Ten topics that liberals talk about incessantly But don't understand.

I agree with some and disagree with others.

I disagree with the one that believes that investing = bad for America. 90% of our science making ability is funded by public funds. We're better off for doing so.

I agree with the racism, hate and open mind ones the most...Liberals aren't doing the idea of a hybrid system that we have any favors by using them.
10 Concepts Liberals Talk About Incessantly But Don t Understand - John Hawkins - Page full

”You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.” -- Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride


I thought for sure "free choice" and "health care" would be listed.

And "due process" to prove someone has committed a crime BEFORE depriving them of rights and liberties.
Liberals get this applies to poor people, but assume all rich people are bypassing laws and need more enforced on them as a preemptive measure.

Also the concept that "public policy" and government
has to include people of political and religious beliefs besides your own.

Obviously there's a problem with that, where equal protection of the law
is already "assumed" as belonging to the rich, the conservatives, the Christians -- who are so
powerful and oppressive they deserve to be punished and regulated.
Only the poor, who are oppressed by conservatives and Christians, need justice in order to establish equality
at the expense of dominate groups who have "more than their fair share" of resources, privilege and power.
10 Concepts Liberals Talk About Incessantly But Don t Understand - John Hawkins - Page full

”You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.” -- Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride


I thought for sure "free choice" and "health care" would be listed.

And "due process" to prove someone has committed a crime BEFORE depriving them of rights and liberties.
Liberals get this applies to poor people, but assume all rich people are bypassing laws and need more enforced on them as a preemptive measure.

Also the concept that "public policy" and government
has to include people of political and religious beliefs besides your own.

Obviously there's a problem with that, where equal protection of the law
is already "assumed" as belonging to the rich, the conservatives, the Christians -- who are so
powerful and oppressive they deserve to be punished and regulated.
Only the poor, who are oppressed by conservatives and Christians, need justice in order to establish equality
at the expense of dominate groups who have "more than their fair share" of resources, privilege and power.

It's not to be taken seriously. The whole farticle is a chain collision of generalization fallacies, strawmen, blatant appeals to emotion and the imaginary attribution of personality traits to philosophy. Doesn't even work as satire, it's so bad.

Hawkins has dabbled in this diarrhea before. He's learned nothing because he hasn't been listening.
10 Concepts Liberals Talk About Incessantly But Don t Understand - John Hawkins - Page full

”You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.” -- Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride

Ironic thread considering that the article makes it clear neither you nor the author has a clue what "Liberal" means.

What your quote above said.

Also what the site hosting the article says: "Townhall readers say: 'Ridiculous''"

Hi Pogo what would you say distinguishes liberals from conservatives?

I thought liberals focus on INCLUSION especially deconstructing the monopolized democratic process
to INCLUDE equal access by minority interests that are underrepresented by not having equal legal, political or economic resources. But when I look how liberal politicians hijack the party system and media to bully politically,
exploiting every minority issue for votes and campaigning for office instead of solving these problems, it seems the big and powerful still play the same games and defeat their own purposes.

Can you wonder why people don't get what liberals are really about? If the ones we see in the media play the same political games as the conservative opponents being criticized for that very same thing?

When I connect with the REAL grassroots liberal progressives, the Greens, independent activists into indy media and sustainable coops, that's where the action is. It is far from the commercialized liberalism pitted against conservatism to generate hype, ratings and fear-based solicitations for political campaigns and name recognition.
10 Concepts Liberals Talk About Incessantly But Don t Understand - John Hawkins - Page full

”You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.” -- Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride

Ironic thread considering that the article makes it clear neither you nor the author has a clue what "Liberal" means.

What your quote above said.

Also what the site hosting the article says: "Townhall readers say: 'Ridiculous''"

Hi Pogo what would you say distinguishes liberals from conservatives?

I thought liberals focus on INCLUSION especially deconstructing the monopolized democratic process
to INCLUDE equal access by minority interests that are underrepresented by not having equal legal, political or economic resources. But when I look how liberal politicians hijack the party system and media to bully politically,
exploiting every minority issue for votes and campaigning for office instead of solving these problems, it seems the big and powerful still play the same games and defeat their own purposes.

They do, but that's all politicking by individuals. And needless to say some do it more than others, and equally needless to say all politicians in the machine of Big Politics Inc. of either party, do that sort of pandering. That has nothing to do with political philosophies.

I really don't think this pimplyfaced kid (Hawkins) is qualified to write about swimming pool cleaning, let alone politics. His work is a complete failure of everything even vaguely related to rational thought and it's a complete waste of time to even entertain it.
John Hawkins is a fucking imbecile and always has been.

I understand every one of those concepts.
all 10 where dead on

I didn't laugh though, b/c it's actually very sad

cons are far to polite when dealing with leftist filth b/c they know the media will turn on them for standing up for themselves and constantly having to defend yourself from evil gets exhausting.
all 10 where dead on

--- arrival.

Don't know why wags who clearly don't understand politics venture into political fora.
I mean I don't venture into Lithuanian quiltwork forums... maybe I should... :dunno:
I disagree with the one that believes that investing = bad for America. 90% of our science making ability is funded by public funds. We're better off for doing so.

Sorry but we've got a Constitution that dies not give the Government power to spend money on R&D.
I disagree with the one that believes that investing = bad for America. 90% of our science making ability is funded by public funds. We're better off for doing so.

Sorry but we've got a Constitution that dies not give the Government power to spend money on R&D.

Nonexistence; prohibition --- learn the difference.
Nonexistence; prohibition --- learn the difference.

When it comes to the COTUS, nonexistence IS prohibition. Article I, Section 8 is an inclusive list of the powers of Congress. The 10th Amendment makes that definitively clear.

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