Tennessee Seeks tonBar Same Sex Marriage

They obviously have no control over their behavior. I can choose to go out and screw as many women as I want to or even have sex with a herd of sheep.

But I don't. Those things are not within the realm of what's considered "normal behavior."

Anyone can control whether they have sex or not.

What they cannot control is who they find attractive or who they love.
That's Opinion not fact .... get the splinters outta your mouth it's giving you a lisp

I have never read any statement by any homosexual that stated otherwise.

If you are not a homosexual, you have no way of knowing. If you are......

I guess then you haven't done much treading on the topic - outside of leftist publications - try reading an less biased article which states

" If someone is born homosexual, the claim that he/she has no control over their perversion, the false assumption that their homosexuality is a product of their birth over which they have no control then why use the terms "sexual preference" or "alternative lifestyle" both of which imply that they have chosen their lifestyle. .... The only scientific evidence cited when passing the resolution to declassify Homosexuality as a mental illness was based on studies by Alfred Kinsey, who admitted that he flubbed his results and Dr. Evelyn Hooker." Homosexuality as a Mental Illness Now we are in agreement that being queer is probably a birth defect and not an acquired trait in the majority of instances - but its far from settled science

Given the fact that homosexuality has been around as long as mankind, and was severely punished for centuries, I doubt most homosexuals would choose that orientation.

If they CONSCIOUSLY chose that orientation then it would be the equivalent of being born that way - as nobody would choose it unless they were already oriented towards it - non gays find queer sex repugnant and repulsive. No it's not a conscious choice, traditionally psychaitry / psychology viewed as a trait acquired in the formulative pre-cognizant years - usually around the time that a toddler acquires coherent speech and at the very latest in the first five years of life.
Anyone can control whether they have sex or not.

What they cannot control is who they find attractive or who they love.
That's Opinion not fact .... get the splinters outta your mouth it's giving you a lisp

I have never read any statement by any homosexual that stated otherwise.

If you are not a homosexual, you have no way of knowing. If you are......

I guess then you haven't done much treading on the topic - outside of leftist publications - try reading an less biased article which states

" If someone is born homosexual, the claim that he/she has no control over their perversion, the false assumption that their homosexuality is a product of their birth over which they have no control then why use the terms "sexual preference" or "alternative lifestyle" both of which imply that they have chosen their lifestyle. .... The only scientific evidence cited when passing the resolution to declassify Homosexuality as a mental illness was based on studies by Alfred Kinsey, who admitted that he flubbed his results and Dr. Evelyn Hooker." Homosexuality as a Mental Illness Now we are in agreement that being queer is probably a birth defect and not an acquired trait in the majority of instances - but its far from settled science

There is no "gay gene" that's passed on from parents to their children. So that would mean that it's either either a defect or a behavior.
Explain why 40% of identical twins who have a gay sibling are also gay.

So you're saying that 60% ... a large majority of twins are not both Gay .....
Anyone can control whether they have sex or not.

What they cannot control is who they find attractive or who they love.
That's Opinion not fact .... get the splinters outta your mouth it's giving you a lisp

I have never read any statement by any homosexual that stated otherwise.

If you are not a homosexual, you have no way of knowing. If you are......

I guess then you haven't done much treading on the topic - outside of leftist publications - try reading an less biased article which states

" If someone is born homosexual, the claim that he/she has no control over their perversion, the false assumption that their homosexuality is a product of their birth over which they have no control then why use the terms "sexual preference" or "alternative lifestyle" both of which imply that they have chosen their lifestyle. .... The only scientific evidence cited when passing the resolution to declassify Homosexuality as a mental illness was based on studies by Alfred Kinsey, who admitted that he flubbed his results and Dr. Evelyn Hooker." Homosexuality as a Mental Illness Now we are in agreement that being queer is probably a birth defect and not an acquired trait in the majority of instances - but its far from settled science

Given the fact that homosexuality has been around as long as mankind, and was severely punished for centuries, I doubt most homosexuals would choose that orientation.

If they CONSCIOUSLY chose that orientation then it would be the equivalent of being born that way - as nobody would choose it unless they were already oriented towards it - non gays find queer sex repugnant and repulsive. No it's not a conscious choice, traditionally psychaitry / psychology viewed as a trait acquired in the formulative pre-cognizant years - usually around the time that a toddler acquires coherent speech and at the very latest in the first five years of life.

If it is a trait acquired in the formative pre-cognizant years, then my statement that they cannot control who they find attractive and who they love is valid.
Anyone can control whether they have sex or not.

What they cannot control is who they find attractive or who they love.
That's Opinion not fact .... get the splinters outta your mouth it's giving you a lisp

I have never read any statement by any homosexual that stated otherwise.

If you are not a homosexual, you have no way of knowing. If you are......

I guess then you haven't done much treading on the topic - outside of leftist publications - try reading an less biased article which states

" If someone is born homosexual, the claim that he/she has no control over their perversion, the false assumption that their homosexuality is a product of their birth over which they have no control then why use the terms "sexual preference" or "alternative lifestyle" both of which imply that they have chosen their lifestyle. .... The only scientific evidence cited when passing the resolution to declassify Homosexuality as a mental illness was based on studies by Alfred Kinsey, who admitted that he flubbed his results and Dr. Evelyn Hooker." Homosexuality as a Mental Illness Now we are in agreement that being queer is probably a birth defect and not an acquired trait in the majority of instances - but its far from settled science

There is no "gay gene" that's passed on from parents to their children. So that would mean that it's either either a defect or a behavior.
Explain why 40% of identical twins who have a gay sibling are also gay.

You are quoting study done by NARTH, which is the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality. Grain of salt required.

It's much more likely that it develops early on in childhood. Twins who have a gay sibling are generally raised in a pretty similar way, so that explains the higher than average correlation.

BTW: NARTH is an organization dedicated to giving "hope to those who struggle with unwanted homosexuality", as advertised in their mission statement.

I 'm the dumb ass???

Yes - I thought that pretty much went without saying - stupid is as stupid does progressive - how is your brother Daryl and your other brother daryl - still using the old KY Jelly are you ?
You seem to be loosing it slick, as if you ever had it. You already abysmal level of discourse is in full retard mode. Now getting beck to the topic of parenting and to further refute your contention that same sex parenting is to new and the numbers are insufficient to know the outcomes, I give you this from the Netherlands where they are studying children of same sex parents born since 1995.

Study: Children Of Same-Sex Parents Do Better In School

A new study indicates children raised by same-sex couples perform better in school than those of opposite-sex parents, reports The Washington Post.

Using government data tracking all children born between 1995 to 2005 in the Netherlands, researchers found children with same-sex parents scored higher on tests in elementary and secondary school, and had a seven percent higher likelihood of graduating from high school than children reared by a mom and dad.

Information including educational performance, family income and more was utilized in the massive study which followed over 1 million children, including 1,200 children raised by same-sex parents.
And by the way, common sense would tell you that if there problems with the children, they would come to light long before they became adults -and I have already presented the stats for this country.

Now, lets try an experiment with you. Lets see if you can formulate a civil, relevant and intelligent response without name calling. My guess is that you cant'

For once you're right I shant respond in a civil manner to scum such as you - now how about explaining the plagiarism factor mentioned above ? It's possible there's an explanation why your post is only 15% original content - maybe the professional authors stole it from you ?!
You're still lying, Bitch!

I did Bubba. I documented my sources, now shut the fuck up if you're mental defects will not allow you to have a rational and informed discussion of the topic. You think that you can win by gaslighting me....not working bitch!
That's Opinion not fact .... get the splinters outta your mouth it's giving you a lisp

I have never read any statement by any homosexual that stated otherwise.

If you are not a homosexual, you have no way of knowing. If you are......

I guess then you haven't done much treading on the topic - outside of leftist publications - try reading an less biased article which states

" If someone is born homosexual, the claim that he/she has no control over their perversion, the false assumption that their homosexuality is a product of their birth over which they have no control then why use the terms "sexual preference" or "alternative lifestyle" both of which imply that they have chosen their lifestyle. .... The only scientific evidence cited when passing the resolution to declassify Homosexuality as a mental illness was based on studies by Alfred Kinsey, who admitted that he flubbed his results and Dr. Evelyn Hooker." Homosexuality as a Mental Illness Now we are in agreement that being queer is probably a birth defect and not an acquired trait in the majority of instances - but its far from settled science

There is no "gay gene" that's passed on from parents to their children. So that would mean that it's either either a defect or a behavior.
Explain why 40% of identical twins who have a gay sibling are also gay.

You are quoting study done by NARTH, which is the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality. Grain of salt required.

It's much more likely that it develops early on in childhood. Twins who have a gay sibling are generally raised in a pretty similar way, so that explains the higher than average correlation.

BTW: NARTH is an organization dedicated to giving "hope to those who struggle with unwanted homosexuality", as advertised in their mission statement.


Conversion therapy has been discredited and debunked.
I have never read any statement by any homosexual that stated otherwise.

If you are not a homosexual, you have no way of knowing. If you are......

I guess then you haven't done much treading on the topic - outside of leftist publications - try reading an less biased article which states

" If someone is born homosexual, the claim that he/she has no control over their perversion, the false assumption that their homosexuality is a product of their birth over which they have no control then why use the terms "sexual preference" or "alternative lifestyle" both of which imply that they have chosen their lifestyle. .... The only scientific evidence cited when passing the resolution to declassify Homosexuality as a mental illness was based on studies by Alfred Kinsey, who admitted that he flubbed his results and Dr. Evelyn Hooker." Homosexuality as a Mental Illness Now we are in agreement that being queer is probably a birth defect and not an acquired trait in the majority of instances - but its far from settled science

There is no "gay gene" that's passed on from parents to their children. So that would mean that it's either either a defect or a behavior.
Explain why 40% of identical twins who have a gay sibling are also gay.

You are quoting study done by NARTH, which is the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality. Grain of salt required.

It's much more likely that it develops early on in childhood. Twins who have a gay sibling are generally raised in a pretty similar way, so that explains the higher than average correlation.

BTW: NARTH is an organization dedicated to giving "hope to those who struggle with unwanted homosexuality", as advertised in their mission statement.


Conversion therapy has been discredited and debunked.
Oh no it hasn't ... unless you've got your nose exclusively buried in big brother propaganda - it has a comparable success rate with drug rehab and uses alot of the same principles ... with substance abusers the relapse rate is actually slightly higher than it is with ex-gay conversion therapy ... so you think society should stop treating drug addiction ???
Conversion therapy has been discredited and debunked.

Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that we just haven't found a psychiatric cure for homosexuality? That's the same with many disorders.

But we don't say that other experimental cures for cancer or whatever have been "discredited"- we just acknowledge that more research is necessary.
I have seen no research that shows homosexuals can change to heterosexual orientation. At least not honestly.

They obviously have no control over their behavior. I can choose to go out and screw as many women as I want to or even have sex with a herd of sheep.

But I don't. Those things are not within the realm of what's considered "normal behavior."

Anyone can control whether they have sex or not.

What they cannot control is who they find attractive or who they love.
That's Opinion not fact .... get the splinters outta your mouth it's giving you a lisp

I have never read any statement by any homosexual that stated otherwise.

If you are not a homosexual, you have no way of knowing. If you are......

I guess then you haven't done much reading on the topic - outside of leftist publications - try reading a less biased article which states ....

" If someone is born homosexual, the claim that he/she has no control over their perversion, the false assumption that their homosexuality is a product of their birth over which they have no control then why use the terms "sexual preference" or "alternative lifestyle" both of which imply that they have chosen their lifestyle. .... The only scientific evidence cited when passing the resolution to declassify Homosexuality as a mental illness was based on studies by Alfred Kinsey, who admitted that he flubbed his results and Dr. Evelyn Hooker." Homosexuality as a Mental Illness Now we are in agreement that being queer is probably a birth defect and not an acquired trait in the majority of instances - but its far from settled science
Why would you need to control it?

Do you control heterosexuality?
Yes - I thought that pretty much went without saying - stupid is as stupid does progressive - how is your brother Daryl and your other brother daryl - still using the old KY Jelly are you ?
You seem to be loosing it slick, as if you ever had it. You already abysmal level of discourse is in full retard mode. Now getting beck to the topic of parenting and to further refute your contention that same sex parenting is to new and the numbers are insufficient to know the outcomes, I give you this from the Netherlands where they are studying children of same sex parents born since 1995.

Study: Children Of Same-Sex Parents Do Better In School

A new study indicates children raised by same-sex couples perform better in school than those of opposite-sex parents, reports The Washington Post.

Using government data tracking all children born between 1995 to 2005 in the Netherlands, researchers found children with same-sex parents scored higher on tests in elementary and secondary school, and had a seven percent higher likelihood of graduating from high school than children reared by a mom and dad.

Information including educational performance, family income and more was utilized in the massive study which followed over 1 million children, including 1,200 children raised by same-sex parents.
And by the way, common sense would tell you that if there problems with the children, they would come to light long before they became adults -and I have already presented the stats for this country.

Now, lets try an experiment with you. Lets see if you can formulate a civil, relevant and intelligent response without name calling. My guess is that you cant'

For once you're right I shant respond in a civil manner to scum such as you - now how about explaining the plagiarism factor mentioned above ? It's possible there's an explanation why your post is only 15% original content - maybe the professional authors stole it from you ?!
You're still lying, Bitch!

I did Bubba. I documented my sources, now shut the fuck up if you're mental defects will not allow you to have a rational and informed discussion of the topic. You think that you can win by gaslighting me....not working bitch!
If you say so little fella - dude , if you can't run with the big dogs - stay on the porch. You're endeavors at feigning intellectual maturity are very amusing ... but poorly executed.
I guess then you haven't done much treading on the topic - outside of leftist publications - try reading an less biased article which states

" If someone is born homosexual, the claim that he/she has no control over their perversion, the false assumption that their homosexuality is a product of their birth over which they have no control then why use the terms "sexual preference" or "alternative lifestyle" both of which imply that they have chosen their lifestyle. .... The only scientific evidence cited when passing the resolution to declassify Homosexuality as a mental illness was based on studies by Alfred Kinsey, who admitted that he flubbed his results and Dr. Evelyn Hooker." Homosexuality as a Mental Illness Now we are in agreement that being queer is probably a birth defect and not an acquired trait in the majority of instances - but its far from settled science

There is no "gay gene" that's passed on from parents to their children. So that would mean that it's either either a defect or a behavior.
Explain why 40% of identical twins who have a gay sibling are also gay.

You are quoting study done by NARTH, which is the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality. Grain of salt required.

It's much more likely that it develops early on in childhood. Twins who have a gay sibling are generally raised in a pretty similar way, so that explains the higher than average correlation.

BTW: NARTH is an organization dedicated to giving "hope to those who struggle with unwanted homosexuality", as advertised in their mission statement.


Conversion therapy has been discredited and debunked.
Oh no it hasn't ... unless you've got your nose exclusively buried in big brother propaganda - it has a comparable success rate with drug rehab and uses alot of the same principles ... with substance abusers the relapse rate is actually slightly higher than it is with ex-gay conversion therapy ... so you think society should stop treating drug addiction ???
Pray away the gay

Conservative solution
They obviously have no control over their behavior. I can choose to go out and screw as many women as I want to or even have sex with a herd of sheep.

But I don't. Those things are not within the realm of what's considered "normal behavior."

Anyone can control whether they have sex or not.

What they cannot control is who they find attractive or who they love.
That's Opinion not fact .... get the splinters outta your mouth it's giving you a lisp

I have never read any statement by any homosexual that stated otherwise.

If you are not a homosexual, you have no way of knowing. If you are......

I guess then you haven't done much treading on the topic - outside of leftist publications - try reading an less biased article which states

" If someone is born homosexual, the claim that he/she has no control over their perversion, the false assumption that their homosexuality is a product of their birth over which they have no control then why use the terms "sexual preference" or "alternative lifestyle" both of which imply that they have chosen their lifestyle. .... The only scientific evidence cited when passing the resolution to declassify Homosexuality as a mental illness was based on studies by Alfred Kinsey, who admitted that he flubbed his results and Dr. Evelyn Hooker." Homosexuality as a Mental Illness Now we are in agreement that being queer is probably a birth defect and not an acquired trait in the majority of instances - but its far from settled science

There is no "gay gene" that's passed on from parents to their children. So that would mean that it's either either a defect or a behavior.
You don't know that much do you

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Aside from genetics, there are other factors that can effect sexual orientation

UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation

In any case, this contradicts the "defect of behavior" horseshit
They obviously have no control over their behavior. I can choose to go out and screw as many women as I want to or even have sex with a herd of sheep.

But I don't. Those things are not within the realm of what's considered "normal behavior."

Anyone can control whether they have sex or not.

What they cannot control is who they find attractive or who they love.
That's Opinion not fact .... get the splinters outta your mouth it's giving you a lisp

I have never read any statement by any homosexual that stated otherwise.

If you are not a homosexual, you have no way of knowing. If you are......

I guess then you haven't done much reading on the topic - outside of leftist publications - try reading a less biased article which states ....

" If someone is born homosexual, the claim that he/she has no control over their perversion, the false assumption that their homosexuality is a product of their birth over which they have no control then why use the terms "sexual preference" or "alternative lifestyle" both of which imply that they have chosen their lifestyle. .... The only scientific evidence cited when passing the resolution to declassify Homosexuality as a mental illness was based on studies by Alfred Kinsey, who admitted that he flubbed his results and Dr. Evelyn Hooker." Homosexuality as a Mental Illness Now we are in agreement that being queer is probably a birth defect and not an acquired trait in the majority of instances - but its far from settled science
Why would you need to control it?

Do you control heterosexuality?

OH GOODY ...My old buddy Norton, I get to bitch smack you again !?
Conversion therapy has been discredited and debunked.

Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that we just haven't found a psychiatric cure for homosexuality? That's the same with many disorders.

But we don't say that other experimental cures for cancer or whatever have been "discredited"- we just acknowledge that more research is necessary.
It would be accurate to say that we have not found a psychiatric cure for whatever the fuck is wrong with you.
Anyone can control whether they have sex or not.

What they cannot control is who they find attractive or who they love.
That's Opinion not fact .... get the splinters outta your mouth it's giving you a lisp

I have never read any statement by any homosexual that stated otherwise.

If you are not a homosexual, you have no way of knowing. If you are......

I guess then you haven't done much treading on the topic - outside of leftist publications - try reading an less biased article which states

" If someone is born homosexual, the claim that he/she has no control over their perversion, the false assumption that their homosexuality is a product of their birth over which they have no control then why use the terms "sexual preference" or "alternative lifestyle" both of which imply that they have chosen their lifestyle. .... The only scientific evidence cited when passing the resolution to declassify Homosexuality as a mental illness was based on studies by Alfred Kinsey, who admitted that he flubbed his results and Dr. Evelyn Hooker." Homosexuality as a Mental Illness Now we are in agreement that being queer is probably a birth defect and not an acquired trait in the majority of instances - but its far from settled science

There is no "gay gene" that's passed on from parents to their children. So that would mean that it's either either a defect or a behavior.
You don't know that much do you

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Aside from genetics, there are other factors that can effect sexual orientation

UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation

In any case, this contradicts the "defect of behavior" horseshit

We already beat the shit out of that article last time you posted it UC BERKELY gimme a fucking break ....
They obviously have no control over their behavior. I can choose to go out and screw as many women as I want to or even have sex with a herd of sheep.

But I don't. Those things are not within the realm of what's considered "normal behavior."

Anyone can control whether they have sex or not.

What they cannot control is who they find attractive or who they love.
That's Opinion not fact .... get the splinters outta your mouth it's giving you a lisp

I have never read any statement by any homosexual that stated otherwise.

If you are not a homosexual, you have no way of knowing. If you are......

I guess then you haven't done much reading on the topic - outside of leftist publications - try reading a less biased article which states ....

" If someone is born homosexual, the claim that he/she has no control over their perversion, the false assumption that their homosexuality is a product of their birth over which they have no control then why use the terms "sexual preference" or "alternative lifestyle" both of which imply that they have chosen their lifestyle. .... The only scientific evidence cited when passing the resolution to declassify Homosexuality as a mental illness was based on studies by Alfred Kinsey, who admitted that he flubbed his results and Dr. Evelyn Hooker." Homosexuality as a Mental Illness Now we are in agreement that being queer is probably a birth defect and not an acquired trait in the majority of instances - but its far from settled science
Why would you need to control it?

Do you control heterosexuality?

Heterosexuality, or normalcy, isn't a disorder at all.

In the field of surgery, for example, there is a lot surgery and research being done to separate Siamese twins. But no research or surgeries at all to sew ordinary twins together. That's because the later is normal and the previous is something people want resolved.
Conversion therapy has been discredited and debunked.

Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that we just haven't found a psychiatric cure for homosexuality? That's the same with many disorders.

But we don't say that other experimental cures for cancer or whatever have been "discredited"- we just acknowledge that more research is necessary.
It would be accurate to say that we have not found a psychiatric cure for whatever the fuck is wrong with you.

You are right, there is no cure for normal.
Anyone can control whether they have sex or not.

What they cannot control is who they find attractive or who they love.
That's Opinion not fact .... get the splinters outta your mouth it's giving you a lisp

I have never read any statement by any homosexual that stated otherwise.

If you are not a homosexual, you have no way of knowing. If you are......

I guess then you haven't done much reading on the topic - outside of leftist publications - try reading a less biased article which states ....

" If someone is born homosexual, the claim that he/she has no control over their perversion, the false assumption that their homosexuality is a product of their birth over which they have no control then why use the terms "sexual preference" or "alternative lifestyle" both of which imply that they have chosen their lifestyle. .... The only scientific evidence cited when passing the resolution to declassify Homosexuality as a mental illness was based on studies by Alfred Kinsey, who admitted that he flubbed his results and Dr. Evelyn Hooker." Homosexuality as a Mental Illness Now we are in agreement that being queer is probably a birth defect and not an acquired trait in the majority of instances - but its far from settled science
Why would you need to control it?

Do you control heterosexuality?

OH GOODY ...My old buddy Norton, I get to bitch smack you again !?
Once again you prove that you are unable to have a civil, adult discussion, with anyone. You behave like someone who has some serious problems on many levels.
That's Opinion not fact .... get the splinters outta your mouth it's giving you a lisp

I have never read any statement by any homosexual that stated otherwise.

If you are not a homosexual, you have no way of knowing. If you are......

I guess then you haven't done much reading on the topic - outside of leftist publications - try reading a less biased article which states ....

" If someone is born homosexual, the claim that he/she has no control over their perversion, the false assumption that their homosexuality is a product of their birth over which they have no control then why use the terms "sexual preference" or "alternative lifestyle" both of which imply that they have chosen their lifestyle. .... The only scientific evidence cited when passing the resolution to declassify Homosexuality as a mental illness was based on studies by Alfred Kinsey, who admitted that he flubbed his results and Dr. Evelyn Hooker." Homosexuality as a Mental Illness Now we are in agreement that being queer is probably a birth defect and not an acquired trait in the majority of instances - but its far from settled science
Why would you need to control it?

Do you control heterosexuality?

OH GOODY ...My old buddy Norton, I get to bitch smack you again !?
Once again you prove that you are unable to have a civil, adult discussion, with anyone. You behave like someone who has some serious problems on many levels.

I like Norton he's a good guy - a tad bewildered from all those sewer fuimes he's been inhaling but basically a good guy . You ---- I don't like you. You're an immature scumbag - a lowlife ignorant piece of shit and a sorry excuse for a human being and I take great pleasures in bitch smacking you from time to time
I have never read any statement by any homosexual that stated otherwise.

If you are not a homosexual, you have no way of knowing. If you are......

I guess then you haven't done much reading on the topic - outside of leftist publications - try reading a less biased article which states ....

" If someone is born homosexual, the claim that he/she has no control over their perversion, the false assumption that their homosexuality is a product of their birth over which they have no control then why use the terms "sexual preference" or "alternative lifestyle" both of which imply that they have chosen their lifestyle. .... The only scientific evidence cited when passing the resolution to declassify Homosexuality as a mental illness was based on studies by Alfred Kinsey, who admitted that he flubbed his results and Dr. Evelyn Hooker." Homosexuality as a Mental Illness Now we are in agreement that being queer is probably a birth defect and not an acquired trait in the majority of instances - but its far from settled science
Why would you need to control it?

Do you control heterosexuality?

OH GOODY ...My old buddy Norton, I get to bitch smack you again !?
Once again you prove that you are unable to have a civil, adult discussion, with anyone. You behave like someone who has some serious problems on many levels.

I like Norton he's a good guy - a tad bewildered from all those sewer fuimes he's been inhaling but basically a good guy . You ---- I don't like you. You're an immature scumbag - a lowlife ignorant piece of shit and a sorry excuse for a human being and I take great pleasures in bitch smacking you from time to time


I'm just fucking crushed!! You don't like me because I shove to much reality and truth in your face and you can't do anything with it except lash out like a 10 year old special ed. student or a spoiled 5 year old



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