Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Crappy Insurance

again, did the patients and doctors incure services when they were alive or not?

Then in that case, payments should be made to their estates.

As for illegals, if they paid into Medicare they should be entitled to get it.
And sadly parasites like Candycorn and JoeB. will be pumping their fists in the air because they brought you down to their level and made you "equal" to them in their minds. It's always about their envy and feelings on inferiority. But their too lazy to rise up, so they try to drag us down.

daveman and Muddy are regularly sucking at the government teet while I work two jobs in the private sector and have a personal business.

Frankly, really kind of tired of hearing them whine that they aren't getting theirs....
You've never heard me whine that I'm not getting mine.

Conversely, you constantly whine that I'm getting mine. You HATE it that I draw a pension, for which I contracted with the government.

You could have, too, if you hadn't gotten thrown out of the Army.

I don't care that you are drawing a pension or not.

I just think that you'd insist on drawing it while the country is broke while starving poor children makes you kind of a terrible person and a bad Christian.

Quick- who would Jesus Starve?
daveman and Muddy are regularly sucking at the government teet while I work two jobs in the private sector and have a personal business.

Frankly, really kind of tired of hearing them whine that they aren't getting theirs....
You've never heard me whine that I'm not getting mine.

Conversely, you constantly whine that I'm getting mine. You HATE it that I draw a pension, for which I contracted with the government.

You could have, too, if you hadn't gotten thrown out of the Army.

I don't care that you are drawing a pension or not.

I just think that you'd insist on drawing it while the country is broke while starving poor children makes you kind of a terrible person and a bad Christian.

Quick- who would Jesus Starve?
You lie. Once again, you lie. You're ALWAYS bitching about my pension.

I earned it. Your input is neither sought nor required.

It must absolutely SUCK to be you, to have your entire life defined by greed, envy, and hatred.
You've never heard me whine that I'm not getting mine.

Conversely, you constantly whine that I'm getting mine. You HATE it that I draw a pension, for which I contracted with the government.

You could have, too, if you hadn't gotten thrown out of the Army.

I don't care that you are drawing a pension or not.

I just think that you'd insist on drawing it while the country is broke while starving poor children makes you kind of a terrible person and a bad Christian.

Quick- who would Jesus Starve?
You lie. Once again, you lie. You're ALWAYS bitching about my pension.

I earned it. Your input is neither sought nor required.

It must absolutely SUCK to be you, to have your entire life defined by greed, envy, and hatred.

Dude, I'm just holding you to your own standard.

Now, you are the one who INSISTS we can't raise the debt ceiling because we have too much debt and we can't raise taxes on the wealthy because the poor dears have it so bad already.

So our only option is to cut someone's benefits.

I think cutting a payment to a guy who insists he's already so successful is a much more "Christian" and decent thing to do that cutting food stamps to poor children, don't you?
I don't care that you are drawing a pension or not.

I just think that you'd insist on drawing it while the country is broke while starving poor children makes you kind of a terrible person and a bad Christian.

Quick- who would Jesus Starve?
You lie. Once again, you lie. You're ALWAYS bitching about my pension.

I earned it. Your input is neither sought nor required.

It must absolutely SUCK to be you, to have your entire life defined by greed, envy, and hatred.

Dude, I'm just holding you to your own standard.

Now, you are the one who INSISTS we can't raise the debt ceiling because we have too much debt and we can't raise taxes on the wealthy because the poor dears have it so bad already.

So our only option is to cut someone's benefits.

I think cutting a payment to a guy who insists he's already so successful is a much more "Christian" and decent thing to do that cutting food stamps to poor children, don't you?

Or cutting food stamps to folks that do nothing other than get high and watch TV. Cutting off foreign aid to countries that hate us.

Getting rid of waste and fraud is a better solution than fucking over people who worked for their benefits or risked their health or their lives for it.
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Or cutting food stamps to folks that do nothing other than get high and watch TV. Cutting off foreign aid to countries that hate us.

Getting rid of waste and fraud is a better solution than fucking over people who worked for their benefits or risked their health or their lives for it.

The old "Waste and Fraud" dog.

Conservatives have been trotting that one out for as long as I can remember.

And they never seem to do anything about it.

Now here's the thing. I would LOVE to see folks all have jobs.

But as it stands now, 40% of households on SNAP have at least one member with a job. But it's usually a job at someplace like the Home Depot or McDonalds that doesn't pay that much.

You might think you "Deserve" your pension, but the thing is, you don't "need" it.

That poor child does need food stamps.

My ideal world, we tax the wealthy, use that money to invest in infrastructure, create jobs and get those folks off the welfare rolls.

And maybe stop sticking our dicks in the Middle East Hornet's Nest so we aren't paying out so many pensions and benefits to guys who come back without limbs.

Or cutting food stamps to folks that do nothing other than get high and watch TV. Cutting off foreign aid to countries that hate us.

Getting rid of waste and fraud is a better solution than fucking over people who worked for their benefits or risked their health or their lives for it.

The old "Waste and Fraud" dog.

Conservatives have been trotting that one out for as long as I can remember.

And they never seem to do anything about it.

Now here's the thing. I would LOVE to see folks all have jobs.

But as it stands now, 40% of households on SNAP have at least one member with a job. But it's usually a job at someplace like the Home Depot or McDonalds that doesn't pay that much.

You might think you "Deserve" your pension, but the thing is, you don't "need" it.

That poor child does need food stamps.

My ideal world, we tax the wealthy, use that money to invest in infrastructure, create jobs and get those folks off the welfare rolls.

And maybe stop sticking our dicks in the Middle East Hornet's Nest so we aren't paying out so many pensions and benefits to guys who come back without limbs.

A few points:

Lumping those in need with those who don't is the definition of waste.

Ask me what choice I had in the Middle East. I simply followed lawful orders.

The wealthy create jobs. The poor create none.
A few points:

Lumping those in need with those who don't is the definition of waste.

Ask me what choice I had in the Middle East. I simply followed lawful orders.

The wealthy create jobs. The poor create none.

Last time I checked, we hadn't had a draft since 1973.

The wealthy don't create jobs... consumer demand does.

This is why food stamps are administered by the Department of Agriculture... they are SPECIFICALLY to keep demand for food high enough to make growing it profitable.

Sorry, man, we've had socialist agriculture since the 1930's, and it works better that way.

Out of curiousity, how many people on food stamps do you think are out there cheating the system? Throw out a percentage, preferably one you can validate from a not-crazy website.
A few points:

Lumping those in need with those who don't is the definition of waste.

Ask me what choice I had in the Middle East. I simply followed lawful orders.

The wealthy create jobs. The poor create none.

Last time I checked, we hadn't had a draft since 1973.

The wealthy don't create jobs... consumer demand does.

This is why food stamps are administered by the Department of Agriculture... they are SPECIFICALLY to keep demand for food high enough to make growing it profitable.

Sorry, man, we've had socialist agriculture since the 1930's, and it works better that way.

Out of curiousity, how many people on food stamps do you think are out there cheating the system? Throw out a percentage, preferably one you can validate from a not-crazy website.

The draft has nothing to do with a military contract.
The wealthy create jobs. Without them there would be no products for the consumer to buy.
From personal experience I would have to say that 80% of food stamp recipients could get a job but don't. It's just easier to apply for food stamps. But part of the reason we need food stamps is pricks like Obama jacking up the price of food through excise taxes.

The draft has nothing to do with a military contract.
The wealthy create jobs. Without them there would be no products for the consumer to buy.
From personal experience I would have to say that 80% of food stamp recipients could get a job but don't. It's just easier to apply for food stamps. But part of the reason we need food stamps is pricks like Obama jacking up the price of food through excise taxes.

Excise taxes? Really?

80%? really?

Guy not sure what it's like where you are, but frankly, as I said, 40% of food stamp recipiants have jobs.

it's that the middle class has vanished that's the problem, and the rich are a parasite that have convinced you they are a vital organ.
A few points:

Lumping those in need with those who don't is the definition of waste.

Ask me what choice I had in the Middle East. I simply followed lawful orders.

The wealthy create jobs. The poor create none.

Last time I checked, we hadn't had a draft since 1973.

The wealthy don't create jobs... consumer demand does.

This is why food stamps are administered by the Department of Agriculture... they are SPECIFICALLY to keep demand for food high enough to make growing it profitable.

Sorry, man, we've had socialist agriculture since the 1930's, and it works better that way.

Out of curiousity, how many people on food stamps do you think are out there cheating the system? Throw out a percentage, preferably one you can validate from a not-crazy website.

The draft has nothing to do with a military contract.
The wealthy create jobs. Without them there would be no products for the consumer to buy.
From personal experience I would have to say that 80% of food stamp recipients could get a job but don't. It's just easier to apply for food stamps. But part of the reason we need food stamps is pricks like Obama jacking up the price of food through excise taxes.

48% of food stamp recipients are children. Another 8% are people over 60.

USDA Blog » FACT vs. FICTION: USDA?s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Last time I checked, we hadn't had a draft since 1973.

The wealthy don't create jobs... consumer demand does.

This is why food stamps are administered by the Department of Agriculture... they are SPECIFICALLY to keep demand for food high enough to make growing it profitable.

Sorry, man, we've had socialist agriculture since the 1930's, and it works better that way.

Out of curiousity, how many people on food stamps do you think are out there cheating the system? Throw out a percentage, preferably one you can validate from a not-crazy website.

The draft has nothing to do with a military contract.
The wealthy create jobs. Without them there would be no products for the consumer to buy.
From personal experience I would have to say that 80% of food stamp recipients could get a job but don't. It's just easier to apply for food stamps. But part of the reason we need food stamps is pricks like Obama jacking up the price of food through excise taxes.

48% of food stamp recipients are children. Another 8% are people over 60.

USDA Blog » FACT vs. FICTION: USDA?s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Children again?

What about their parents?

Are these children without parents? Is the country full of orphans now?

The draft has nothing to do with a military contract.
The wealthy create jobs. Without them there would be no products for the consumer to buy.
From personal experience I would have to say that 80% of food stamp recipients could get a job but don't. It's just easier to apply for food stamps. But part of the reason we need food stamps is pricks like Obama jacking up the price of food through excise taxes.

Excise taxes? Really?

80%? really?

Guy not sure what it's like where you are, but frankly, as I said, 40% of food stamp recipiants have jobs.

it's that the middle class has vanished that's the problem, and the rich are a parasite that have convinced you they are a vital organ.

And what has Obama done, other than make it worse?
What about my rights to not use part of my tax monies to compensate for losses due to cheap insurance that doesn't fully pay the bill?


Does this opinion of the Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn have more to do with insurance companies ability to make higher profits from crap policies?

Read more at Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Cheap Shoes, Crappy Insurance

well, what about OUR RIGHTS not to pay for your all's ABORTIONS and condoms?
What about the children's rights that is being ABORTED? they don't have any?
What OUR RIGHTS to chose what we want in OUR LIVES? did that fly out Obama's ass when he was elected?
you government tit suckers wail about rights as long as it pertains to YOU selfish pos
wonkeydunkyet has to one the crappiest leftwing propaganda hate sites on the internet folks...don't go there and SUPPORT their rights to post ignorant crap like this article
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What is causing food prices to go up?
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Somebody near and dear to me grew up in a home with one parent, who worked in the fields in the deep South during the Great Depression and never lived off of government handouts. Twelve starving kids with little or no meat, sleeping on a straw mattress with a leaky roof. Her mother refused to take assistance.

These days the poor are fat, lazy, have cellphones, have a car, have PCs, and in some cases refuse to work. We have the richest poor in the world. For some their biggest worry is lousy internet service.
The old "Waste and Fraud" dog.

Conservatives have been trotting that one out for as long as I can remember.

You haven't been reading your talking points, bub. Your Reactionary Liberal Masters have been using the "reduce waste and fraud" canard to justify ObamaCare for years.

OIG’s Five-Principle Strategy Combats Health Care Fraud, Waste, and Abuse

Combating health care fraud requires a comprehensive strategy of prevention, detection, and enforcement. OIG has been engaged in the fight against health care fraud, waste, and abuse for more than 30 years. Based on this experience and our extensive body of work, we have identified five principles of an effective health care integrity strategy.

1. Enrollment: Scrutinize individuals and entities that want to participate as providers and suppliers prior to their enrollment or reenrollment in the health care programs.

2. Payment: Establish payment methodologies that are reasonable and responsive to changes in the marketplace and medical practice.

3. Compliance: Assist health care providers and suppliers in adopting practices that promote compliance with program requirements.

4. Oversight: Vigilantly monitor the programs for evidence of fraud, waste, and abuse.

5. Response: Respond swiftly to detected fraud, impose sufficient punishment to deter others, and promptly remedy program vulnerabilities.

OIG uses these five principles in our strategic work planning to assist in focusing our audit, evaluation, investigative, enforcement, and compliance efforts most effectively. These broad principles also underlie the specific recommendations that OIG makes to HHS and Congress. The Affordable Care Act includes provisions that reflect these program integrity principles and that we believe will promote the prevention and detection of fraud, waste, and abuse in the health care system.

The Affordable Care Act Enhances Health Care Oversight and Enforcement Activities

The breadth and scope of health care reform alter the oversight landscape in many critical respects, and as a result OIG will assume a range of expanded oversight responsibilities. The ACA provides us with expanded law enforcement authorities, opportunities for greater coordination with other Federal agencies, and enhanced funding for the Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control (HCFAC) program. In addition, new authorities for the Secretary and new requirements for health care providers, suppliers, and other entities will also promote the integrity of the Medicare, Medicaid, and other Federal health care programs. The following are a few examples of how the ACA will strengthen our oversight and enforcement efforts.

Effective use of data and ensuring the integrity of information are critical to the success of the Government’s anti-fraud efforts.

Provisions in section 6402 of the Affordable Care Act will enhance OIG’s effectiveness in detecting fraud, waste, and abuse by expanding OIG’s access to and uses of data for conducting oversight and law enforcement activities. For example, section 6402 exempts OIG from the prohibitions against matching data across programs in the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act and authorizes OIG to enter into data sharing agreements with the Social Security Administration (SSA).

The law also requires the Department to expand CMS’s integrated data repository (IDR) to include claims and payment data from Medicaid, the Veterans Administration, the Department of Defense, the Social Security Administration and the Indian Health Service and fosters data-matching agreements among Federal agencies. These agreements will make it easier for the Federal Government to help detect fraud, waste, and abuse.

Further, the ACA recognizes the importance of law enforcement access to data. Access to “real-time” claims data – that is, as soon as the claim is submitted to Medicare – is especially critical to identifying fraud as it is being committed. Timely data are also essential to our ability to respond with agility as criminals shift their schemes and locations to avoid detection. We have made important strides in obtaining data more quickly and efficiently, and the Affordable Care Act will further those efforts.

In addition to access to claims data, access to records and other information is critical to our mission. Pursuant to section 6402 of the ACA, OIG may, for purposes of protecting Medicare and Medicaid integrity, obtain information from additional entities – such as providers, contractors, subcontractors, grant recipients, and suppliers – directly or indirectly involved in the provision of medical items or services payable by any Federal program. This expanded authority will enable OIG to enhance our oversight of the Medicare and Medicaid programs. For example, OIG audits of Part D payments can now follow the documentation supporting claims all the way back to the prescribing physicians.

Ensuring the integrity of information is also crucial, and the Affordable Care Act provides new accountability measures toward this end. For example, section 6402 authorizes OIG to exclude from the Federal health care programs entities that provide false information on any application to enroll or participate in a Federal health care program. The ACA also provides new civil monetary penalties for making false statements on enrollment applications; knowingly failing to repay an overpayment; and failing to grant timely access to OIG for investigations, audits, or evaluations.

The Affordable Care Act provides the Secretary with new authorities and imposes new requirements that are consistent with OIG’s health care integrity strategy and recommendations.

In addition to promoting data access and integrity, health care reform includes numerous program integrity provisions that support an effective health care integrity strategy. Consistent with the OIG’s five-principle strategy, these include authorities and requirements to strengthen provider enrollment standards; promote compliance with program requirements; enhance program oversight, including requiring greater reporting and transparency; and strengthen the Government’s response to health care fraud and abuse. ....

Reducing Fraud, Waste and Abuse in Medicare

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