Tennessee Seeks tonBar Same Sex Marriage

OTOH, places like San Francisco and West Hollywood made a conscious effort to promote the lifestyle. As a result, a lot bigger percentage of the population in San Francisco made a decision to come out for sodomy.

Too bad, get the fuck over it. And stay the fuck out of San Fran, you might catch the gay bug. I think you must already be incubating it.
Again, equal protection under the law....a concept that you are apparently unable to grasp.
Again...any homosexual man can marry any woman he wants, and any homosexual woman can marry any man she wants. They absolutely have equal rights. Want you want are special rights. And you want to mask them as being “unequal” when those special rights are denied.
I love that argument....
I love when the left goes reality an "argument".
It's not about morality or religion , it's about due process and equal protection under the law. You people can't seem to understand that granting rights to others does not detract from your rights.
That is fucking hilarious coming for the side that promotes and defends a "protected class". The very definition of unequal protection under the law.

One can count on the left to fuck up EVERYTHING. Even basic things like anatomy, reproduction, and equality. :eusa_doh:
There are a lot less homosexuality going on in Tennessee than there is in more permissive areas. The state made a decision to become more family orientated.
Geeeezuz Fucking Christ on a Cracker!!! "Homosexuals " Have families just like everyone else.
They do? That would be one hell of a trick... :laugh:
Do you have your head so far up that place where the sun don't shine as to not know that being parents to children regardless of where they came from, being a spouse, being part of the community, is HAVING A FUCKING FAMILY.
There are a lot less homosexuality going on in Tennessee than there is in more permissive areas. The state made a decision to become more family orientated.
Geeeezuz Fucking Christ on a Cracker!!! "Homosexuals " Have families just like everyone else.
They do? That would be one hell of a trick... :laugh:
Do you have your head so far up that place where the sun don't shine as to not know that being parents to children regardless of where they came from, being a spouse, being part of the community, is HAVING A FUCKING FAMILY.
Even if that were true, very angry hippie, it's still not "just like" everyone else. :laugh:
It's not about morality or religion , it's about due process and equal protection under the law. You people can't seem to understand that granting rights to others does not detract from your rights.
That is fucking hilarious coming for the side that promotes and defends a "protected class". The very definition of unequal protection under the law.

One can count on the left to fuck up EVERYTHING. Even basic things like anatomy, reproduction, and equality. :eusa_doh:
That is really stupid. The law does in fact protect everyone equally. When the law prohibited same sex marriage -that was inequality. Try thinking before you blather.
It's not about morality or religion , it's about due process and equal protection under the law. You people can't seem to understand that granting rights to others does not detract from your rights.
That is fucking hilarious coming for the side that promotes and defends a "protected class". The very definition of unequal protection under the law.

One can count on the left to fuck up EVERYTHING. Even basic things like anatomy, reproduction, and equality. :eusa_doh:
That is really stupid.
It is really stupid. And yet you wing-nuts support it. A protected class is an egregious violation of the U.S. Constitution. But then, you people never did like the constitution. Too many restraints on your deep desire for unlimited power over others.
There are a lot less homosexuality going on in Tennessee than there is in more permissive areas. The state made a decision to become more family orientated.
Geeeezuz Fucking Christ on a Cracker!!! "Homosexuals " Have families just like everyone else.
They do? That would be one hell of a trick... :laugh:
Do you have your head so far up that place where the sun don't shine as to not know that being parents to children regardless of where they came from, being a spouse, being part of the community, is HAVING A FUCKING FAMILY.
Even if that were true, very angry hippie, it's still not "just like" everyone else. :laugh:

They have children that came to be in their care by a variety of means
They are parents to their children
They maintains homes
They have jobs
They pay taxes
They pay bills and sometimes struggle to make ends meet
The volunteer in the community
They drive kids to soccer or whatever.
They attend PTA meeting
They have a commitment to their partner
They have neighbors and friends
They try to save for college and retirement
They shovel their walks when it snows and tend the lawn in the summer
They worry about the state of the world, the environment and the future for their kids and others
They worry about health care insurance and about their health
They love their families and others. They have fears and doubts. THEY ARE HUMAN BEINGS
They vote and sometimes participate in the political process
They sometimes run for and hold office
They attend wakes and funerals and morn their losses
They have health issues and are aware of their mortality

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Tennessee generally sucks when it comes to LGBT issues


There are a lot less homosexuality going on in Tennessee than there is in more permissive areas. The state made a decision to become more family orientated.

OTOH, places like San Francisco and West Hollywood made a conscious effort to promote the lifestyle. As a result, a lot bigger percentage of the population in San Francisco made a decision to come out for sodomy.

When does a "state" or a "place" make a decision? What constitutes being "family oriented"? What does this mean? What do you mean by saying that someone is "promoting a lifestyle"? It seems that the Tennessee government is "promoting a lifestyle".
It's not about morality or religion , it's about due process and equal protection under the law. You people can't seem to understand that granting rights to others does not detract from your rights.
That is fucking hilarious coming for the side that promotes and defends a "protected class". The very definition of unequal protection under the law.

One can count on the left to fuck up EVERYTHING. Even basic things like anatomy, reproduction, and equality. :eusa_doh:
That is really stupid.
It is really stupid. And yet you wing-nuts support it. A protected class is an egregious violation of the U.S. Constitution. But then, you people never did like the constitution. Too many restraints on your deep desire for unlimited power over others.

You really don't understand very much - "Sad" as T-Rump would say . Protected classes are created for groups who have been historically discriminated against to level the playing field . That status is obviously unnecessary for others because they are not targets of discrimination

Protected Class | Practical Law
Protected Class. A group of people with a common characteristic who are legally protected from employment discrimination on the basis of that characteristic. Protected classes are created by both federal and state law. For more information, see Practice Notes, Discrimination: Overview and Recruiting and Interviewing: Minimizing Legal Risk:...
Well...angry hippie...where to begin?

They are unable to procreate (while everyone else can)
Their children are not biological (while everyone else's is)
They prefer the same sex (while everyone else doesn't)
Their children are raised in a home with two members of the exact same sex (while no other children are)

They are different no matter how desperately you wish to believe otherwise.
Protected classes are created for groups who have been historically discriminated against to level the playing field . That status is obviously unnecessary for others because they are not targets of discrimination
Yeah...I get the entire premise...genius. Now, let's see if we can dumb this down for you. You're so blinded by your ideology, this is going to be a challenge. But I'll give it my best shot.

If the government is creating classes and then treating those classes differently from other citizens, that is the very definition of inequality and an egregious violation of the U.S. Constitution. The 14th Amendment makes it crystal clear that the government must treat all citizens 100% equally.
There are a lot less homosexuality going on in Tennessee than there is in more permissive areas. The state made a decision to become more family orientated.
Geeeezuz Fucking Christ on a Cracker!!! "Homosexuals " Have families just like everyone else.
They do? That would be one hell of a trick... :laugh:
We do....in fact our daughter is getting married this summer. And we know many other families with gay parents. I know you are ignorant of such things.......but, you know....deplorables aren't very bright.
We do....in fact our daughter is getting married this summer. And we know many other families with gay parents. I know you are ignorant of such things.......but, you know....deplorables aren't very bright.
Forgive me Bode...but I don't know you outside of USMB. That means the term "we" doesn't mean a whole lot. Are you claiming that you and another woman produced a child? If so, I definitely want to hear this. :lmao:

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