber of Commerce, guaranteed more companies will outsource Americans’ jobs, subsidized outsourcing with taxpayer dollars, provided millions for Romney, created jobs in foreign countries, prevented economic growth, and most importantly, killed millions of Americans’ jobs. Their claim the bill was a political ploy by the Obama Administration is patently false because this is the second time in two years Republicans blocked an anti-outsourcing bill. In 2010 after Republicans blocked a similar bill, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid commented that the bill was a “simple, common-sense” effort to “keep American jobs here in America” and to “stop forcing taxpayers across the nation to pay for giveaways that reward companies for sending American jobs overseas.” Mitch McConnell said at the time that the bill was “an insult to the millions of Americans who want us to focus on jobs.” Yes, he really said it and since then, he and his job-killing cohorts have taken every step to convince Americans that the GOP is following the will of the people who want Republicans to “focus on jobs” while they ship them overseas.
The Republican focus on jobs since January 2009 has been killing them, not creating them. They voted against the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (stimulus), opposed the auto industry bailout, payroll tax cut and extension, all of the President’s jobs bills, and have blocked any new revenue sources that would fund rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure. All of the Republican job-killing measures have as their basis protection of the rich and keeping unemployment figures high, and they are not close to being finished if they win control of the White House and both houses of Congress. One of Romney and Republicans promises is to give corporations more tax cuts and leeway to outsource jobs and the only winners are the corporations and their wealthy investors like Willard Romney.
Rewarding companies that outsource American jobs is more than just enriching corporations, it is about ethics and moral responsibility to the American people who expect their representatives to look out for their interests. Willard Romney and the Chamber of Commerce tell Americans that outsourcing is good for business, and instead of acknowledging the devastating effect on the economy and American workers, Willard said, “the world of finance is not as simple as some would have you believe,” but for Americans who lost their jobs to outsourcing, Romney’s words are no consolation. Outsourcing may be perfectly acceptable in the complicated world of high finance, but it is extremely unpopular with the American people. In a recent Wall Street Journal poll, 83% of blue-collar workers and 95% of professionals and managers believe the weak economy and joblessness is because of outsourcing American jobs. However, continuing tax cuts for the top 2% of income earners is extremely unpopular too, but that has not stopped the GOP from going ahead with plans to extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy."
Republicans Spread Despair by Blocking Bill to Bring Jobs Home

Your boys are a disgrace, and so are you for swallowing their bs and lack of coverage of inconvenient fact.

Which would be fine if it wasn't all a lie. This bill apparently (as fact check points out) would not stop any outsourcing or moving jobs overseas. And as factcheck points out, even the most leftist economists disagree that this would keep jobs here.

What would help keep jobs here is lowering the corporate tax, but instead, DumBama increased the tax. And because of DumBama's attacks on our coal industry, the cost of our electricity is bound to go up in the very near future. That's not real inviting for businesses who really use a lot of electricity to keep their operations going.
A) The rate is bs as the effective rate of 12% is the lowest anywhere, B)Obama didn't raise anything, he wants to cut the rate to 20% and do away with loopholes. Blah blah blah. Oil and gas are cheap as hell. Watch that.

And why is gasoline and oil cheap today? That's right, because of fracking which your party is still fighting.

JUL 17, 2015 @ 2:47 PM 878 VIEWS
Obama's Proposals For Corporate Tax Reform Are A Bust

Currently, U.S. multinationals pay a 35% federal corporate tax on whatever they earn in our country. They pay a local country tax on their foreign earnings. A company operating in the United Kingdom, for example, would pay a 20% corporate tax rate. When that U.K. company brings those foreign earnings back to fund its U.S. operations, it pays a U.S. tax but receives a credit for the tax it already paid the other country (here the U.K.). If that foreign tax is less than the U.S. rate, such as the UK’s 20% levy, the company must pay the difference to the U.S. so that its overall tax on its foreign earnings is 35%.

Under the 19% proposal, the U.S. government wouldn’t wait for the money to come home before applying a tax. It essentially raises rates on multinationals operating in low-tax countries. A company doing business in Ireland pays a 12.5% tax rate, but President Obama is saying that’s not enough. The company should pay a minimum of 19% in Ireland. So the government would assess that company a 6.5% tax on its U.S. tax return—the difference between the 12.5% rate it paid in Ireland and the new U.S. rate.

Obama's Proposals For Corporate Tax Reform Are A Bust


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