Tennessee Seeks tonBar Same Sex Marriage

QUOTE="bodecea, post: 21833669, member: 20112"]
Oh yes, many HAVE said that gay people are sterile. Here's the fun scenerio..."if everyone on Earth was gay, we'd go extinct." Now....why would anyone think that?

Homosexuals aren't interested in having relations with dames. Just because it is "possible" for them to do it, they would be unlikely to do it enough to replace the population. IVF and other artificial methods again would not be able to keep the demand up either.
My my...you certainly think you are all up on gay knowledge, don't you?
Well, considering that I am gay...I would think I have some.....and you, Comrade?
The only thing green about the Bean is the diseased, gangrene brain cells that are driving his idiocy
An 'idiocy' .... that after ... what 3 / 4 years since that other forunm that you still haven't gotten over or been able to refute .... not one iota .... TRUTH HURTS DOESN"T IT CUM GUZZLER ??!!
Homosexuality violates people's religion. That's the problem. I can't force a Jihadi Butcher to sell me bacon or butcher a hog either.

No, but if he sells bacon to other people but refuses to sell it to you because you are Christian, he is in violation of the law.

What involves more force, the couple having to go to another baker or the baker having to bake the cake under penalty of ruin?

Which involves the use of government force?

What involves more force, the Feds sending in the Army or those uppity negros going to the back of the line like we told them to?

If Mr. Wifebeater refused to bake a cake because he hates black people, we would not be having this discussion no matter how many racist bible verses he trotted out.

The Army was only sent in when local law enforcement gave up on enforcing a valid law dictating equal access to public education. So your comparison doesn't work here.

And again your assumption of domestic violence. Do you lie without even trying?
How does IVF qualify as "natural reproduction?"
What does that have to do with legal marriage?
Nothing. But these bigots use that "Unable to procreate" crap as a means of questioning the validity same sex marriage. They tried that shit all through the marriage equality litigation, as well as trying to claim that gay people are inferior parents, and got their ass kicked in court every time.

Gay marriage and gay parenting are 2 seperate issues - Fags and dikes have every right to co-miserate in the sanctity of Marriage and it never should have been denied in the first place . Gay Parenting is an entirely different topic Gays as all perverts - and I include large swarms of the religous realm in that statement should allways be kept at arms length from degenerates - its a duty we as human beings owe to our youngest members. .... progressive I don't include you in that statement - that part about being a human being that is :>
I've had about enough of your bullshit! I know of two gay men who became fosters of newborns. they are white and both babies are black. One was born drug addicted and the other with fetal alcohol syndrome. No one else wanted them, but these men took them into their home. They walked the floor with them as they screamed in pain, they took them to the doctor for treatment, they spent loads of money on these boys not knowing if they would ever get to adopt them. They introduced them to a black woman friend who had a daughter and would teach the boys about their culture. And then one day, they were granted the right to adopt them.They cried like babies and hugged them and had a family party to celebrate. NO ONE else wanted these babies....do you understand that? Many,many times gay couple will take special needs children that no one else wants. Do you think those children shouldn't be allowed to have a home where they are wanted and cherished and cared for?
Funny how it's always the "straight" couples who only take fosters for the money who are the ones abusing the kids. There was a couple here who tied a small girl up to the porch with a chicken tied around her neck and she died of starvation and hypothermia. She was a foster. They were a MAN and a WOMAN!
So stick your indignation and hate up your hateful ass!

Re: "Do you think those children shouldn't be allowed to have a home where they are wanted and cherished and cared for?" Everybody needs to be loved - it's how you define LOVE that makes the difference - the facts are irrefutable sweety --- Gay Men molest children at a ridiculously higher percentage than any other demographic - they are responsibble for about 1/3 of all child molestation aganst male children yet comprise on 3 to 5 % of the population . And by the way - you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors between those 2 perverts and the child / children in question - do you ? So kindly STFU and stop enabling child abuse
Unless you have irrefutable proof to back this accusation up, you're just pulling this info out of your homophobic ass.
How does IVF qualify as "natural reproduction?"
What does that have to do with legal marriage?
Nothing. But these bigots use that "Unable to procreate" crap as a means of questioning the validity same sex marriage. They tried that shit all through the marriage equality litigation, as well as trying to claim that gay people are inferior parents, and got their ass kicked in court every time.

Gay marriage and gay parenting are 2 seperate issues - Fags and dikes have every right to co-miserate in the sanctity of Marriage and it never should have been denied in the first place . Gay Parenting is an entirely different topic Gays as all perverts - and I include large swarms of the religous realm in that statement should allways be kept at arms length from degenerates - its a duty we as human beings owe to our youngest members. .... progressive I don't include you in that statement - that part about being a human being that is :>
You are so full of shit it makes me sick

LGBT Adoption Facts

For many, LGBT adoption is still a new concept, and society’s image of a “perfect” family includes a mother and a father of opposite sexes. However, this is a just a stereotype. Today, more and more gay and lesbian couples are becoming parents, whether through artificial insemination, a surrogate or LGBT adoption. LifeLong Adoptions caters to heterosexual couples, single parents and gay & lesbian families. LGBT Adoption Facts | Gay Adoption | Same Sex Adoption

The push against gay, lesbian, and same-sex couple adoption is more about gay discrimination than child welfare. So, before you buy into the myths and rhetoric that gay adoption poses an unsafe environment for children or that a gay household is a "recruitment center" for young adults, the facts those against same-sex adoption aren't telling you:

• There are already thousands of children living in gay couple households. The 2000 U. S. Census reports 33% of female same-sex couple households and 22% of male same-sex couple households already have at least one child under the age of 18 living at home.

10 Ways You Can Join the Fight for Gay Rights

In 2008 there were 129,000 children waiting to be adopted, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported. In 2007, the Urban Institute reported that two million gay or lesbian individuals said they had considered adoption. A hotly debated issue in the United States is whether or not those two million interested individuals should be able to adopt the children in need. There is currently no federal law that explicitly bans or allows gays and lesbians to adopt; the decision is left up to each state.

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/about_6746455_gay-lesbian-adoption.html#ixzz2vb55w73S

Here is more for you to chew on:

A final word to all of the low life bigots who shamelessly use propaganda about children in their failed war on equality. I’m sure that these figures are much higher now

There were an estimated 300,000 to 500,000 gay and lesbian biological parents in 1976. In 1990, an estimated 6 to 14 million children have gay or lesbian parents.

Latest statistics from the U.S. Census 2000, the National Survey of Family Growth (2002), and the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (2004) include:

• An estimated two million LGLB people are interested in adopting.

• An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay parent.

• More than 16,000 adopted children are living with lesbian and gay parents in California, the highest number among the states.

• Gay and lesbian parents are raising four percent of all adopted children in the United States.

• Adopted children with same-sex parents are younger and more likely to be foreign born.

How Many U.S. Children Have Gay Parents?

In addition, adoption is legal in all 50 states. Generally, acceptance of gay and lesbian adoption has been way out in front of same sex marriage. In some states, it has been occurring for decades.

Given these numbers, please answer the following questions:

• If children who are in the care of gay people are at risk of abuse or having developmental/ adjustment issues why have the states been allowing this for so long?

• If mistreatment of children by gays was prevalent, why are we not hearing horror stories and seeing headlines about this on a regular basis ?

• Why have we not been seeing large numbers of adults who had been children of gays coming forward to speak out against gay parenting?

Claims that gay parenting is harmful to children are bogus and stupid.

So you know how to copy and paste from pro gay big brother rags - good for you you've moved beyond the coloring book and crayons - but ALT-Facts do not and can not alter or change reality Gay Men are still responsible for roughly 1/3 of all child abuse cases against male children - that equates to roughly 3% of the population responsible for 33% of child abuse


Members of disliked minority groups are often stereotyped as representing a danger to the majority's most vulnerable members. For example, Jews in the Middle Ages were accused of murdering Christian babies in ritual sacrifices. Black men in the United States were often lynched after being falsely accused of raping White women. ]

In recent years, antigay activists have routinely asserted that gay people are child molesters. This argument was often made in debates about the Boy Scouts of America's policy to exclude gay scouts and scoutmasters. More recently, in the wake of Rep. Mark Foley's resignation from the US House of Representatives in 2006, antigay activists and their supporters seized on the scandal to revive this canard. http://psc.dss.ucdavis.edu/faculty_sites/rainbow/html/facts_molestation.html

Selected Excerpts:

The number of Americans who believe the myth that gay people are child molesters has declined substantially. In a 1970 national survey, more than 70% of respondents agreed with the assertions that "Homosexuals are dangerous as teachers or youth leaders because they try to get sexually involved with children" or that "Homosexuals try to play sexually with children if they cannot get an adult partner."1

By contrast, in a 1999 national poll, the belief that most gay men are likely to molest or abuse children was endorsed by only 19% of heterosexual men and 10% of heterosexual women. Even fewer – 9% of men and 6% of women – regarded most lesbians as child molesters.

Apparently you're a part of the moronic minority( Yes a play on words lifted from the moral majority)

One problem is that none of the studies in this area have obtained data from a probability sample, that is, a sample that can be assumed to be representative of the population of all child molesters. Rather, most research has been conducted only with convicted perpetrators or with pedophiles who sought professional help. Consequently, they may not accurately describe child molesters who have never been caught or have not sought treatment.

A second problem is that the terminology used in this area is often confusing and can even be misleading. We can begin to address that problem by defining some basic terms.

Pedophilia and child molestation are used in different ways, even by professionals. Pedophilia usually refers to an adult psychological disorder characterized by a preference for prepubescent children as sexual partners; this preference may or may not be acted upon. The term hebephilia is sometimes used to describe adult sexual attractions to adolescents or children who have reached puberty.

Child molestation and child sexual abuse refer to actions, and don't imply a particular psychological makeup or motive on the part of the perpetrator. Not all incidents of child sexual abuse are perpetrated by pedophiles or hebephiles; in some cases, the perpetrator has other motives for his or her actions and does not manifest an ongoing pattern of sexual attraction to children.

Thus, not all child sexual abuse is perpetrated by pedophiles (or hebephiles) and not all pedophiles and hebephiles actually commit abuse. Consequently, it is important to use terminology carefully.

Hopefully, you are beginning to see that the issue is a bit more complicated than your small mind is able or willing to contemplate

Another problem related to terminology arises because sexual abuse of male children by adult men2 is often referred to as "homosexual molestation." The adjective "homosexual" (or "heterosexual" when a man abuses a female child) refers to the victim's gender in relation to that of the perpetrator. Unfortunately, people sometimes mistakenly interpret it as referring to the perpetrator's sexual orientation.

Now we are getting to the crux of the issue. Still with me, or are you watching porn and jerking off, rather than trying to learn something?

As an expert panel of researchers convened by the National Academy of Sciences noted in a 1993 report: "The distinction between homosexual and heterosexual child molesters relies on the premise that male molesters of male victims are homosexual in orientation. Most molesters of boys do not report sexual interest in adult men, however" (National Research Council, 1993, p. 143, citation omitted).

To avoid this confusion, it is preferable to refer to men's sexual abuse of boys with the more accurate label of male-male molestation. Similarly, it is preferable to refer to men's abuse of girls as male-female molestation. These labels are more accurate because they describe the sex of the individuals involved but don't implicitly convey unwarranted assumptions about the perpetrator's sexual orientation.

Typologies of Offenders The distinction between a victim's gender and a perpetrator's sexual orientation is important because many child molesters don't really have an adult sexual orientation. They have never developed the capacity for mature sexual relationships with other adults, either men or women. Instead, their sexual attractions focus on children – boys, girls, or children of both sexes.
What does that have to do with legal marriage?
Nothing. But these bigots use that "Unable to procreate" crap as a means of questioning the validity same sex marriage. They tried that shit all through the marriage equality litigation, as well as trying to claim that gay people are inferior parents, and got their ass kicked in court every time.

Gay marriage and gay parenting are 2 seperate issues - Fags and dikes have every right to co-miserate in the sanctity of Marriage and it never should have been denied in the first place . Gay Parenting is an entirely different topic Gays as all perverts - and I include large swarms of the religous realm in that statement should allways be kept at arms length from degenerates - its a duty we as human beings owe to our youngest members. .... progressive I don't include you in that statement - that part about being a human being that is :>
I've had about enough of your bullshit! I know of two gay men who became fosters of newborns. they are white and both babies are black. One was born drug addicted and the other with fetal alcohol syndrome. No one else wanted them, but these men took them into their home. They walked the floor with them as they screamed in pain, they took them to the doctor for treatment, they spent loads of money on these boys not knowing if they would ever get to adopt them. They introduced them to a black woman friend who had a daughter and would teach the boys about their culture. And then one day, they were granted the right to adopt them.They cried like babies and hugged them and had a family party to celebrate. NO ONE else wanted these babies....do you understand that? Many,many times gay couple will take special needs children that no one else wants. Do you think those children shouldn't be allowed to have a home where they are wanted and cherished and cared for?
Funny how it's always the "straight" couples who only take fosters for the money who are the ones abusing the kids. There was a couple here who tied a small girl up to the porch with a chicken tied around her neck and she died of starvation and hypothermia. She was a foster. They were a MAN and a WOMAN!
So stick your indignation and hate up your hateful ass!

Re: "Do you think those children shouldn't be allowed to have a home where they are wanted and cherished and cared for?" Everybody needs to be loved - it's how you define LOVE that makes the difference - the facts are irrefutable sweety --- Gay Men molest children at a ridiculously higher percentage than any other demographic - they are responsibble for about 1/3 of all child molestation aganst male children yet comprise on 3 to 5 % of the population . And by the way - you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors between those 2 perverts and the child / children in question - do you ? So kindly STFU and stop enabling child abuse
Unless you have irrefutable proof to back this accusation up, you're just pulling this info out of your homophobic ass.
He heard this shit somewhere- doesn't really remember the source- and mindlessly regurgitates it when prompted.
Nothing. But these bigots use that "Unable to procreate" crap as a means of questioning the validity same sex marriage. They tried that shit all through the marriage equality litigation, as well as trying to claim that gay people are inferior parents, and got their ass kicked in court every time.

Gay marriage and gay parenting are 2 seperate issues - Fags and dikes have every right to co-miserate in the sanctity of Marriage and it never should have been denied in the first place . Gay Parenting is an entirely different topic Gays as all perverts - and I include large swarms of the religous realm in that statement should allways be kept at arms length from degenerates - its a duty we as human beings owe to our youngest members. .... progressive I don't include you in that statement - that part about being a human being that is :>
I've had about enough of your bullshit! I know of two gay men who became fosters of newborns. they are white and both babies are black. One was born drug addicted and the other with fetal alcohol syndrome. No one else wanted them, but these men took them into their home. They walked the floor with them as they screamed in pain, they took them to the doctor for treatment, they spent loads of money on these boys not knowing if they would ever get to adopt them. They introduced them to a black woman friend who had a daughter and would teach the boys about their culture. And then one day, they were granted the right to adopt them.They cried like babies and hugged them and had a family party to celebrate. NO ONE else wanted these babies....do you understand that? Many,many times gay couple will take special needs children that no one else wants. Do you think those children shouldn't be allowed to have a home where they are wanted and cherished and cared for?
Funny how it's always the "straight" couples who only take fosters for the money who are the ones abusing the kids. There was a couple here who tied a small girl up to the porch with a chicken tied around her neck and she died of starvation and hypothermia. She was a foster. They were a MAN and a WOMAN!
So stick your indignation and hate up your hateful ass!

Re: "Do you think those children shouldn't be allowed to have a home where they are wanted and cherished and cared for?" Everybody needs to be loved - it's how you define LOVE that makes the difference - the facts are irrefutable sweety --- Gay Men molest children at a ridiculously higher percentage than any other demographic - they are responsibble for about 1/3 of all child molestation aganst male children yet comprise on 3 to 5 % of the population . And by the way - you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors between those 2 perverts and the child / children in question - do you ? So kindly STFU and stop enabling child abuse
Unless you have irrefutable proof to back this accusation up, you're just pulling this info out of your homophobic ass.
He heard this shit somewhere- doesn't really remember the source- and mindlessly regurgitates it when prompted.

The thing with homosexuality is that they need to bring in new people to adopt the orientation. Do homosexuals sometimes try to recruit underaged boys to become "queer"? That's an unquestioned fact. Gays have established groups in High Schools in the modern age to gin up interest, and supported those efforts with prominent homosexual characters and shows on TV, even getting politicians to go all in for homosexuality.

This is where the problem lies.

I could really give a shit what kind of sexuality gay beaus are involved in, but they should really only be on boarding people who have reached their majorities
Gay marriage and gay parenting are 2 seperate issues - Fags and dikes have every right to co-miserate in the sanctity of Marriage and it never should have been denied in the first place . Gay Parenting is an entirely different topic Gays as all perverts - and I include large swarms of the religous realm in that statement should allways be kept at arms length from degenerates - its a duty we as human beings owe to our youngest members. .... progressive I don't include you in that statement - that part about being a human being that is :>
I've had about enough of your bullshit! I know of two gay men who became fosters of newborns. they are white and both babies are black. One was born drug addicted and the other with fetal alcohol syndrome. No one else wanted them, but these men took them into their home. They walked the floor with them as they screamed in pain, they took them to the doctor for treatment, they spent loads of money on these boys not knowing if they would ever get to adopt them. They introduced them to a black woman friend who had a daughter and would teach the boys about their culture. And then one day, they were granted the right to adopt them.They cried like babies and hugged them and had a family party to celebrate. NO ONE else wanted these babies....do you understand that? Many,many times gay couple will take special needs children that no one else wants. Do you think those children shouldn't be allowed to have a home where they are wanted and cherished and cared for?
Funny how it's always the "straight" couples who only take fosters for the money who are the ones abusing the kids. There was a couple here who tied a small girl up to the porch with a chicken tied around her neck and she died of starvation and hypothermia. She was a foster. They were a MAN and a WOMAN!
So stick your indignation and hate up your hateful ass!

Re: "Do you think those children shouldn't be allowed to have a home where they are wanted and cherished and cared for?" Everybody needs to be loved - it's how you define LOVE that makes the difference - the facts are irrefutable sweety --- Gay Men molest children at a ridiculously higher percentage than any other demographic - they are responsibble for about 1/3 of all child molestation aganst male children yet comprise on 3 to 5 % of the population . And by the way - you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors between those 2 perverts and the child / children in question - do you ? So kindly STFU and stop enabling child abuse
Unless you have irrefutable proof to back this accusation up, you're just pulling this info out of your homophobic ass.
He heard this shit somewhere- doesn't really remember the source- and mindlessly regurgitates it when prompted.

The thing with homosexuality is that they need to bring in new people to adopt the orientation. Do homosexuals sometimes try to recruit underaged boys to become "queer"? That's an unquestioned fact. Gays have established groups in High Schools in the modern age to gin up interest, and supported those efforts with prominent homosexual characters and shows on TV, even getting politicians to go all in for homosexuality.

This is where the problem lies.

I could really give a shit what kind of sexuality gay beaus are involved in, but they should really only be on boarding people who have reached their majorities
Keep on going! Lets see what other bigoted bovine excrement you can pull out of your ass, Slick
Nothing. But these bigots use that "Unable to procreate" crap as a means of questioning the validity same sex marriage. They tried that shit all through the marriage equality litigation, as well as trying to claim that gay people are inferior parents, and got their ass kicked in court every time.

Gay marriage and gay parenting are 2 seperate issues - Fags and dikes have every right to co-miserate in the sanctity of Marriage and it never should have been denied in the first place . Gay Parenting is an entirely different topic Gays as all perverts - and I include large swarms of the religous realm in that statement should allways be kept at arms length from degenerates - its a duty we as human beings owe to our youngest members. .... progressive I don't include you in that statement - that part about being a human being that is :>
I've had about enough of your bullshit! I know of two gay men who became fosters of newborns. they are white and both babies are black. One was born drug addicted and the other with fetal alcohol syndrome. No one else wanted them, but these men took them into their home. They walked the floor with them as they screamed in pain, they took them to the doctor for treatment, they spent loads of money on these boys not knowing if they would ever get to adopt them. They introduced them to a black woman friend who had a daughter and would teach the boys about their culture. And then one day, they were granted the right to adopt them.They cried like babies and hugged them and had a family party to celebrate. NO ONE else wanted these babies....do you understand that? Many,many times gay couple will take special needs children that no one else wants. Do you think those children shouldn't be allowed to have a home where they are wanted and cherished and cared for?
Funny how it's always the "straight" couples who only take fosters for the money who are the ones abusing the kids. There was a couple here who tied a small girl up to the porch with a chicken tied around her neck and she died of starvation and hypothermia. She was a foster. They were a MAN and a WOMAN!
So stick your indignation and hate up your hateful ass!

Re: "Do you think those children shouldn't be allowed to have a home where they are wanted and cherished and cared for?" Everybody needs to be loved - it's how you define LOVE that makes the difference - the facts are irrefutable sweety --- Gay Men molest children at a ridiculously higher percentage than any other demographic - they are responsibble for about 1/3 of all child molestation aganst male children yet comprise on 3 to 5 % of the population . And by the way - you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors between those 2 perverts and the child / children in question - do you ? So kindly STFU and stop enabling child abuse
Unless you have irrefutable proof to back this accusation up, you're just pulling this info out of your homophobic ass.
He heard this shit somewhere- doesn't really remember the source- and mindlessly regurgitates it when prompted.
I can guarantee that his source is hate filled RW homophobic one. These people look for sources that align with their own warped views.
I've had about enough of your bullshit! I know of two gay men who became fosters of newborns. they are white and both babies are black. One was born drug addicted and the other with fetal alcohol syndrome. No one else wanted them, but these men took them into their home. They walked the floor with them as they screamed in pain, they took them to the doctor for treatment, they spent loads of money on these boys not knowing if they would ever get to adopt them. They introduced them to a black woman friend who had a daughter and would teach the boys about their culture. And then one day, they were granted the right to adopt them.They cried like babies and hugged them and had a family party to celebrate. NO ONE else wanted these babies....do you understand that? Many,many times gay couple will take special needs children that no one else wants. Do you think those children shouldn't be allowed to have a home where they are wanted and cherished and cared for?
Funny how it's always the "straight" couples who only take fosters for the money who are the ones abusing the kids. There was a couple here who tied a small girl up to the porch with a chicken tied around her neck and she died of starvation and hypothermia. She was a foster. They were a MAN and a WOMAN!
So stick your indignation and hate up your hateful ass!

Re: "Do you think those children shouldn't be allowed to have a home where they are wanted and cherished and cared for?" Everybody needs to be loved - it's how you define LOVE that makes the difference - the facts are irrefutable sweety --- Gay Men molest children at a ridiculously higher percentage than any other demographic - they are responsibble for about 1/3 of all child molestation aganst male children yet comprise on 3 to 5 % of the population . And by the way - you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors between those 2 perverts and the child / children in question - do you ? So kindly STFU and stop enabling child abuse
Unless you have irrefutable proof to back this accusation up, you're just pulling this info out of your homophobic ass.
He heard this shit somewhere- doesn't really remember the source- and mindlessly regurgitates it when prompted.

The thing with homosexuality is that they need to bring in new people to adopt the orientation. Do homosexuals sometimes try to recruit underaged boys to become "queer"? That's an unquestioned fact. Gays have established groups in High Schools in the modern age to gin up interest, and supported those efforts with prominent homosexual characters and shows on TV, even getting politicians to go all in for homosexuality.

This is where the problem lies.

I could really give a shit what kind of sexuality gay beaus are involved in, but they should really only be on boarding people who have reached their majorities
Keep on going! Lets see what other bigoted bovine excrement you can pull out of your ass, Slick

All I can say is that ADULTS should be allowed to engage in whatever they like, however CHILDREN should not be exposed to it.

In the Russian Federation, the Duma passed a law to outlaw gay propaganda to youth. I think this is a good thing, homosexuals should be directing their recruitment efforts to adults. Let a man live life first, give him a chance to see both lifestyles so he can make a decision with open eyes as to what orientation to pursue.

Nothing "homophobic" at all about it.
Re: "Do you think those children shouldn't be allowed to have a home where they are wanted and cherished and cared for?" Everybody needs to be loved - it's how you define LOVE that makes the difference - the facts are irrefutable sweety --- Gay Men molest children at a ridiculously higher percentage than any other demographic - they are responsibble for about 1/3 of all child molestation aganst male children yet comprise on 3 to 5 % of the population . And by the way - you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors between those 2 perverts and the child / children in question - do you ? So kindly STFU and stop enabling child abuse
Unless you have irrefutable proof to back this accusation up, you're just pulling this info out of your homophobic ass.
He heard this shit somewhere- doesn't really remember the source- and mindlessly regurgitates it when prompted.

The thing with homosexuality is that they need to bring in new people to adopt the orientation. Do homosexuals sometimes try to recruit underaged boys to become "queer"? That's an unquestioned fact. Gays have established groups in High Schools in the modern age to gin up interest, and supported those efforts with prominent homosexual characters and shows on TV, even getting politicians to go all in for homosexuality.

This is where the problem lies.

I could really give a shit what kind of sexuality gay beaus are involved in, but they should really only be on boarding people who have reached their majorities
Keep on going! Lets see what other bigoted bovine excrement you can pull out of your ass, Slick

All I can say is that ADULTS should be allowed to engage in whatever they like, however CHILDREN should not be exposed to it.

In the Russian Federation, the Duma passed a law to outlaw gay propaganda to youth. I think this is a good thing, homosexuals should be directing their recruitment efforts to adults. Let a man live life first, give him a chance to see both lifestyles so he can make a decision with open eyes as to what orientation to pursue.

Nothing "homophobic" at all about it.
You still don't get it do you? You can't be "recruited" into being gay if you're not. People are born that way and not converted to it.
Oh, and as far as handing out propaganda, guess you also hate the religious freaks who hand out their propaganda and actively recruit youth and adults alike to join their churches. I have yet to see any gays handing out anything at all, but sure as hell have seen numerous religious freaks out there daily. And that doesn't include the rabid anti abortionists who hand out their lying propaganda daily.
Gay marriage and gay parenting are 2 seperate issues - Fags and dikes have every right to co-miserate in the sanctity of Marriage and it never should have been denied in the first place . Gay Parenting is an entirely different topic Gays as all perverts - and I include large swarms of the religous realm in that statement should allways be kept at arms length from degenerates - its a duty we as human beings owe to our youngest members. .... progressive I don't include you in that statement - that part about being a human being that is :>
I've had about enough of your bullshit! I know of two gay men who became fosters of newborns. they are white and both babies are black. One was born drug addicted and the other with fetal alcohol syndrome. No one else wanted them, but these men took them into their home. They walked the floor with them as they screamed in pain, they took them to the doctor for treatment, they spent loads of money on these boys not knowing if they would ever get to adopt them. They introduced them to a black woman friend who had a daughter and would teach the boys about their culture. And then one day, they were granted the right to adopt them.They cried like babies and hugged them and had a family party to celebrate. NO ONE else wanted these babies....do you understand that? Many,many times gay couple will take special needs children that no one else wants. Do you think those children shouldn't be allowed to have a home where they are wanted and cherished and cared for?
Funny how it's always the "straight" couples who only take fosters for the money who are the ones abusing the kids. There was a couple here who tied a small girl up to the porch with a chicken tied around her neck and she died of starvation and hypothermia. She was a foster. They were a MAN and a WOMAN!
So stick your indignation and hate up your hateful ass!

Re: "Do you think those children shouldn't be allowed to have a home where they are wanted and cherished and cared for?" Everybody needs to be loved - it's how you define LOVE that makes the difference - the facts are irrefutable sweety --- Gay Men molest children at a ridiculously higher percentage than any other demographic - they are responsibble for about 1/3 of all child molestation aganst male children yet comprise on 3 to 5 % of the population . And by the way - you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors between those 2 perverts and the child / children in question - do you ? So kindly STFU and stop enabling child abuse
Unless you have irrefutable proof to back this accusation up, you're just pulling this info out of your homophobic ass.
He heard this shit somewhere- doesn't really remember the source- and mindlessly regurgitates it when prompted.

The thing with homosexuality is that they need to bring in new people to adopt the orientation. Do homosexuals sometimes try to recruit underaged boys to become "queer"? That's an unquestioned fact. Gays have established groups in High Schools in the modern age to gin up interest, and supported those efforts with prominent homosexual characters and shows on TV, even getting politicians to go all in for homosexuality.

This is where the problem lies.

I could really give a shit what kind of sexuality gay beaus are involved in, but they should really only be on boarding people who have reached their majorities
Gay people come from straight parents...like Phyllis Schlafly, like Dick Cheney, like Alan Keyes.......
I've had about enough of your bullshit! I know of two gay men who became fosters of newborns. they are white and both babies are black. One was born drug addicted and the other with fetal alcohol syndrome. No one else wanted them, but these men took them into their home. They walked the floor with them as they screamed in pain, they took them to the doctor for treatment, they spent loads of money on these boys not knowing if they would ever get to adopt them. They introduced them to a black woman friend who had a daughter and would teach the boys about their culture. And then one day, they were granted the right to adopt them.They cried like babies and hugged them and had a family party to celebrate. NO ONE else wanted these babies....do you understand that? Many,many times gay couple will take special needs children that no one else wants. Do you think those children shouldn't be allowed to have a home where they are wanted and cherished and cared for?
Funny how it's always the "straight" couples who only take fosters for the money who are the ones abusing the kids. There was a couple here who tied a small girl up to the porch with a chicken tied around her neck and she died of starvation and hypothermia. She was a foster. They were a MAN and a WOMAN!
So stick your indignation and hate up your hateful ass!

Re: "Do you think those children shouldn't be allowed to have a home where they are wanted and cherished and cared for?" Everybody needs to be loved - it's how you define LOVE that makes the difference - the facts are irrefutable sweety --- Gay Men molest children at a ridiculously higher percentage than any other demographic - they are responsibble for about 1/3 of all child molestation aganst male children yet comprise on 3 to 5 % of the population . And by the way - you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors between those 2 perverts and the child / children in question - do you ? So kindly STFU and stop enabling child abuse
Unless you have irrefutable proof to back this accusation up, you're just pulling this info out of your homophobic ass.
He heard this shit somewhere- doesn't really remember the source- and mindlessly regurgitates it when prompted.

The thing with homosexuality is that they need to bring in new people to adopt the orientation. Do homosexuals sometimes try to recruit underaged boys to become "queer"? That's an unquestioned fact. Gays have established groups in High Schools in the modern age to gin up interest, and supported those efforts with prominent homosexual characters and shows on TV, even getting politicians to go all in for homosexuality.

This is where the problem lies.

I could really give a shit what kind of sexuality gay beaus are involved in, but they should really only be on boarding people who have reached their majorities
Gay people come from straight parents...like Phyllis Schlafly, like Dick Cheney, like Alan Keyes.......

Re:"Gay people come from straight parents"
Yes - this is true and so do mongoloids, serial killers and people like you - so what's your point ?
Unless you have irrefutable proof to back this accusation up, you're just pulling this info out of your homophobic ass.
He heard this shit somewhere- doesn't really remember the source- and mindlessly regurgitates it when prompted.

The thing with homosexuality is that they need to bring in new people to adopt the orientation. Do homosexuals sometimes try to recruit underaged boys to become "queer"? That's an unquestioned fact. Gays have established groups in High Schools in the modern age to gin up interest, and supported those efforts with prominent homosexual characters and shows on TV, even getting politicians to go all in for homosexuality.

This is where the problem lies.

I could really give a shit what kind of sexuality gay beaus are involved in, but they should really only be on boarding people who have reached their majorities
Keep on going! Lets see what other bigoted bovine excrement you can pull out of your ass, Slick

All I can say is that ADULTS should be allowed to engage in whatever they like, however CHILDREN should not be exposed to it.

In the Russian Federation, the Duma passed a law to outlaw gay propaganda to youth. I think this is a good thing, homosexuals should be directing their recruitment efforts to adults. Let a man live life first, give him a chance to see both lifestyles so he can make a decision with open eyes as to what orientation to pursue.

Nothing "homophobic" at all about it.
You still don't get it do you? You can't be "recruited" into being gay if you're not. People are born that way and not converted to it.
Oh, and as far as handing out propaganda, guess you also hate the religious freaks who hand out their propaganda and actively recruit youth and adults alike to join their churches. I have yet to see any gays handing out anything at all, but sure as hell have seen numerous religious freaks out there daily. And that doesn't include the rabid anti abortionists who hand out their lying propaganda daily.
Re: "People are born that way and not converted to it. " - That MAY be true but it is not proven - it is only theory
In the Russian Federation, the Duma passed a law to outlaw gay propaganda to youth. I think this is a good thing, homosexuals should be directing their recruitment efforts to adults. Let a man live life first, give him a chance to see both lifestyles so he can make a decision with open eyes as to what orientation to pursue.
The idea that gays have to "recruit " anyone is based on the stupid idea that people can become gay when encouraged to. That is just plain stupid. There is credible evidence that there is a biological basis for homosexuality. I would share it with you but I doubt that you have the intellectual capacity or emotional maturity to benefit by it. You would rather just remain in your comfort zone of bigotry and ignorance.
I was a pussy crushing machine until I was recruited into the gay lifestyle as teen by accidentally stopping on Logo. :crybaby:
Unless you have irrefutable proof to back this accusation up, you're just pulling this info out of your homophobic ass.
He heard this shit somewhere- doesn't really remember the source- and mindlessly regurgitates it when prompted.

The thing with homosexuality is that they need to bring in new people to adopt the orientation. Do homosexuals sometimes try to recruit underaged boys to become "queer"? That's an unquestioned fact. Gays have established groups in High Schools in the modern age to gin up interest, and supported those efforts with prominent homosexual characters and shows on TV, even getting politicians to go all in for homosexuality.

This is where the problem lies.

I could really give a shit what kind of sexuality gay beaus are involved in, but they should really only be on boarding people who have reached their majorities
Keep on going! Lets see what other bigoted bovine excrement you can pull out of your ass, Slick

All I can say is that ADULTS should be allowed to engage in whatever they like, however CHILDREN should not be exposed to it.

In the Russian Federation, the Duma passed a law to outlaw gay propaganda to youth. I think this is a good thing, homosexuals should be directing their recruitment efforts to adults. Let a man live life first, give him a chance to see both lifestyles so he can make a decision with open eyes as to what orientation to pursue.

Nothing "homophobic" at all about it.
You still don't get it do you? You can't be "recruited" into being gay if you're not. People are born that way and not converted to it.
Oh, and as far as handing out propaganda, guess you also hate the religious freaks who hand out their propaganda and actively recruit youth and adults alike to join their churches. I have yet to see any gays handing out anything at all, but sure as hell have seen numerous religious freaks out there daily. And that doesn't include the rabid anti abortionists who hand out their lying propaganda daily.

A friend of mine who was serving time in a Maryland penitentiary was just minding his own business when a couple of Homosexual inmates did try to recruit him into the orientation. Sure, he fought for his manhood, and didn't give in and remained straight, but they did pressure him. Are you saying the efforts of these gay guys would always be in vain? Why would they try it then?
All I can say is that ADULTS should be allowed to engage in whatever they like, however CHILDREN should not be exposed to it.
I completely agree!!

That being the case - then why did you enable Gay adoption ? A logical falasy - but then again you , yourself are an illogical PHallic
Because children needed a safe and loving home after being abused and neglected -sometimes sexually -by their straight parents. And unlike you, most people know that gay people are not predators or in any a threat to children. Any more stupid questions?
He heard this shit somewhere- doesn't really remember the source- and mindlessly regurgitates it when prompted.

The thing with homosexuality is that they need to bring in new people to adopt the orientation. Do homosexuals sometimes try to recruit underaged boys to become "queer"? That's an unquestioned fact. Gays have established groups in High Schools in the modern age to gin up interest, and supported those efforts with prominent homosexual characters and shows on TV, even getting politicians to go all in for homosexuality.

This is where the problem lies.

I could really give a shit what kind of sexuality gay beaus are involved in, but they should really only be on boarding people who have reached their majorities
Keep on going! Lets see what other bigoted bovine excrement you can pull out of your ass, Slick

All I can say is that ADULTS should be allowed to engage in whatever they like, however CHILDREN should not be exposed to it.

In the Russian Federation, the Duma passed a law to outlaw gay propaganda to youth. I think this is a good thing, homosexuals should be directing their recruitment efforts to adults. Let a man live life first, give him a chance to see both lifestyles so he can make a decision with open eyes as to what orientation to pursue.

Nothing "homophobic" at all about it.
You still don't get it do you? You can't be "recruited" into being gay if you're not. People are born that way and not converted to it.
Oh, and as far as handing out propaganda, guess you also hate the religious freaks who hand out their propaganda and actively recruit youth and adults alike to join their churches. I have yet to see any gays handing out anything at all, but sure as hell have seen numerous religious freaks out there daily. And that doesn't include the rabid anti abortionists who hand out their lying propaganda daily.

A friend of mine who was serving time in a Maryland penitentiary was just minding his own business when a couple of Homosexual inmates did try to recruit him into the orientation. Sure, he fought for his manhood, and didn't give in and remained straight, but they did pressure him. Are you saying the efforts of these gay guys would always be in vain? Why would they try it then?
Are you sure that it wasn't you who got fudge packed in the big house?

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