Tennessee Seeks tonBar Same Sex Marriage

The thing with homosexuality is that they need to bring in new people to adopt the orientation. Do homosexuals sometimes try to recruit underaged boys to become "queer"? That's an unquestioned fact. Gays have established groups in High Schools in the modern age to gin up interest, and supported those efforts with prominent homosexual characters and shows on TV, even getting politicians to go all in for homosexuality.

This is where the problem lies.

I could really give a shit what kind of sexuality gay beaus are involved in, but they should really only be on boarding people who have reached their majorities
Keep on going! Lets see what other bigoted bovine excrement you can pull out of your ass, Slick

All I can say is that ADULTS should be allowed to engage in whatever they like, however CHILDREN should not be exposed to it.

In the Russian Federation, the Duma passed a law to outlaw gay propaganda to youth. I think this is a good thing, homosexuals should be directing their recruitment efforts to adults. Let a man live life first, give him a chance to see both lifestyles so he can make a decision with open eyes as to what orientation to pursue.

Nothing "homophobic" at all about it.
You still don't get it do you? You can't be "recruited" into being gay if you're not. People are born that way and not converted to it.
Oh, and as far as handing out propaganda, guess you also hate the religious freaks who hand out their propaganda and actively recruit youth and adults alike to join their churches. I have yet to see any gays handing out anything at all, but sure as hell have seen numerous religious freaks out there daily. And that doesn't include the rabid anti abortionists who hand out their lying propaganda daily.

A friend of mine who was serving time in a Maryland penitentiary was just minding his own business when a couple of Homosexual inmates did try to recruit him into the orientation. Sure, he fought for his manhood, and didn't give in and remained straight, but they did pressure him. Are you saying the efforts of these gay guys would always be in vain? Why would they try it then?
Are you sure that it wasn't you who got fudge packed in the big house?

I've never been in the Big House. But if I was, I wouldn't hang out with the homos.
All I can say is that ADULTS should be allowed to engage in whatever they like, however CHILDREN should not be exposed to it.
I completely agree!!

That being the case - then why did you enable Gay adoption ? A logical falasy - but then again you , yourself are an illogical PHallic
For many, LGBT adoption is still a new concept, and society’s image of a “perfect” family includes a mother and a father of opposite sexes. However, this is a just a stereotype. Today, more and more gay and lesbian couples are becoming parents, whether through artificial insemination, a surrogate or LGBT adoption. LifeLong Adoptions caters to heterosexual couples, single parents and gay & lesbian families. LGBT Adoption Facts | Gay Adoption | Same Sex Adoption

The push against gay, lesbian, and same-sex couple adoption is more about gay discrimination than child welfare. So, before you buy into the myths and rhetoric that gay adoption poses an unsafe environment for children or that a gay household is a "recruitment center" for young adults, the facts those against same-sex adoption aren't telling you:

• There are already thousands of children living in gay couple households. The 2000 U. S. Census reports 33% of female same-sex couple households and 22% of male same-sex couple households already have at least one child under the age of 18 living at home.

10 Ways You Can Join the Fight for Gay Rights

In 2008 there were 129,000 children waiting to be adopted, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported. In 2007, the Urban Institute reported that two million gay or lesbian individuals said they had considered adoption. A hotly debated issue in the United States is whether or not those two million interested individuals should be able to adopt the children in need. There is currently no federal law that explicitly bans or allows gays and lesbians to adopt; the decision is left up to each state.

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/about_6746455_gay-lesbian-adoption.html#ixzz2vb55w73S
All I can say is that ADULTS should be allowed to engage in whatever they like, however CHILDREN should not be exposed to it.
I completely agree!!

That being the case - then why did you enable Gay adoption ? A logical falasy - but then again you , yourself are an illogical PHallic
A final word to all of the low life bigots who shamelessly use propaganda about children in their failed war on equality. I’m sure that these figures are much higher now

There were an estimated 300,000 to 500,000 gay and lesbian biological parents in 1976. In 1990, an estimated 6 to 14 million children have gay or lesbian parents.

Latest statistics from the U.S. Census 2000, the National Survey of Family Growth (2002), and the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (2004) include:

• An estimated two million LGLB people are interested in adopting.

• An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay parent.

• More than 16,000 adopted children are living with lesbian and gay parents in California, the highest number among the states.

• Gay and lesbian parents are raising four percent of all adopted children in the United States.

• Adopted children with same-sex parents are younger and more likely to be foreign born.

How Many U.S. Children Have Gay Parents?

In addition, adoption is legal in all 50 states. Generally, acceptance of gay and lesbian adoption has been way out in front of same sex marriage. In some states, it has been occurring for decades.

Given these numbers, please answer the following questions:

• If children who are in the care of gay people are at risk of abuse or having developmental/ adjustment issues why have the states been allowing this for so long?

• If mistreatment of children by gays was prevalent, why are we not hearing horror stories and seeing headlines about this on a regular basis ?

• Why have we not been seeing large numbers of adults who had been children of gays coming forward to speak out against gay parenting?

Claims that gay parenting is harmful to children are bogus and stupid.
Keep on going! Lets see what other bigoted bovine excrement you can pull out of your ass, Slick

All I can say is that ADULTS should be allowed to engage in whatever they like, however CHILDREN should not be exposed to it.

In the Russian Federation, the Duma passed a law to outlaw gay propaganda to youth. I think this is a good thing, homosexuals should be directing their recruitment efforts to adults. Let a man live life first, give him a chance to see both lifestyles so he can make a decision with open eyes as to what orientation to pursue.

Nothing "homophobic" at all about it.
You still don't get it do you? You can't be "recruited" into being gay if you're not. People are born that way and not converted to it.
Oh, and as far as handing out propaganda, guess you also hate the religious freaks who hand out their propaganda and actively recruit youth and adults alike to join their churches. I have yet to see any gays handing out anything at all, but sure as hell have seen numerous religious freaks out there daily. And that doesn't include the rabid anti abortionists who hand out their lying propaganda daily.

A friend of mine who was serving time in a Maryland penitentiary was just minding his own business when a couple of Homosexual inmates did try to recruit him into the orientation. Sure, he fought for his manhood, and didn't give in and remained straight, but they did pressure him. Are you saying the efforts of these gay guys would always be in vain? Why would they try it then?
Are you sure that it wasn't you who got fudge packed in the big house?

I've never been in the Big House. But if I was, I wouldn't hang out with the homos.
You would not have a choice,Slick
All I can say is that ADULTS should be allowed to engage in whatever they like, however CHILDREN should not be exposed to it.

In the Russian Federation, the Duma passed a law to outlaw gay propaganda to youth. I think this is a good thing, homosexuals should be directing their recruitment efforts to adults. Let a man live life first, give him a chance to see both lifestyles so he can make a decision with open eyes as to what orientation to pursue.

Nothing "homophobic" at all about it.
You still don't get it do you? You can't be "recruited" into being gay if you're not. People are born that way and not converted to it.
Oh, and as far as handing out propaganda, guess you also hate the religious freaks who hand out their propaganda and actively recruit youth and adults alike to join their churches. I have yet to see any gays handing out anything at all, but sure as hell have seen numerous religious freaks out there daily. And that doesn't include the rabid anti abortionists who hand out their lying propaganda daily.

A friend of mine who was serving time in a Maryland penitentiary was just minding his own business when a couple of Homosexual inmates did try to recruit him into the orientation. Sure, he fought for his manhood, and didn't give in and remained straight, but they did pressure him. Are you saying the efforts of these gay guys would always be in vain? Why would they try it then?
Are you sure that it wasn't you who got fudge packed in the big house?

I've never been in the Big House. But if I was, I wouldn't hang out with the homos.
You would not have a choice,Slick
He has no idea how it really works in prison. Those men weren't "gay" they were doing what is infamous in prison and those men get their sex from wherever they can. And you're right, there would be no choice because rape happens all the time in prison.
I have a friend who did 20 years in Angola, one of the worst prisons in this country and some of the stories he tells would make your blood go cold. He was in there for murder and is a really big guy, so he was never messed with much, but he's seen plenty and all of it was awful.
For many, LGBT adoption is still a new concept, and society’s image of a “perfect” family includes a mother and a father of opposite sexes. However, this is a just a stereotype.

The push against gay, lesbian, and same-sex couple adoption is more about gay discrimination than child welfare.

No. It’s a documented & exhaustive peer- reviewed emperical fact that children fare poorly in a home where their gender of parent is missing.

Especially if that child faces a contract knowing his/her fate is sealed.

So it is about child well being after all.
There is no "gay marriage right." You're confusing "rights" with "privileges".

You also have no "right" to an abortion, a free education, free internet, free housing, free food, or a free telephone. Go back and re-read the Constitution and get back to me when you're done.

Yes, you are correct that there is not "right" to be married. However, if the gov't offers benefits to citizens, they must be offered equally.

The 14th Amendment is the law of the land. The equal protection clause applies here.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

I still do not understand why same sex marriage is an issue. It is consenting adults entering into the state of matrimony. It has no effect on anyone else except those who marry someone of the same gender.

It sure seems to have an effect on those from the right, conservatives, Republicans, etc.

These assholes ALWAYS want to put their goddamn noses into everyone elses fvcking business, like some old fvcking maid.
For many, LGBT adoption is still a new concept, and society’s image of a “perfect” family includes a mother and a father of opposite sexes. However, this is a just a stereotype.

The push against gay, lesbian, and same-sex couple adoption is more about gay discrimination than child welfare.

No. It’s a documented & exhaustive peer- reviewed emperical fact that children fare poorly in a home where their gender of parent is missing.

Especially if that child faces a contract knowing his/her fate is sealed.

So it is about child well being after all.

What if a woman is widowed and has a son? Is she supposed to run right out and grab the first man she sees so that her son will have a man in the house? My aunt was widowed when her son was only 10 weeks old. She never remarried and raised him all on her own. She was tall and looked like a model and very feminine, but made sure he was in every sport and activity he wanted. And she attended every game. For awhile, he was into that fake wrestling and she would take him to all of the matches that came to the coliseum and go backstage with him to meet the wrestlers. He grew up into a fine man and isn't the least bit feminine, so your "peer-review" is a load of shit.
There is no "gay marriage right." You're confusing "rights" with "privileges".

You also have no "right" to an abortion, a free education, free internet, free housing, free food, or a free telephone. Go back and re-read the Constitution and get back to me when you're done.

Yes, you are correct that there is not "right" to be married. However, if the gov't offers benefits to citizens, they must be offered equally.

The 14th Amendment is the law of the land. The equal protection clause applies here.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

I still do not understand why same sex marriage is an issue. It is consenting adults entering into the state of matrimony. It has no effect on anyone else except those who marry someone of the same gender.

It sure seems to have an effect on those from the right, conservatives, Republicans, etc.

These assholes ALWAYS want to put their goddamn noses into everyone elses fvcking business, like some old fvcking maid.

You people have no right to redefine what my marriage means, nor can you cheapen the institution of marriage and the God who defined it as such. Marriage is a holy union between one man and one woman as God defined it. That's the way it has always been and shall always be. Otherwise you are denying the existence of God, which is probably not the smartest thing to do.
There is no "gay marriage right." You're confusing "rights" with "privileges".

You also have no "right" to an abortion, a free education, free internet, free housing, free food, or a free telephone. Go back and re-read the Constitution and get back to me when you're done.

Yes, you are correct that there is not "right" to be married. However, if the gov't offers benefits to citizens, they must be offered equally.

The 14th Amendment is the law of the land. The equal protection clause applies here.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

I still do not understand why same sex marriage is an issue. It is consenting adults entering into the state of matrimony. It has no effect on anyone else except those who marry someone of the same gender.

It sure seems to have an effect on those from the right, conservatives, Republicans, etc.

These assholes ALWAYS want to put their goddamn noses into everyone elses fvcking business, like some old fvcking maid.

You people have no right to redefine what my marriage means, nor can you cheapen the institution of marriage and the God who defined it as such. Marriage is a holy union between one man and one woman as God defined it. That's the way it has always been and shall always be. Otherwise you are denying the existence of God, which is probably not the smartest thing to do.

Let us look at some of the verses from the Old Testament that allow polygamy:

In Exodus 21:10, a man can marry an infinite amount of women without any limits to how many he can marry.

In 2 Samuel 5:13; 1 Chronicles 3:1-9, 14:3, King David had six wives and numerous concubines.

In 1 Kings 11:3, King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines.

In 2 Chronicles 11:21, King Solomon's son Rehoboam had 18 wives and 60 concubines.

In Deuteronomy 21:15 "If a man has two wives, and he loves one but not the other, and both bear him sons...."

There are a lot more verses from the Old Testament that allow polygamy, but I think that the above are sufficient enough to prove my point.
There is no "gay marriage right." You're confusing "rights" with "privileges".

You also have no "right" to an abortion, a free education, free internet, free housing, free food, or a free telephone. Go back and re-read the Constitution and get back to me when you're done.

Yes, you are correct that there is not "right" to be married. However, if the gov't offers benefits to citizens, they must be offered equally.

The 14th Amendment is the law of the land. The equal protection clause applies here.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

I still do not understand why same sex marriage is an issue. It is consenting adults entering into the state of matrimony. It has no effect on anyone else except those who marry someone of the same gender.

It sure seems to have an effect on those from the right, conservatives, Republicans, etc.

These assholes ALWAYS want to put their goddamn noses into everyone elses fvcking business, like some old fvcking maid.

You people have no right to redefine what my marriage means, nor can you cheapen the institution of marriage and the God who defined it as such. Marriage is a holy union between one man and one woman as God defined it. That's the way it has always been and shall always be. Otherwise you are denying the existence of God, which is probably not the smartest thing to do.

"You people?"

Look, I'm not, nor was ever on the SCOTUS.

You got a problem with gay marriage? Take it up with them.
There is no "gay marriage right." You're confusing "rights" with "privileges".

You also have no "right" to an abortion, a free education, free internet, free housing, free food, or a free telephone. Go back and re-read the Constitution and get back to me when you're done.

Yes, you are correct that there is not "right" to be married. However, if the gov't offers benefits to citizens, they must be offered equally.

The 14th Amendment is the law of the land. The equal protection clause applies here.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

I still do not understand why same sex marriage is an issue. It is consenting adults entering into the state of matrimony. It has no effect on anyone else except those who marry someone of the same gender.
They are offered equally to those who meet the criteria of potential parenting. Procreation. Hetero relationships. Homos can’t procreate as homos.
This is the same worn out, lost argument that close minded homofascists won’t give up on.

If procreation were a criteria of marriage, you might have a point. It isn't. You don't.
I have been married twice. No where in any license was there mention of children. Hetero couples who are sterile are allowed to marry. How many women who have had their uterus removed have gotten married? Homosexual couples have children via other means, just like many, many heterosexual couples.

The "marriage is for procreation" is what is the same worn out, lost argument. It doesn't hold water. The proof is in the fact that those who cannot possibly have children are still allowed to marry.

As I said, same sex marriage has no effect on you. Why do you care?

The court erred in its decision regarding equal protection as gays had the same rights to marriage as anyone. They had the right to marry someone of the opposite sex. Gays wanted the right to marry someone of the same sex, which heterosexuals couples did not have at the time.

Personally, I don't give a Shiite, other than the decision was in error, based on a right that did not exist.
There is no "gay marriage right." You're confusing "rights" with "privileges".

You also have no "right" to an abortion, a free education, free internet, free housing, free food, or a free telephone. Go back and re-read the Constitution and get back to me when you're done.

Yes, you are correct that there is not "right" to be married. However, if the gov't offers benefits to citizens, they must be offered equally.

The 14th Amendment is the law of the land. The equal protection clause applies here.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

I still do not understand why same sex marriage is an issue. It is consenting adults entering into the state of matrimony. It has no effect on anyone else except those who marry someone of the same gender.

It sure seems to have an effect on those from the right, conservatives, Republicans, etc.

These assholes ALWAYS want to put their goddamn noses into everyone elses fvcking business, like some old fvcking maid.

You people have no right to redefine what my marriage means, nor can you cheapen the institution of marriage and the God who defined it as such. Marriage is a holy union between one man and one woman as God defined it. That's the way it has always been and shall always be. Otherwise you are denying the existence of God, which is probably not the smartest thing to do.

Let us look at some of the verses from the Old Testament that allow polygamy:

In Exodus 21:10, a man can marry an infinite amount of women without any limits to how many he can marry.

In 2 Samuel 5:13; 1 Chronicles 3:1-9, 14:3, King David had six wives and numerous concubines.

In 1 Kings 11:3, King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines.

In 2 Chronicles 11:21, King Solomon's son Rehoboam had 18 wives and 60 concubines.

In Deuteronomy 21:15 "If a man has two wives, and he loves one but not the other, and both bear him sons...."

There are a lot more verses from the Old Testament that allow polygamy, but I think that the above are sufficient enough to prove my point.

Old Testament Mosaic Law. Jesus said that if you ever look at another woman cross-eyed, you've already committed adultery.
There is no "gay marriage right." You're confusing "rights" with "privileges".

You also have no "right" to an abortion, a free education, free internet, free housing, free food, or a free telephone. Go back and re-read the Constitution and get back to me when you're done.

Yes, you are correct that there is not "right" to be married. However, if the gov't offers benefits to citizens, they must be offered equally.

The 14th Amendment is the law of the land. The equal protection clause applies here.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

I still do not understand why same sex marriage is an issue. It is consenting adults entering into the state of matrimony. It has no effect on anyone else except those who marry someone of the same gender.

It sure seems to have an effect on those from the right, conservatives, Republicans, etc.

These assholes ALWAYS want to put their goddamn noses into everyone elses fvcking business, like some old fvcking maid.

You people have no right to redefine what my marriage means, nor can you cheapen the institution of marriage and the God who defined it as such. Marriage is a holy union between one man and one woman as God defined it. That's the way it has always been and shall always be. Otherwise you are denying the existence of God, which is probably not the smartest thing to do.

Which God? The Judeo-Christian God? The God of the Muslims? The God of the Hindus?
There is no "gay marriage right." You're confusing "rights" with "privileges".

You also have no "right" to an abortion, a free education, free internet, free housing, free food, or a free telephone. Go back and re-read the Constitution and get back to me when you're done.

Yes, you are correct that there is not "right" to be married. However, if the gov't offers benefits to citizens, they must be offered equally.

The 14th Amendment is the law of the land. The equal protection clause applies here.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

I still do not understand why same sex marriage is an issue. It is consenting adults entering into the state of matrimony. It has no effect on anyone else except those who marry someone of the same gender.

It sure seems to have an effect on those from the right, conservatives, Republicans, etc.

These assholes ALWAYS want to put their goddamn noses into everyone elses fvcking business, like some old fvcking maid.

You people have no right to redefine what my marriage means, nor can you cheapen the institution of marriage and the God who defined it as such. Marriage is a holy union between one man and one woman as God defined it. That's the way it has always been and shall always be. Otherwise you are denying the existence of God, which is probably not the smartest thing to do.

Which God? The Judeo-Christian God? The God of the Muslims? The God of the Hindus?

There is only one God: The God of Abraham, Moses, and Issac. The God whose Son was crucified on the cross so that we all my be forgiven.

Everything else is false doctrine.
Looks to me like it is "the sky is falling! the sky is falling" fear mongering from the LGBQT crowd.
It already failed to pass once, and is predicted to roundly fail again and it could cost TN $9 bil. in loss tax revenues.
So it is a nothing burger proposed by a guy pandering for votes... the same thing Sen's and Congress critters do everyday.
There is no "gay marriage right." You're confusing "rights" with "privileges".

You also have no "right" to an abortion, a free education, free internet, free housing, free food, or a free telephone. Go back and re-read the Constitution and get back to me when you're done.

Yes, you are correct that there is not "right" to be married. However, if the gov't offers benefits to citizens, they must be offered equally.

The 14th Amendment is the law of the land. The equal protection clause applies here.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

I still do not understand why same sex marriage is an issue. It is consenting adults entering into the state of matrimony. It has no effect on anyone else except those who marry someone of the same gender.

It sure seems to have an effect on those from the right, conservatives, Republicans, etc.

These assholes ALWAYS want to put their goddamn noses into everyone elses fvcking business, like some old fvcking maid.

You people have no right to redefine what my marriage means, nor can you cheapen the institution of marriage and the God who defined it as such. Marriage is a holy union between one man and one woman as God defined it. That's the way it has always been and shall always be. Otherwise you are denying the existence of God, which is probably not the smartest thing to do.

Which God? The Judeo-Christian God? The God of the Muslims? The God of the Hindus?

Thanks, first he said it was God's definition, one man and one woman, but when I posted what I did, then he changed it to Jesus. He must look like a pretzel with all of that twisting. And, you're right about the different God's there are. Heck, there are tribes who have never even heard of God and live by the rules of their tribes.
There is no "gay marriage right." You're confusing "rights" with "privileges".

You also have no "right" to an abortion, a free education, free internet, free housing, free food, or a free telephone. Go back and re-read the Constitution and get back to me when you're done.

Yes, you are correct that there is not "right" to be married. However, if the gov't offers benefits to citizens, they must be offered equally.

The 14th Amendment is the law of the land. The equal protection clause applies here.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

I still do not understand why same sex marriage is an issue. It is consenting adults entering into the state of matrimony. It has no effect on anyone else except those who marry someone of the same gender.

It sure seems to have an effect on those from the right, conservatives, Republicans, etc.

These assholes ALWAYS want to put their goddamn noses into everyone elses fvcking business, like some old fvcking maid.

You people have no right to redefine what my marriage means, nor can you cheapen the institution of marriage and the God who defined it as such. Marriage is a holy union between one man and one woman as God defined it. That's the way it has always been and shall always be. Otherwise you are denying the existence of God, which is probably not the smartest thing to do.

Which God? The Judeo-Christian God? The God of the Muslims? The God of the Hindus?

There is only one God: The God of Abraham, Moses, and Issac. The God whose Son was crucified on the cross so that we all my be forgiven.

Everything else is false doctrine.

That is your belief. And largely irrelevant to the discussion here.

This discussion is regarding the gov’t recognition of the institution of marriage. And the gov’t is not Christian.
Yes, you are correct that there is not "right" to be married. However, if the gov't offers benefits to citizens, they must be offered equally.

The 14th Amendment is the law of the land. The equal protection clause applies here.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

I still do not understand why same sex marriage is an issue. It is consenting adults entering into the state of matrimony. It has no effect on anyone else except those who marry someone of the same gender.

It sure seems to have an effect on those from the right, conservatives, Republicans, etc.

These assholes ALWAYS want to put their goddamn noses into everyone elses fvcking business, like some old fvcking maid.

You people have no right to redefine what my marriage means, nor can you cheapen the institution of marriage and the God who defined it as such. Marriage is a holy union between one man and one woman as God defined it. That's the way it has always been and shall always be. Otherwise you are denying the existence of God, which is probably not the smartest thing to do.

Which God? The Judeo-Christian God? The God of the Muslims? The God of the Hindus?

There is only one God: The God of Abraham, Moses, and Issac. The God whose Son was crucified on the cross so that we all my be forgiven.

Everything else is false doctrine.

That is your belief. And largely irrelevant to the discussion here.

This discussion is regarding the gov’t recognition of the institution of marriage. And the gov’t is not Christian.

Our laws are based upon Christianity however. "Thou shalt not steal" "Thou shalt not bear false witness", etc. Sunday, as you know, is the Christian day to meet and worship Almighty God, and Christians are interested in keeping the date holy. As a result, here in Pennsylvania, the state's fathers have banned the sale of alcohol in barrooms until 11 a.m. on Sunday to give the people time to get to church.

You might not like it, but it doesn't change the factoids.
Yes, you are correct that there is not "right" to be married. However, if the gov't offers benefits to citizens, they must be offered equally.

The 14th Amendment is the law of the land. The equal protection clause applies here.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

I still do not understand why same sex marriage is an issue. It is consenting adults entering into the state of matrimony. It has no effect on anyone else except those who marry someone of the same gender.

It sure seems to have an effect on those from the right, conservatives, Republicans, etc.

These assholes ALWAYS want to put their goddamn noses into everyone elses fvcking business, like some old fvcking maid.

You people have no right to redefine what my marriage means, nor can you cheapen the institution of marriage and the God who defined it as such. Marriage is a holy union between one man and one woman as God defined it. That's the way it has always been and shall always be. Otherwise you are denying the existence of God, which is probably not the smartest thing to do.

Which God? The Judeo-Christian God? The God of the Muslims? The God of the Hindus?

There is only one God: The God of Abraham, Moses, and Issac. The God whose Son was crucified on the cross so that we all my be forgiven.

Everything else is false doctrine.

That is your belief. And largely irrelevant to the discussion here.

This discussion is regarding the gov’t recognition of the institution of marriage. And the gov’t is not Christian.

Our government is based on Christian ideals and Tennessee wants to ban same-sex marriage based on their religious belief.

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