Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Crappy Insurance

What about my rights to not use part of my tax monies to compensate for losses due to cheap insurance that doesn't fully pay the bill?


Does this opinion of the Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn have more to do with insurance companies ability to make higher profits from crap policies?


I guess I have three questions:

1. How do you know that insurance companies "make higher profits from crap policies"? This may be true, but I'd like to see some empirical evidence on that. I'm sure you have some info on that, since you brought it up.

2. I keep hearing about these "crap policies". You must be seeing myriad data on these policies, such as deductibles, co-pays, co-insurance, schedules of benefits and premiums paid for them, and how they offer lousy coverage for the price. Could you direct me to the evidence that these are "crap policies"? What are examples of "crap policies" that you've seen?

3. You mention "cheap insurance that doesn't fully pay the bill". ACA policies have significant deductibles, some of them several thousand dollars, as well as co-pays and co-insurance. Can you tell me precisely how these ACA policies "fully pay the bill"?

I'd just like to see some details on what appears to be the primary spin on the fact that Obama lied to us on dozens of occasions. At the moment, I'm drowning in platitudes and generalities.


Perhaps someone else can answer these reasonable questions?


Your question have not been feed into the New York Times/Democrat Party filter yet. Give them a few days to come up with their nonsensical, disingenuous talking points...... :thup:
Is there not a SINGLE fucking rethug that comes on here that has a job that provides them with employer health insurance? NOT ONE?

Are you all deadbeats waiting for someone else to pay your medical bills? Or so poor that the idea of paying for something scares you to death? Well them, use the Repub health care plan and hurry up and die.

It amazes me that once they stop receiving subsidies and have to pay the full cost of their own insurance, then all of a sudden they no longer believe in self-reliance and paying their own way. Healthcare spending isn't increasing; the costs are just being moved around a bit. The only hope is that this actually wakes some of them up to the fact that we are spending way too much on healthcare and need to find a better way that actually reduces costs while keeping people protected.

You are correct about one thing---ACA is not about medical care. It is about socializing the country and wealth redistribution.

Why won't you on the left admit that truth?
Is there not a SINGLE fucking rethug that comes on here that has a job that provides them with employer health insurance? NOT ONE?

Are you all deadbeats waiting for someone else to pay your medical bills? Or so poor that the idea of paying for something scares you to death? Well them, use the Repub health care plan and hurry up and die.
I guess you are a moron.

I pay for My health Insurance. I do NOT want to pay for yours or anyone else. Not a hard concept to comprehend.

Until you become unemployed or start on Medicare. Then everyone will be helping to pay your way. If we didn't have Medicare and you had to pay for your own health insurance, by the time you hit 75 you would be paying $3000 per month for insurance.

medicare premiums were taken from our paychecks, without our permission, for years. we already paid for it.
Too bad for the stupid states that didn't take the Medicaid expansion.


I would imagine that these states that decided against Medicaid expansion are the ones that will see the biggest jumps in premiums for those who do pay for their insurance. Those without insurance or Medicaid will still go to the ER for their healthcare.
Too bad for the stupid states that didn't take the Medicaid expansion.


I would imagine that these states that decided against Medicaid expansion are the ones that will see the biggest jumps in premiums for those who do pay for their insurance. Those without insurance or Medicaid will still go to the ER for their healthcare.

just like they do now and did before ACA. ACA solves nothing, it makes everything worse.

where do you think the money comes from to pay for people on medicaid? Obama's stash?

See the absolutely stupid shit you idiots believe. Of course, most of the cons on USMB believe stupid shit like this. It's no wonder nothing any of you say can be taken seriously.

Overall Results100.0% Reporting
Candidate Party % Popular Vote Popular Vote Electoral Vote
Winner B. Obama (i) Dem 50.1% 2,697,260 18
M. Romney GOP 48.2% 2,593,779 0
G. Johnson Lib 0.9% 47,287 0
J. Stein Grn 0.3% 17,860 0
R. Duncan Una 0.2% 12,148 0
V. Goode CST 0.1% 7,883 0
S. Alexander Soc 0.1% 2,873 0
Key: Incumbent (i)
County Results
County Candidate Party % Popular Vote Popular Vote

100.0% Reporting
B. Obama (i) Dem 68.8% 420,953
M. Romney GOP 30.2% 184,475
G. Johnson Lib 0.5% 3,281
J. Stein Grn 0.2% 1,490
R. Duncan Una 0.1% 591
V. Goode CST 0.1% 513
S. Alexander Soc 0.0% 209

Ohio Election Results 2012 - Map, County Results, Live Updates - POLITICO.com
This is why you're a laughingstock around here. And the best example of modern American conservatism USMB has to offer

Vote for not more than 1
Stewart Alexander/Alex Mendoza (SOC) . 220 .03
Richard Duncan/Ricky Johnson . . . . 621 .10
Virgil Goode/Jim Clymer (CON). . . . 534 .08
Gary Johnson/James P. Gray (LIB). . . 3,448 .53
Barack Obama/Joe Biden (DEM) . . . . 447,273 69.32
Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan (REP) . . . . 190,660 29.55
Jill Stein/Cheri Honkala (GRE) . . . 1,564 .24
WRITE IN. . . . . . . . . . . 942 .15


Actually, you're the joke.

Your link goes to a tally list that has no official heading, no cross reference, nothing. Just a list printed in pdf form with no qualifiers or links to official sites.

It could easily be total bullshit.......just like my posted pic which I cannot vouch for.

So you admit to violating the rules of 'politics' by posting off-topic 'bullshit'?

Why would you do that? (the posting, not the admission)

Nope. Obama has been caught numerous times committing fraud. In this case we can prove that he told a complete falsehood to get elected. The only defense he seems to have is that he didn't know anything about it, and that even if he did lie (which he won't admit to because it's an impeachable offense, ie fraud) you're better off than you were before ACA. Sorry, but that doesn't fly.

Let's assume that no president can be held accountable for the actions of anyone in his administration. If this is the case then no president can be held accountable for anything their Administration does because he claims he didn't know anything. Taking that into account Bush could not be attacked for not knowing whether or not they would find chemical weapons in Iraq, which they did, just not in the quantities you and the rest of your cohorts demanded.

The problem is, nobody in his Administration seems to know anything. So I figure that means somebody is lying. It's only a matter of logic. My position being logical and your position being illogical and a rationalization if not a total fabrication. And yet you dare to accuse me of the same. Somehow that rings pretty hollow taking into account the current circumstances.
Last edited:
Actually, you're the joke.

Your link goes to a tally list that has no official heading, no cross reference, nothing. Just a list printed in pdf form with no qualifiers or links to official sites.

It could easily be total bullshit.......just like my posted pic which I cannot vouch for.

The Cuyahoga County board of elections is not an official organization?

Look, everyone here knows you're being a douche because you think it's funny and clever,

but you've worn out the joke. Move on.

Nothing in your pdf says where the tallies came from. No links to cross reference to check for accuracy.

That shit may fly when it comes to government, but in the real world it's bogus until you can prove it. Nothing is notarized or certified in your amateur posting, and for that matter, nothing in the pic I posted is notarized or certified. So move the fuck on bud.

BTW, an election board can be easily bought or co-opted if you have trillions at your disposal, or the power of the Justice Department willing to sue on a moments notice. So, anything those corrupt assholes say, I can say with full confidence that it is questionable at best.

Just a little advice to you; It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

See the absolutely stupid shit you idiots believe. Of course, most of the cons on USMB believe stupid shit like this. It's no wonder nothing any of you say can be taken seriously.

Overall Results100.0% Reporting
Candidate Party % Popular Vote Popular Vote Electoral Vote
Winner B. Obama (i) Dem 50.1% 2,697,260 18
M. Romney GOP 48.2% 2,593,779 0
G. Johnson Lib 0.9% 47,287 0
J. Stein Grn 0.3% 17,860 0
R. Duncan Una 0.2% 12,148 0
V. Goode CST 0.1% 7,883 0
S. Alexander Soc 0.1% 2,873 0
Key: Incumbent (i)
County Results
County Candidate Party % Popular Vote Popular Vote

100.0% Reporting
B. Obama (i) Dem 68.8% 420,953
M. Romney GOP 30.2% 184,475
G. Johnson Lib 0.5% 3,281
J. Stein Grn 0.2% 1,490
R. Duncan Una 0.1% 591
V. Goode CST 0.1% 513
S. Alexander Soc 0.0% 209

Ohio Election Results 2012 - Map, County Results, Live Updates - POLITICO.com

And my point is just about every lib on this site still believes Obama and assumes that he was telling the truth when it has been proved beyond a doubt that he lied about this and quite possibly about many other things, some things that are yet to be revealed.
Too bad for the stupid states that didn't take the Medicaid expansion.


I would imagine that these states that decided against Medicaid expansion are the ones that will see the biggest jumps in premiums for those who do pay for their insurance. Those without insurance or Medicaid will still go to the ER for their healthcare.

just like they do now and did before ACA. ACA solves nothing, it makes everything worse.

where do you think the money comes from to pay for people on medicaid? Obama's stash?

That all comes down to the argument of whether or not you believe we as a society have a responsibility to see to it that everyone receives adequate healthcare regardless of their ability to pay. I happen to believe everyone should have adequate healthcare, even if they cannot pay for it all themselves. The US is one of the very few, if not the only industrialized country in the world, that does not believe that, at least up to this point.

See the absolutely stupid shit you idiots believe. Of course, most of the cons on USMB believe stupid shit like this. It's no wonder nothing any of you say can be taken seriously.

Overall Results100.0% Reporting
Candidate Party % Popular Vote Popular Vote Electoral Vote
Winner B. Obama (i) Dem 50.1% 2,697,260 18
M. Romney GOP 48.2% 2,593,779 0
G. Johnson Lib 0.9% 47,287 0
J. Stein Grn 0.3% 17,860 0
R. Duncan Una 0.2% 12,148 0
V. Goode CST 0.1% 7,883 0
S. Alexander Soc 0.1% 2,873 0
Key: Incumbent (i)
County Results
County Candidate Party % Popular Vote Popular Vote

100.0% Reporting
B. Obama (i) Dem 68.8% 420,953
M. Romney GOP 30.2% 184,475
G. Johnson Lib 0.5% 3,281
J. Stein Grn 0.2% 1,490
R. Duncan Una 0.1% 591
V. Goode CST 0.1% 513
S. Alexander Soc 0.0% 209

Ohio Election Results 2012 - Map, County Results, Live Updates - POLITICO.com

And my point is just about every lib on this site still believes Obama and assumes that he was telling the truth when it has been proved beyond a doubt that he lied about this and quite possibly about many other things, some things that are yet to be revealed.

Ah, I see now. Obama lied about the election results. :cuckoo:
It's amazing the literal gall of you liberals.

Somebody posts a pic that you disagree with and you fly off the handle. But when the president was caught red-handed lying to us about his signature piece of legislation all you can do is make excuses for him.......excuses that were supplied to you by his "We Know Nothing" administration.
See the absolutely stupid shit you idiots believe. Of course, most of the cons on USMB believe stupid shit like this. It's no wonder nothing any of you say can be taken seriously.

Overall Results100.0% Reporting
Candidate Party % Popular Vote Popular Vote Electoral Vote
Winner B. Obama (i) Dem 50.1% 2,697,260 18
M. Romney GOP 48.2% 2,593,779 0
G. Johnson Lib 0.9% 47,287 0
J. Stein Grn 0.3% 17,860 0
R. Duncan Una 0.2% 12,148 0
V. Goode CST 0.1% 7,883 0
S. Alexander Soc 0.1% 2,873 0
Key: Incumbent (i)
County Results
County Candidate Party % Popular Vote Popular Vote

100.0% Reporting
B. Obama (i) Dem 68.8% 420,953
M. Romney GOP 30.2% 184,475
G. Johnson Lib 0.5% 3,281
J. Stein Grn 0.2% 1,490
R. Duncan Una 0.1% 591
V. Goode CST 0.1% 513
S. Alexander Soc 0.0% 209

Ohio Election Results 2012 - Map, County Results, Live Updates - POLITICO.com

And my point is just about every lib on this site still believes Obama and assumes that he was telling the truth when it has been proved beyond a doubt that he lied about this and quite possibly about many other things, some things that are yet to be revealed.

Ah, I see now. Obama lied about the election results. :cuckoo:

No, the election was rigged. If he claimed it wasn't then he'd be lying.
Did or did not Obama lie when he said this:

Remarks of President Barack Obama – As Prepared for Delivery

American Medical Association

Chicago, Illinois

June 15, 2009

"What are not legitimate concerns are those being put forward claiming a public option is somehow a Trojan horse for a single-payer system. I’ll be honest. There are countries where a single-payer system may be working. But I believe – and I’ve even taken some flak from members of my own party for this belief – that it is important for us to build on our traditions here in the United States. So, when you hear the naysayers claim that I’m trying to bring about government-run health care, know this – they are not telling the truth.

What I am trying to do – and what a public option will help do – is put affordable health care within reach for millions of Americans. And to help ensure that everyone can afford the cost of a health care option in our Exchange, we need to provide assistance to families who need it. That way, there will be no reason at all for anyone to remain uninsured."
- Barack Obama

Obama: ?If You Like Your Doctor, You Can Keep Your Doctor? - Washington Wire - WSJ
What about my rights to not use part of my tax monies to compensate for losses due to cheap insurance that doesn't fully pay the bill?


Does this opinion of the Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn have more to do with insurance companies ability to make higher profits from crap policies?

Read more at Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Cheap Shoes, Crappy Insurance

Clearly, the concept of Liberty and the content of The Constitution elude you.
The Cuyahoga County board of elections is not an official organization?

Look, everyone here knows you're being a douche because you think it's funny and clever,

but you've worn out the joke. Move on.

Nothing in your pdf says where the tallies came from. No links to cross reference to check for accuracy.

That shit may fly when it comes to government, but in the real world it's bogus until you can prove it. Nothing is notarized or certified in your amateur posting, and for that matter, nothing in the pic I posted is notarized or certified. So move the fuck on bud.

BTW, an election board can be easily bought or co-opted if you have trillions at your disposal, or the power of the Justice Department willing to sue on a moments notice. So, anything those corrupt assholes say, I can say with full confidence that it is questionable at best.

Just a little advice to you; It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

Well, if that's the case I'd STFU if I were you, especially if you want to talk about supporting Obama's lies.

What you or any other lib thinks about me doesn't bother me one single iota.

My friends know where I'm coming from and even if they thought I was being foolish it wouldn't matter to me.
Just a little advice to you; It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

Kudos on your self-awareness. It's a shame you lack the discipline to act on it.
Is there not a SINGLE fucking rethug that comes on here that has a job that provides them with employer health insurance? NOT ONE?

Are you all deadbeats waiting for someone else to pay your medical bills? Or so poor that the idea of paying for something scares you to death? Well them, use the Repub health care plan and hurry up and die.

It amazes me that once they stop receiving subsidies and have to pay the full cost of their own insurance, then all of a sudden they no longer believe in self-reliance and paying their own way. Healthcare spending isn't increasing; the costs are just being moved around a bit. The only hope is that this actually wakes some of them up to the fact that we are spending way too much on healthcare and need to find a better way that actually reduces costs while keeping people protected.

Funny, I don't remember Obama saying that those dozens of times he said we could keep our plans if we like them and that we would be saving $2500 per year.

Maybe I missed that speech.


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