Tennessee Seeks tonBar Same Sex Marriage

'Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act' seeks to strip gay marriage rights ....Never in our history a right-once established- been revoked.

Windsor 2013 says that the right to define marriage is wholly up to states; with the caveat that it can’t violate civil rights.

You are aware that lower courts are finding that the word “sex” in the Civil Rights Act means only gender; a static noun. The intent is that Act was not & is not about sexual behaviors or kinks. If it was, polygamists & others could have been getting married since 2015.

That Civil Rights Act was never amended by the legislature. (Congress) to include homosexual practitioners.

The Judicial Branch cannot write new laws.

Tennessee has a damn strong case. Good luck lefties.
Protected classes are created for groups who have been historically discriminated against to level the playing field . That status is obviously unnecessary for others because they are not targets of discrimination
Yeah...I get the entire premise...genius. Now, let's see if we can dumb this down for you. You're so blinded by your ideology, this is going to be a challenge. But I'll give it my best shot.

If the government is creating classes and then treating those classes differently from other citizens, that is the very definition of inequality and an egregious violation of the U.S. Constitution. The 14th Amendment makes it crystal clear that the government must treat all citizens 100% equally.
Oh Christ! You are to Obtuse to deal with. Is it remotely possible that the point that I made is lost on you? Sadly, it appears to be true.
They are unable to procreate (while everyone else can)
Their children are not biological (while everyone else's is)
Everyone else can? Are you really that far out of touch with reality ? Sadly it appears that you are. How do you feel about hetero coupes who adopt because they cant have their own children? Never mind, I don't expect an honest or rational answer,
They prefer the same sex (while everyone else doesn't)
So what? Interestingly and very telling, You fail to address most of the points that I made about how same sex couple are the same as others. That is a typical bigoted and divisive tactic that emphasis differences-real or made up , and in this case fabricated- in an attempt to dehumanize others for political purposes. You should be ashamed but I doubt that you have the integrity and self awareness to be.
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They are unable to procreate (while everyone else can)
Their children are not biological (while everyone else's is)
Everyone else can? Are you really that far out of touch with reality ? Sadly it appears that you are. How do you feel about hetero coupes who adopt because they cant have their own children? Never mind, I don't expect an honest or rational answer,
Oh...you mean that 0.001%? Yeah, I feel they are absolutely different as well. It’s interesting that you automatically take “different” to mean “bad”.
There are a lot less homosexuality going on in Tennessee than there is in more permissive areas. The state made a decision to become more family orientated.
Geeeezuz Fucking Christ on a Cracker!!! "Homosexuals " Have families just like everyone else.
They do? That would be one hell of a trick... :laugh:
Do you have your head so far up that place where the sun don't shine as to not know that being parents to children regardless of where they came from, being a spouse, being part of the community, is HAVING A FUCKING FAMILY.
Even if that were true, very angry hippie, it's still not "just like" everyone else. :laugh:

They have children that came to be in their care by a variety of means
They are parents to their children
They maintains homes
They have jobs
They pay taxes
They pay bills and sometimes struggle to make ends meet
The volunteer in the community
They drive kids to soccer or whatever.
They attend PTA meeting
They have a commitment to their partner
They have neighbors and friends
They try to save for college and retirement
They shovel their walks when it snows and tend the lawn in the summer
They worry about the state of the world, the environment and the future for their kids and others
They worry about health care insurance and about their health
They love their families and others. They have fears and doubts. THEY ARE HUMAN BEINGS
They vote and sometimes participate in the political process
They sometimes run for and hold office
They attend wakes and funerals and morn their losses
They have health issues and are aware of their mortality


Most of those things you aren't true of the Homosexual community around here. The Homos I have met don't have children at all- the no children thing is one of the selling points for the homosexual lifestyle. They are neurotic, like to party with other homosexuals, hang out in adult theaters, gay bars, bath houses, highway rest stops. Always looking to recruit new people into their orientation. Those who are relatively good are usually nice and devoted to their mothers. What they really like to do, what they really go for is to "get campy" and do things to outrage Straight Arrows, Squares and Normative people. This is why they started getting sex change operations, just being "gay" really didn't get that many squares frazzled as it did in the past.
They prefer the same sex (while everyone else doesn't)
So what? Interestingly and very telling, You fail to address most of the points that I made about how same sex couple are the same as others. That is a typical bigoted and divisive tactic that emphasis differences-real or made up , and in this case fabricated- in an attempt to dehumanize others for political purposes. You should be ashamed but I doubt that you have the integrity and self awareness to be.

Conservatives: is anyone at all affected by this nonsense anymore? Anyone? When they rant at you about bigoted, divisive, "you should be ashamed", "you lack integrity and self-awareness"?

I don't even bother with an eye-roll anymore. For me, it's like a gnat buzzing around your ear but it's too hot to shoo it away.

PP: that stopped being effective...I don't know....10 years ago at least. Your Overlords know this, which is why they've ratcheted up to taking people's jobs, homes, and livelihoods. Happy?
They are unable to procreate (while everyone else can)
Their children are not biological (while everyone else's is)
Everyone else can? Are you really that far out of touch with reality ? Sadly it appears that you are. How do you feel about hetero coupes who adopt because they cant have their own children? Never mind, I don't expect an honest or rational answer,
Oh...you mean that 0.001%? Yeah, I feel they are absolutely different as well. It’s interesting that you automatically take “different” to mean “bad”.
You just made that up!! Don't lye. In any case its beside that point . As I said, That is a typical bigoted and divisive tactic that emphasis differences-real or made up , and in this case fabricated- in an attempt to dehumanize others for political purposes. You should be ashamed but I doubt that you have the integrity and self awareness to be.
Geeeezuz Fucking Christ on a Cracker!!! "Homosexuals " Have families just like everyone else.
They do? That would be one hell of a trick... :laugh:
Do you have your head so far up that place where the sun don't shine as to not know that being parents to children regardless of where they came from, being a spouse, being part of the community, is HAVING A FUCKING FAMILY.
Even if that were true, very angry hippie, it's still not "just like" everyone else. :laugh:

They have children that came to be in their care by a variety of means
They are parents to their children
They maintains homes
They have jobs
They pay taxes
They pay bills and sometimes struggle to make ends meet
The volunteer in the community
They drive kids to soccer or whatever.
They attend PTA meeting
They have a commitment to their partner
They have neighbors and friends
They try to save for college and retirement
They shovel their walks when it snows and tend the lawn in the summer
They worry about the state of the world, the environment and the future for their kids and others
They worry about health care insurance and about their health
They love their families and others. They have fears and doubts. THEY ARE HUMAN BEINGS
They vote and sometimes participate in the political process
They sometimes run for and hold office
They attend wakes and funerals and morn their losses
They have health issues and are aware of their mortality


Most of those things you aren't true of the Homosexual community around here. The Homos I have met don't have children at all- the no children thing is one of the selling points for the homosexual lifestyle. They are neurotic, like to party with other homosexuals, hang out in adult theaters, gay bars, bath houses, highway rest stops. Always looking to recruit new people into their orientation. Those who are relatively good are usually nice and devoted to their mothers. What they really like to do, what they really go for is to "get campy" and do things to outrage Straight Arrows, Squares and Normative people. This is why they started getting sex change operations, just being "gay" really didn't get that many squares frazzled as it did in the past.
You are either a shameless liar or a psychotic who is listening to the voices in his head, Which is it.
Homosexuality violates people's religion. That's the problem. I can't force a Jihadi Butcher to sell me bacon or butcher a hog either.

No, but if he sells bacon to other people but refuses to sell it to you because you are Christian, he is in violation of the law.

What involves more force, the couple having to go to another baker or the baker having to bake the cake under penalty of ruin?

Which involves the use of government force?

What involves more force, the Feds sending in the Army or those uppity negros going to the back of the line like we told them to?

If Mr. Wifebeater refused to bake a cake because he hates black people, we would not be having this discussion no matter how many racist bible verses he trotted out.
Outlawing same sex marriage is the right step in making America great again.
Right ….and while we're at it let's also:

Take their children away
Repeal Women's suffrage
Ban interracial marriage
Bring back slavery
Ban all non whites from entering the country
Bring back public executions for all crimes including blasphemy with little or no appeal
Close down the free press
Make Christianity the state religion and institute a religious test to hold public office

Yea slick....that would be a real great America
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Geeeezuz Fucking Christ on a Cracker!!! "Homosexuals " Have families just like everyone else.
They do? That would be one hell of a trick... :laugh:
Do you have your head so far up that place where the sun don't shine as to not know that being parents to children regardless of where they came from, being a spouse, being part of the community, is HAVING A FUCKING FAMILY.
Even if that were true, very angry hippie, it's still not "just like" everyone else. :laugh:

They have children that came to be in their care by a variety of means
They are parents to their children
They maintains homes
They have jobs
They pay taxes
They pay bills and sometimes struggle to make ends meet
The volunteer in the community
They drive kids to soccer or whatever.
They attend PTA meeting
They have a commitment to their partner
They have neighbors and friends
They try to save for college and retirement
They shovel their walks when it snows and tend the lawn in the summer
They worry about the state of the world, the environment and the future for their kids and others
They worry about health care insurance and about their health
They love their families and others. They have fears and doubts. THEY ARE HUMAN BEINGS
They vote and sometimes participate in the political process
They sometimes run for and hold office
They attend wakes and funerals and morn their losses
They have health issues and are aware of their mortality


Most of those things you aren't true of the Homosexual community around here. The Homos I have met don't have children at all- the no children thing is one of the selling points for the homosexual lifestyle. They are neurotic, like to party with other homosexuals, hang out in adult theaters, gay bars, bath houses, highway rest stops. Always looking to recruit new people into their orientation. Those who are relatively good are usually nice and devoted to their mothers. What they really like to do, what they really go for is to "get campy" and do things to outrage Straight Arrows, Squares and Normative people. This is why they started getting sex change operations, just being "gay" really didn't get that many squares frazzled as it did in the past.

Imagine being such a self-centered twat to actually think another person being gay is really all about you. :lol:

Here’s the inside scoop: you’re not as important as you think you are. True story.
I wish Tennessee much success.

Well...for one thing...the 10th Amendment clearly states that anything outside of the 18 emumerated powers delegate to the federal government are left to the states and the people. And since marriage isn’t one of those powers, it’s completely up to the people of Tennessee whether or not they want to approve gay marriage.

I know. I know. You fascist statists hate the limitation of power the U.S. Constitution creates. But....deal with it.
I wish Tennessee much success.

Well...for one thing...the 10th Amendment clearly states that anything outside of the 18 emumerated powers delegate to the federal government are left to the states and the people. And since marriage isn’t one of those powers, it’s completely up to the people of Tennessee whether or not they want to approve gay marriage.

I know. I know. You fascist statists hate the limitation of power the U.S. Constitution creates. But....deal with it.

So by that reasoning then, the issue of interracial marriage should have been left up to the state of Virginia. Right?

The tenth amendment does not mention "18 enumerated rights" and is not superior to other amendments nor does it allow states to trample on people rights or discriminate

The 14th Amendment bound the states to the bill of rights

Your knowledge of constitutional law is abysmal
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