Ten myth busting facts about welfare

I'm a retired teacher and businessman, and you are an ignorant hater dupe lol. Actually we want to help your stupid ass and make the bloated rich and freeloader corps pay their fair share for a change to do it, chump.
Right. So many "businessmen" talk like you do. LOL!
Successful ones don't...but crappy teachers do. The thought of Franco mingling with children makes my skin crawl.

Well the nice thing about the internet is you can be anybody you desire: scientists, CEO's, business owners, astronauts, published authors and so on.

I've seem to have met them all on discussion boards. LOL.
I'm not talking, I'm typing- and I don't like it lol. You chumps don't believe anything but BS Pub pundits. Ay caramba.

Don't even pub pundits have souls????
Not that I've noticed. lol. We're discussing their lies, not horsepatoot.
Right. So many "businessmen" talk like you do. LOL!
Successful ones don't...but crappy teachers do. The thought of Franco mingling with children makes my skin crawl.

Well the nice thing about the internet is you can be anybody you desire: scientists, CEO's, business owners, astronauts, published authors and so on.

I've seem to have met them all on discussion boards. LOL.
I'm not talking, I'm typing- and I don't like it lol. You chumps don't believe anything but BS Pub pundits. Ay caramba.

Don't even pub pundits have souls????
Not that I've noticed. lol. We're discussing their lies, not horsepatoot.
You haven't pointed out amy lies...all you've done is lie yourself.
He just made fracking safer. It's called intelligence.

He never did anything when it came to fracking. In fact, even the EPA withdrew their investigations of bogus claims. Furthermore is the FACT that under DumBama, drilling permits on public land went down. Most of our new energy is coming from private lands.
He just made fracking safer. It's called intelligence.

He never did anything when it came to fracking. In fact, even the EPA withdrew their investigations of bogus claims. Furthermore is the FACT that under DumBama, drilling permits on public land went down. Most of our new energy is coming from private lands.
  1. Obama administration unveils fracking regulations...
  2. www.bostonglobe.com/business/2015/03/20/obama...
  3. WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Friday unveiled the nation’s first major federal regulations on hydraulic fracturing, the controversial technique for oil ...
What is it about liberals whereas they don't understand the word Broke?

Do you know what broke means? Broke means no money. Broke usually means in debt. Broke means failure.

Only a Democrat would opt for failure every time.

There's plenty of money to do everything we need. It's just not distributed correctly.

The top 1% controls 43% of the wealth. The top 20% controls 87% of the wealth. You could redistribute the wealth and provide enough jobs to support the entire country, and there are plenty of htings that need to be done to repair infrastructure.

or the rest of the country could work or work harder or smarter and get rich. stop with the fucking handouts- its not working!
btw what gives the government the right to redistribute someones wealth arbitrarily anyway? Cons want to bring everybody up- libs wants to bring the rich down. Mind your own business and get working you jealous petty sob's.
libs always say stay out of the bedroom- well libs stay out of our wallets you thieves,
Holy crap they keep dragging us into the bedroom and making us watch. They want to teach kids all sorts of perverted shit, then shriek "get out of the bedroom!!!" if anybody objects.
One myth-busting fact...

Get off your lazy ass and get a job, and you get off my dime....

But you're a Democrat, right????
Oh Christ stop pretending YOUR tax dollars are the ones supporting this program. There's a high probability they don't. You cons like to pretend you are more important than you actually are.

You obviously didn't even bother to read the article. Anyone on TANF is employed. Most of the money spent on it goes directly to the children affected. 8% goes to helping the adults find higher paying jobs.

It is my tax money. I can see the withholding on my check dude.

I can look up where money goes in the governmental budgets.

You Democraps like to pretend that the magic money fairy pays for everything. Sorry, it's the working people that pay for everything.

I qualified for TANF. That in and of itself, proves it should be cut.
Yes, society generally works together to help everyone, even the disadvantaged. Your anecdotal talkings about TANF mean nothing to the OP. Poverty would be much worse without any federal aid programs.

Again, you are just assuming that people without those aid programs, would just roll over and die on the street.

We've already tested that theory, and proved it wrong. In the 1990s, we kicked literally a million people off welfare and food stamps. They didn't just roll over and die, they went out and got jobs. They didn't starve, they were not homeless.

People when faced with those things suddenly have the motivation to improve their lives, and do so.

So your hearsay about "it would be worse", is a false theory.
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One myth-busting fact...

Get off your lazy ass and get a job, and you get off my dime....

But you're a Democrat, right????
Oh Christ stop pretending YOUR tax dollars are the ones supporting this program. There's a high probability they don't. You cons like to pretend you are more important than you actually are.

You obviously didn't even bother to read the article. Anyone on TANF is employed. Most of the money spent on it goes directly to the children affected. 8% goes to helping the adults find higher paying jobs.

It is my tax money. I can see the withholding on my check dude.

I can look up where money goes in the governmental budgets.

You Democraps like to pretend that the magic money fairy pays for everything. Sorry, it's the working people that pay for everything.

I qualified for TANF. That in and of itself, proves it should be cut.
Yes, society generally works together to help everyone, even the disadvantaged. Your anecdotal talkings about TANF mean nothing to the OP. Poverty would be much worse without any federal aid programs.

Again, you are just assuming that people without those aid programs, would just roll over and die on the street.

We've already tested that theory, and proved it wrong. In the 1990s, we killed literally a million people off welfare and food stamps. They didn't just roll over and die, they went out and got jobs. They didn't starve, they were not homeless.

People when faced with those things suddenly have the motivation to improve their lives, and do so.

So your hearsay about "it would be worse", is a false theory.
Nailed it.
Libs assume that if the fed gov doesnt provide food, no one will. If they dont pay money people will starve on the street. It is amazingly paternalistic.
He just made fracking safer. It's called intelligence.

He never did anything when it came to fracking. In fact, even the EPA withdrew their investigations of bogus claims. Furthermore is the FACT that under DumBama, drilling permits on public land went down. Most of our new energy is coming from private lands.
  1. Obama administration unveils fracking regulations...
  2. www.bostonglobe.com/business/2015/03/20/obama...
  3. WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Friday unveiled the nation’s first major federal regulations on hydraulic fracturing, the controversial technique for oil ...

Do you even read your articles before you post them?

It says that new regulations are for public lands, not all fracking. Most of the fracking takes place on private lands, and come to think of it, fracking is just as safe on private lands as public lands, so it's all a waste of taxpayer money.
He just made fracking safer. It's called intelligence.

He never did anything when it came to fracking. In fact, even the EPA withdrew their investigations of bogus claims. Furthermore is the FACT that under DumBama, drilling permits on public land went down. Most of our new energy is coming from private lands.
  1. Obama administration unveils fracking regulations...
  2. www.bostonglobe.com/business/2015/03/20/obama...
  3. WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Friday unveiled the nation’s first major federal regulations on hydraulic fracturing, the controversial technique for oil ...

Do you even read your articles before you post them?

It says that new regulations are for public lands, not all fracking. Most of the fracking takes place on private lands, and come to think of it, fracking is just as safe on private lands as public lands, so it's all a waste of taxpayer money.
You are assuming he can read...

Derp, burp, dude.....
So the answer is the federal government controlling our private companies? We don't do that in a free country. Perhaps you can offer that Idea to Cuba or North Korea.

Here, businesses make their own decisions for their own company. If their customers are unhappy with their decisions, it's up to the company to adhere to their demands or face the fallout. If people don't mind, then those companies will continue to have call centers in India instead of the states.

Uh, no. frankly, I want there to be an EPA and an OSHA and an EEOC and other federal agencies that limit the douchebaggery of big corporations. I don't define "Freedom" as the ability of those with money to screw those of us without money.

Again, Conservationism is a kind of Stockholm Syndrome. You've been taking it up the ass from the rich for so long you are starting to sympathize with your abuser.

Now, back to the topic, I would like to see the Federal Government REQUIRE that Cable Call centers be placed in the US and manned by real human beings who speak English. It's something they can EASILY do under the commerce clause of the constitution.
So the answer is the federal government controlling our private companies? We don't do that in a free country. Perhaps you can offer that Idea to Cuba or North Korea.

Here, businesses make their own decisions for their own company. If their customers are unhappy with their decisions, it's up to the company to adhere to their demands or face the fallout. If people don't mind, then those companies will continue to have call centers in India instead of the states.

Uh, no. frankly, I want there to be an EPA and an OSHA and an EEOC and other federal agencies that limit the douchebaggery of big corporations. I don't define "Freedom" as the ability of those with money to screw those of us without money.

Again, Conservationism is a kind of Stockholm Syndrome. You've been taking it up the ass from the rich for so long you are starting to sympathize with your abuser.

Now, back to the topic, I would like to see the Federal Government REQUIRE that Cable Call centers be placed in the US and manned by real human beings who speak English. It's something they can EASILY do under the commerce clause of the constitution.

Yeah, that's why the people in America, even the poor, have a higher standard of living than 99% of the planet.

Leftism is a personal infatuation with envy, greed and arrogance. Leftists are destroying the vary system that has made them wealthy, in the name of being poor. They are all just spoiled brats, who never grew up into adulthood, and learned to stop blaming everyone else for everything that happens to them.

It's always odd that people focus on the lowest paying jobs leaving the country, when no one wants to do the lowest paying jobs.

No one wants to work at a Cable TV call center, explain to Aunt Edna that the problem is she didn't plug the TV's power cord in. Call Centers are low paying crap jobs. I've done it... never again.

You want to pay another $20 a month, so that a snotty American teenager and treat you like crap from an American call center? Really? That's your big plan to save America?

We disagree.
it is truly amazing how the Left remains blissfully ignorant of what their OWN TALKING POINTS say about their OTHER talking points.
in this case this left-wing idiot at least bothers to provide facts on TANF assistence. What they never seem to realize is what the actual facts say about many of the talking points the Left likes to use.
For instance the fact mentioned that states can determne the level of benefits. Southern states, the ones the Left loves to say are gettng all this welfare money, have much lower levels of benefits than Blue states.

and if it is true it's so hard to get welfare as the OP clearly implies when he says you can make next to nothing and still not be "poor" or at the Poverty Level according to the government, then what does it say that welfare and food stamps DID reach record levels under Obama, and that in obama's SEVENTH YEAR there are still about 44 MILLION ON FOOD STAMPS, and that is about 13 MILLION MORE than there were under Bush??????
it is truly amazing how the Left remains blissfully ignorant of what their OWN TALKING POINTS say about their OTHER talking points.
in this case this left-wing idiot at least bothers to provide facts on TANF assistence. What they never seem to realize is what the actual facts say about many of the talking points the Left likes to use.
For instance the fact mentioned that states can determne the level of benefits. Southern states, the ones the Left loves to say are gettng all this welfare money, have much lower levels of benefits than Blue states.

and if it is true it's so hard to get welfare as the OP clearly implies when he says you can make next to nothing and still not be "poor" or at the Poverty Level according to the government, then what does it say that welfare and food stamps DID reach record levels under Obama, and that in obama's SEVENTH YEAR there are still about 44 MILLION ON FOOD STAMPS, and that is about 13 MILLION MORE than there were under Bush??????
I believe the Right is all talk and no action since it may require morals.

Why not lower our tax burden by merely and faithfully executing our own laws regarding the concept of employment at will, and unemployment compensation that clears our poverty guidelines on that same at-will basis.

Unemployment compensation for Individuals is much less complicated and provides that market based metric in our political-economy, and is much less intervention than simply mandating the private sector pay a socialized, minimum wage.
it is truly amazing how the Left remains blissfully ignorant of what their OWN TALKING POINTS say about their OTHER talking points.
in this case this left-wing idiot at least bothers to provide facts on TANF assistence. What they never seem to realize is what the actual facts say about many of the talking points the Left likes to use.
For instance the fact mentioned that states can determne the level of benefits. Southern states, the ones the Left loves to say are gettng all this welfare money, have much lower levels of benefits than Blue states.

and if it is true it's so hard to get welfare as the OP clearly implies when he says you can make next to nothing and still not be "poor" or at the Poverty Level according to the government, then what does it say that welfare and food stamps DID reach record levels under Obama, and that in obama's SEVENTH YEAR there are still about 44 MILLION ON FOOD STAMPS, and that is about 13 MILLION MORE than there were under Bush??????
I believe the Right is all talk and no action since it may require morals.

Why not lower our tax burden by merely and faithfully executing our own laws regarding the concept of employment at will, and unemployment compensation that clears our poverty guidelines on that same at-will basis.

Unemployment compensation for Individuals is much less complicated and provides that market based metric in our political-economy, and is much less intervention than simply mandating the private sector pay a socialized, minimum wage.

ou start off your post with a non-sequitur, an ad hominem attack you cant back up with evidence.

you should be taken seriously why again?

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