Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn Defends Sacred Right To Buy Crappy Insurance


This is why you're a laughingstock around here. And the best example of modern American conservatism USMB has to offer

Vote for not more than 1
Stewart Alexander/Alex Mendoza (SOC) . 220 .03
Richard Duncan/Ricky Johnson . . . . 621 .10
Virgil Goode/Jim Clymer (CON). . . . 534 .08
Gary Johnson/James P. Gray (LIB). . . 3,448 .53
Barack Obama/Joe Biden (DEM) . . . . 447,273 69.32
Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan (REP) . . . . 190,660 29.55
Jill Stein/Cheri Honkala (GRE) . . . 1,564 .24
WRITE IN. . . . . . . . . . . 942 .15


Actually, you're the joke.

Your link goes to a tally list that has no official heading, no cross reference, nothing. Just a list printed in pdf form with no qualifiers or links to official sites.

It could easily be total bullshit.......just like my posted pic which I cannot vouch for.
Starting next year, you will have a long grace period between purchase and use. So, as always, your prediction is not going to come true.

wrong, new ACA policies are effective on 1/1/14. the first premium payment will be due on 1/1/14.

You only need to be covered for nine months out of 2014 to satisfy the mandate.

Ok, so a person whose policy has been cancelled can go uninsured for the first 3 months of 2014----------what a wonderful deal----------thanks barry :cuckoo:
Well.. Had my fill here. Time to clean up the Shovelhead for a put to the local mountains. Mid-70's to low 80's today in Ventura County CA

Is there not a SINGLE fucking rethug that comes on here that has a job that provides them with employer health insurance? NOT ONE?

Are you all deadbeats waiting for someone else to pay your medical bills? Or so poor that the idea of paying for something scares you to death? Well them, use the Repub health care plan and hurry up and die.
I guess you are a moron.

I pay for My health Insurance. I do NOT want to pay for yours or anyone else. Not a hard concept to comprehend.

No dude you are the moron. Really.

The premiums that you and I pay have to cover the health services provided to those without health insurance. That means you and I pay more than we should or need to. All so a person can shun their responsibility to provide their own health coverage. Then they just walk into the ER and receive the most EXPENSIVE health care we have to offer.

Are you really so stupid that you are good with that idea? You paying for coverage (within your premiums) for someone else? WOW dude. You gotta be dumb to agree with that.
They can go fuck themselves. How hard is that to comprehend you moron?

I cannot dumb it down any more to help you understand.

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Well. all kidding aside, if that's true... Houston, we have a problem


Mudwhistle posted it...no danger of it being true.


Sure looks true looking at your map. Nothing but blue in the largest part of the county.
Only place Romney got any votes was in the outlaying areas.
Just sayin.........

Btw, when a district votes 540-0 something is wrong here folks.

Nothing is wrong here except for your lie about Romney and others not getting a single vote in Cuyahoga county. Do you hate blacks that much?
Mudwhistle posted it...no danger of it being true.


Sure looks true looking at your map. Nothing but blue in the largest part of the county.
Only place Romney got any votes was in the outlaying areas.
Just sayin.........

Btw, when a district votes 540-0 something is wrong here folks.

Nothing is wrong here except for your lie about Romney and others not getting a single vote in Cuyahoga county. Do you hate blacks that much?

It wasn't my lie. I simply posted a pic from the internet. If it was a lie it was their lie.

BTW, what does this have to do with blacks?

If you look at this map it states clearly that at least one precinct, maybe more, had zero votes for Romney, while in the precincts that Romney supposedly carried Obama still got votes. That is normal. What is abnormal is that Romney got zero votes in the largest voting precincts.
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This is why you're a laughingstock around here. And the best example of modern American conservatism USMB has to offer

Vote for not more than 1
Stewart Alexander/Alex Mendoza (SOC) . 220 .03
Richard Duncan/Ricky Johnson . . . . 621 .10
Virgil Goode/Jim Clymer (CON). . . . 534 .08
Gary Johnson/James P. Gray (LIB). . . 3,448 .53
Barack Obama/Joe Biden (DEM) . . . . 447,273 69.32
Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan (REP) . . . . 190,660 29.55
Jill Stein/Cheri Honkala (GRE) . . . 1,564 .24
WRITE IN. . . . . . . . . . . 942 .15


Actually, you're the joke.

Your link goes to a tally list that has no official heading, no cross reference, nothing. Just a list printed in pdf form with no qualifiers or links to official sites.

It could easily be total bullshit.......just like my posted pic which I cannot vouch for.

The Cuyahoga County board of elections is not an official organization?

Look, everyone here knows you're being a douche because you think it's funny and clever,

but you've worn out the joke. Move on.
I guess you are a moron.

I pay for My health Insurance. I do NOT want to pay for yours or anyone else. Not a hard concept to comprehend.

No dude you are the moron. Really.

The premiums that you and I pay have to cover the health services provided to those without health insurance. That means you and I pay more than we should or need to. All so a person can shun their responsibility to provide their own health coverage. Then they just walk into the ER and receive the most EXPENSIVE health care we have to offer.

Are you really so stupid that you are good with that idea? You paying for coverage (within your premiums) for someone else? WOW dude. You gotta be dumb to agree with that.
They can go fuck themselves. How hard is that to comprehend you moron?

I cannot dumb it down any more to help you understand.


You should move to a country that has no taxes that go to the healthcare of others. You are free to go. That's your constitutional right.
wrong, new ACA policies are effective on 1/1/14. the first premium payment will be due on 1/1/14.

You only need to be covered for nine months out of 2014 to satisfy the mandate.

Ok, so a person whose policy has been cancelled can go uninsured for the first 3 months of 2014----------what a wonderful deal----------thanks barry :cuckoo:

Obama didn't cancel the insurance policy, the company did.

This is why you're a laughingstock around here. And the best example of modern American conservatism USMB has to offer

Vote for not more than 1
Stewart Alexander/Alex Mendoza (SOC) . 220 .03
Richard Duncan/Ricky Johnson . . . . 621 .10
Virgil Goode/Jim Clymer (CON). . . . 534 .08
Gary Johnson/James P. Gray (LIB). . . 3,448 .53
Barack Obama/Joe Biden (DEM) . . . . 447,273 69.32
Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan (REP) . . . . 190,660 29.55
Jill Stein/Cheri Honkala (GRE) . . . 1,564 .24
WRITE IN. . . . . . . . . . . 942 .15


Actually, you're the joke.

Your link goes to a tally list that has no official heading, no cross reference, nothing. Just a list printed in pdf form with no qualifiers or links to official sites.

It could easily be total bullshit.......just like my posted pic which I cannot vouch for.

So you admit to violating the rules of 'politics' by posting off-topic 'bullshit'?

Why would you do that? (the posting, not the admission)
How about we take down all the speed limit signs and trust that everyone is more capable of deciding what's a safe speed than is the government?

I'll see your strawman and raise you......

The speed limit signs don't say "go as fast as you want". Then when someone speeds the cop pulls them over, writes them a ticket and says "fuck what the sign says, speed limit is 30 mph".

You're ignoring what the other poster said. He claimed that the individual is better at making decisions than is the government.

The government decides how fast you can legally drive in any given area. You, and the other poster want the individual to decide that because you think every individual is smarter than the government.

Just the fact that you think that proves that you're not. lol

You seem to think the rest of us aren't smart enough to decide certain things for ourselves just because you need or want mommy and daddy government to decide everything for you does not mean the rest of us need or want that. In many ways the individual is smarter than the government I know of no individual who has run up 17 trillion in debt and could not set up a website.
This is why you're a laughingstock around here. And the best example of modern American conservatism USMB has to offer

Vote for not more than 1
Stewart Alexander/Alex Mendoza (SOC) . 220 .03
Richard Duncan/Ricky Johnson . . . . 621 .10
Virgil Goode/Jim Clymer (CON). . . . 534 .08
Gary Johnson/James P. Gray (LIB). . . 3,448 .53
Barack Obama/Joe Biden (DEM) . . . . 447,273 69.32
Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan (REP) . . . . 190,660 29.55
Jill Stein/Cheri Honkala (GRE) . . . 1,564 .24
WRITE IN. . . . . . . . . . . 942 .15


Actually, you're the joke.

Your link goes to a tally list that has no official heading, no cross reference, nothing. Just a list printed in pdf form with no qualifiers or links to official sites.

It could easily be total bullshit.......just like my posted pic which I cannot vouch for.

The Cuyahoga County board of elections is not an official organization?

Look, everyone here knows you're being a douche because you think it's funny and clever,

but you've worn out the joke. Move on.

Nothing in your pdf says where the tallies came from. No links to cross reference to check for accuracy.

That shit may fly when it comes to government, but in the real world it's bogus until you can prove it. Nothing is notarized or certified in your amateur posting, and for that matter, nothing in the pic I posted is notarized or certified. So move the fuck on bud.

BTW, an election board can be easily bought or co-opted if you have trillions at your disposal, or the power of the Justice Department willing to sue on a moments notice. So, anything those corrupt assholes say, I can say with full confidence that it is questionable at best.
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The one thing the ACA has done is helped people begin to actually understand just how expensive healthcare is and how much we are actually spending on it. For those of you who believe you can get good insurance for $200 or $300 per month and have it cover most of your medical expenses, you are living in some fantasy world.

Yeah, they're beginning to understand that it's a whole lot more expensive under Obamacare. Somehow we are supposed to believe they are benefiting when they have to pay twice as much for a policy with deductibles that are twice as big and co-pays that that are twice as high.

See, you're missing something here. We're not spending more on healthcare because of Obamacare. Some will pay more and some will pay less. We are just moving around who is paying what. How we are doing that might be questionable.

If we made people pay for insurance strictly based on actuarial tables, a young person could probably get insurance for $25 per month while a 60 year old would need to pay $1500 per month. The fact is that the vast majority of people become ill when they get older compared to when they are younger. Most costs associated with being younger come in the form of childbirth, pediatric care, and contraception. Outside of that, costs are minimal on the large scale. The problem is that 60 year olds cannot afford $1500 per month. We are seeing this now as may are finding $600 per month to be way out of their budgets.
I've never had a plan with more than a $2,500 deductible. How is someone who makes $30,000/yr ever going to pay a $5,500 deductible?

Generally, anyone buying a plan with such a large deductible is healthy and most likely will never hit that deductible. If something happens in a given year and they do, then at least they are covered for the major bills. But all of this just gets back to the point of how much healthcare actually costs in this country. People who make $30,000 per year cannot afford to pay for all of their healthcare on their own. It's basically impossible. When you understand that we are paying $8500 per year per person, you can see a person making $30,000 per year can't afford that. And what if that person is trying to support a couple of kids. Now the healthcare costs are over $25,000 per year.

Now we all know that person making $30,000 is not paying their full share of the $8500 or if they have kids, the $25,500. But somebody is paying for it. It ain't free.

The problem with your explanation is that prior to Obamacare they could afford insurance.

Yes, because they were being subsidized by someone else. Here is the thing; you cons all want everyone to pay their own way and be responsible, and then when you find out how much it actually costs to do so, you cry foul. The ACA did not make healthcare more expensive. In fact, and we have evidence of this, healthcare spending has increased by the smallest amount in over 60 years, for the past three years. Sometimes you have to look at the numbers realistically.
What about my rights to not use part of my tax monies to compensate for losses due to cheap insurance that doesn't fully pay the bill?


Does this opinion of the Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn have more to do with insurance companies ability to make higher profits from crap policies?


I guess I have three questions:

1. How do you know that insurance companies "make higher profits from crap policies"? This may be true, but I'd like to see some empirical evidence on that. I'm sure you have some info on that, since you brought it up.

2. I keep hearing about these "crap policies". You must be seeing myriad data on these policies, such as deductibles, co-pays, co-insurance, schedules of benefits and premiums paid for them, and how they offer lousy coverage for the price. Could you direct me to the evidence that these are "crap policies"? What are examples of "crap policies" that you've seen?

3. You mention "cheap insurance that doesn't fully pay the bill". ACA policies have significant deductibles, some of them several thousand dollars, as well as co-pays and co-insurance. Can you tell me precisely how these ACA policies "fully pay the bill"?

I'd just like to see some details on what appears to be the primary spin on the fact that Obama lied to us on dozens of occasions. At the moment, I'm drowning in platitudes and generalities.


Perhaps someone else can answer these reasonable questions?

Is there not a SINGLE fucking rethug that comes on here that has a job that provides them with employer health insurance? NOT ONE?

Are you all deadbeats waiting for someone else to pay your medical bills? Or so poor that the idea of paying for something scares you to death? Well them, use the Repub health care plan and hurry up and die.

It amazes me that once they stop receiving subsidies and have to pay the full cost of their own insurance, then all of a sudden they no longer believe in self-reliance and paying their own way. Healthcare spending isn't increasing; the costs are just being moved around a bit. The only hope is that this actually wakes some of them up to the fact that we are spending way too much on healthcare and need to find a better way that actually reduces costs while keeping people protected.
The one thing the ACA has done is helped people begin to actually understand just how expensive healthcare is and how much we are actually spending on it. For those of you who believe you can get good insurance for $200 or $300 per month and have it cover most of your medical expenses, you are living in some fantasy world.

Yeah, they're beginning to understand that it's a whole lot more expensive under Obamacare. Somehow we are supposed to believe they are benefiting when they have to pay twice as much for a policy with deductibles that are twice as big and co-pays that that are twice as high.

See, you're missing something here. We're not spending more on healthcare because of Obamacare. Some will pay more and some will pay less. We are just moving around who is paying what. How we are doing that might be questionable.

If we made people pay for insurance strictly based on actuarial tables, a young person could probably get insurance for $25 per month while a 60 year old would need to pay $1500 per month. The fact is that the vast majority of people become ill when they get older compared to when they are younger. Most costs associated with being younger come in the form of childbirth, pediatric care, and contraception. Outside of that, costs are minimal on the large scale. The problem is that 60 year olds cannot afford $1500 per month. We are seeing this now as may are finding $600 per month to be way out of their budgets.

Wrong, everyone who is paying will be paying more, and everyone will be getting a poorer quality of medical care.

Someone has to pay for the huge new govt beaurocracy that will have to "administer" this disaster.
Is there not a SINGLE fucking rethug that comes on here that has a job that provides them with employer health insurance? NOT ONE?

Are you all deadbeats waiting for someone else to pay your medical bills? Or so poor that the idea of paying for something scares you to death? Well them, use the Repub health care plan and hurry up and die.
I guess you are a moron.

I pay for My health Insurance. I do NOT want to pay for yours or anyone else. Not a hard concept to comprehend.

Until you become unemployed or start on Medicare. Then everyone will be helping to pay your way. If we didn't have Medicare and you had to pay for your own health insurance, by the time you hit 75 you would be paying $3000 per month for insurance.
It amazes me that once they stop receiving subsidies and have to pay the full cost of their own insurance, then all of a sudden they no longer believe in self-reliance and paying their own way.

Employer provided healthcare is not a subsidy.

It is an earned benefit.

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