Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Crappy Insurance

We benchmark some of the VA practices.

And how is that working out for you? You guys also "audit" and "benchmark" Medicare.... :lmao:

Medicare paid millions to dead people and illegal aliens

More dishonest statements.

When a patient dies, their bills are usually not buried with them, and their heirs have to take care of them.

Oh, yeah, and frankly, I don't consider human beings to be "illegal" because they moved into land we stole from them to start with.

good point Joe B.
daveman and Muddy are regularly sucking at the government teet while I work two jobs in the private sector and have a personal business.

Frankly, really kind of tired of hearing them whine that they aren't getting theirs....

You should of obtained a higher level of education where perhaps one job would of sufficed.

Or are you just greedy?


No, what I am is in debt due to a medical crisis due to the fact that my last job cut off my insurance in mid-treatment.

Six years ago, what I was making was fine to meet all my needs. Shit, I even voted Republican.

Then I ran into a medical issue, ran up a lot of bills, was illegally fired by my employer, and have to now work my way out of it.

I was getting ready to pile on here Joe- But after that, I'll give you a pass this time :redface:

At this rate I will be one of the less fortunate in a year or two.

And sadly parasites like Candycorn and JoeB. will be pumping their fists in the air because they brought you down to their level and made you "equal" to them in their minds. It's always about their envy and feelings on inferiority. But their too lazy to rise up, so they try to drag us down.

daveman and Muddy are regularly sucking at the government teet while I work two jobs in the private sector and have a personal business.

Frankly, really kind of tired of hearing them whine that they aren't getting theirs....

I have a personal business too. And everything I get from the government I ether risked my life for or currently work for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week when Obama decides to let me. My hours keep being cut back, but I'm still expected to do the same amount of work.

So you and your poxy opinions can go toss off.
And how is that working out for you? You guys also "audit" and "benchmark" Medicare.... :lmao:

Medicare paid millions to dead people and illegal aliens

More dishonest statements.

When a patient dies, their bills are usually not buried with them, and their heirs have to take care of them.

Oh, yeah, and frankly, I don't consider human beings to be "illegal" because they moved into land we stole from them to start with.

good point Joe B.

It was a fair fight. We just kicked their ass is all

daveman and Muddy are regularly sucking at the government teet while I work two jobs in the private sector and have a personal business.

Frankly, really kind of tired of hearing them whine that they aren't getting theirs....

Really. I'm surprised they can afford the internet, hope they don't have premium channels.

I'm surprised too - considering the way parasites such as you and JoeB. keep mooching off of them....

Well, you should be ok posting from the looney bin and all. They do pay for cable, probably through insurance.
daveman and Muddy are regularly sucking at the government teet while I work two jobs in the private sector and have a personal business.

Frankly, really kind of tired of hearing them whine that they aren't getting theirs....

You should of obtained a higher level of education where perhaps one job would of sufficed.

Or are you just greedy?


No, what I am is in debt due to a medical crisis due to the fact that my last job cut off my insurance in mid-treatment.

Six years ago, what I was making was fine to meet all my needs. Shit, I even voted Republican.

Then I ran into a medical issue, ran up a lot of bills, was illegally fired by my employer, and have to now work my way out of it.

And this is all the GOP's fault?


I'm sure they had a reason to fire you. Nobody ever feels they were fired for good cause.
We benchmark some of the VA practices.

And how is that working out for you? You guys also "audit" and "benchmark" Medicare.... :lmao:

Medicare paid millions to dead people and illegal aliens

More dishonest statements.

When a patient dies, their bills are usually not buried with them, and their heirs have to take care of them.

Oh, yeah, and frankly, I don't consider human beings to be "illegal" because they moved into land we stole from them to start with.

The "heirs" only have to settle bills if there is an estate to cover them. I doubt most people on Medicare who leave significant unpaid bills leave significant estates.
Your point is a bit confused.

Group plans aren't free. You have to contribute to them.

Even those of us who work for the government are experiencing ever increasing premiums taken out of our pay. I've lost $200 per month to my health plan thanks to ACA requirements, and it seems like every time I turn around they're covering less and less.

Tri-care, which I pay for out of my military pension, covers nothing, as long as I have other insurance, which I pay for out of my paycheck from the government at my job at the DoD.

Somebody tell my why watching my paycheck evaporate right before my eyes would give me a happy secure feeling?
You're supposed to get a warm fuzzy from helping those less fortunate, like those people the left wants to vote Democrat because they get free shit from the government paid for by your tax dollars.


Did you see Keir Dullea on Up Late With Alec Baldwin? So good.

Baldwin needs to stick to acting.
Your point is a bit confused.

Group plans aren't free. You have to contribute to them.

Even those of us who work for the government are experiencing ever increasing premiums taken out of our pay. I've lost $200 per month to my health plan thanks to ACA requirements, and it seems like every time I turn around they're covering less and less.

Tri-care, which I pay for out of my military pension, covers nothing, as long as I have other insurance, which I pay for out of my paycheck from the government at my job at the DoD.

Somebody tell my why watching my paycheck evaporate right before my eyes would give me a happy secure feeling?
You're supposed to get a warm fuzzy from helping those less fortunate, like those people the left wants to vote Democrat because they get free shit from the government paid for by your tax dollars.


At this rate I will be one of the less fortunate in a year or two.

As long as you vote Democrat, you'll get what you need to (barely) scrape by.
At this rate I will be one of the less fortunate in a year or two.

And sadly parasites like Candycorn and JoeB. will be pumping their fists in the air because they brought you down to their level and made you "equal" to them in their minds. It's always about their envy and feelings on inferiority. But their too lazy to rise up, so they try to drag us down.

daveman and Muddy are regularly sucking at the government teet while I work two jobs in the private sector and have a personal business.

Frankly, really kind of tired of hearing them whine that they aren't getting theirs....
You've never heard me whine that I'm not getting mine.

Conversely, you constantly whine that I'm getting mine. You HATE it that I draw a pension, for which I contracted with the government.

You could have, too, if you hadn't gotten thrown out of the Army.
And sadly parasites like Candycorn and JoeB. will be pumping their fists in the air because they brought you down to their level and made you "equal" to them in their minds. It's always about their envy and feelings on inferiority. But their too lazy to rise up, so they try to drag us down.

daveman and Muddy are regularly sucking at the government teet while I work two jobs in the private sector and have a personal business.

Frankly, really kind of tired of hearing them whine that they aren't getting theirs....

Really. I'm surprised they can afford the internet, hope they don't have premium channels.
You really shouldn't listen to Joe. He's stupid and dishonest.
You should of obtained a higher level of education where perhaps one job would of sufficed.

Or are you just greedy?


No, what I am is in debt due to a medical crisis due to the fact that my last job cut off my insurance in mid-treatment.

Six years ago, what I was making was fine to meet all my needs. Shit, I even voted Republican.

Then I ran into a medical issue, ran up a lot of bills, was illegally fired by my employer, and have to now work my way out of it.

I was getting ready to pile on here Joe- But after that, I'll give you a pass this time :redface:

You have to take everything PinkoJoe says with a truckload of salt.
How is creating choice when it's detrimental to taxpayers that she 'supposed' to be representing? Or is her first priority corporations?

How come you continue to deny reality by defending Obamacare? How is it a 'choice' when you're summarily kicked off of your insurance, an insurance plan you took great care in selecting, and are then forced at gunpoint to buy the government plan? Where is the choice?

Are you insane?

The only policies that are being terminated are 'crap' policies. How long did it take you to decide on a 'crap' policy? And why would you pay for a 'crap' policy?

Also, what's the name of your government plan? Aetna? UHC? Humana? etc. What is it?

You don't know that.
How come you continue to deny reality by defending Obamacare? How is it a 'choice' when you're summarily kicked off of your insurance, an insurance plan you took great care in selecting, and are then forced at gunpoint to buy the government plan? Where is the choice?

Are you insane?

The only policies that are being terminated are 'crap' policies. How long did it take you to decide on a 'crap' policy? And why would you pay for a 'crap' policy?

Also, what's the name of your government plan? Aetna? UHC? Humana? etc. What is it?

You don't know that.

He's just mindlessly repeating his programming.
The only policies that are being terminated are 'crap' policies. How long did it take you to decide on a 'crap' policy? And why would you pay for a 'crap' policy?

Also, what's the name of your government plan? Aetna? UHC? Humana? etc. What is it?

Crap policies? Who are you to say they are 'crap' policies? How are they 'crap' policies to begin with? Naturally, I wouldn't pick a crap policy. Even if I did, I would like to be able to select a crap policy without my government breathing down my neck.

In all seriousness, people picked these plans because they suited their needs the best. Not because they were 'crap' policies. How does a Cadillac plan all of a sudden become "substandard" under Obamacare? Yours is a shitty excuse for cancelling the insurance of over 2,100,000 people.

I don't have any insurance right now. Reason being the market has been thrown into such a state of chaos, I'd dare not

What people like you don't understand and don't want to understand is that there are provisions in the ACA that require the insurance companies to sell policies that aren't crap,

or pay the price for doing so:

Beyond Rebates: How Much Are Consumers Saving from the ACA?s Medical Loss Ratio Provision? | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Define 'crap.'

As a 65 year old female, I would consider it a crap policy if I had to pay for pregnancy and childbirth coverage, abortion coverage, prostate cancer coverage, and many other types of coverage that I would never have any occasion to need..
And sadly parasites like Candycorn and JoeB. will be pumping their fists in the air because they brought you down to their level and made you "equal" to them in their minds. It's always about their envy and feelings on inferiority. But their too lazy to rise up, so they try to drag us down.

daveman and Muddy are regularly sucking at the government teet while I work two jobs in the private sector and have a personal business.

Frankly, really kind of tired of hearing them whine that they aren't getting theirs....
You've never heard me whine that I'm not getting mine.

Conversely, you constantly whine that I'm getting mine. You HATE it that I draw a pension, for which I contracted with the government.

You could have, too, if you hadn't gotten thrown out of the Army.

Fired from his job, thrown out of the Army?

Maybe he should apply for Social Security.
daveman and Muddy are regularly sucking at the government teet while I work two jobs in the private sector and have a personal business.

Frankly, really kind of tired of hearing them whine that they aren't getting theirs....
You've never heard me whine that I'm not getting mine.

Conversely, you constantly whine that I'm getting mine. You HATE it that I draw a pension, for which I contracted with the government.

You could have, too, if you hadn't gotten thrown out of the Army.

Fired from his job, thrown out of the Army?

Maybe he should apply for Social Security.

It's not like he WANTS to work for a living.

CNN anchor Christiane Amanpour got into a pissing contest with a Rep from Georgia's 15th District. Rep Steve Smith on Twitter........

She was quick to call out the self-described "Tea Party Congressman" for making fun of the Germans.


Problem is, he doesn't exist and there is no 15th District in Georgia.

Oh, and I followed the guy just to see what was up and he followed me back. He, or whomever claims to be him, is still following me on Twitter. My guess is he's a lib trying to make the Tea Party look bad.

CNN Anchor Calls Out Tea Party Congressman Over Insensitive Joke? The Problem Is, He Doesn?t Exist | The Daley Gator
I have a personal business too. And everything I get from the government I ether risked my life for or currently work for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week when Obama decides to let me. My hours keep being cut back, but I'm still expected to do the same amount of work.

So you and your poxy opinions can go toss off.

I've had this discussion with Caveman, so I'll have it with you.

Military Retirement is the generosity of your fellow citizens. You are no more entitled to it than the food stamp mom is entitled to her EBT Card. You were paid at the time you did that work. Anything more is other people's generosity.

Now, no, I don't want to cut military pensions, but frankly, I get a little tired of you guys always being for cutting someone else's meal ticket 'for the good", but never volunteering yourself.

Oh, your personal business. That was the houses you rent to section 8 tenants and military families... that kind of STILL sounds like sucking off the teet...

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