Ten US Sailors released in Iran!

Hah? What are you blabbering now? I already posted where that picture is from. They aren't "Haqqani" you moron. They are Mujahedeen like Shah Massoud, the same people that were fighting with Islamists and Taliban. Didn't anybody teach you guys, when in hole stop digging.

Reagan Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

President Reagan's Covert Action program has been given credit for assisting in ending the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.

President Reagan meeting with Afghan Mujahideen leaders in the Oval Office in 1983

Following the rise of the Taliban in 1996, Massoud, who rejected the Taliban's fundamentalist interpretation of Islam,[6] returned to armed opposition until he eventually fled to Kulob, Tajikistan, destroying theSalang Tunnel on his way north. He was assassinated, probably at the instigation of al-Qaeda, in a suicide bombing on September 9, 2001, just two days before the September 11 attacks in the United States which led to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation invading Afghanistan, allying with Massoud's forces.

From the start of the war, Massoud's mujahideen attacked the occupying Soviet forces, ambushing Soviet and Afghan communist convoys travelling through the Salang Pass, and causing fuel shortages in Kabul.[24] The Soviets mounted a series of offensives against the Panjshir. Between 1980 and 1985, these offensives were conducted twice a year. Despite engaging more men and hardware on each occasion, the Soviets were unable to defeat Massoud's forces. In 1982, the Soviets began deploying major combat units in the Panjshir, numbering up to 30,000 men. Massoud pulled his troops back into subsidiary valleys, where they occupied fortified positions. When the Soviet columns advanced onto these positions, they fell into ambushes. When the Soviets withdrew, Afghan army garrisons took over their positions. Massoud and his mujahideen forces attacked and recaptured them one by one.

Is that SHAH MASOOD in the photo OR NOT????

Answer this question and all your sufferings will come to an end....

Was that "The Taliban" or not? You first.

There was no Taliban back then moron. These are the founders of Taliban, thanks to the US foreign policies....

"That's Shah Massoud in the brown jacket on the right, dumbass:"


These are your own words, now time to eat them.... or optionally, you can shove it up your arse...
Exactly, so why did your friends make the claim that these guys were the Taliban? They are Mujahedeen who were fighting the Islamists and were able to repel the Soviets from Afghanistan with the help of the Reagan administration. Shah Massoud was the Mujaheddin leader, regardless of whether he was in this picture or not.

Because this is not Shah Masood(as you claimed), this is not the Mujaheddin that the US should be supporting in this picture, but the religious extremist Haqqani people (Haqqani himself later joining in, his photos with Reagan is also available), who later found Taliban and started a war against US.

Why don't you just accept you did a mistake?

We are not gonna act like some kids in school and circle around you and point fingers at you till you cry...
Just be honest about it, accept your mistake and fix it like an adult...

What's next? Are you going to blame France for the South secedeing?

The Taliban didn't exist prior to 1994. Not did we support the Taliban and damn sure didn't create the Taliban. They never represented the mainstream political community in Afghanistan. I can't believe you people are still clinging to this stupidity.

You want to bitch about someone supporting the Taliban? Complain about Clinton giving them millions of dollars in the late 90's.
What Reagan Did When Iran Assaulted a Navy Ship

“They must know that we will protect our ships, and if they threaten us, they will pay a price.”

With those words, President Ronald Reagan justified his approval of Operation Praying Mantis, a day-long engagement in which U.S. Navy and Marine forces delivered a powerful response to the Iranian assault of the USS Samuel B. Roberts. A hidden Iranian mine had struck the frigate in the open waters of the Persian Gulf on April 14, 1988. No sailors died, but several were injured and the ship was severely damaged.
Operation Praying Mantis remains the largest surface battle engaged in by the U.S. Navy since World War II, and its outcome was decisive. According to official reports released afterward, using a combination of anti-ship missiles, naval gunfire, and aircraft launched from several ships, including the aircraft carrier the USS Enterprise, the Navy destroyed two oil platforms used by Iran for intelligence collection, sank 4 small Iranian Navy boats, sank an Iranian frigate, and severely damaged another Iranian warship.
But that was all on April 18, 1988. Back when the United States believed in delivering swift, decisive responses to enemy provocations.

[FONT=Roboto Slab, serif]What Reagan Did When Iran Assaulted a Navy Ship[/FONT]
I was on the Enterprise and the Saratoga when they were assigned to the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean.
What Reagan Did When Iran Assaulted a Navy Ship

“They must know that we will protect our ships, and if they threaten us, they will pay a price.”

With those words, President Ronald Reagan justified his approval of Operation Praying Mantis, a day-long engagement in which U.S. Navy and Marine forces delivered a powerful response to the Iranian assault of the USS Samuel B. Roberts. A hidden Iranian mine had struck the frigate in the open waters of the Persian Gulf on April 14, 1988. No sailors died, but several were injured and the ship was severely damaged.
Operation Praying Mantis remains the largest surface battle engaged in by the U.S. Navy since World War II, and its outcome was decisive. According to official reports released afterward, using a combination of anti-ship missiles, naval gunfire, and aircraft launched from several ships, including the aircraft carrier the USS Enterprise, the Navy destroyed two oil platforms used by Iran for intelligence collection, sank 4 small Iranian Navy boats, sank an Iranian frigate, and severely damaged another Iranian warship.
But that was all on April 18, 1988. Back when the United States believed in delivering swift, decisive responses to enemy provocations.

[FONT=Roboto Slab, serif]What Reagan Did When Iran Assaulted a Navy Ship[/FONT]
I was on the Enterprise and the Saratoga when they were assigned to the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean.
In one week six fighters crashed into the stern of the Enterprise. Terrible tragedies.
What would Reagan have done this time to the Iranians?
What a strong smell of bull feces

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Hah? What are you blabbering now? I already posted where that picture is from. They aren't "Haqqani" you moron. They are Mujahedeen like Shah Massoud, the same people that were fighting with Islamists and Taliban. Didn't anybody teach you guys, when in hole stop digging.

Reagan Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

President Reagan's Covert Action program has been given credit for assisting in ending the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.

President Reagan meeting with Afghan Mujahideen leaders in the Oval Office in 1983

Following the rise of the Taliban in 1996, Massoud, who rejected the Taliban's fundamentalist interpretation of Islam,[6] returned to armed opposition until he eventually fled to Kulob, Tajikistan, destroying theSalang Tunnel on his way north. He was assassinated, probably at the instigation of al-Qaeda, in a suicide bombing on September 9, 2001, just two days before the September 11 attacks in the United States which led to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation invading Afghanistan, allying with Massoud's forces.

From the start of the war, Massoud's mujahideen attacked the occupying Soviet forces, ambushing Soviet and Afghan communist convoys travelling through the Salang Pass, and causing fuel shortages in Kabul.[24] The Soviets mounted a series of offensives against the Panjshir. Between 1980 and 1985, these offensives were conducted twice a year. Despite engaging more men and hardware on each occasion, the Soviets were unable to defeat Massoud's forces. In 1982, the Soviets began deploying major combat units in the Panjshir, numbering up to 30,000 men. Massoud pulled his troops back into subsidiary valleys, where they occupied fortified positions. When the Soviet columns advanced onto these positions, they fell into ambushes. When the Soviets withdrew, Afghan army garrisons took over their positions. Massoud and his mujahideen forces attacked and recaptured them one by one.

Is that SHAH MASOOD in the photo OR NOT????

Answer this question and all your sufferings will come to an end....

Was that "The Taliban" or not? You first.

There was no Taliban back then moron. These are the founders of Taliban, thanks to the US foreign policies....

"That's Shah Massoud in the brown jacket on the right, dumbass:"


These are your own words, now time to eat them.... or optionally, you can shove it up your arse...
Exactly, so why did your friends make the claim that these guys were the Taliban? They are Mujahedeen who were fighting the Islamists and were able to repel the Soviets from Afghanistan with the help of the Reagan administration. Shah Massoud was the Mujaheddin leader, regardless of whether he was in this picture or not.

Because this is not Shah Masood(as you claimed), this is not the Mujaheddin that the US should be supporting in this picture, but the religious extremist Haqqani people (Haqqani himself later joining in, his photos with Reagan is also available), who later found Taliban and started a war against US.

Why don't you just accept you did a mistake?

We are not gonna act like some kids in school and circle around you and point fingers at you till you cry...
Just be honest about it, accept your mistake and fix it like an adult...
Get over it, these are Mujahedeen that is for sure. Several legit sites have confirmed it.
No, they have not, because they are not legit, Roudy.

And neither are you.
Roudy can't fix it, because he is a Muslim plant.
Yes my name is Imam Hussien Mohammad Bin Roudy from the Central Mosque in occupied Al Darbourne (formerly known as Dearborn) East Bank (formerly Michigan). I command you to get on all fours and convert to Islam. The white Europeans need to submit to Islam and Shariah law or leave Michigan, it is native Muslim lands.
Last edited:
What Reagan Did When Iran Assaulted a Navy Ship

“They must know that we will protect our ships, and if they threaten us, they will pay a price.”

With those words, President Ronald Reagan justified his approval of Operation Praying Mantis, a day-long engagement in which U.S. Navy and Marine forces delivered a powerful response to the Iranian assault of the USS Samuel B. Roberts. A hidden Iranian mine had struck the frigate in the open waters of the Persian Gulf on April 14, 1988. No sailors died, but several were injured and the ship was severely damaged.
Operation Praying Mantis remains the largest surface battle engaged in by the U.S. Navy since World War II, and its outcome was decisive. According to official reports released afterward, using a combination of anti-ship missiles, naval gunfire, and aircraft launched from several ships, including the aircraft carrier the USS Enterprise, the Navy destroyed two oil platforms used by Iran for intelligence collection, sank 4 small Iranian Navy boats, sank an Iranian frigate, and severely damaged another Iranian warship.
But that was all on April 18, 1988. Back when the United States believed in delivering swift, decisive responses to enemy provocations.

[FONT=Roboto Slab, serif]What Reagan Did When Iran Assaulted a Navy Ship[/FONT]
Obama is not man enough to do that... he is to much a pussy like fakie

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
since there wasn't an attack on us attacking iran would be monumental in its stupidity.

obama is too smart for that schoolyard bullshit
No, they have not, because they are not legit, Roudy.

And neither are you.
I posted several sites that showed it was several sites that showed the people in that picture was the Mujahedeen that met with Reagan.
Ahh, still no proof huh? No links? Nothing to back up your moronic opinions? Didn't think so.
When you are posting your opinions without links, why should I?

You do understand that if you make the assertion first, your duty is to support said assertion, not demand others refute with supported evidence.

You did not get beyond high school, did you?

Shut up old man.You don't post links to anything. All you do is post stupidity with nothing to back it up
Hey, weak head, your man was posting opinions, stupid opinions, just as you often do, you weak headed youngster, and got beat down for demanding evidence to refute opinions.

Grow up, sonny.

it take a while for this old coot to bend down that far, but he still loves to bend down and kiss the ass of the islamofacist:suck:
See what I mean about Jroc's youngster studity taunts. :lol: He has nothing to offer of worth.

Whadaya think...he might be a Muslim plant like me? Heh heh heh heh.....
Iranians acted legally and responsibly and treated our personnel well? Ha ha ha ha! Not even the Obama liars are saying that one, you whacko.
Yes, the admin is saying that: treated well and returned quickly.

You are a Muslim pretending to be Jew: your shtick is to go over board.

Jroc may be a Muslim plant also.

Low on meds again? The soldiers are being debriefed. And the administration is upset at why the Iranians violated the Geneva convention.
Yes, debriefing is standard in this situation, and the rest is your opinion. Yeah, you are a secret Muslim.
Yup I'm a secret Muslim. Ya got me. I bend over and bang my head on the rug five times a day while pointing my ass towards Mecca. Caught me red handed. I hope you're happy, detective Colombo!

im moslem,.but i dont pray too
all catholic dont go to church every sunday too
iranian are good lier.
they lying to west country for visa .im gay.im atheist.im christian.regime tortured me.
just for visa.
maybe you lied for visa :badgrin:
Sounds like you bray instead of pray, olagh. Ha ha ha.
No, they have not, because they are not legit, Roudy.

And neither are you.
Really? Was your conversion to Islam painful? Did they use KY Jelly?

The people in that picture with Regan are Mujahedeen. How many times do I have to provide proof for you nutcases:

Reagan Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

President Reagan's Covert Action program has been given credit for assisting in ending the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.

President Reagan meeting with Afghan Mujahideenleaders in the Oval Office in 1983

Following the rise of the Taliban in 1996, Massoud, who rejected the Taliban's fundamentalist interpretation of Islam,[6] returned to armed opposition until he eventually fled to Kulob, Tajikistan, destroying theSalang Tunnel on his way north. He was assassinated, probably at the instigation of al-Qaeda, in a suicide bombing on September 9, 2001, just two days before the September 11 attacks in the United States which led to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation invading Afghanistan, allying with Massoud's forces.

From the start of the war, Massoud's mujahideen attacked the occupying Soviet forces, ambushing Soviet and Afghan communist convoys travelling through the Salang Pass, and causing fuel shortages in Kabul.[24] The Soviets mounted a series of offensivesagainst the Panjshir. Between 1980 and 1985, these offensives were conducted twice a year. Despite engaging more men and hardware on each occasion, the Soviets were unable to defeat Massoud's forces. In 1982, the Soviets began deploying major combat units in the Panjshir, numbering up to 30,000 men. Massoud pulled his troops back into subsidiary valleys, where they occupied fortified positions. When the Soviet columns advanced onto these positions, they fell into ambushes. When the Soviets withdrew, Afghan army garrisons took over their positions. Massoud and his mujahideen forces attacked and recaptured them one by one.
What Reagan Did When Iran Assaulted a Navy Ship

“They must know that we will protect our ships, and if they threaten us, they will pay a price.”

With those words, President Ronald Reagan justified his approval of Operation Praying Mantis, a day-long engagement in which U.S. Navy and Marine forces delivered a powerful response to the Iranian assault of the USS Samuel B. Roberts. A hidden Iranian mine had struck the frigate in the open waters of the Persian Gulf on April 14, 1988. No sailors died, but several were injured and the ship was severely damaged.
Operation Praying Mantis remains the largest surface battle engaged in by the U.S. Navy since World War II, and its outcome was decisive. According to official reports released afterward, using a combination of anti-ship missiles, naval gunfire, and aircraft launched from several ships, including the aircraft carrier the USS Enterprise, the Navy destroyed two oil platforms used by Iran for intelligence collection, sank 4 small Iranian Navy boats, sank an Iranian frigate, and severely damaged another Iranian warship.
But that was all on April 18, 1988. Back when the United States believed in delivering swift, decisive responses to enemy provocations.

[FONT=Roboto Slab, serif]What Reagan Did When Iran Assaulted a Navy Ship[/FONT]
Obama is not man enough to do that... he is to much a pussy like fakie

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
since there wasn't an attack on us attacking iran would be monumental in its stupidity.

obama is too smart for that schoolyard bullshit
The pictures say otherwise . you terrorist sympathizers make me Ill

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
What Reagan Did When Iran Assaulted a Navy Ship

“They must know that we will protect our ships, and if they threaten us, they will pay a price.”

With those words, President Ronald Reagan justified his approval of Operation Praying Mantis, a day-long engagement in which U.S. Navy and Marine forces delivered a powerful response to the Iranian assault of the USS Samuel B. Roberts. A hidden Iranian mine had struck the frigate in the open waters of the Persian Gulf on April 14, 1988. No sailors died, but several were injured and the ship was severely damaged.
Operation Praying Mantis remains the largest surface battle engaged in by the U.S. Navy since World War II, and its outcome was decisive. According to official reports released afterward, using a combination of anti-ship missiles, naval gunfire, and aircraft launched from several ships, including the aircraft carrier the USS Enterprise, the Navy destroyed two oil platforms used by Iran for intelligence collection, sank 4 small Iranian Navy boats, sank an Iranian frigate, and severely damaged another Iranian warship.
But that was all on April 18, 1988. Back when the United States believed in delivering swift, decisive responses to enemy provocations.

[FONT=Roboto Slab, serif]What Reagan Did When Iran Assaulted a Navy Ship[/FONT]
Obama is not man enough to do that... he is to much a pussy like fakie

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
since there wasn't an attack on us attacking iran would be monumental in its stupidity.

obama is too smart for that schoolyard bullshit
The pictures say otherwise . you terrorist sympathizers make me Ill

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

shame on you . you havnt iphone .and have sumsung?
Is that SHAH MASOOD in the photo OR NOT????

Answer this question and all your sufferings will come to an end....

Was that "The Taliban" or not? You first.

There was no Taliban back then moron. These are the founders of Taliban, thanks to the US foreign policies....

"That's Shah Massoud in the brown jacket on the right, dumbass:"


These are your own words, now time to eat them.... or optionally, you can shove it up your arse...
Exactly, so why did your friends make the claim that these guys were the Taliban? They are Mujahedeen who were fighting the Islamists and were able to repel the Soviets from Afghanistan with the help of the Reagan administration. Shah Massoud was the Mujaheddin leader, regardless of whether he was in this picture or not.

Because this is not Shah Masood(as you claimed), this is not the Mujaheddin that the US should be supporting in this picture, but the religious extremist Haqqani people (Haqqani himself later joining in, his photos with Reagan is also available), who later found Taliban and started a war against US.

Why don't you just accept you did a mistake?

We are not gonna act like some kids in school and circle around you and point fingers at you till you cry...
Just be honest about it, accept your mistake and fix it like an adult...
Get over it, these are Mujahedeen that is for sure. Several legit sites have confirmed it.

Do you even know what the meaning of mujaheddin is?

Mujaheddin: person who fights for islam

Of course they are mujaheddin, just like OBL and Taliban. What the fuck is your point?

The question here is; are these the mujaheddin US was supposed to be funding or not. Since these are the guys who founded the Taliban right after the war, obviously, they were not... You said it was Shah Masood in this picture, the mujaheddin US should have supported. But that was wrong, you don't even know what he looks like. Shah Masood NEVER, let alone white house, been to the US, EVER...

Do you even know what you are talking about?

You haven't confirmed jack shit. You are just making claims that are not just wrong, but also moronic. And when we call those out, you just run.

Run Roudy run, mujaheddin gonna get you, little boy..........................
Was that "The Taliban" or not? You first.

There was no Taliban back then moron. These are the founders of Taliban, thanks to the US foreign policies....

"That's Shah Massoud in the brown jacket on the right, dumbass:"


These are your own words, now time to eat them.... or optionally, you can shove it up your arse...
Exactly, so why did your friends make the claim that these guys were the Taliban? They are Mujahedeen who were fighting the Islamists and were able to repel the Soviets from Afghanistan with the help of the Reagan administration. Shah Massoud was the Mujaheddin leader, regardless of whether he was in this picture or not.

Because this is not Shah Masood(as you claimed), this is not the Mujaheddin that the US should be supporting in this picture, but the religious extremist Haqqani people (Haqqani himself later joining in, his photos with Reagan is also available), who later found Taliban and started a war against US.

Why don't you just accept you did a mistake?

We are not gonna act like some kids in school and circle around you and point fingers at you till you cry...
Just be honest about it, accept your mistake and fix it like an adult...
Get over it, these are Mujahedeen that is for sure. Several legit sites have confirmed it.

Do you even know what the meaning of mujaheddin is?

Mujaheddin: person who fights for islam

Of course they are mujaheddin, just like OBL and Taliban. What the fuck is your point?

The question here is; are these the mujaheddin US was supposed to be funding or not. Since these are the guys who founded the Taliban right after the war, obviously, they were not... You said it was Shah Masood in this picture, the mujaheddin US should have supported. But that was wrong, you don't even know what he looks like. Shah Masood NEVER, let alone white house, been to the US, EVER...

Do you even know what you are talking about?

You haven't confirmed jack shit. You are just making claims that are not just wrong, but also moronic. And when we call those out, you just run.

Run Roudy run, mujaheddin gonna get you, little boy..........................

mohajedin= jihadist

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