Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Crappy Insurance

Is there not a SINGLE fucking rethug that comes on here that has a job that provides them with employer health insurance? NOT ONE?

Are you all deadbeats waiting for someone else to pay your medical bills? Or so poor that the idea of paying for something scares you to death? Well them, use the Repub health care plan and hurry up and die.

Your point is a bit confused.

Group plans aren't free. You have to contribute to them.

Even those of us who work for the government are experiencing ever increasing premiums taken out of our pay. I've lost $200 per month to my health plan thanks to ACA requirements, and it seems like every time I turn around they're covering less and less.

Tri-care, which I pay for out of my military pension, covers nothing, as long as I have other insurance, which I pay for out of my paycheck from the government at my job at the DoD.

Somebody tell my why watching my paycheck evaporate right before my eyes would give me a happy secure feeling?
You're supposed to get a warm fuzzy from helping those less fortunate, like those people the left wants to vote Democrat because they get free shit from the government paid for by your tax dollars.


Did you see Keir Dullea on Up Late With Alec Baldwin? So good.

Medicare, VA, much better run than Cigna or Blue Cross or any of the other horseshit.

VA hospitals a a fruckin disgrace...



Economist's View: VA Hospitals vs. Private Sector Hospitals

For the sixth year in a row, VA hospitals last year scored higher than private facilities on the University of Michigan's American Customer Satisfaction Index... Males 65 years and older receiving VA care had about a 40% lower risk of death than those enrolled in Medicare Advantage, whose care is provided through private health plans or HMOs... Harvard University just gave the VA its Innovations in American Government Award for the agency's work in computerizing patient records.

Defense.gov News Article: VA Outranks Private Sector in Health Care Patient Satisfaction

Veterans continued to rate the care they receive through the Department of Veterans Affairs health care system higher than other Americans rate private-sector health care for the sixth consecutive year, a new annual report on customer satisfaction reveals.

For VA Secretary R. James Nicholson, the news is affirmation of what he called "the greatest story never told," that the VA offers top-quality care for its patients.

VA medical services received high marks during the annual American Customer Satisfaction Index, which has ranked customer satisfaction with various federal programs and private-sector industries and major companies since 1994.

Veterans who recently used VA services and were interviewed for the 2005 ACSI survey gave the VA's inpatient care a rating of 83 on a 100-point scale -- compared to a 73 rating for the private-sector health care industry. Veterans gave the VA a rating of 80 for outpatient care, five percentage points higher than the 75 rating for private-sector outpatient care and 9 percent higher than the average satisfaction rating for all federal services.
wrong, new ACA policies are effective on 1/1/14. the first premium payment will be due on 1/1/14.

Re-read the statement; it was about the lie you guys keep telling that if you need to have a surgery on Friday, you can buy insurance on Thursday. That ends next year.

It actually doesn't.

If you suddenly discover you need surgery you can "move" from New Jersey to New York and the insurance companies in New York have to sell you a policy that covers the surgery.

But, please, keep telling me how stupid you are.

Well if you believe that, please try that in a couple of years. I suggest you put your affairs in order first though.

Medicare, VA, much better run than Cigna or Blue Cross or any of the other horseshit.

VA hospitals a a fruckin disgrace...



Economist's View: VA Hospitals vs. Private Sector Hospitals

For the sixth year in a row, VA hospitals last year scored higher than private facilities on the University of Michigan's American Customer Satisfaction Index... Males 65 years and older receiving VA care had about a 40% lower risk of death than those enrolled in Medicare Advantage, whose care is provided through private health plans or HMOs... Harvard University just gave the VA its Innovations in American Government Award for the agency's work in computerizing patient records.

Defense.gov News Article: VA Outranks Private Sector in Health Care Patient Satisfaction

Veterans continued to rate the care they receive through the Department of Veterans Affairs health care system higher than other Americans rate private-sector health care for the sixth consecutive year, a new annual report on customer satisfaction reveals.

For VA Secretary R. James Nicholson, the news is affirmation of what he called "the greatest story never told," that the VA offers top-quality care for its patients.

VA medical services received high marks during the annual American Customer Satisfaction Index, which has ranked customer satisfaction with various federal programs and private-sector industries and major companies since 1994.

Veterans who recently used VA services and were interviewed for the 2005 ACSI survey gave the VA's inpatient care a rating of 83 on a 100-point scale -- compared to a 73 rating for the private-sector health care industry. Veterans gave the VA a rating of 80 for outpatient care, five percentage points higher than the 75 rating for private-sector outpatient care and 9 percent higher than the average satisfaction rating for all federal services.

We benchmark some of the VA practices. GEAUX is a dipshit
lol, you're retarded. So Americans have reversed their indebtedness since Obama became president?

One more feather in his cap.

I think you're lying.

I see no proof in this graph. You'll need one that covers his presidency, not everyone else. Besides.....everything that happened in his first term was Bush's fault.

Let's see...

you're the guy who first claimed that individual Americans are better at staying out of debt than the government, then I prove that's nonsense, then you flip flop to claim that the trend has been reversed,

then you flip flop back again to claim it hasn't.

So we're back to me having proven your original claim to be horseshit. Big surprise.

He also claimed...

:deep breath:

That Obama was lying about Osama being killed
That it was a mistake to kill Osama
That Obama got "booze and women" for Chris Christie
That Rush didn't call Sandra Fluke a "slut"
That "Blacks with or without guns are the problem"

This latest flip-flop surprises you?
I think you're lying.

I see no proof in this graph. You'll need one that covers his presidency, not everyone else. Besides.....everything that happened in his first term was Bush's fault.

Let's see...

you're the guy who first claimed that individual Americans are better at staying out of debt than the government, then I prove that's nonsense, then you flip flop to claim that the trend has been reversed,

then you flip flop back again to claim it hasn't.

So we're back to me having proven your original claim to be horseshit. Big surprise.

He also claimed...

:deep breath:

That Obama was lying about Osama being killed
That it was a mistake to kill Osama
That Obama got "booze and women" for Chris Christie
That Rush didn't call Sandra Fluke a "slut"
That "Blacks with or without guns are the problem"

This latest flip-flop surprises you?

Sounds legit

VA hospitals a a fruckin disgrace...



Economist's View: VA Hospitals vs. Private Sector Hospitals

Defense.gov News Article: VA Outranks Private Sector in Health Care Patient Satisfaction

Veterans continued to rate the care they receive through the Department of Veterans Affairs health care system higher than other Americans rate private-sector health care for the sixth consecutive year, a new annual report on customer satisfaction reveals.

For VA Secretary R. James Nicholson, the news is affirmation of what he called "the greatest story never told," that the VA offers top-quality care for its patients.

VA medical services received high marks during the annual American Customer Satisfaction Index, which has ranked customer satisfaction with various federal programs and private-sector industries and major companies since 1994.

Veterans who recently used VA services and were interviewed for the 2005 ACSI survey gave the VA's inpatient care a rating of 83 on a 100-point scale -- compared to a 73 rating for the private-sector health care industry. Veterans gave the VA a rating of 80 for outpatient care, five percentage points higher than the 75 rating for private-sector outpatient care and 9 percent higher than the average satisfaction rating for all federal services.

We benchmark some of the VA practices. GEAUX is a dipshit

And [MENTION=20614]candycorn[/MENTION] is a lying parasite... (I love exposing her lies and her ignorance):

Rare disease at hospital raises concerns about VA health care

Some Veterans' Hospitals in Shocking Shape - ABC News

Conditions At VA Hospital Draw National Fire - SuperTalk Mississippi

Walter Reed Army Medical Center neglect scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Soldier describes "unsanitary" conditions at Tampa VA Hospital - WFTX-TV Fort Myers/Naples, FL

Lawmakers call VA Hospital report findings unacceptable

VA Hospital Poor Conditions
VA hospitals a a fruckin disgrace...



Economist's View: VA Hospitals vs. Private Sector Hospitals

Defense.gov News Article: VA Outranks Private Sector in Health Care Patient Satisfaction

Veterans continued to rate the care they receive through the Department of Veterans Affairs health care system higher than other Americans rate private-sector health care for the sixth consecutive year, a new annual report on customer satisfaction reveals.

For VA Secretary R. James Nicholson, the news is affirmation of what he called "the greatest story never told," that the VA offers top-quality care for its patients.

VA medical services received high marks during the annual American Customer Satisfaction Index, which has ranked customer satisfaction with various federal programs and private-sector industries and major companies since 1994.

Veterans who recently used VA services and were interviewed for the 2005 ACSI survey gave the VA's inpatient care a rating of 83 on a 100-point scale -- compared to a 73 rating for the private-sector health care industry. Veterans gave the VA a rating of 80 for outpatient care, five percentage points higher than the 75 rating for private-sector outpatient care and 9 percent higher than the average satisfaction rating for all federal services.

We benchmark some of the VA practices. GEAUX is a dipshit

Hey skank.. Speaking of dipshits like cornschooner and liquored up Joe

You drones are disturbing

'It Is Just Not Walter Reed'

Ray Oliva went into the spare bedroom in his home in Kelseyville, Calif., to wrestle with his feelings. He didn't know a single soldier at Walter Reed, but he felt he knew them all. He worried about the wounded who were entering the world of military health care, which he knew all too well. His own VA hospital in Livermore was a mess. The gown he wore was torn. The wheelchairs were old and broken.

"It is just not Walter Reed," Oliva slowly tapped out on his keyboard at 4:23 in the afternoon on Friday. "The VA hospitals are not good either except for the staff who work so hard. It brings tears to my eyes when I see my brothers and sisters having to deal with these conditions. I am 70 years old, some say older than dirt but when I am with my brothers and sisters we become one and are made whole again."

The official reaction to the revelations at Walter Reed has been swift, and it has exposed the potential political costs of ignoring Oliva's 24.3 million comrades -- America's veterans -- many of whom are among the last standing supporters of the Iraq war. In just two weeks, the Army secretary has been fired, a two-star general relieved of command and two special commissions appointed; congressional subcommittees are lining up for hearings, the first today at Walter Reed; and the president, in his weekly radio address, redoubled promises to do right by the all-volunteer force, 1.5 million of whom have fought in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And more


FORT MYERS, Fla.- A WINK News investigation team uncovered claims, almost two years ago, of dirty and deplorable conditions at the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital in Tampa.

The family of injured Cape Coral soldier Corey Kent brought pictures to Senator Bill Nelson and demanded change.

The VA promised better care for veterans, but there are new claims the hospital is again neglecting to give veterans proper care. Those vets contacted the National Coalition for Patriots organization, who then contacted us.

We got our hands on the new pictures from inside the James A Haley VA hospital showing what the organization calls deplorable conditions for America's war heroes.

WINK News spoke to one vet and his wife on the phone Monday. For the past year, he's been treated at James A. Haley VA hospital. He says the conditions and his care are horrible and something's gotta change.
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Is there not a SINGLE fucking rethug that comes on here that has a job that provides them with employer health insurance? NOT ONE?

Are you all deadbeats waiting for someone else to pay your medical bills? Or so poor that the idea of paying for something scares you to death? Well them, use the Repub health care plan and hurry up and die.

Your point is a bit confused.

Group plans aren't free. You have to contribute to them.

Even those of us who work for the government are experiencing ever increasing premiums taken out of our pay. I've lost $200 per month to my health plan thanks to ACA requirements, and it seems like every time I turn around they're covering less and less.

Tri-care, which I pay for out of my military pension, covers nothing, as long as I have other insurance, which I pay for out of my paycheck from the government at my job at the DoD.

Somebody tell my why watching my paycheck evaporate right before my eyes would give me a happy secure feeling?
You're supposed to get a warm fuzzy from helping those less fortunate, like those people the left wants to vote Democrat because they get free shit from the government paid for by your tax dollars.


At this rate I will be one of the less fortunate in a year or two.
And [MENTION=20614]candycorn[/MENTION] is a lying parasite... (I love exposing her lies and her ignorance):

Walter Reed Army Medical Center neglect scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Wow, Poodle once again proves, that if he googles something, he can disprove a point.

Not really.

First, Walter Reed Hospital was not run by the VA. It was run by the Army, where his hero, George W. Bush, didn't set aside enough funds to deal with all the guys who came back maimed.

But don't let little facts get in your way, Poodle.

If you were actually a veteran, you'd understand the VA is pretty awesome at what it does.
Your point is a bit confused.

Group plans aren't free. You have to contribute to them.

Even those of us who work for the government are experiencing ever increasing premiums taken out of our pay. I've lost $200 per month to my health plan thanks to ACA requirements, and it seems like every time I turn around they're covering less and less.

Tri-care, which I pay for out of my military pension, covers nothing, as long as I have other insurance, which I pay for out of my paycheck from the government at my job at the DoD.

Somebody tell my why watching my paycheck evaporate right before my eyes would give me a happy secure feeling?
You're supposed to get a warm fuzzy from helping those less fortunate, like those people the left wants to vote Democrat because they get free shit from the government paid for by your tax dollars.


At this rate I will be one of the less fortunate in a year or two.

And sadly parasites like Candycorn and JoeB. will be pumping their fists in the air because they brought you down to their level and made you "equal" to them in their minds. It's always about their envy and feelings on inferiority. But their too lazy to rise up, so they try to drag us down.
Your point is a bit confused.

Group plans aren't free. You have to contribute to them.

Even those of us who work for the government are experiencing ever increasing premiums taken out of our pay. I've lost $200 per month to my health plan thanks to ACA requirements, and it seems like every time I turn around they're covering less and less.

Tri-care, which I pay for out of my military pension, covers nothing, as long as I have other insurance, which I pay for out of my paycheck from the government at my job at the DoD.

Somebody tell my why watching my paycheck evaporate right before my eyes would give me a happy secure feeling?
You're supposed to get a warm fuzzy from helping those less fortunate, like those people the left wants to vote Democrat because they get free shit from the government paid for by your tax dollars.


At this rate I will be one of the less fortunate in a year or two.

Man, for someone who sucks at the government teet, you really complain about the government a lot.
You're supposed to get a warm fuzzy from helping those less fortunate, like those people the left wants to vote Democrat because they get free shit from the government paid for by your tax dollars.


At this rate I will be one of the less fortunate in a year or two.

And sadly parasites like Candycorn and JoeB. will be pumping their fists in the air because they brought you down to their level and made you "equal" to them in their minds. It's always about their envy and feelings on inferiority. But their too lazy to rise up, so they try to drag us down.

daveman and Muddy are regularly sucking at the government teet while I work two jobs in the private sector and have a personal business.

Frankly, really kind of tired of hearing them whine that they aren't getting theirs....
At this rate I will be one of the less fortunate in a year or two.

And sadly parasites like Candycorn and JoeB. will be pumping their fists in the air because they brought you down to their level and made you "equal" to them in their minds. It's always about their envy and feelings on inferiority. But their too lazy to rise up, so they try to drag us down.

daveman and Muddy are regularly sucking at the government teet while I work two jobs in the private sector and have a personal business.

Frankly, really kind of tired of hearing them whine that they aren't getting theirs....

You should of obtained a higher level of education where perhaps one job would of sufficed.

Or are you just greedy?

I think you're lying.

I see no proof in this graph. You'll need one that covers his presidency, not everyone else. Besides.....everything that happened in his first term was Bush's fault.

Let's see...

you're the guy who first claimed that individual Americans are better at staying out of debt than the government, then I prove that's nonsense, then you flip flop to claim that the trend has been reversed,

then you flip flop back again to claim it hasn't.

So we're back to me having proven your original claim to be horseshit. Big surprise.

He also claimed...

:deep breath:

That Obama was lying about Osama being killed
That it was a mistake to kill Osama
That Obama got "booze and women" for Chris Christie
That Rush didn't call Sandra Fluke a "slut"
That "Blacks with or without guns are the problem"

This latest flip-flop surprises you?

He's delusional. I never had such an exchange with him. He must be confusing me with someone else.

And the issues you brought up are, as usual, fabrications or rationalizations.

Obama was lying about Osama. He has produced no proof that he is dead and the only evidence he's had is the word of Seal team members, which seem to be dying at an alarming rate. We've seen dozens of different versions of what happened being leaked by the White House. Taking into consideration his penchant for lying, believing anything about UBL is difficult.

I never said it was a mistake to kill Osama. I would have volunteered to cap his worthless ass personally. Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it the truth.

I haven't a clue what you're talking about when it comes to Christie, Christie thinks turning his back on the GOP is going to win elections for him. We've basically written the fat bastard off our list for good.

Rush never called Sandra Fluke a 'slut'. You want to parse words over Obamacare then two can play that game. He said she was essentially a prostitute. Ed Schultz is the one who called Laura Ingrahm a slut on his radio show. Ed Schultz Calls Laura Ingraham a 'Right Wing Slut' - Taylor Marsh

The only thing you said that was accurate was the last statement. Some blacks, with or without guns, are a problem. So are some whites. LAX found that out this week.
However, blacks in general are taught from early childhood to hate white people, and now the government even rewards them for being racists and bigots. See the Trayvon Martin case. The government uses them as an excuse to bring lawsuits against states that want an honest election process saying that blacks are disfranchised whenever we can require them to produce a valid I.D. to buy cigs, booze, or enter Democrat townhall meetings and conventions. But never expect them to produce one when they vote. They give them SNAP cards so they can buy food and then change the amounts on their cards without notice causing panics in numerous cities. Food Stamp debit cards. Blacks are allowed to call us "Crazy Assed Crackers" without so much as a complaint yet if we call an NFL team "Redskins" we get harangued on national television by pushy, loudmouthed journalists. I'm waiting for someone to bitch about the "Tarheels". That is one racist nickname. Most of the mass murders that have taken place are being committed by blacks or young kids with mental disorders. White on black crime is blown out of proportion but black on white crime is totally ignored. The media is impatiently waiting for some Tea Party member to go off and cap a bunch of people but it just isn't happening. It seems that it's always somebody with a mental disorder, a Muslim, or a black with a chip on his shoulder. It takes an investigative reporter that isn't drinking the Kool-aid to report any of the numerous hate crimes perpetrated on whites by gangs of blacks these days.

Blacks commit more than their share of violent crimes. While working during college I was held up by gang members who couldn't have been older than 17. Most white kids that age are busy partying with their friends and watching movies, not holding up liquor store clerks.

Last edited:
And sadly parasites like Candycorn and JoeB. will be pumping their fists in the air because they brought you down to their level and made you "equal" to them in their minds. It's always about their envy and feelings on inferiority. But their too lazy to rise up, so they try to drag us down.

daveman and Muddy are regularly sucking at the government teet while I work two jobs in the private sector and have a personal business.

Frankly, really kind of tired of hearing them whine that they aren't getting theirs....

You should of obtained a higher level of education where perhaps one job would of sufficed.

Or are you just greedy?


No, what I am is in debt due to a medical crisis due to the fact that my last job cut off my insurance in mid-treatment.

Six years ago, what I was making was fine to meet all my needs. Shit, I even voted Republican.

Then I ran into a medical issue, ran up a lot of bills, was illegally fired by my employer, and have to now work my way out of it.
We benchmark some of the VA practices.

And how is that working out for you? You guys also "audit" and "benchmark" Medicare.... :lmao:

Medicare paid millions to dead people and illegal aliens

More dishonest statements.

When a patient dies, their bills are usually not buried with them, and their heirs have to take care of them.

Oh, yeah, and frankly, I don't consider human beings to be "illegal" because they moved into land we stole from them to start with.
At this rate I will be one of the less fortunate in a year or two.

And sadly parasites like Candycorn and JoeB. will be pumping their fists in the air because they brought you down to their level and made you "equal" to them in their minds. It's always about their envy and feelings on inferiority. But their too lazy to rise up, so they try to drag us down.

daveman and Muddy are regularly sucking at the government teet while I work two jobs in the private sector and have a personal business.

Frankly, really kind of tired of hearing them whine that they aren't getting theirs....

Really. I'm surprised they can afford the internet, hope they don't have premium channels.
And sadly parasites like Candycorn and JoeB. will be pumping their fists in the air because they brought you down to their level and made you "equal" to them in their minds. It's always about their envy and feelings on inferiority. But their too lazy to rise up, so they try to drag us down.

daveman and Muddy are regularly sucking at the government teet while I work two jobs in the private sector and have a personal business.

Frankly, really kind of tired of hearing them whine that they aren't getting theirs....

Really. I'm surprised they can afford the internet, hope they don't have premium channels.

I'm surprised too - considering the way parasites such as you and JoeB. keep mooching off of them....

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