Tennessee Seeks tonBar Same Sex Marriage

For many, LGBT adoption is still a new concept, and society’s image of a “perfect” family includes a mother and a father of opposite sexes. However, this is a just a stereotype.

The push against gay, lesbian, and same-sex couple adoption is more about gay discrimination than child welfare.

No. It’s a documented & exhaustive peer- reviewed emperical fact that children fare poorly in a home where their gender of parent is missing.

Especially if that child faces a contract knowing his/her fate is sealed.

So it is about child well being after all.
Produce it or shut up.And don't bother to post that debunked Princes Trust crap

Especially those poor children who are forced to live with two "parents" who statistically have higher rates of suicide, drug abuse, disease, depression, and family violence.

JGalt, I have to ask you, why do you care one way or the other?

The same sex couples that marry have likely been living together for years. Same sex marriage does not make more gays. And it has no effect at all on you. It just gives these existing couples access to the hundreds of benefits married couples get. The ONLY thing that changes is between the gov’t and the couple.

Why do you care?

Personally, I don't care. If there are any gay conservatives out there, well "Welcome to the party, boys and girls."

Same with black folks, Hispanics, or anyone else. :laughing0301:
For many, LGBT adoption is still a new concept, and society’s image of a “perfect” family includes a mother and a father of opposite sexes. However, this is a just a stereotype.

The push against gay, lesbian, and same-sex couple adoption is more about gay discrimination than child welfare.

No. It’s a documented & exhaustive peer- reviewed emperical fact that children fare poorly in a home where their gender of parent is missing.

Especially if that child faces a contract knowing his/her fate is sealed.

So it is about child well being after all.
Produce it or shut up.And don't bother to post that debunked Princes Trust crap

Especially those poor children who are forced to live with two "parents" who statistically have higher rates of suicide, drug abuse, disease, depression, and family violence.
Any group who has been historically marginalized, beaten down, and discriminated against will have higher rates of mental health and physical problems. Those problems are not caused by their being gay in and of itself. They are caused by people like you. You have blood on your hands

Just because homosexuals may have been persecuted in a long gone generation doesn't mean anything about today.

In today's world, homosexuals are lionized and honored with special rights; that's current reality. All this gay shit like "non binary" and "gay adoption" is something new.
For many, LGBT adoption is still a new concept, and society’s image of a “perfect” family includes a mother and a father of opposite sexes. However, this is a just a stereotype.

The push against gay, lesbian, and same-sex couple adoption is more about gay discrimination than child welfare.

No. It’s a documented & exhaustive peer- reviewed emperical fact that children fare poorly in a home where their gender of parent is missing.

Especially if that child faces a contract knowing his/her fate is sealed.

So it is about child well being after all.
Produce it or shut up.And don't bother to post that debunked Princes Trust crap

Especially those poor children who are forced to live with two "parents" who statistically have higher rates of suicide, drug abuse, disease, depression, and family violence.
Any group who has been historically marginalized, beaten down, and discriminated against will have higher rates of mental health and physical problems. Those problems are not caused by their being gay in and of itself. They are caused by people like you. You have blood on your hands

You just revealed the motivation behind your entire "movement." You don't want "equal rights", do you? You want a special government-protected status and a shiny little sticker on your forehead that reads "Victim."

"Ohhh woe is mee!! Dem bad ol' straight people done done me wrong!!!"

Sorry, hillbilly. We'un done got us enough "victims" in this world. Youse needs to git in line behind dem wemmins and black folks, Dey's was here first.

That is the stupidest fucking thing that have said so far -and you have said some STUPID THINGS

All I can say is that ADULTS should be allowed to engage in whatever they like, however CHILDREN should not be exposed to it.
I completely agree!!

That being the case - then why did you enable Gay adoption ? A logical falasy - but then again you , yourself are an illogical PHallic
A final word to all of the low life bigots who shamelessly use propaganda about children in their failed war on equality. I’m sure that these figures are much higher now

There were an estimated 300,000 to 500,000 gay and lesbian biological parents in 1976. In 1990, an estimated 6 to 14 million children have gay or lesbian parents.

Latest statistics from the U.S. Census 2000, the National Survey of Family Growth (2002), and the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (2004) include:

• An estimated two million LGLB people are interested in adopting.

• An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay parent.

• More than 16,000 adopted children are living with lesbian and gay parents in California, the highest number among the states.

• Gay and lesbian parents are raising four percent of all adopted children in the United States.

• Adopted children with same-sex parents are younger and more likely to be foreign born.

How Many U.S. Children Have Gay Parents?

In addition, adoption is legal in all 50 states. Generally, acceptance of gay and lesbian adoption has been way out in front of same sex marriage. In some states, it has been occurring for decades.

Given these numbers, please answer the following questions:

• If children who are in the care of gay people are at risk of abuse or having developmental/ adjustment issues why have the states been allowing this for so long?

• If mistreatment of children by gays was prevalent, why are we not hearing horror stories and seeing headlines about this on a regular basis ?

• Why have we not been seeing large numbers of adults who had been children of gays coming forward to speak out against gay parenting?

Claims that gay parenting is harmful to children are bogus and stupid.

Re: "Why have we not been seeing large numbers of adults who had been children of gays coming forward to speak out against gay parenting?"

Yo Dumbass - Gay parenting in any large volume has not been around long enough for these kids to have grown up - AND when they do reach adulthood - if they reach adulthood - the likelihood of them turning against the only family they have known is miniscule. In fact Research suggests that roughly 1/3 of all individuals who were themselves abused as children will in turn subject children to the same treatment when they reach adult status. [ Breaking the cycle of abuse : how to move beyond your past to create an abuse-free future. Engel, Beverly.
Pg. 214 ] So in effect what you are creating is a cycle of abuse while fostering a new generation of degenerates - a perverts paradise.

Re: "If mistreatment of children by gays was prevalent, why are we not hearing horror stories and seeing headlines about this on a regular basis ?" Media Suppression

Re: "If children who are in the care of gay people are at risk of abuse or having developmental/ adjustment issues why have the states been allowing this for so long?" ROFL - you're truly a special kinda stupid aren't you ??
The same sex couples that marry have likely been living together for years. Same sex marriage does not make more gays. And it has no effect at all on you. It just gives these existing couples access to the hundreds of benefits married couples get. The ONLY thing that changes is between the gov’t and the couple.

Why do you care?

Gay Marriage was established as an uber-campy way to poke fun at and outrage Normative folks , straight arrows and squares.

It has nothing to do with how long the homosexuals involved have known each other, just whether they are on the same page as far as outraging people
For many, LGBT adoption is still a new concept, and society’s image of a “perfect” family includes a mother and a father of opposite sexes. However, this is a just a stereotype.

The push against gay, lesbian, and same-sex couple adoption is more about gay discrimination than child welfare.

No. It’s a documented & exhaustive peer- reviewed emperical fact that children fare poorly in a home where their gender of parent is missing.

Especially if that child faces a contract knowing his/her fate is sealed.

So it is about child well being after all.
Produce it or shut up.And don't bother to post that debunked Princes Trust crap

Especially those poor children who are forced to live with two "parents" who statistically have higher rates of suicide, drug abuse, disease, depression, and family violence.
Any group who has been historically marginalized, beaten down, and discriminated against will have higher rates of mental health and physical problems. Those problems are not caused by their being gay in and of itself. They are caused by people like you. You have blood on your hands

You just revealed the motivation behind your entire "movement." You don't want "equal rights", do you? You want a special government-protected status and a shiny little sticker on your forehead that reads "Victim."

"Ohhh woe is mee!! Dem bad ol' straight people done done me wrong!!!"

Sorry, hillbilly. We'un done got us enough "victims" in this world. Youse needs to git in line behind dem wemmins and black folks, Dey's was here first.

Like Jussie Smollet ..... Nice post but your talent is wasted on these dullards . Progressive has a wooden dick and winterborn has splinters in his mouth
The same sex couples that marry have likely been living together for years. Same sex marriage does not make more gays. And it has no effect at all on you. It just gives these existing couples access to the hundreds of benefits married couples get. The ONLY thing that changes is between the gov’t and the couple.

Why do you care?

Gay Marriage was established as an uber-campy way to poke fun at and outrage Normative folks , straight arrows and squares.

It has nothing to do with how long the homosexuals involved have known each other, just whether they are on the same page as far as outraging people
My my...you are just full of information about how gay people think and why do they do what they do......:20:
For many, LGBT adoption is still a new concept, and society’s image of a “perfect” family includes a mother and a father of opposite sexes. However, this is a just a stereotype.

The push against gay, lesbian, and same-sex couple adoption is more about gay discrimination than child welfare.

No. It’s a documented & exhaustive peer- reviewed emperical fact that children fare poorly in a home where their gender of parent is missing.

Especially if that child faces a contract knowing his/her fate is sealed.

So it is about child well being after all.
Produce it or shut up.And don't bother to post that debunked Princes Trust crap

Especially those poor children who are forced to live with two "parents" who statistically have higher rates of suicide, drug abuse, disease, depression, and family violence.
Any group who has been historically marginalized, beaten down, and discriminated against will have higher rates of mental health and physical problems. Those problems are not caused by their being gay in and of itself. They are caused by people like you. You have blood on your hands

Just because homosexuals may have been persecuted in a long gone generation doesn't mean anything about today.

In today's world, homosexuals are lionized and honored with special rights; that's current reality. All this gay shit like "non binary" and "gay adoption" is something new.
As usual, you're showing your shameful ignorance and lack of connectedness to reality. While LGBT people have indeed made considerable strides, there is still widespread discrimination. Many states do not afford them protection from discrimination in housing, public accommodation or employment. Someone could get fired for posting a picture of his same sex spouse on Facebook. There is a high rate of violence against LBGT people . Common. ! Please show us a sign that you are not this stupid!!
No. It’s a documented & exhaustive peer- reviewed emperical fact that children fare poorly in a home where their gender of parent is missing.

Especially if that child faces a contract knowing his/her fate is sealed.

So it is about child well being after all.
Produce it or shut up.And don't bother to post that debunked Princes Trust crap

Especially those poor children who are forced to live with two "parents" who statistically have higher rates of suicide, drug abuse, disease, depression, and family violence.
Any group who has been historically marginalized, beaten down, and discriminated against will have higher rates of mental health and physical problems. Those problems are not caused by their being gay in and of itself. They are caused by people like you. You have blood on your hands

You just revealed the motivation behind your entire "movement." You don't want "equal rights", do you? You want a special government-protected status and a shiny little sticker on your forehead that reads "Victim."

"Ohhh woe is mee!! Dem bad ol' straight people done done me wrong!!!"

Sorry, hillbilly. We'un done got us enough "victims" in this world. Youse needs to git in line behind dem wemmins and black folks, Dey's was here first.

Like Jussie Smollet ..... Nice post but your talent is wasted on these dullards . Progressive has a wooden dick and winterborn has splinters in his mouth

Guess that's what I get for being so idealistic, believing mankind is inherently good, and that people can change themselves for the better

To hell with it. I give up on those leftist zipperheads. :laugh:
'Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act' seeks to strip gay marriage rights

I really have to wonder what the fuck is wrong with these people! My only question is, are they so stupid and blindly driven by their bigotry that they don't know that any federal judge will immediately slap on injunction on this- because they would have to given the Obergefell precedent- OR is a a strategy to get the case back to SCOTUS?

My guess is that they are anticipating and provoking a court fight, but even if it gets to SCOTUS there is no certainty that Obergefell will be overturned. Never in our history a right-once established- been revoked. A Roberts, who seems to have become the new swing vote, is aware of the outrage that would insue and the stain on his legacy that it would inflict.

Nearly four years after the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal throughout the U.S. in its landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision, Republican lawmakers in Tennessee are attempting to turn back the clock with legislation aimed at barring gay marriage in the state.

The "Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act," which was first proposed in 2016, seeks to "defend natural marriage between one man and one woman regardless of any court decision to the contrary." The bill, which was reintroduced on Friday, would deem the high court's Obergefell decision "unauthoritative, void, and of no effect."

And that is not all

The reintroduced "natural marriage" law, however, "isn't the only anti-LGBT bill on the docket right now," noted Sanders. He said there are at least five other bills in the state legislature that may threaten the rights of LGBTQ people in Tennessee. One of these bills, which was introduced in both the state House and Senate (Pody is the sponsor of the Senate bill), seeks to allow private adoption agencies to decline to participate in any child placement services that would "violate the agency's written religious or moral convictions." This type of legislation, which can already be found in 10 states across the U.S., creates barriers for LGBTQ individuals and same-sex couples looking to adopt or foster.

These people have to be, and will be stopped.

Gays have no "right" to be married. They were given access to a civil union. Accomplishes the same thing without poking a finger in the eye of those who hold marriage as sacred.
For many, LGBT adoption is still a new concept, and society’s image of a “perfect” family includes a mother and a father of opposite sexes. However, this is a just a stereotype.

The push against gay, lesbian, and same-sex couple adoption is more about gay discrimination than child welfare.

No. It’s a documented & exhaustive peer- reviewed emperical fact that children fare poorly in a home where their gender of parent is missing.

Especially if that child faces a contract knowing his/her fate is sealed.

So it is about child well being after all.
Produce it or shut up.And don't bother to post that debunked Princes Trust crap

Especially those poor children who are forced to live with two "parents" who statistically have higher rates of suicide, drug abuse, disease, depression, and family violence.
Any group who has been historically marginalized, beaten down, and discriminated against will have higher rates of mental health and physical problems. Those problems are not caused by their being gay in and of itself. They are caused by people like you. You have blood on your hands

Just because homosexuals may have been persecuted in a long gone generation doesn't mean anything about today.

In today's world, homosexuals are lionized and honored with special rights; that's current reality. All this gay shit like "non binary" and "gay adoption" is something new.

Long gone? Lol. Not so long gone at all.
The same sex couples that marry have likely been living together for years. Same sex marriage does not make more gays. And it has no effect at all on you. It just gives these existing couples access to the hundreds of benefits married couples get. The ONLY thing that changes is between the gov’t and the couple.

Why do you care?

Gay Marriage was established as an uber-campy way to poke fun at and outrage Normative folks , straight arrows and squares.

It has nothing to do with how long the homosexuals involved have known each other, just whether they are on the same page as far as outraging people

So you think the entire same sex marriage idea and movement was just to fuck with conservatives? LMAO!!

That is hilarious!
No. It’s a documented & exhaustive peer- reviewed emperical fact that children fare poorly in a home where their gender of parent is missing.

Especially if that child faces a contract knowing his/her fate is sealed.

So it is about child well being after all.
Produce it or shut up.And don't bother to post that debunked Princes Trust crap

Especially those poor children who are forced to live with two "parents" who statistically have higher rates of suicide, drug abuse, disease, depression, and family violence.
Any group who has been historically marginalized, beaten down, and discriminated against will have higher rates of mental health and physical problems. Those problems are not caused by their being gay in and of itself. They are caused by people like you. You have blood on your hands

You just revealed the motivation behind your entire "movement." You don't want "equal rights", do you? You want a special government-protected status and a shiny little sticker on your forehead that reads "Victim."

"Ohhh woe is mee!! Dem bad ol' straight people done done me wrong!!!"

Sorry, hillbilly. We'un done got us enough "victims" in this world. Youse needs to git in line behind dem wemmins and black folks, Dey's was here first.

Like Jussie Smollet ..... Nice post but your talent is wasted on these dullards . Progressive has a wooden dick and winterborn has splinters in his mouth

Nice. It’s slways good when you have nothing valid to add and you just attempt to insult people. Pity you aren’t better at it.
Produce it or shut up.And don't bother to post that debunked Princes Trust crap

Especially those poor children who are forced to live with two "parents" who statistically have higher rates of suicide, drug abuse, disease, depression, and family violence.
Any group who has been historically marginalized, beaten down, and discriminated against will have higher rates of mental health and physical problems. Those problems are not caused by their being gay in and of itself. They are caused by people like you. You have blood on your hands

You just revealed the motivation behind your entire "movement." You don't want "equal rights", do you? You want a special government-protected status and a shiny little sticker on your forehead that reads "Victim."

"Ohhh woe is mee!! Dem bad ol' straight people done done me wrong!!!"

Sorry, hillbilly. We'un done got us enough "victims" in this world. Youse needs to git in line behind dem wemmins and black folks, Dey's was here first.

Like Jussie Smollet ..... Nice post but your talent is wasted on these dullards . Progressive has a wooden dick and winterborn has splinters in his mouth

Guess that's what I get for being so idealistic, believing mankind is inherently good, and that people can change themselves for the better

To hell with it. I give up on those leftist zipperheads. :laugh:

I have seen no research that shows homosexuals can change to heterosexual orientation. At least not honestly.
All I can say is that ADULTS should be allowed to engage in whatever they like, however CHILDREN should not be exposed to it.
I completely agree!!

That being the case - then why did you enable Gay adoption ? A logical falasy - but then again you , yourself are an illogical PHallic
A final word to all of the low life bigots who shamelessly use propaganda about children in their failed war on equality. I’m sure that these figures are much higher now

There were an estimated 300,000 to 500,000 gay and lesbian biological parents in 1976. In 1990, an estimated 6 to 14 million children have gay or lesbian parents.

Latest statistics from the U.S. Census 2000, the National Survey of Family Growth (2002), and the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (2004) include:

• An estimated two million LGLB people are interested in adopting.

• An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay parent.

• More than 16,000 adopted children are living with lesbian and gay parents in California, the highest number among the states.

• Gay and lesbian parents are raising four percent of all adopted children in the United States.

• Adopted children with same-sex parents are younger and more likely to be foreign born.

How Many U.S. Children Have Gay Parents?

In addition, adoption is legal in all 50 states. Generally, acceptance of gay and lesbian adoption has been way out in front of same sex marriage. In some states, it has been occurring for decades.

Given these numbers, please answer the following questions:

• If children who are in the care of gay people are at risk of abuse or having developmental/ adjustment issues why have the states been allowing this for so long?

• If mistreatment of children by gays was prevalent, why are we not hearing horror stories and seeing headlines about this on a regular basis ?

• Why have we not been seeing large numbers of adults who had been children of gays coming forward to speak out against gay parenting?

Claims that gay parenting is harmful to children are bogus and stupid.

Re: "Why have we not been seeing large numbers of adults who had been children of gays coming forward to speak out against gay parenting?"

Yo Dumbass - Gay parenting in any large volume has not been around long enough for these kids to have grown up - AND when they do reach adulthood - if they reach adulthood - the likelihood of them turning against the only family they have known is miniscule. In fact Research suggests that roughly 1/3 of all individuals who were themselves abused as children will in turn subject children to the same treatment when they reach adult status. [ Breaking the cycle of abuse : how to move beyond your past to create an abuse-free future. Engel, Beverly.
Pg. 214 ] So in effect what you are creating is a cycle of abuse while fostering a new generation of degenerates - a perverts paradise.

Re: "If mistreatment of children by gays was prevalent, why are we not hearing horror stories and seeing headlines about this on a regular basis ?" Media Suppression

Re: "If children who are in the care of gay people are at risk of abuse or having developmental/ adjustment issues why have the states been allowing this for so long?" ROFL - you're truly a special kinda stupid aren't you ??

I 'm the dumb ass???
How Many Children Have Gay Parents in the US?
How Many U.S. Children Have Gay Parents?
In 1990, an estimated 6 to 14 million children have gay or lesbian parents. Latest statistics from the U.S. Census 2000, the National Survey of Family Growth (2002), and the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (2004) include: ... Adopted children with same-sex parents are younger and more likely to be foreign born.

Where are all the horror stories and dysfunctional adults that they produced.
Especially those poor children who are forced to live with two "parents" who statistically have higher rates of suicide, drug abuse, disease, depression, and family violence.
Any group who has been historically marginalized, beaten down, and discriminated against will have higher rates of mental health and physical problems. Those problems are not caused by their being gay in and of itself. They are caused by people like you. You have blood on your hands

You just revealed the motivation behind your entire "movement." You don't want "equal rights", do you? You want a special government-protected status and a shiny little sticker on your forehead that reads "Victim."

"Ohhh woe is mee!! Dem bad ol' straight people done done me wrong!!!"

Sorry, hillbilly. We'un done got us enough "victims" in this world. Youse needs to git in line behind dem wemmins and black folks, Dey's was here first.

Like Jussie Smollet ..... Nice post but your talent is wasted on these dullards . Progressive has a wooden dick and winterborn has splinters in his mouth

Guess that's what I get for being so idealistic, believing mankind is inherently good, and that people can change themselves for the better

To hell with it. I give up on those leftist zipperheads. :laugh:

I have seen no research that shows homosexuals can change to heterosexual orientation. At least not honestly.

They obviously have no control over their behavior. I can choose to go out and screw as many women as I want to or even have sex with a herd of sheep.

But I don't. Those things are not within the realm of what's considered "normal behavior."
All I can say is that ADULTS should be allowed to engage in whatever they like, however CHILDREN should not be exposed to it.
I completely agree!!

That being the case - then why did you enable Gay adoption ? A logical falasy - but then again you , yourself are an illogical PHallic
A final word to all of the low life bigots who shamelessly use propaganda about children in their failed war on equality. I’m sure that these figures are much higher now

There were an estimated 300,000 to 500,000 gay and lesbian biological parents in 1976. In 1990, an estimated 6 to 14 million children have gay or lesbian parents.

Latest statistics from the U.S. Census 2000, the National Survey of Family Growth (2002), and the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (2004) include:

• An estimated two million LGLB people are interested in adopting.

• An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay parent.

• More than 16,000 adopted children are living with lesbian and gay parents in California, the highest number among the states.

• Gay and lesbian parents are raising four percent of all adopted children in the United States.

• Adopted children with same-sex parents are younger and more likely to be foreign born.

How Many U.S. Children Have Gay Parents?

In addition, adoption is legal in all 50 states. Generally, acceptance of gay and lesbian adoption has been way out in front of same sex marriage. In some states, it has been occurring for decades.

Given these numbers, please answer the following questions:

• If children who are in the care of gay people are at risk of abuse or having developmental/ adjustment issues why have the states been allowing this for so long?

• If mistreatment of children by gays was prevalent, why are we not hearing horror stories and seeing headlines about this on a regular basis ?

• Why have we not been seeing large numbers of adults who had been children of gays coming forward to speak out against gay parenting?

Claims that gay parenting is harmful to children are bogus and stupid.

Re: "Why have we not been seeing large numbers of adults who had been children of gays coming forward to speak out against gay parenting?"

Yo Dumbass - Gay parenting in any large volume has not been around long enough for these kids to have grown up - AND when they do reach adulthood - if they reach adulthood - the likelihood of them turning against the only family they have known is miniscule. In fact Research suggests that roughly 1/3 of all individuals who were themselves abused as children will in turn subject children to the same treatment when they reach adult status. [ Breaking the cycle of abuse : how to move beyond your past to create an abuse-free future. Engel, Beverly.
Pg. 214 ] So in effect what you are creating is a cycle of abuse while fostering a new generation of degenerates - a perverts paradise.

Re: "If mistreatment of children by gays was prevalent, why are we not hearing horror stories and seeing headlines about this on a regular basis ?" Media Suppression

Re: "If children who are in the care of gay people are at risk of abuse or having developmental/ adjustment issues why have the states been allowing this for so long?" ROFL - you're truly a special kinda stupid aren't you ??

I 'm the dumb ass???
How Many Children Have Gay Parents in the US?
How Many U.S. Children Have Gay Parents?
In 1990, an estimated 6 to 14 million children have gay or lesbian parents. Latest statistics from the U.S. Census 2000, the National Survey of Family Growth (2002), and the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (2004) include: ... Adopted children with same-sex parents are younger and more likely to be foreign born.

Where are all the horror stories and dysfunctional adults that they produced.

1. The topic was adoption - there has always been faggots who sired kids with normal women and dikes who did the same with normal men ... you do understand the difference between popping a kid out the vaginal rabbit hole and plucking some poor innocent little toddler from an orphanage do you not ? The data you provided is useless - although it does state "include: ... Adopted children with same-sex parents'" THOSE ONLY COVER A VERY SMALL PERCENTAGE AND THE LINK [LACK] FAILS TO STATE PERCENTAGES of queer vs normal parents. Capice Bozo ?
'Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act' seeks to strip gay marriage rights

I really have to wonder what the fuck is wrong with these people! My only question is, are they so stupid and blindly driven by their bigotry that they don't know that any federal judge will immediately slap on injunction on this- because they would have to given the Obergefell precedent- OR is a a strategy to get the case back to SCOTUS?

My guess is that they are anticipating and provoking a court fight, but even if it gets to SCOTUS there is no certainty that Obergefell will be overturned. Never in our history a right-once established- been revoked. A Roberts, who seems to have become the new swing vote, is aware of the outrage that would insue and the stain on his legacy that it would inflict.

Nearly four years after the Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal throughout the U.S. in its landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision, Republican lawmakers in Tennessee are attempting to turn back the clock with legislation aimed at barring gay marriage in the state.

The "Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act," which was first proposed in 2016, seeks to "defend natural marriage between one man and one woman regardless of any court decision to the contrary." The bill, which was reintroduced on Friday, would deem the high court's Obergefell decision "unauthoritative, void, and of no effect."

And that is not all

The reintroduced "natural marriage" law, however, "isn't the only anti-LGBT bill on the docket right now," noted Sanders. He said there are at least five other bills in the state legislature that may threaten the rights of LGBTQ people in Tennessee. One of these bills, which was introduced in both the state House and Senate (Pody is the sponsor of the Senate bill), seeks to allow private adoption agencies to decline to participate in any child placement services that would "violate the agency's written religious or moral convictions." This type of legislation, which can already be found in 10 states across the U.S., creates barriers for LGBTQ individuals and same-sex couples looking to adopt or foster.

These people have to be, and will be stopped.

Gays have no "right" to be married. They were given access to a civil union. Accomplishes the same thing without poking a finger in the eye of those who hold marriage as sacred.

Here's to a thumb in your eye big guy:

Civil Unions are a Sham and a Failure - by Progressive Patriot 5. 7. 16

Long after Obergefell, I’m still hearing that gay people should have been satisfied with civil unions or domestic partnerships instead of pushing the issue of marriage. This is the familiar separate but equal argument reminiscent of the Jim Crow era. To begin with, the simple fact is that even if they are equal on paper, in reality they are not equal if for no other reason, because they are called by different names. “Marriage” is universally understood to mean a certain thing… a bond and a commitment between two people. “Civil Unions” carry no such instantly understood meaning. Now, I know that there are those who will say that marriage is understood to mean a man and a woman, but those people are living in a bygone era. Similarly, there are those who contend that marriage is a religious institution, but they too are living in a world that no longer exists, if it ever did. While there were times and places in history where it was-and for some still is -for the most part it is anything but religious. Therefore, neither heterosexuals nor the religious own “marriage”

I firmly believe that those who claim that they believe in equal rights for gays and lesbians but are against marriage in favor of civil unions are using that story line so as not to appear to be anti -equality while not really believing in equality at all. This may be conscious process that is deliberately deceptive, or a rationalization to make themselves feel good about how magnanimous they imagine themselves to be, but the motive, and the outcome is the same.

Words are powerful. Consider the word “Citizen” In this country anyone who is born a citizen -as well as those who are naturalized – are simply” citizens” They all have the same rights and responsibilities. But let’s say that we decided that naturalized citizen could not and should not be called “citizens” but rather they must be distinguished from those who were born into citizenship by calling them something like Permanent Legal Domestic Residents. Still the same rights and responsibilities but are they equal in reality? How many times will they have to explain what that means? For instance, will hospital staff understand when there is an issue with visitation or making a medical decision regarding a spouse?

Consider this:

Marriage is more perfect union: In gay marriage debate, separate but equal won't cut it

Civil unions are in no way a legitimate substitute for gay marriage.

They fail on principle, because - as America should have learned from racial segregation - separate is never equal.

And they fail in practice, because couples who enter into this second-class marriage alternative in New Jersey and elsewhere are constantly denied the rights and benefits that married couples take for granted.

Which brings up a third way in which they fail - verbally. Imagine getting down on one knee and saying, "Will you civilly unite with me?"

All kidding aside, semantics matters when it comes to labeling our most important and intimate relationships. Denying gay and lesbian couples the right - and the joy and the responsibility and the ordinariness - to use the M-word is a profound slap in the face.

"When you say, 'I'm married,' everyone knows who you are in relation to the primary person you're building your life with," says Freedom to Marry director Evan Wolfson. " 'Civil union' doesn't offer that clarity, that immediately understood respect." Marriage is more perfect union: In gay marriage debate, separate but equal won't cut it

Monday, April 20, 2009, 5:00 PM

We had experience with civil unions here in New Jersey. It did not go well:

Since New Jersey’s civil union law took effect in February 2007, many employers across New Jersey have refused to recognize civil unions as equal to marriage, and therefore do not grant equal health benefits to partners of employees. Employers and hospitals say that if the legislature intended for the civil union law to be the same as marriage, the legislature would have used the same name.

Because these employers and hospitals don’t recognize civil unions as they would marriage, many same-sex couples go without adequate health insurance – a horror in this economy. And because of the real-world disparity between civil unions and marriage, some hospitals do not allow civil union partners to make medical decisions for one another, or even to visit one another in the emergency room. http://www.gardenstateequality.org/issues/civilunions/

Here is more:

Report: Civil union law fails to achieve goal of equality

This article first appeared in The Sunday Star-Ledger on Feb. 17, 2008.

When civil unions became available one year ago, Gina Pastino of Upper Montclair was "thrilled" to form one with her partner of a dozen years, Naomi Cohen.

But the couple are frustrated after a year of trying to explain -- at the bank, the passport office and repeatedly in hospitals -- that their civil union entitles them to be treated like spouses.

"People don't understand what civil unions are," said Cohen.

Judy Ford of Port Norris formed a civil union last April to add her partner to her health insurance plan. But the medical center that employs Ford used a loophole in federal law to deny coverage to her partner, Yvonne Mazzola.

Now, because of her civil union, she would be liable for her partner's uninsured medical bills. They might dissolve their civil union.

"It only puts us in a precarious legal situation," said Ford. "Now we have a civil union with no benefit and only detriment." Report: Civil union law fails to achieve goal of equality

And New Jersey is not the only state to experience a failure to achieve equality through civil unions:

Equality Illinois Says State Civil Union Law a Failure Chicago Family Law Attorneys - Divorce Lawyer Illinois

And let’s not forget that the federal government only recognizes “marriage “ for the myriad of benefits and privileges that are attached to that status. Change federal laws and regulations? Good luck with that. We can’t even get a none discrimination law in employmen passed. Back in New Jersey, a state judge ordered the issuance of marriage licenses to same sex couples following the Windsor decision by SCOTUS for just that reason. Previously, the state supreme court had ruled that same sex couples must be treated the same as opposite sex couples but that it did not have to be called marriage. Once the section of DOMA that dealt with federal benefits for married same sex couple was overturned, there was no longer even a pretense of equality in same sex unions could be called marriage.

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