Tennessee Seeks tonBar Same Sex Marriage

There is no "gay marriage right." You're confusing "rights" with "privileges".

You also have no "right" to an abortion, a free education, free internet, free housing, free food, or a free telephone. Go back and re-read the Constitution and get back to me when you're done.

Yes, you are correct that there is not "right" to be married. However, if the gov't offers benefits to citizens, they must be offered equally.

The 14th Amendment is the law of the land. The equal protection clause applies here.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

I still do not understand why same sex marriage is an issue. It is consenting adults entering into the state of matrimony. It has no effect on anyone else except those who marry someone of the same gender.

It sure seems to have an effect on those from the right, conservatives, Republicans, etc.

These assholes ALWAYS want to put their goddamn noses into everyone elses fvcking business, like some old fvcking maid.

You people have no right to redefine what my marriage means, nor can you cheapen the institution of marriage and the God who defined it as such. Marriage is a holy union between one man and one woman as God defined it. That's the way it has always been and shall always be. Otherwise you are denying the existence of God, which is probably not the smartest thing to do.

Which God? The Judeo-Christian God? The God of the Muslims? The God of the Hindus?

Thanks, first he said it was God's definition, one man and one woman, but when I posted what I did, then he changed it to Jesus. He must look like a pretzel with all of that twisting. And, you're right about the different God's there are. Heck, there are tribes who have never even heard of God and live by the rules of their tribes.

How many of those "gods" condone homosexuality or same-sex marriage?

Not a single solitary one of them.
Yes, you are correct that there is not "right" to be married. However, if the gov't offers benefits to citizens, they must be offered equally.

The 14th Amendment is the law of the land. The equal protection clause applies here.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

I still do not understand why same sex marriage is an issue. It is consenting adults entering into the state of matrimony. It has no effect on anyone else except those who marry someone of the same gender.

It sure seems to have an effect on those from the right, conservatives, Republicans, etc.

These assholes ALWAYS want to put their goddamn noses into everyone elses fvcking business, like some old fvcking maid.

You people have no right to redefine what my marriage means, nor can you cheapen the institution of marriage and the God who defined it as such. Marriage is a holy union between one man and one woman as God defined it. That's the way it has always been and shall always be. Otherwise you are denying the existence of God, which is probably not the smartest thing to do.

Which God? The Judeo-Christian God? The God of the Muslims? The God of the Hindus?

Thanks, first he said it was God's definition, one man and one woman, but when I posted what I did, then he changed it to Jesus. He must look like a pretzel with all of that twisting. And, you're right about the different God's there are. Heck, there are tribes who have never even heard of God and live by the rules of their tribes.

How many of those "gods" condone homosexuality or same-sex marriage?

Not a single solitary one of them.

It's really arrogant of you to presume to know what your God thinks because the bible was written by men who lived in the bronze age and knew very little of the rest of the world. And what about this....Jesus never married or had a family and traveled around with 12 men and even kissed some of them. What do you make of that?
Also, it's people like you who give religion a bad name. I know a lady who is a devout Jew and practices her religion daily, but never once has she ever tried to shove it down anyone's throats like people such as yourself does. As a result, I have learned a great deal about her religion and have a great respect for her.
Oh, ans speaking of Jews, tramp's daughter, son-in-law and their kids are all Jews. So according to you, they all will be going to hell, right?
Yes, you are correct that there is not "right" to be married. However, if the gov't offers benefits to citizens, they must be offered equally.

The 14th Amendment is the law of the land. The equal protection clause applies here.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

I still do not understand why same sex marriage is an issue. It is consenting adults entering into the state of matrimony. It has no effect on anyone else except those who marry someone of the same gender.

It sure seems to have an effect on those from the right, conservatives, Republicans, etc.

These assholes ALWAYS want to put their goddamn noses into everyone elses fvcking business, like some old fvcking maid.

You people have no right to redefine what my marriage means, nor can you cheapen the institution of marriage and the God who defined it as such. Marriage is a holy union between one man and one woman as God defined it. That's the way it has always been and shall always be. Otherwise you are denying the existence of God, which is probably not the smartest thing to do.

Which God? The Judeo-Christian God? The God of the Muslims? The God of the Hindus?

Thanks, first he said it was God's definition, one man and one woman, but when I posted what I did, then he changed it to Jesus. He must look like a pretzel with all of that twisting. And, you're right about the different God's there are. Heck, there are tribes who have never even heard of God and live by the rules of their tribes.

How many of those "gods" condone homosexuality or same-sex marriage?

Not a single solitary one of them.

And, this country follows laws and the Constitution and not anyone's particular religion or belief. You have a problem with that, take it up with your Congressman.
Yes, you are correct that there is not "right" to be married. However, if the gov't offers benefits to citizens, they must be offered equally.

The 14th Amendment is the law of the land. The equal protection clause applies here.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

I still do not understand why same sex marriage is an issue. It is consenting adults entering into the state of matrimony. It has no effect on anyone else except those who marry someone of the same gender.

It sure seems to have an effect on those from the right, conservatives, Republicans, etc.

These assholes ALWAYS want to put their goddamn noses into everyone elses fvcking business, like some old fvcking maid.

You people have no right to redefine what my marriage means, nor can you cheapen the institution of marriage and the God who defined it as such. Marriage is a holy union between one man and one woman as God defined it. That's the way it has always been and shall always be. Otherwise you are denying the existence of God, which is probably not the smartest thing to do.

Which God? The Judeo-Christian God? The God of the Muslims? The God of the Hindus?

Thanks, first he said it was God's definition, one man and one woman, but when I posted what I did, then he changed it to Jesus. He must look like a pretzel with all of that twisting. And, you're right about the different God's there are. Heck, there are tribes who have never even heard of God and live by the rules of their tribes.

How many of those "gods" condone homosexuality or same-sex marriage?

Not a single solitary one of them.
Oh really? :71:

Just the first one I looked up: Stances of Faiths on LGBTQ Issues: Buddhism | Human Rights Campaign
View attachment 246262 View attachment 246262
Whether a gal is white, black, oriental or a squaw, she is still a woman.

And marriage was defined by Almighty God as a relationship between a man and a woman. Not two dudes. To equate the novel new abomination of Gay Marriage with mixed marriages is obtuse.

Here is yet another, albeit not a prominent person. Still, you should look him up.

Racist Homophobic Trump Supporters Brutally Attack ‘Empire’ Star Jussie Smollett

Actor Jussie Smollett, star of the hit television series “Empire,” was the victim of a homophobic and racially charged attack by Trump supporters.

Smollett was apparently attacked and beaten by two white men wearing ski masks while hurling racial and homophobic slurs at the actor and musician who happens to be black and gay.

Maybe someday, you too will be showcased on Progressive Secular Humanist - Page 3 of 238 -
You're fucking kidding me !!!??? Please tell me you're not Serious right ??!! Even a scumwad like you can't in the furthest reaches of the imagination be THAT STUPID - you actually believe the Jussie Smollett, story
Then refute it Slick!

Your cognitive dissonance blinds you to reality little fella ... facts are for quacks as per your libtard dogma but here's a few for other than YOU

Smollett’s claim that he was attacked by two men yelling “MAGA country” - MAGA Country in Rahm Emanuel /Barrack Obama land - CHICAGO ... Realy - lmao

He said he was walking home after eating out [ 2AM in sub zero weather, coldest Obamaland has seen in 30 years - Hmmm].

And 2 violent white homophoboc trump supporters wearing MAGA hats just happenned to be wandering around risking their asses on the streets of Chicago at 2AM in temps near 20 below zero with MAGA hats on - realy :> ?

Not only were they walking around in MAGA hats - they just happenned to have a pre made noose and bleach with them - imagine that - how convenient. Bleach freezes at 20 F - but these guys had bleach with them in Negative 20 degree weather that was still liquid - HMmmm

Smollett claims that they kicked him, punched him, poured bleach on him, and put a noose around his neck, but he was holding his samwich and cell phione the whole time ... HMmmm

According to surveillance videos, there was only a 60-second window duriing which this could have conceivably possibly and maybe had an outside chance of happenning.

Smollett initially refused to hand over his cell phone, the theory is because he claimed to have been talking with his manager [at 2AM] and the phone would prove it to be another lie ... he eventually handed over “heavily redacted” phone records from the night of the alleged attack. Chicago Police said the submitted documents did not meet the criteria of a criminal investigation and were tampered with. [Investigators already received Smollett’s complete phone records via a subpoena served on his service provider, according to a source quoted by CWBChicago on Feb. 4.]
What does that incident where Smollett should compensate NYPD for have to do with legal gay marriage and Tennessee? (the topic of this thread)


It was in Chicago, dumbass!
It sure seems to have an effect on those from the right, conservatives, Republicans, etc.

These assholes ALWAYS want to put their goddamn noses into everyone elses fvcking business, like some old fvcking maid.

You people have no right to redefine what my marriage means, nor can you cheapen the institution of marriage and the God who defined it as such. Marriage is a holy union between one man and one woman as God defined it. That's the way it has always been and shall always be. Otherwise you are denying the existence of God, which is probably not the smartest thing to do.

Which God? The Judeo-Christian God? The God of the Muslims? The God of the Hindus?

There is only one God: The God of Abraham, Moses, and Issac. The God whose Son was crucified on the cross so that we all my be forgiven.

Everything else is false doctrine.

That is your belief. And largely irrelevant to the discussion here.

This discussion is regarding the gov’t recognition of the institution of marriage. And the gov’t is not Christian.

Our laws are based upon Christianity however. "Thou shalt not steal" "Thou shalt not bear false witness", etc. Sunday, as you know, is the Christian day to meet and worship Almighty God, and Christians are interested in keeping the date holy. As a result, here in Pennsylvania, the state's fathers have banned the sale of alcohol in barrooms until 11 a.m. on Sunday to give the people time to get to church.

You might not like it, but it doesn't change the factoids.

First of all, the 10 Commandments were not the first set of laws to make stealing & lying illegal. Virtually every culture has laws against theft. And except for specific circumstances, lying is not illegal in the US.

The Blue Laws you refer to are slowly being removed. And just as an FYI, Sunday is not the Sabbath.
It sure seems to have an effect on those from the right, conservatives, Republicans, etc.

These assholes ALWAYS want to put their goddamn noses into everyone elses fvcking business, like some old fvcking maid.

You people have no right to redefine what my marriage means, nor can you cheapen the institution of marriage and the God who defined it as such. Marriage is a holy union between one man and one woman as God defined it. That's the way it has always been and shall always be. Otherwise you are denying the existence of God, which is probably not the smartest thing to do.

Which God? The Judeo-Christian God? The God of the Muslims? The God of the Hindus?

There is only one God: The God of Abraham, Moses, and Issac. The God whose Son was crucified on the cross so that we all my be forgiven.

Everything else is false doctrine.

That is your belief. And largely irrelevant to the discussion here.

This discussion is regarding the gov’t recognition of the institution of marriage. And the gov’t is not Christian.

Our government is based on Christian ideals and Tennessee wants to ban same-sex marriage based on their religious belief.

Thomas Jefferson stated, unequivocally, that the US was not a Christian nation. And we are not. Whatever ideals you hold are fine. But when it comes to laws, religious views cannot be the sole basis for them.
Yes, you are correct that there is not "right" to be married. However, if the gov't offers benefits to citizens, they must be offered equally.

The 14th Amendment is the law of the land. The equal protection clause applies here.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

I still do not understand why same sex marriage is an issue. It is consenting adults entering into the state of matrimony. It has no effect on anyone else except those who marry someone of the same gender.

It sure seems to have an effect on those from the right, conservatives, Republicans, etc.

These assholes ALWAYS want to put their goddamn noses into everyone elses fvcking business, like some old fvcking maid.

You people have no right to redefine what my marriage means, nor can you cheapen the institution of marriage and the God who defined it as such. Marriage is a holy union between one man and one woman as God defined it. That's the way it has always been and shall always be. Otherwise you are denying the existence of God, which is probably not the smartest thing to do.

Which God? The Judeo-Christian God? The God of the Muslims? The God of the Hindus?

Thanks, first he said it was God's definition, one man and one woman, but when I posted what I did, then he changed it to Jesus. He must look like a pretzel with all of that twisting. And, you're right about the different God's there are. Heck, there are tribes who have never even heard of God and live by the rules of their tribes.

How many of those "gods" condone homosexuality or same-sex marriage?

Not a single solitary one of them.

Hindus have no issue with same sex marriages.

But, once again, we are talking about religious views but secular gov’t recognition of marriage.
You people have no right to redefine what my marriage means, nor can you cheapen the institution of marriage and the God who defined it as such. Marriage is a holy union between one man and one woman as God defined it. That's the way it has always been and shall always be. Otherwise you are denying the existence of God, which is probably not the smartest thing to do.

Which God? The Judeo-Christian God? The God of the Muslims? The God of the Hindus?

There is only one God: The God of Abraham, Moses, and Issac. The God whose Son was crucified on the cross so that we all my be forgiven.

Everything else is false doctrine.

That is your belief. And largely irrelevant to the discussion here.

This discussion is regarding the gov’t recognition of the institution of marriage. And the gov’t is not Christian.

Our laws are based upon Christianity however. "Thou shalt not steal" "Thou shalt not bear false witness", etc. Sunday, as you know, is the Christian day to meet and worship Almighty God, and Christians are interested in keeping the date holy. As a result, here in Pennsylvania, the state's fathers have banned the sale of alcohol in barrooms until 11 a.m. on Sunday to give the people time to get to church.

You might not like it, but it doesn't change the factoids.

First of all, the 10 Commandments were not the first set of laws to make stealing & lying illegal. Virtually every culture has laws against theft. And except for specific circumstances, lying is not illegal in the US.

The Blue Laws you refer to are slowly being removed. And just as an FYI, Sunday is not the Sabbath.
You're right. The Sabbath is from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. Or, some Jews say until dark on Saturday. And, here in NC they can now sell alcohol on Sunday starting at I think 10 in the morning. It was noon before.
For many, LGBT adoption is still a new concept, and society’s image of a “perfect” family includes a mother and a father of opposite sexes. However, this is a just a stereotype.

The push against gay, lesbian, and same-sex couple adoption is more about gay discrimination than child welfare.

No. It’s a documented & exhaustive peer- reviewed emperical fact that children fare poorly in a home where their gender of parent is missing.

Especially if that child faces a contract knowing his/her fate is sealed.

So it is about child well being after all.
Produce it or shut up.And don't bother to post that debunked Princes Trust crap
For many, LGBT adoption is still a new concept, and society’s image of a “perfect” family includes a mother and a father of opposite sexes. However, this is a just a stereotype.

The push against gay, lesbian, and same-sex couple adoption is more about gay discrimination than child welfare.

No. It’s a documented & exhaustive peer- reviewed emperical fact that children fare poorly in a home where their gender of parent is missing.

Especially if that child faces a contract knowing his/her fate is sealed.

So it is about child well being after all.

What if a woman is widowed and has a son? Is she supposed to run right out and grab the first man she sees so that her son will have a man in the house? My aunt was widowed when her son was only 10 weeks old. She never remarried and raised him all on her own. She was tall and looked like a model and very feminine, but made sure he was in every sport and activity he wanted. And she attended every game. For awhile, he was into that fake wrestling and she would take him to all of the matches that came to the coliseum and go backstage with him to meet the wrestlers. He grew up into a fine man and isn't the least bit feminine, so your "peer-review" is a load of shit.
Yup, that where their idiotic arguments fail miserably. The fact that they don't rail against single parents exposes their bigotry.
For many, LGBT adoption is still a new concept, and society’s image of a “perfect” family includes a mother and a father of opposite sexes. However, this is a just a stereotype.

The push against gay, lesbian, and same-sex couple adoption is more about gay discrimination than child welfare.

No. It’s a documented & exhaustive peer- reviewed emperical fact that children fare poorly in a home where their gender of parent is missing.

Especially if that child faces a contract knowing his/her fate is sealed.

So it is about child well being after all.
Produce it or shut up.And don't bother to post that debunked Princes Trust crap

Especially those poor children who are forced to live with two "parents" who statistically have higher rates of suicide, drug abuse, disease, depression, and family violence.
For many, LGBT adoption is still a new concept, and society’s image of a “perfect” family includes a mother and a father of opposite sexes. However, this is a just a stereotype.

The push against gay, lesbian, and same-sex couple adoption is more about gay discrimination than child welfare.

No. It’s a documented & exhaustive peer- reviewed emperical fact that children fare poorly in a home where their gender of parent is missing.

Especially if that child faces a contract knowing his/her fate is sealed.

So it is about child well being after all.
Produce it or shut up.And don't bother to post that debunked Princes Trust crap

Especially those poor children who are forced to live with two "parents" who statistically have higher rates of suicide, drug abuse, disease, depression, and family violence.

Link to a credible source or as usual these are things you're pulling out of your homophobic ass. Ask any cop about domestic violence and see how many times they have been called out on a same sex couple. It's always a hetero couple where the man thinks the woman is nothing more than a punching bag. And the rest of your list is pure bullshit too. The only suicide that is committed by a gay person is by those so persecuted and driven to it by people such as yourself.
I am glad I don't live in your hate filled, judgmental bubble.
For many, LGBT adoption is still a new concept, and society’s image of a “perfect” family includes a mother and a father of opposite sexes. However, this is a just a stereotype.

The push against gay, lesbian, and same-sex couple adoption is more about gay discrimination than child welfare.

No. It’s a documented & exhaustive peer- reviewed emperical fact that children fare poorly in a home where their gender of parent is missing.

Especially if that child faces a contract knowing his/her fate is sealed.

So it is about child well being after all.
Produce it or shut up.And don't bother to post that debunked Princes Trust crap

Especially those poor children who are forced to live with two "parents" who statistically have higher rates of suicide, drug abuse, disease, depression, and family violence.
Any group who has been historically marginalized, beaten down, and discriminated against will have higher rates of mental health and physical problems. Those problems are not caused by their being gay in and of itself. They are caused by people like you. You have blood on your hands
For many, LGBT adoption is still a new concept, and society’s image of a “perfect” family includes a mother and a father of opposite sexes. However, this is a just a stereotype.

The push against gay, lesbian, and same-sex couple adoption is more about gay discrimination than child welfare.

No. It’s a documented & exhaustive peer- reviewed emperical fact that children fare poorly in a home where their gender of parent is missing.

Especially if that child faces a contract knowing his/her fate is sealed.

So it is about child well being after all.
Produce it or shut up.And don't bother to post that debunked Princes Trust crap

Especially those poor children who are forced to live with two "parents" who statistically have higher rates of suicide, drug abuse, disease, depression, and family violence.

So do something for the children of drug addicts, abusers and those suffering from disease or depression. If it is their parent, they will be with them whether they can marry or not.

And before you bring up same sex couples adopting, the vetting process should weed them out.
For many, LGBT adoption is still a new concept, and society’s image of a “perfect” family includes a mother and a father of opposite sexes. However, this is a just a stereotype.

The push against gay, lesbian, and same-sex couple adoption is more about gay discrimination than child welfare.

No. It’s a documented & exhaustive peer- reviewed emperical fact that children fare poorly in a home where their gender of parent is missing.

Especially if that child faces a contract knowing his/her fate is sealed.

So it is about child well being after all.
Produce it or shut up.And don't bother to post that debunked Princes Trust crap

Especially those poor children who are forced to live with two "parents" who statistically have higher rates of suicide, drug abuse, disease, depression, and family violence.
Any group who has been historically marginalized, beaten down, and discriminated against will have higher rates of mental health and physical problems. Those problems are not caused by their being gay in and of itself. They are caused by people like you. You have blood on your hands

You just revealed the motivation behind your entire "movement." You don't want "equal rights", do you? You want a special government-protected status and a shiny little sticker on your forehead that reads "Victim."

"Ohhh woe is mee!! Dem bad ol' straight people done done me wrong!!!"

Sorry, hillbilly. We'un done got us enough "victims" in this world. Youse needs to git in line behind dem wemmins and black folks, Dey's was here first.
For many, LGBT adoption is still a new concept, and society’s image of a “perfect” family includes a mother and a father of opposite sexes. However, this is a just a stereotype.

The push against gay, lesbian, and same-sex couple adoption is more about gay discrimination than child welfare.

No. It’s a documented & exhaustive peer- reviewed emperical fact that children fare poorly in a home where their gender of parent is missing.

Especially if that child faces a contract knowing his/her fate is sealed.

So it is about child well being after all.
Produce it or shut up.And don't bother to post that debunked Princes Trust crap

Especially those poor children who are forced to live with two "parents" who statistically have higher rates of suicide, drug abuse, disease, depression, and family violence.

JGalt, I have to ask you, why do you care one way or the other?

The same sex couples that marry have likely been living together for years. Same sex marriage does not make more gays. And it has no effect at all on you. It just gives these existing couples access to the hundreds of benefits married couples get. The ONLY thing that changes is between the gov’t and the couple.

Why do you care?
For many, LGBT adoption is still a new concept, and society’s image of a “perfect” family includes a mother and a father of opposite sexes. However, this is a just a stereotype.

The push against gay, lesbian, and same-sex couple adoption is more about gay discrimination than child welfare.

No. It’s a documented & exhaustive peer- reviewed emperical fact that children fare poorly in a home where their gender of parent is missing.

Especially if that child faces a contract knowing his/her fate is sealed.

So it is about child well being after all.
Produce it or shut up.And don't bother to post that debunked Princes Trust crap

Especially those poor children who are forced to live with two "parents" who statistically have higher rates of suicide, drug abuse, disease, depression, and family violence.
Interesting....I just shared your post with our daughter....who is now chuckling.
For many, LGBT adoption is still a new concept, and society’s image of a “perfect” family includes a mother and a father of opposite sexes. However, this is a just a stereotype.

The push against gay, lesbian, and same-sex couple adoption is more about gay discrimination than child welfare.

No. It’s a documented & exhaustive peer- reviewed emperical fact that children fare poorly in a home where their gender of parent is missing.

Especially if that child faces a contract knowing his/her fate is sealed.

So it is about child well being after all.
Produce it or shut up.And don't bother to post that debunked Princes Trust crap

Especially those poor children who are forced to live with two "parents" who statistically have higher rates of suicide, drug abuse, disease, depression, and family violence.
Any group who has been historically marginalized, beaten down, and discriminated against will have higher rates of mental health and physical problems. Those problems are not caused by their being gay in and of itself. They are caused by people like you. You have blood on your hands

You just revealed the motivation behind your entire "movement." You don't want "equal rights", do you? You want a special government-protected status and a shiny little sticker on your forehead that reads "Victim."

"Ohhh woe is mee!! Dem bad ol' straight people done done me wrong!!!"

Horseshit. He simply pointed out that people who have been mistreated, marginalized and screwed over tend to suffer from the things you mentioned.
For many, LGBT adoption is still a new concept, and society’s image of a “perfect” family includes a mother and a father of opposite sexes. However, this is a just a stereotype.

The push against gay, lesbian, and same-sex couple adoption is more about gay discrimination than child welfare.

No. It’s a documented & exhaustive peer- reviewed emperical fact that children fare poorly in a home where their gender of parent is missing.

Especially if that child faces a contract knowing his/her fate is sealed.

So it is about child well being after all.
Produce it or shut up.And don't bother to post that debunked Princes Trust crap

Especially those poor children who are forced to live with two "parents" who statistically have higher rates of suicide, drug abuse, disease, depression, and family violence.

JGalt, I have to ask you, why do you care one way or the other?

The same sex couples that marry have likely been living together for years. Same sex marriage does not make more gays. And it has no effect at all on you. It just gives these existing couples access to the hundreds of benefits married couples get. The ONLY thing that changes is between the gov’t and the couple.

Why do you care?
You don't really expect a rational or honest answer do you?

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