Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Crappy Insurance

Remember how Democrats cheered for the failure of Social Security reform?

Democrats and Republicans have up till now considered SS and Medicare their private little slush fund. They didn't want to see that go away, and the Democrats, in a despicable display of partisanship, applauded their obstruction of reforms.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mqSXsNJzRM]Democrats Applauding Their Own Obstructionism - YouTube[/ame]
You seem to think the rest of us aren't smart enough to decide certain things for ourselves just because you need or want mommy and daddy government to decide everything for you does not mean the rest of us need or want that. In many ways the individual is smarter than the government I know of no individual who has run up 17 trillion in debt and could not set up a website.

You honestly know no one who doesn't have the skills to program a website?

As for debt?


No I know no one who with three years and billions of dollars could not set up a website.
Yep. Their problem is they used outdated 1990's webtech, and expected it to fly with new hardware, and to boot? Expect it to communicate with other sites that are more up to date.

This was a failure since conception...and I expect it was planned that way...bilk more out of the taxpayer.
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You seem to think the rest of us aren't smart enough to decide certain things for ourselves just because you need or want mommy and daddy government to decide everything for you does not mean the rest of us need or want that. In many ways the individual is smarter than the government I know of no individual who has run up 17 trillion in debt and could not set up a website.

You honestly know no one who doesn't have the skills to program a website?

As for debt?


That graph is old as shit. It also shows a downward trend at the end. What is is now?

lol, you're retarded. So Americans have reversed their indebtedness since Obama became president?

One more feather in his cap.
You honestly know no one who doesn't have the skills to program a website?

As for debt?


That graph is old as shit. It also shows a downward trend at the end. What is is now?

lol, you're retarded. So Americans have reversed their indebtedness since Obama became president?

One more feather in his cap.

I think you're lying.

I see no proof in this graph. You'll need one that covers his presidency, not everyone else. Besides.....everything that happened in his first term was Bush's fault.
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That graph is old as shit. It also shows a downward trend at the end. What is is now?

lol, you're retarded. So Americans have reversed their indebtedness since Obama became president?

One more feather in his cap.

I think you're lying.

I see no proof in this graph. You'll need one that covers his presidency, not everyone else. Besides.....everything that happened in his first term was Bush's fault.
What about my rights to not use part of my tax monies to compensate for losses due to cheap insurance that doesn't fully pay the bill?


Does this opinion of the Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn have more to do with insurance companies ability to make higher profits from crap policies?

Read more at Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Cheap Shoes, Crappy Insurance

What losses due to crappy insurance? Be specific here, or admit that this whole "crappy insurance" scam is nothing but a pathetic attempt to cover up a lie.

By the way, what is the different between a pre Obamacare crappy plan with a $5,500 detectible and an official Obamacare crappy plan with a $5,500 deductible?

I've never had a plan with more than a $2,500 deductible. How is someone who makes $30,000/yr ever going to pay a $5,500 deductible?

Magic money?
What about my rights to not use part of my tax monies to compensate for losses due to cheap insurance that doesn't fully pay the bill?


Does this opinion of the Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn have more to do with insurance companies ability to make higher profits from crap policies?

Read more at Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Cheap Shoes, Crappy Insurance

As always - the idiot Dumbocrat creates the problem and then cries the loudest about the problem. Then they suggest a "fix" for the problem they created themselves which is exponentially worse than the original problem. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Atlas Shrugged, anyone?!?

@OnePercenter, the beauty of the free market is that you are completely and totally empowered to get up off of your lazy ass and "fix" it yourself without forcing other people to do your bidding like a mini-Saddam Hussein. So why don't you create a health insurance company which doesn't offer "crappy" insurance, but instead offers cadillac plan insurance (oh wait, that's right, cadillac plans were outlawed by Obama in Obamacare - which was designed to create "affordable, quality health insurance" - which is exactly what a cadillac plan is but then was outlawed... but I digress). So anyway - why don't you offer exceptional plans to the American people?

Despite all the current problems with the website, and a number of other problems, what bothers me is the fact that most of you cons believe there was no problem with our healthcare system before the ACA. This simple fact is what assures me that the vast majority of you are just clueless.

The one thing the ACA has done is helped people begin to actually understand just how expensive healthcare is and how much we are actually spending on it. For those of you who believe you can get good insurance for $200 or $300 per month and have it cover most of your medical expenses, you are living in some fantasy world.

We are spending over $700 per month for every single person living in this country regardless of their age or whether they are a legal resident or not. Somebody has to pay for that.

What bothers me is that you keep spouting this despite people pointing out to you that all the problems you keep whinging about are the result of government policies you support.
What losses due to crappy insurance? Be specific here, or admit that this whole "crappy insurance" scam is nothing but a pathetic attempt to cover up a lie.

By the way, what is the different between a pre Obamacare crappy plan with a $5,500 detectible and an official Obamacare crappy plan with a $5,500 deductible?

I've never had a plan with more than a $2,500 deductible. How is someone who makes $30,000/yr ever going to pay a $5,500 deductible?

Magic money?
Obamamoney and with 4 boxtops...you receive an Obamaphone to call the ambulance to come get you!

What about my rights to not use part of my tax monies to compensate for losses due to cheap insurance that doesn't fully pay the bill?

And how much is that per year?

How much tax money is going toward paying the medical bills of the voluntarily uninsured?

Hmm? I bet you have NO idea and are just parroting someone's bullet point you heard.

Covering the Unisured Will Help You Too

[...]Uninsured individuals end up getting the most costly care possible - in the emergency room. It costs $91, for example, to treat a patient with strep throat in a doctor's office. Treating that same patient in the emergency room costs more than three times as much - $321.

For the most part, uninsured people aren't able to pay for the care they receive. Hospitals and doctors receive minimal compensation from the government for this care, but it doesn't come close to matching the expense. To make up the difference, they pass the rest of the costs on to you and me by charging more to those with insurance.

According to a study by the New America Foundation, those extra costs add up, to an extra $1,185 per year for the average California family with health insurance. That's about 10% of what they're spending on health insurance in all.

Twelve hundred bucks a year on average in CA.

The insurance companies are arguing in favor of a law that requires people to buy insurance?

Who'da thunk it?
Which is what's going to happen with ACA


Starting next year, you will have a long grace period between purchase and use. So, as always, your prediction is not going to come true.

wrong, new ACA policies are effective on 1/1/14. the first premium payment will be due on 1/1/14.

Re-read the statement; it was about the lie you guys keep telling that if you need to have a surgery on Friday, you can buy insurance on Thursday. That ends next year.
Sure looks true looking at your map. Nothing but blue in the largest part of the county.
Only place Romney got any votes was in the outlaying areas.
Just sayin.........

Btw, when a district votes 540-0 something is wrong here folks.

Nothing is wrong here except for your lie about Romney and others not getting a single vote in Cuyahoga county. Do you hate blacks that much?

It wasn't my lie. I simply posted a pic from the internet. If it was a lie it was their lie.

BTW, what does this have to do with blacks?

If you look at this map it states clearly that at least one precinct, maybe more, had zero votes for Romney, while in the precincts that Romney supposedly carried Obama still got votes. That is normal. What is abnormal is that Romney got zero votes in the largest voting precincts.

Your hatred of blacks makes you think that you can quote any BS and then disavow what you quoted. Bitter prejudice/bigotry has fucked your pea brain over.
Starting next year, you will have a long grace period between purchase and use. So, as always, your prediction is not going to come true.

wrong, new ACA policies are effective on 1/1/14. the first premium payment will be due on 1/1/14.

Re-read the statement; it was about the lie you guys keep telling that if you need to have a surgery on Friday, you can buy insurance on Thursday. That ends next year.

More good news then....for everyone.

The ole bait and switch routine.
Covering the Unisured Will Help You Too

[...]Uninsured individuals end up getting the most costly care possible - in the emergency room. It costs $91, for example, to treat a patient with strep throat in a doctor's office. Treating that same patient in the emergency room costs more than three times as much - $321.

For the most part, uninsured people aren't able to pay for the care they receive. Hospitals and doctors receive minimal compensation from the government for this care, but it doesn't come close to matching the expense. To make up the difference, they pass the rest of the costs on to you and me by charging more to those with insurance.

According to a study by the New America Foundation, those extra costs add up, to an extra $1,185 per year for the average California family with health insurance. That's about 10% of what they're spending on health insurance in all.

Twelve hundred bucks a year on average in CA.

March 27,2007 ?

The FACTS have not changed.

Yet they have. Your piece dos not include the costs of mandatory benefits, no lifetime cap, and no pricing based on health. That changes everything.
Is there not a SINGLE fucking rethug that comes on here that has a job that provides them with employer health insurance? NOT ONE?

Are you all deadbeats waiting for someone else to pay your medical bills? Or so poor that the idea of paying for something scares you to death? Well them, use the Repub health care plan and hurry up and die.
I guess you are a moron.

I pay for My health Insurance. I do NOT want to pay for yours or anyone else. Not a hard concept to comprehend.

No dude you are the moron. Really.

The premiums that you and I pay have to cover the health services provided to those without health insurance. That means you and I pay more than we should or need to. All so a person can shun their responsibility to provide their own health coverage. Then they just walk into the ER and receive the most EXPENSIVE health care we have to offer.

Are you really so stupid that you are good with that idea? You paying for coverage (within your premiums) for someone else? WOW dude. You gotta be dumb to agree with that.

I have a simple solution to that, repeal the EMTLA.
Too bad for the stupid states that didn't take the Medicaid expansion.


Absolutely correct. One of our competitors (I work for a large hospital/healthcare concern) that has 40-50 campuses in Texas are going to have to pull back; not because of Obamacare but because Texas is not taking the money that was made available to them.

The Forrest Gump line about "stupid is as stupid does" applies here since Texas is a wholly owned subsidiary of the GOP.

Too bad.
Starting next year, you will have a long grace period between purchase and use. So, as always, your prediction is not going to come true.

wrong, new ACA policies are effective on 1/1/14. the first premium payment will be due on 1/1/14.

Re-read the statement; it was about the lie you guys keep telling that if you need to have a surgery on Friday, you can buy insurance on Thursday. That ends next year.

It actually doesn't.

If you suddenly discover you need surgery you can "move" from New Jersey to New York and the insurance companies in New York have to sell you a policy that covers the surgery.

But, please, keep telling me how stupid you are.

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