Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Crappy Insurance

That graph is old as shit. It also shows a downward trend at the end. What is is now?

lol, you're retarded. So Americans have reversed their indebtedness since Obama became president?

One more feather in his cap.

I think you're lying.

I see no proof in this graph. You'll need one that covers his presidency, not everyone else. Besides.....everything that happened in his first term was Bush's fault.

Let's see...

you're the guy who first claimed that individual Americans are better at staying out of debt than the government, then I prove that's nonsense, then you flip flop to claim that the trend has been reversed,

then you flip flop back again to claim it hasn't.

So we're back to me having proven your original claim to be horseshit. Big surprise.
lol, you're retarded. So Americans have reversed their indebtedness since Obama became president?

One more feather in his cap.

I think you're lying.

I see no proof in this graph. You'll need one that covers his presidency, not everyone else. Besides.....everything that happened in his first term was Bush's fault.

Let's see...

you're the guy who first claimed that individual Americans are better at staying out of debt than the government, then I prove that's nonsense, then you flip flop to claim that the trend has been reversed,

then you flip flop back again to claim it hasn't.

So we're back to me having proven your original claim to be horseshit. Big surprise.

I think you're confused.

I don't remember this exchange.

Maybe you're hearing voices again.
are you now claiming that insurance companies are inherently dishonest?

Um, yeah, actually, I am.

You've obviously never had to fight with one to get an operation. I have. And after it was all said and done, they got my employer to fire me.

Left up to me, we'd go to single payer like Canada, but if we have to deal with the insurance leeches, at least we keep some salt on hand.

Told you Joe couldn't understand his coverage.

Understood it perfectly well.

They cheated. And when they couldn't get away with that, they told my employer to get rid of me.
Um, yeah, actually, I am.

You've obviously never had to fight with one to get an operation. I have. And after it was all said and done, they got my employer to fire me.

Left up to me, we'd go to single payer like Canada, but if we have to deal with the insurance leeches, at least we keep some salt on hand.

Told you Joe couldn't understand his coverage.

Understood it perfectly well.

They cheated. And when they couldn't get away with that, they told my employer to get rid of me.

So essentially you want to remove your ability to sue.

The government cannot be easily drug into civil court.

So essentially you want to remove your ability to sue.

The government cannot be easily drug into civil court.

No, usually, a call to your congressman will get the bureaucrats off their asses pretty quick...

So I don't worry about that too much.

So essentially you want to remove your ability to sue.

The government cannot be easily drug into civil court.

No, usually, a call to your congressman will get the bureaucrats off their asses pretty quick...

So I don't worry about that too much.

Then you're a fool.......because this country is being transformed.
The 10 Commandments of Government

I Generally speaking, government always grows -- it never shrinks -- whether times are good or bad.
II In each area it purports to "assist", government attempts to replace individual decision-making with central planning.
III In order to implement its grand central plans and solidify its power, government must take from one citizen to give to another; this is, in effect, lawful theft.
IV No matter how many times central planning fails, the self-appointed masterminds in government assert that "this time is different" and that with only a few tweaks and more money, their delusional plans will succeed.
V Because it uses funds confiscated from taxpayers, self-restraint is no obstacle to government's ambitions.
VI Its fundamental misunderstanding of human nature notwithstanding, government must claim to grant "rights", which require it steal the labors of one citizen to give to another (such as food, shelter, employment, and health care).
VII No matter how widespread the harm it causes, government will never provide an honest and historical accounting -- a report card -- of its failures.
VIII As more individuals and families are harmed by the failures of central planning, government must find suitable scapegoats, must lie to do so, and therefore must also repress dissent.
IX In order to build its network of redistribution and grow a culture of dependency on its services, government must inevitably undermine the family unit, religion, and the notion of God-given rights in order to cow, bribe, or intimidate its citizens.
X As government grows ever more powerful, it must also become increasingly oppressive through compulsion and force. To do otherwise would mean government must shrink, and this it cannot do.

Doug Ross @ Journal
Is there not a SINGLE fucking rethug that comes on here that has a job that provides them with employer health insurance? NOT ONE?

Are you all deadbeats waiting for someone else to pay your medical bills? Or so poor that the idea of paying for something scares you to death? Well them, use the Repub health care plan and hurry up and die.

Your point is a bit confused.

Group plans aren't free. You have to contribute to them.

Even those of us who work for the government are experiencing ever increasing premiums taken out of our pay. I've lost $200 per month to my health plan thanks to ACA requirements, and it seems like every time I turn around they're covering less and less.

Tri-care, which I pay for out of my military pension, covers nothing, as long as I have other insurance, which I pay for out of my paycheck from the government at my job at the DoD.

Somebody tell my why watching my paycheck evaporate right before my eyes would give me a happy secure feeling?
You're supposed to get a warm fuzzy from helping those less fortunate, like those people the left wants to vote Democrat because they get free shit from the government paid for by your tax dollars.

Um, yeah, actually, I am.

You've obviously never had to fight with one to get an operation. I have. And after it was all said and done, they got my employer to fire me.

Left up to me, we'd go to single payer like Canada, but if we have to deal with the insurance leeches, at least we keep some salt on hand.

Told you Joe couldn't understand his coverage.

Understood it perfectly well.

They cheated. And when they couldn't get away with that, they told my employer to get rid of me.
Delusional paranoia. There's just no end to your list of character defects.

So essentially you want to remove your ability to sue.

The government cannot be easily drug into civil court.

No, usually, a call to your congressman will get the bureaucrats off their asses pretty quick...

So I don't worry about that too much.

Then you're a fool.......because this country is being transformed.

yeah, into something better.

Guy, besides the fact you've been living off the government teet your whole life, fact is, the government can run the medical system better than Big Insurance.

Because it already does.

Medicare, VA, much better run than Cigna or Blue Cross or any of the other horseshit.
Too bad for the stupid states that didn't take the Medicaid expansion.


Absolutely correct. One of our competitors (I work for a large hospital/healthcare concern) that has 40-50 campuses in Texas are going to have to pull back; not because of Obamacare but because Texas is not taking the money that was made available to them.

The Forrest Gump line about "stupid is as stupid does" applies here since Texas is a wholly owned subsidiary of the GOP.

Well, this is truly curious:

Doctors brace for pain as 10% cut to Medi-Cal rates looms - Los Angeles Times
June 10, 2013
Doctors brace for pain as 10% cut to Medi-Cal rates looms
This summer, when California makes a controversial 10% cut to Medi-Cal rates, he could get paid less. Ma said he didn't go into safety net medicine for the money, but he worries that the reductions will make it even harder for his patients to get medication, medical equipment and appointments with specialists.

The reductions to providers like Ma will also create a massive glitch in the implementation of national healthcare reform — the cuts to Medi-Cal rates are to occur just as more people prepare to join the program under the Affordable Care Act. Currently 8.3 million poor Californians are covered by Medi-Cal, and more than 1 million new enrollees are expected beginning next year.

"At a time when California is expanding Medi-Cal health services to low-income individuals," the letter stated, "it makes no sense to shrink the supply of health care providers who will treat these populations."

Published: June 15, 2013
SACRAMENTO — The State Legislature passed a major piece of the federal Affordable Care Act on Saturday, opting to expand Medicaid to 1.4 million low-income people in California as it rushed to meet its deadline to complete a state budget.

The action came a day after lawmakers passed the main budget bill outlining a $96.3 billion spending plan for the fiscal year that starts in July.

Republicans raised concerns about whether California can afford the expansion over the long run, especially once the federal government drops its commitment from 100 percent to 90 percent.

Democrats said the expansion would help save lives, keep workers healthy and attract billions of dollars from the federal government into the state.

Now what was being said about those stupid states?

Too bad for the stupid states that didn't take the Medicaid expansion.
That graph is old as shit. It also shows a downward trend at the end. What is is now?

lol, you're retarded. So Americans have reversed their indebtedness since Obama became president?

One more feather in his cap.

I think you're lying.

I see no proof in this graph. You'll need one that covers his presidency, not everyone else. Besides.....everything that happened in his first term was Bush's fault.

Household Debt and Credit Report - Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Happy now?
Marsha is turning out to be one of the Repub's primary go-to tools to spread their propaganda.
What about my rights to not use part of my tax monies to compensate for losses due to cheap insurance that doesn't fully pay the bill?


Does this opinion of the Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn have more to do with insurance companies ability to make higher profits from crap policies?

Read more at Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Cheap Shoes, Crappy Insurance

As always - the idiot Dumbocrat creates the problem and then cries the loudest about the problem. Then they suggest a "fix" for the problem they created themselves which is exponentially worse than the original problem. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Atlas Shrugged, anyone?!?

[MENTION=43400]OnePercenter[/MENTION], the beauty of the free market is that you are completely and totally empowered to get up off of your lazy ass and "fix" it yourself without forcing other people to do your bidding like a mini-Saddam Hussein. So why don't you create a health insurance company which doesn't offer "crappy" insurance, but instead offers cadillac plan insurance (oh wait, that's right, cadillac plans were outlawed by Obama in Obamacare - which was designed to create "affordable, quality health insurance" - which is exactly what a cadillac plan is but then was outlawed... but I digress). So anyway - why don't you offer exceptional plans to the American people?

Despite all the current problems with the website, and a number of other problems, what bothers me is the fact that most of you cons believe there was no problem with our healthcare system before the ACA. This simple fact is what assures me that the vast majority of you are just clueless.

The one thing the ACA has done is helped people begin to actually understand just how expensive healthcare is and how much we are actually spending on it. For those of you who believe you can get good insurance for $200 or $300 per month and have it cover most of your medical expenses, you are living in some fantasy world.

We are spending over $700 per month for every single person living in this country regardless of their age or whether they are a legal resident or not. Somebody has to pay for that.

[MENTION=12997]auditor0007[/MENTION], even if that were true, where does it become the responsibility of the federal government to solve that "problem"?!?

It's so jaw-dropping fucking unbelievable that Dumbocrats think they can arbitrarily decide to have government take over the private sector if they don't like the cost of something. Since I think a Lamborghini is expensive, can I have the government force people to subsidize a Lamborghini for me by forcing everyone into some exchanges? Do you realize how fucking absurd that is?!?

No matter what you perceive to be a problem, it's not the responsibility of the federal government to "fix" it for you. Furthermore, I had the greatest healthcare in the world and it didn't cost me a damn thing. So this "problem" was clearly just a figment of your wild imagination.
Generally, anyone buying a plan with such a large deductible is healthy and most likely will never hit that deductible. If something happens in a given year and they do, then at least they are covered for the major bills. But all of this just gets back to the point of how much healthcare actually costs in this country. People who make $30,000 per year cannot afford to pay for all of their healthcare on their own. It's basically impossible. When you understand that we are paying $8500 per year per person, you can see a person making $30,000 per year can't afford that. And what if that person is trying to support a couple of kids. Now the healthcare costs are over $25,000 per year.

Now we all know that person making $30,000 is not paying their full share of the $8500 or if they have kids, the $25,500. But somebody is paying for it. It ain't free.

Again [MENTION=12997]auditor0007[/MENTION], where is it written that the government can take action in the private market if you don't like the cost of something?

Hey that pretty cool. Put one up that says;


And here we see the extraordinary ignorance of [MENTION=35352]zeke[/MENTION] rearing it's ugly head again.

You don't even understand that real conservatives do not "want all Americans to have health insurance coverage". What they want is Constitutional government. Gee, what a "radical" concept, uh? :eek:

The fact that you don't even realize that much speaks volumes about how misinformed - and woefully unqualified - you are to be having an intelligent discussion.
No, usually, a call to your congressman will get the bureaucrats off their asses pretty quick...

So I don't worry about that too much.

Then you're a fool.......because this country is being transformed.

yeah, into something better.

Guy, besides the fact you've been living off the government teet your whole life, fact is, the government can run the medical system better than Big Insurance.

Because it already does.

Medicare, VA, much better run than Cigna or Blue Cross or any of the other horseshit.

VA hospitals a a fruckin disgrace...

That woman is a complete asshole. She never stops talking and what she talks about are Republican talking points day in and day out.

Where do they get these people?

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