Tender Mercies: A Roosevelt Love Story

Revisionist like the OP like to make predictions of how FDR would have handled Stalin and the entire ending of WWII, but of course, they in fact offer nothing more than speculative predictions and guess's. That is because FDR died before the war ended. That makes it seem easy for the revisionist. Especially when they pretend to have special powers that enable them to present their speculations as facts. They can cite a letter or report, a quote from a book or opinion article and say "look, here is the proof."
The OP's nonsense has been debunked for over 75 years by generations of historians.

Let's see you find any errors in any of my posts, you dunce.
Done, post #29. First sentence of you OP.

Not only did I reveal your lie.....but guess who else knew it was a lie?

"Italy was the correct place in which to deploy our main forces and the objective should be the Valle of the PO. In no other area could we so well threaten the whole German structure including France, the Balkans and the Reich itself. Here also our air would be closer to vital objectives in Germany."
FRUS: The conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943, p.359-361
That report was published in "Foreign Relations of the United States" in 1961

Eisenhower's statement was to an audience in November 26, 1943....

But Stalin said nooooooooooo....

He demanded that mid-Europe be left for the Red Army to occupy.....and Roosevelt bent over and grabbed his ankles....said 'da!!!!'

In your face, booooyyyyyeeeeeeeee!!!!
You did a thread about this years ago and got slapped and exposed for not knowing what you were talking about. You did not know how to equate geography of the battlefield, ignored the fact that allies were having great difficulty fight in and through that geography, and you ignored the fact that a mountain range called the Alp's created a difficulty, particularly in retrieving and rescuing downed airmen.

Everything.....every single thing....I post is 100% true, accurate and correct.

You prove it by being unable to refute any of my posts.

Another stake through your heart?

Stalin demanded that Roosevelt continue the war until 'unconditional surrender.'

See, many anti-Nazi Germans were ready to fight Hitler, but Stalin couldn't allow any German post-war resistance to Communism...

So Roosevelt agreed.
He could have ended the war with a victory before Normandy.

Know what that means?

To get an idea of the cost of the extended war...."....over one hundred thirty-five thousand American GIs died –a startling figure today – between D day[june 6, 1944] and V-E day,[May 8, 1945]...."
So did the Red Army really singlehandedly defeat the Third Reich Stuff I Done Wrote - The Michael A. Charles Online Presence

Get that?

135,000 brave American boys whose lives were offered up as a gift to Stalin....to make certain that communism survived.

Based on the ratio of deaths to wounded, that would suggest almost an additional 200,000 wounded, just between Normandy and Germany's surrender.

Totally attributed to Roosevelt's refusal to allow a treaty to end the war.

United States suffered 292,000 combat deaths. Fully a third to a half during the last few years......could have been avoided.
World War II casualties - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

100,000 American boys.....
They were sacrificed, Roosevelt's love-token, to Stalin by this love-sick, puerile United States President.
What other explanation is there?
"The US did not cede military strategy to Russia and Stalin at any time during WWII."

Absolutely did.

Stalin insisted on a 'second front,' the assumption being that Hitler's attack on the Soviet homeland, June 21, 1941, was the 'first front.'

Further, Stalin insisted....demanded .....that the second front be as far west in Europe as possible....so that at war's end, the Red Army could occupy and control all of Eastern Europe.

This meant that, although the Allies had control of Italy and could advance north into Germany, the Adriatic second front was not acceptable to Stalin....only Normandy, France, was.

Soviet Spy Hopkins and 'Yes,sir, yes sir' George Marshall were fully behind handing all of Eastern Europe over to Stalin's tender mercies.

Normandy was the logical and western France was the obvious place to begin the western front. Claiming the USA was guided by and influenced by Stalin to pick Normandy as the starting point is beyond silly. Normandy was the perfect pick for reshoupply and transportation and Great Britain had the airbases that could and would supply air support for the invasion and continued actions.

Eisenhower said one thing, and you, to hide the truth about Roosevelt, say the opposite.

Who to believe.

Was Churchill on your side?


"Churchill strongly opposed the cross channel invasion both on military and political grounds. He was thinking about the future of Europe and the world, with Germany destroyed and triumphant communism dominating the Eurasian heartland. This prompted a difficulty for American "Russia First" strategists." A major factor in all American thinking of that time," writes General Eisenhower, "was a lively suspicion that the British contemplated the agreed-upon cross-channel concept with distaste and with considerable mental reservations. . . ."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution"

Smashed another custard pie in your ugly kisser, huh?
Holy crap, you are reverting to the non-existent fake propagandist Manly and the propaganda book published by the anti FDR lobby under that made up name. Same traitors that leaked US war preparations and contingencies a week before Pearl Harbor and was used by Hitler in his Declaration of War against the US.
Post a link for a bio on Manly. Tell folks about how a "writer" named Manly was given credit for leaking Rainbow Five to the Tribune.

I love it when you squeal like the stuck pig you are.

Anyone can read the book themselves, and see what a pinko you are:

Chesly Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution"

The Twenty-Year Revolution: from Roosevelt to Eisenhower | Chesly Manly
Let's see you find any errors in any of my posts, you dunce.
Done, post #29. First sentence of you OP.

Not only did I reveal your lie.....but guess who else knew it was a lie?

"Italy was the correct place in which to deploy our main forces and the objective should be the Valle of the PO. In no other area could we so well threaten the whole German structure including France, the Balkans and the Reich itself. Here also our air would be closer to vital objectives in Germany."
FRUS: The conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943, p.359-361
That report was published in "Foreign Relations of the United States" in 1961

Eisenhower's statement was to an audience in November 26, 1943....

But Stalin said nooooooooooo....

He demanded that mid-Europe be left for the Red Army to occupy.....and Roosevelt bent over and grabbed his ankles....said 'da!!!!'

In your face, booooyyyyyeeeeeeeee!!!!
You did a thread about this years ago and got slapped and exposed for not knowing what you were talking about. You did not know how to equate geography of the battlefield, ignored the fact that allies were having great difficulty fight in and through that geography, and you ignored the fact that a mountain range called the Alp's created a difficulty, particularly in retrieving and rescuing downed airmen.

Everything.....every single thing....I post is 100% true, accurate and correct.

You prove it by being unable to refute any of my posts.

Another stake through your heart?

Stalin demanded that Roosevelt continue the war until 'unconditional surrender.'

See, many anti-Nazi Germans were ready to fight Hitler, but Stalin couldn't allow any German post-war resistance to Communism...

So Roosevelt agreed.
He could have ended the war with a victory before Normandy.

Know what that means?

To get an idea of the cost of the extended war...."....over one hundred thirty-five thousand American GIs died –a startling figure today – between D day[june 6, 1944] and V-E day,[May 8, 1945]...."
So did the Red Army really singlehandedly defeat the Third Reich Stuff I Done Wrote - The Michael A. Charles Online Presence

Get that?

135,000 brave American boys whose lives were offered up as a gift to Stalin....to make certain that communism survived.

Based on the ratio of deaths to wounded, that would suggest almost an additional 200,000 wounded, just between Normandy and Germany's surrender.

Totally attributed to Roosevelt's refusal to allow a treaty to end the war.

United States suffered 292,000 combat deaths. Fully a third to a half during the last few years......could have been avoided.
World War II casualties - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

100,000 American boys.....
They were sacrificed, Roosevelt's love-token, to Stalin by this love-sick, puerile United States President.
What other explanation is there?



. Actually, the very first use of the phrase 'unconditional surrender" at Casablanca was by Harry Hopkins. One day earlier, January 23, before the President announced it, Hopkins told the grand vizier of Morocco, "The war will be pursued until Germany, Italy, and Japan agree to unconditional surrender."
"Harry Hopkins: Ally of the Poor and Defender of Democracy," by George McJimsey, p.277
and FRUS: Washington and Casablanca, p. 703.

a. Harry Hopkins,- FDR's alter ego, co-president, or Rasputin, "...the closest and most influential adviser to President Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II, was a Soviet agent." and “the most important of all Soviet wartime agents in the United States.”The Treachery Of Harry Hopkins
The Treachery Of Harry Hopkins

Elliott [Roosevelt, FDR's son] attributes this comment to his father: "Of course, it's just the thing for the Russians. They couldn't want anything better. Unconditional surrender! Uncle Joe might have made it up himself."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.122

As always, everything I post is documented.

Write soon, y'hear?

As always, everything I post is documented.

Write soon, y'hear?
Everything you post is documented with distortions and nonsense that would never be accepted in an academic or scholarly environment. Your threads, like this one, belongs in the conspiracy theory forum, not the history forum.
Remember when you wrote this absurdity:
"FDR was a great moral compass for the country and the world."
Franklin Roosevelt's Infatuation

Let's check:

6. For some background about Soviet governance, and Joseph "Uncle Joe" Stalin...the slaughter of millions of his own citizens:

a. The whole world knew of: "In the train a Communist denied to me that there was a famine. I flung a crust of bread which I had been eating from my own supply into a spittoon. A peasant fellow-passenger fished it out and ravenously ate it." Gareth Jones (journalist) - Wikipedia

b. Malcolm Muggeridge " was the first writer to reveal the true nature of Stalin s regime when in 1933 he exposed the terror famine in the Ukraine. " http://www.amazon.com/Time-Eternity-Uncollected-Writings-Muggeridge/dp/1570759057&tag=ff0d01-20

Think Roosevelt knew?

You betcha'!!!

...they knew of the Terror Famine, the Katyn Forest Massacre, and other blood purges. by Stalin.
Revisionist like the OP like to make predictions of how FDR would have handled Stalin and the entire ending of WWII, but of course, they in fact offer nothing more than speculative predictions and guess's. That is because FDR died before the war ended. That makes it seem easy for the revisionist. Especially when they pretend to have special powers that enable them to present their speculations as facts. They can cite a letter or report, a quote from a book or opinion article and say "look, here is the proof."
The OP's nonsense has been debunked for over 75 years by generations of historians.

Let's see you find any errors in any of my posts, you dunce.
Done, post #29. First sentence of you OP.

Not only did I reveal your lie.....but guess who else knew it was a lie?

"Italy was the correct place in which to deploy our main forces and the objective should be the Valle of the PO. In no other area could we so well threaten the whole German structure including France, the Balkans and the Reich itself. Here also our air would be closer to vital objectives in Germany."
FRUS: The conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943, p.359-361
That report was published in "Foreign Relations of the United States" in 1961

Eisenhower's statement was to an audience in November 26, 1943....

But Stalin said nooooooooooo....

He demanded that mid-Europe be left for the Red Army to occupy.....and Roosevelt bent over and grabbed his ankles....said 'da!!!!'

In your face, booooyyyyyeeeeeeeee!!!!
You did a thread about this years ago and got slapped and exposed for not knowing what you were talking about. You did not know how to equate geography of the battlefield, ignored the fact that allies were having great difficulty fight in and through that geography, and you ignored the fact that a mountain range called the Alp's created a difficulty, particularly in retrieving and rescuing downed airmen.

Everything.....every single thing....I post is 100% true, accurate and correct.

You prove it by being unable to refute any of my posts.

Another stake through your heart?

Stalin demanded that Roosevelt continue the war until 'unconditional surrender.'

See, many anti-Nazi Germans were ready to fight Hitler, but Stalin couldn't allow any German post-war resistance to Communism...

So Roosevelt agreed.
He could have ended the war with a victory before Normandy.

Know what that means?

To get an idea of the cost of the extended war...."....over one hundred thirty-five thousand American GIs died –a startling figure today – between D day[june 6, 1944] and V-E day,[May 8, 1945]...."
So did the Red Army really singlehandedly defeat the Third Reich Stuff I Done Wrote - The Michael A. Charles Online Presence

Get that?

135,000 brave American boys whose lives were offered up as a gift to Stalin....to make certain that communism survived.

Based on the ratio of deaths to wounded, that would suggest almost an additional 200,000 wounded, just between Normandy and Germany's surrender.

Totally attributed to Roosevelt's refusal to allow a treaty to end the war.

United States suffered 292,000 combat deaths. Fully a third to a half during the last few years......could have been avoided.
World War II casualties - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

100,000 American boys.....
They were sacrificed, Roosevelt's love-token, to Stalin by this love-sick, puerile United States President.
What other explanation is there?
So we should have left Hitler in power you think?

So why did we insist on the unconditional surrender of Japan?

As always, everything I post is documented.

Write soon, y'hear?
Everything you post is documented with distortions and nonsense that would never be accepted in an academic or scholarly environment. Your threads, like this one, belongs in the conspiracy theory forum, not the history forum.

Let's see you find any errors in any of my posts, you dunce.
Done, post #29. First sentence of you OP.

Not only did I reveal your lie.....but guess who else knew it was a lie?

"Italy was the correct place in which to deploy our main forces and the objective should be the Valle of the PO. In no other area could we so well threaten the whole German structure including France, the Balkans and the Reich itself. Here also our air would be closer to vital objectives in Germany."
FRUS: The conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943, p.359-361
That report was published in "Foreign Relations of the United States" in 1961

Eisenhower's statement was to an audience in November 26, 1943....

But Stalin said nooooooooooo....

He demanded that mid-Europe be left for the Red Army to occupy.....and Roosevelt bent over and grabbed his ankles....said 'da!!!!'

In your face, booooyyyyyeeeeeeeee!!!!
You did a thread about this years ago and got slapped and exposed for not knowing what you were talking about. You did not know how to equate geography of the battlefield, ignored the fact that allies were having great difficulty fight in and through that geography, and you ignored the fact that a mountain range called the Alp's created a difficulty, particularly in retrieving and rescuing downed airmen.

Everything.....every single thing....I post is 100% true, accurate and correct.

You prove it by being unable to refute any of my posts.

Another stake through your heart?

Stalin demanded that Roosevelt continue the war until 'unconditional surrender.'

See, many anti-Nazi Germans were ready to fight Hitler, but Stalin couldn't allow any German post-war resistance to Communism...

So Roosevelt agreed.
He could have ended the war with a victory before Normandy.

Know what that means?

To get an idea of the cost of the extended war...."....over one hundred thirty-five thousand American GIs died –a startling figure today – between D day[june 6, 1944] and V-E day,[May 8, 1945]...."
So did the Red Army really singlehandedly defeat the Third Reich Stuff I Done Wrote - The Michael A. Charles Online Presence

Get that?

135,000 brave American boys whose lives were offered up as a gift to Stalin....to make certain that communism survived.

Based on the ratio of deaths to wounded, that would suggest almost an additional 200,000 wounded, just between Normandy and Germany's surrender.

Totally attributed to Roosevelt's refusal to allow a treaty to end the war.

United States suffered 292,000 combat deaths. Fully a third to a half during the last few years......could have been avoided.
World War II casualties - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

100,000 American boys.....
They were sacrificed, Roosevelt's love-token, to Stalin by this love-sick, puerile United States President.
What other explanation is there?
So we should have left Hitler in power you think?

So why did we insist on the unconditional surrender of Japan?

Seems you know less than nothing.

Despite the high risk of being caught by police with the help of their many informers, some individuals and groups attempted to resist Nazism even in Germany. Socialists, Communists, trade unionists, and others clandestinely wrote, printed, and distributed anti-Nazi literature. Many of these rebels were arrested and imprisoned in concentration camps.

There were many plots to assassinate Hitler during the war."
Resistance inside Germany

As always, everything I post is documented.

Write soon, y'hear?
Everything you post is documented with distortions and nonsense that would never be accepted in an academic or scholarly environment. Your threads, like this one, belongs in the conspiracy theory forum, not the history forum.

Deflect and evade when you can not defend with facts. Your documented nonsense are not documents to prove or even support your agenda and thesis. You are just using random nonsense and opinions to support your conspiracy theories. You promote fake history to promote your agenda. You are not a historian or even knowledgeable person about history. You are a hack that uses conspiracy theories to promote a partisan agenda.

As always, everything I post is documented.

Write soon, y'hear?
Everything you post is documented with distortions and nonsense that would never be accepted in an academic or scholarly environment. Your threads, like this one, belongs in the conspiracy theory forum, not the history forum.

Deflect and evade when you can not defend with facts. Your documented nonsense are not documents to prove or even support your agenda and thesis. You are just using random nonsense and opinions to support your conspiracy theories. You promote fake history to promote your agenda. You are not a historian or even knowledgeable person about history. You are a hack that uses conspiracy theories to promote a partisan agenda.

Everything I post is linked, documented and supported.

I am an historian in the truest sense of the term.

How about we leave the determination up to readers.....m'kay?

And.....more to come......better get the antacids.
Last edited:

As always, everything I post is documented.

Write soon, y'hear?
Everything you post is documented with distortions and nonsense that would never be accepted in an academic or scholarly environment. Your threads, like this one, belongs in the conspiracy theory forum, not the history forum.

Deflect and evade when you can not defend with facts. Your documented nonsense are not documents to prove or even support your agenda and thesis. You are just using random nonsense and opinions to support your conspiracy theories. You promote fake history to promote your agenda. You are not a historian or even knowledgeable person about history. You are a hack that uses conspiracy theories to promote a partisan agenda.

Everything I post is linked, documented and supported.

I am an historian in the truest sense of the term.

How about we leave the determination up to readers.....m'kay?

And.....more to come.
That is what you always post to defect away from answering actual challenges.
Where did you earn your advanced degree in history to claim you are a historian in the "truest sense of the term"? Are you a professor of history? Have you published books about history?

Having links and alleged documentary evidence does not make your post true or accurate. The best conspiracy theorist are the best experts at distorting and misrepresenting random alleged evidence.

You still refuse to answer a question about one of you "documented evidence" sources. Why? Who is Manly and why should anyone believe the partisan misinformation put out under that name?

As always, everything I post is documented.

Write soon, y'hear?
Everything you post is documented with distortions and nonsense that would never be accepted in an academic or scholarly environment. Your threads, like this one, belongs in the conspiracy theory forum, not the history forum.

Deflect and evade when you can not defend with facts. Your documented nonsense are not documents to prove or even support your agenda and thesis. You are just using random nonsense and opinions to support your conspiracy theories. You promote fake history to promote your agenda. You are not a historian or even knowledgeable person about history. You are a hack that uses conspiracy theories to promote a partisan agenda.

Everything I post is linked, documented and supported.

I am an historian in the truest sense of the term.

How about we leave the determination up to readers.....m'kay?

And.....more to come.
That is what you always post to defect away from answering actual challenges.
Where did you earn your advanced degree in history to claim you are a historian in the "truest sense of the term"? Are you a professor of history? Have you published books about history?

Having links and alleged documentary evidence does not make your post true or accurate. The best conspiracy theorist are the best experts at distorting and misrepresenting random alleged evidence.

You still refuse to answer a question about one of you "documented evidence" sources. Why? Who is Manly and why should anyone believe the partisan misinformation put out under that name?

Lol @ the butthurt!
Everything you post is documented with distortions and nonsense that would never be accepted in an academic or scholarly environment. Your threads, like this one, belongs in the conspiracy theory forum, not the history forum.

Deflect and evade when you can not defend with facts. Your documented nonsense are not documents to prove or even support your agenda and thesis. You are just using random nonsense and opinions to support your conspiracy theories. You promote fake history to promote your agenda. You are not a historian or even knowledgeable person about history. You are a hack that uses conspiracy theories to promote a partisan agenda.

Everything I post is linked, documented and supported.

I am an historian in the truest sense of the term.

How about we leave the determination up to readers.....m'kay?

And.....more to come.
That is what you always post to defect away from answering actual challenges.
Where did you earn your advanced degree in history to claim you are a historian in the "truest sense of the term"? Are you a professor of history? Have you published books about history?

Having links and alleged documentary evidence does not make your post true or accurate. The best conspiracy theorist are the best experts at distorting and misrepresenting random alleged evidence.

You still refuse to answer a question about one of you "documented evidence" sources. Why? Who is Manly and why should anyone believe the partisan misinformation put out under that name?

Lol @ the butthurt!
Don't know why you would think that. I look forward to slapping PC around when she does an anti-FDR thread.
"The US did not cede military strategy to Russia and Stalin at any time during WWII."

Absolutely did.

Stalin insisted on a 'second front,' the assumption being that Hitler's attack on the Soviet homeland, June 21, 1941, was the 'first front.'

Further, Stalin insisted....demanded .....that the second front be as far west in Europe as possible....so that at war's end, the Red Army could occupy and control all of Eastern Europe.

This meant that, although the Allies had control of Italy and could advance north into Germany, the Adriatic second front was not acceptable to Stalin....only Normandy, France, was.

Soviet Spy Hopkins and 'Yes,sir, yes sir' George Marshall were fully behind handing all of Eastern Europe over to Stalin's tender mercies.

Normandy was the logical and western France was the obvious place to begin the western front. Claiming the USA was guided by and influenced by Stalin to pick Normandy as the starting point is beyond silly. Normandy was the perfect pick for reshoupply and transportation and Great Britain had the airbases that could and would supply air support for the invasion and continued actions.

Eisenhower said one thing, and you, to hide the truth about Roosevelt, say the opposite.

Who to believe.

Was Churchill on your side?


"Churchill strongly opposed the cross channel invasion both on military and political grounds. He was thinking about the future of Europe and the world, with Germany destroyed and triumphant communism dominating the Eurasian heartland. This prompted a difficulty for American "Russia First" strategists." A major factor in all American thinking of that time," writes General Eisenhower, "was a lively suspicion that the British contemplated the agreed-upon cross-channel concept with distaste and with considerable mental reservations. . . ."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution"

Smashed another custard pie in your ugly kisser, huh?
Holy crap, you are reverting to the non-existent fake propagandist Manly and the propaganda book published by the anti FDR lobby under that made up name. Same traitors that leaked US war preparations and contingencies a week before Pearl Harbor and was used by Hitler in his Declaration of War against the US.
Post a link for a bio on Manly. Tell folks about how a "writer" named Manly was given credit for leaking Rainbow Five to the Tribune.
The OP is like those she supports who were pro-Hitler and Mussolini before the war...and encouraged the profitable sale of American scrap metal to the Japanese. Tho we got that metal back during the war via bombs and bullets.
Despite the high risk of being caught by police with the help of their many informers, some individuals and groups attempted to resist Nazism even in Germany. Socialists, Communists, trade unionists, and others clandestinely wrote, printed, and distributed anti-Nazi literature. Many of these rebels were arrested and imprisoned in concentration camps.

There were many plots to assassinate Hitler during the war."
Resistance inside Germany
So it was the Left that opposed Hitler? I guess that means you were wrong when you equated the Left with Nazism in previous threads. Thanks it takes a wise person to admit they were wrong.

I noticed none of the resistance groups named included the Army or industry.

I also await your answer to why we insisted on the unconditional surrender of Japan if we only insisted on the unconditional surrender of Germany due to Stalin?
If it wasn't for the criminal conspiracy in the MSM that never met a democrat they didn't like FDR would have gone down in history as a failed egomaniac tyrant who should have been impeached for violating the most basic freedom in the Constitution when he locked up American citizens without due process. FDR's foreign policy was laughable. The FDR administration thought Japan was a pushover and Hitler was a benevolent dictator. It's no secret that FDR enjoyed his time with Stalin and called him "Uncle Joe" and even made jokes about Churchill with Stalin in Churchill's presence.

As always, everything I post is documented.

Write soon, y'hear?
Everything you post is documented with distortions and nonsense that would never be accepted in an academic or scholarly environment. Your threads, like this one, belongs in the conspiracy theory forum, not the history forum.

Deflect and evade when you can not defend with facts. Your documented nonsense are not documents to prove or even support your agenda and thesis. You are just using random nonsense and opinions to support your conspiracy theories. You promote fake history to promote your agenda. You are not a historian or even knowledgeable person about history. You are a hack that uses conspiracy theories to promote a partisan agenda.

Everything I post is linked, documented and supported.

I am an historian in the truest sense of the term.

How about we leave the determination up to readers.....m'kay?

And.....more to come.
That is what you always post to defect away from answering actual challenges.
Where did you earn your advanced degree in history to claim you are a historian in the "truest sense of the term"? Are you a professor of history? Have you published books about history?

Having links and alleged documentary evidence does not make your post true or accurate. The best conspiracy theorist are the best experts at distorting and misrepresenting random alleged evidence.

You still refuse to answer a question about one of you "documented evidence" sources. Why? Who is Manly and why should anyone believe the partisan misinformation put out under that name?

Still looking for any errors in my posts?

Keep lookin'.....
"The US did not cede military strategy to Russia and Stalin at any time during WWII."

Absolutely did.

Stalin insisted on a 'second front,' the assumption being that Hitler's attack on the Soviet homeland, June 21, 1941, was the 'first front.'

Further, Stalin insisted....demanded .....that the second front be as far west in Europe as possible....so that at war's end, the Red Army could occupy and control all of Eastern Europe.

This meant that, although the Allies had control of Italy and could advance north into Germany, the Adriatic second front was not acceptable to Stalin....only Normandy, France, was.

Soviet Spy Hopkins and 'Yes,sir, yes sir' George Marshall were fully behind handing all of Eastern Europe over to Stalin's tender mercies.

Normandy was the logical and western France was the obvious place to begin the western front. Claiming the USA was guided by and influenced by Stalin to pick Normandy as the starting point is beyond silly. Normandy was the perfect pick for reshoupply and transportation and Great Britain had the airbases that could and would supply air support for the invasion and continued actions.

Eisenhower said one thing, and you, to hide the truth about Roosevelt, say the opposite.

Who to believe.

Was Churchill on your side?


"Churchill strongly opposed the cross channel invasion both on military and political grounds. He was thinking about the future of Europe and the world, with Germany destroyed and triumphant communism dominating the Eurasian heartland. This prompted a difficulty for American "Russia First" strategists." A major factor in all American thinking of that time," writes General Eisenhower, "was a lively suspicion that the British contemplated the agreed-upon cross-channel concept with distaste and with considerable mental reservations. . . ."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution"

Smashed another custard pie in your ugly kisser, huh?
Holy crap, you are reverting to the non-existent fake propagandist Manly and the propaganda book published by the anti FDR lobby under that made up name. Same traitors that leaked US war preparations and contingencies a week before Pearl Harbor and was used by Hitler in his Declaration of War against the US.
Post a link for a bio on Manly. Tell folks about how a "writer" named Manly was given credit for leaking Rainbow Five to the Tribune.
The OP is like those she supports who were pro-Hitler and Mussolini before the war...and encouraged the profitable sale of American scrap metal to the Japanese. Tho we got that metal back during the war via bombs and bullets.

Can you find any errors in my posts?


Wadda ya' imagine that means?
If it wasn't for the criminal conspiracy in the MSM that never met a democrat they didn't like FDR would have gone down in history as a failed egomaniac tyrant who should have been impeached for violating the most basic freedom in the Constitution when he locked up American citizens without due process. FDR's foreign policy was laughable. The FDR administration thought Japan was a pushover and Hitler was a benevolent dictator. It's no secret that FDR enjoyed his time with Stalin and called him "Uncle Joe" and even made jokes about Churchill with Stalin in Churchill's presence.
And crazy Americans elected to the Presidency four times, historians have rated him one of America's greatest President's, and his legacy in the form of programs and infrastructure still serving and standing after over 74 years remains the strongest legacy of any President of the 20th century.
If it wasn't for the criminal conspiracy in the MSM that never met a democrat they didn't like FDR would have gone down in history as a failed egomaniac tyrant who should have been impeached for violating the most basic freedom in the Constitution when he locked up American citizens without due process. FDR's foreign policy was laughable. The FDR administration thought Japan was a pushover and Hitler was a benevolent dictator. It's no secret that FDR enjoyed his time with Stalin and called him "Uncle Joe" and even made jokes about Churchill with Stalin in Churchill's presence.

The accomplishments of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

1. He gave official recognition to Stalin in 1933
2. He provided lend lease largesse to Stalin far and above what was necessary
3. He allowed and encouraged Stalin's spies in his administration.
4. He insisted on a communist as his second vice president
5. He sent uranium and plans for the atomic bomb to Stalin
6. All of this with the foreknowledge that Stalin was a homicidal psychopath.

7. He acquiesced to d-day, not where his generals suggested, but where Stalin insisted.
8. He extended the Depression rather than ended it.
9.. He invalidated the Constitution, and made the Supreme Court into a rubber stamp
10.Through his efforts Joseph Stalin didn't just survive...he thrived, and FDR encouraged and promoted communists in government.
11. He changed the relationship between the people and the government...and not in a good way
12. He extended WWII by at least two years, therefore responsible for the loss of blood and treasure over those years.

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