Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Crappy Insurance

Is there not a SINGLE fucking rethug that comes on here that has a job that provides them with employer health insurance? NOT ONE?

Are you all deadbeats waiting for someone else to pay your medical bills? Or so poor that the idea of paying for something scares you to death? Well them, use the Repub health care plan and hurry up and die.

There is almost universal health care NOW in the USA... IF you are honest and agree:
1) there never were 46 million that wanted, or were legal or knew but never registered with Medicaid.
See 10 million of 46 are not legal.. Obama admits! 14 million didn't know they were eligible for Medicaid and all they need to do is register. But
why were 18 million under 34 making over $50k that paid their own medical expenses included with Obama's over exaggerated wrong 46 million?
2) Because Obama STUPIDLY doesn't realize we already have national health care for all but 4 million that need and want insurance!

If the idiot understood how insurance worked he wouldn't have TORN our country apart with this 20,000 pages of rules and regulations known as ACA!
He wouldn't be taxing tanning salons but taxing lawyers that cause $850 billion a year in defensive medicine costs.. the biggest driver of health care costs!

So the reason is obvious!
He wants the USA destroyed! Pure and simple!
Why else does he want to bankrupt companies? Have 90 million out of work! Sanction the EPA to destroy 8 million jobs!
There is NOT one constructive act that Obama has put forth but ALL are destructive!
ACA destroying health care!
EPA destroying businesses!
You name ONE single piece of executive actions that have been positive for the USA!

I love Texans!!! check out the cars tag.

Classy. Is that photo taken in an Elementary School Parking lot or at a church?
Is there not a SINGLE fucking rethug that comes on here that has a job that provides them with employer health insurance? NOT ONE?

Are you all deadbeats waiting for someone else to pay your medical bills? Or so poor that the idea of paying for something scares you to death? Well them, use the Repub health care plan and hurry up and die.

Your point is a bit confused.

Group plans aren't free. You have to contribute to them.

Even those of us who work for the government are experiencing ever increasing premiums taken out of our pay. I've lost $200 per month to my health plan thanks to ACA requirements, and it seems like every time I turn around they're covering less and less.

Tri-care, which I pay for out of my military pension, covers nothing, as long as I have other insurance, which I pay for out of my paycheck from the government at my job at the DoD.

Somebody tell my why watching my paycheck evaporate right before my eyes would give me a happy secure feeling?
Is there not a SINGLE fucking rethug that comes on here that has a job that provides them with employer health insurance? NOT ONE?

Are you all deadbeats waiting for someone else to pay your medical bills? Or so poor that the idea of paying for something scares you to death? Well them, use the Repub health care plan and hurry up and die.

There is almost universal health care NOW in the USA... IF you are honest and agree:
1) there never were 46 million that wanted, or were legal or knew but never registered with Medicaid.
See 10 million of 46 are not legal.. Obama admits! 14 million didn't know they were eligible for Medicaid and all they need to do is register. But
why were 18 million under 34 making over $50k that paid their own medical expenses included with Obama's over exaggerated wrong 46 million?
2) Because Obama STUPIDLY doesn't realize we already have national health care for all but 4 million that need and want insurance!

If the idiot understood how insurance worked he wouldn't have TORN our country apart with this 20,000 pages of rules and regulations known as ACA!
He wouldn't be taxing tanning salons but taxing lawyers that cause $850 billion a year in defensive medicine costs.. the biggest driver of health care costs!

So the reason is obvious!
He wants the USA destroyed! Pure and simple!
Why else does he want to bankrupt companies? Have 90 million out of work! Sanction the EPA to destroy 8 million jobs!
There is NOT one constructive act that Obama has put forth but ALL are destructive!
ACA destroying health care!
EPA destroying businesses!
You name ONE single piece of executive actions that have been positive for the USA!

You nailed it and all the libs ran from the thread like a bunch of sheep
Is there not a SINGLE fucking rethug that comes on here that has a job that provides them with employer health insurance? NOT ONE?

Are you all deadbeats waiting for someone else to pay your medical bills? Or so poor that the idea of paying for something scares you to death? Well them, use the Repub health care plan and hurry up and die.

Your point is a bit confused.

Group plans aren't free. You have to contribute to them.

Even those of us who work for the government are experiencing ever increasing premiums taken out of our pay. I've lost $200 per month to my health plan thanks to ACA requirements, and it seems like every time I turn around they're covering less and less.

Tri-care, which I pay for out of my military pension, covers nothing, as long as I have other insurance, which I pay for out of my paycheck from the government at my job at the DoD.

Somebody tell my why watching my paycheck evaporate right before my eyes would give me a happy secure feeling?
Obama said you must ..."have skin in the game..." as he and the Congress escape that which they impose upon the unwashed working class...:eusa_whistle:
Is there not a SINGLE fucking rethug that comes on here that has a job that provides them with employer health insurance? NOT ONE?

Are you all deadbeats waiting for someone else to pay your medical bills? Or so poor that the idea of paying for something scares you to death? Well them, use the Repub health care plan and hurry up and die.

Your point is a bit confused.

Group plans aren't free. You have to contribute to them.

Even those of us who work for the government are experiencing ever increasing premiums taken out of our pay. I've lost $200 per month to my health plan thanks to ACA requirements, and it seems like every time I turn around they're covering less and less.

Tri-care, which I pay for out of my military pension, covers nothing, as long as I have other insurance, which I pay for out of my paycheck from the government at my job at the DoD.

Somebody tell my why watching my paycheck evaporate right before my eyes would give me a happy secure feeling?
Obama said you must ..."have skin in the game..." as he and the Congress escape that which they impose upon the unwashed working class...:eusa_whistle:

right "you the common people MUST sign up for it, but we the ruling elite do not"

Can you say dictatorial monarchy?
I'll see your strawman and raise you......

The speed limit signs don't say "go as fast as you want". Then when someone speeds the cop pulls them over, writes them a ticket and says "fuck what the sign says, speed limit is 30 mph".

You're ignoring what the other poster said. He claimed that the individual is better at making decisions than is the government.

The government decides how fast you can legally drive in any given area. You, and the other poster want the individual to decide that because you think every individual is smarter than the government.

Just the fact that you think that proves that you're not. lol

You seem to think the rest of us aren't smart enough to decide certain things for ourselves just because you need or want mommy and daddy government to decide everything for you does not mean the rest of us need or want that. In many ways the individual is smarter than the government I know of no individual who has run up 17 trillion in debt and could not set up a website.

You honestly know no one who doesn't have the skills to program a website?

As for debt?

Is there not a SINGLE fucking rethug that comes on here that has a job that provides them with employer health insurance? NOT ONE?

Are you all deadbeats waiting for someone else to pay your medical bills? Or so poor that the idea of paying for something scares you to death? Well them, use the Repub health care plan and hurry up and die.

Your point is a bit confused.

Group plans aren't free. You have to contribute to them.

Even those of us who work for the government are experiencing ever increasing premiums taken out of our pay. I've lost $200 per month to my health plan thanks to ACA requirements, and it seems like every time I turn around they're covering less and less.

Tri-care, which I pay for out of my military pension, covers nothing, as long as I have other insurance, which I pay for out of my paycheck from the government at my job at the DoD.

Somebody tell my why watching my paycheck evaporate right before my eyes would give me a happy secure feeling?
Obama said you must ..."have skin in the game..." as he and the Congress escape that which they impose upon the unwashed working class...:eusa_whistle:

His idea of "strengthening the Middle-class" is forcing them into bankruptcy.
You're ignoring what the other poster said. He claimed that the individual is better at making decisions than is the government.

The government decides how fast you can legally drive in any given area. You, and the other poster want the individual to decide that because you think every individual is smarter than the government.

Just the fact that you think that proves that you're not. lol

You seem to think the rest of us aren't smart enough to decide certain things for ourselves just because you need or want mommy and daddy government to decide everything for you does not mean the rest of us need or want that. In many ways the individual is smarter than the government I know of no individual who has run up 17 trillion in debt and could not set up a website.

You honestly know no one who doesn't have the skills to program a website?

As for debt?


That graph is old as shit. It also shows a downward trend at the end. What is is now?
You're ignoring what the other poster said. He claimed that the individual is better at making decisions than is the government.

The government decides how fast you can legally drive in any given area. You, and the other poster want the individual to decide that because you think every individual is smarter than the government.

Just the fact that you think that proves that you're not. lol

You seem to think the rest of us aren't smart enough to decide certain things for ourselves just because you need or want mommy and daddy government to decide everything for you does not mean the rest of us need or want that. In many ways the individual is smarter than the government I know of no individual who has run up 17 trillion in debt and could not set up a website.

You honestly know no one who doesn't have the skills to program a website?

As for debt?


can you post a similar chart showing the rise in national debt during obama's 5 year reign?

10 trillion to 17 trillion. by 2016 he will have spent more money than anyone in the history of the world, and the USA will be over 20 trillion in debt.

Do you silly libs actually think that is something to be proud of?
Your point is a bit confused.

Group plans aren't free. You have to contribute to them.

Even those of us who work for the government are experiencing ever increasing premiums taken out of our pay. I've lost $200 per month to my health plan thanks to ACA requirements, and it seems like every time I turn around they're covering less and less.

Tri-care, which I pay for out of my military pension, covers nothing, as long as I have other insurance, which I pay for out of my paycheck from the government at my job at the DoD.

Somebody tell my why watching my paycheck evaporate right before my eyes would give me a happy secure feeling?
Obama said you must ..."have skin in the game..." as he and the Congress escape that which they impose upon the unwashed working class...:eusa_whistle:

His idea of "strengthening the Middle-class" is forcing them into bankruptcy.
Since he's been on a perpetual campaign...he has said he wants to save the middle class... as he destroys it...Good point...He isn't conflicted....he's a liar...and he does these things by design...his daddy must be proud....his daddy and mother hated this country...as does he.

Far too many have bought his lies...even though it affects them too...but then they are good servants of their master.
NYC's chart shows that individuals are taking responsibility to lower their debt levels, a type of discipline that is totally alien to Obama.
Your point is a bit confused.

Group plans aren't free. You have to contribute to them.

Even those of us who work for the government are experiencing ever increasing premiums taken out of our pay. I've lost $200 per month to my health plan thanks to ACA requirements, and it seems like every time I turn around they're covering less and less.

Tri-care, which I pay for out of my military pension, covers nothing, as long as I have other insurance, which I pay for out of my paycheck from the government at my job at the DoD.

Somebody tell my why watching my paycheck evaporate right before my eyes would give me a happy secure feeling?
Obama said you must ..."have skin in the game..." as he and the Congress escape that which they impose upon the unwashed working class...:eusa_whistle:

right "you the common people MUST sign up for it, but we the ruling elite do not"

Can you say dictatorial monarchy?
Political rulers versus everyone else.
Obama said you must ..."have skin in the game..." as he and the Congress escape that which they impose upon the unwashed working class...:eusa_whistle:

His idea of "strengthening the Middle-class" is forcing them into bankruptcy.
Since he's been on a perpetual campaign...he has said he wants to save the middle class... as he destroys it...Good point...He isn't conflicted....he's a liar...and he does these things by design...his daddy must be proud....his daddy and mother hated this country...as does he.

Far too many have bought his lies...even though it affects them too...but then they are good servants of their master.

the defective liberal gene is very powerful. It blocks rational thought and common sense.
His idea of "strengthening the Middle-class" is forcing them into bankruptcy.
Since he's been on a perpetual campaign...he has said he wants to save the middle class... as he destroys it...Good point...He isn't conflicted....he's a liar...and he does these things by design...his daddy must be proud....his daddy and mother hated this country...as does he.

Far too many have bought his lies...even though it affects them too...but then they are good servants of their master.

the defective liberal gene is very powerful. It blocks rational thought and common sense.

Yep. It clouds their judgment, impedes their common sense, and erects a self-imposed wall to their own individual liberty.
You're ignoring what the other poster said. He claimed that the individual is better at making decisions than is the government.

The government decides how fast you can legally drive in any given area. You, and the other poster want the individual to decide that because you think every individual is smarter than the government.

Just the fact that you think that proves that you're not. lol

You seem to think the rest of us aren't smart enough to decide certain things for ourselves just because you need or want mommy and daddy government to decide everything for you does not mean the rest of us need or want that. In many ways the individual is smarter than the government I know of no individual who has run up 17 trillion in debt and could not set up a website.

You honestly know no one who doesn't have the skills to program a website?

As for debt?


No I know no one who with three years and billions of dollars could not set up a website.
you expect leftards to think for themselves? LOL

they are just parroting the newest talking points lies.

if they would be really soooooo concerned about policies - why would they tax the standard PPO employer-based plan one by 40% starting from 2018?

but do not expect our leftards to have any logical thinking.
because they do not think.

and they expect that we don't know that their lies about "better policies" which means mandatory OB coverage for those who don't need them are just spreading the cost for those whom they expect to cover - the illegals with anchor babies
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnLa1BvtaxM]Ronald Reagan Speaks out Against Socialized Medicine - YouTube[/ame]

I don't expect liberals to watch this. Anyone who wants to know the truth will.

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