Tenth Anniversary

10 Long Years

And not one bit of court submittable physical evidence to prove that there was anything other than the hijackers at play that day...................

I would laugh but it's almost tragic......................

please tells use about your alternative theory and why you think
after long ten years...NIST still didn't get it right ?
10 Long Years

And not one bit of court submittable physical evidence to prove that there was anything other than the hijackers at play that day...................

I would laugh but it's almost tragic......................

please tells use about your alternative theory and why you think
after long ten years...NIST still didn't get it right ?

I believe they didn't give enough credence to the damage caused by a falling 110 story building. But I also admit that I am not the expert and did not and do not have the evidence that they have available to them. Not that I would understand most of it.

In other words I think the buildings damages had more to do with the collapse than NIST says, but admit that I could be wrong.........

And you have a problem comprehending that.... We understand... You may yet grow out of it........
I think Building 7 committed suicide by collapsing all by itself and I happen to know a few engineers and architects. ( I've been in an airplane too ):eusa_whistle:
No, get with the program. The WTC complex was destroyed by Tracy Blevin's space-based dustification ray that turned all the steel into metal foam.
the official conspiracy theory apologists are the tin foil hatters.they have the logic that it does nto mattter what demolition experts say,or thousand architect and engineer experts,or first responders,firemen experienced in explosives,or scientists say or experienced pilots say,the tin foil crowd ONLY cares about what their corrupt government institutions and corporate controlled media tell them.NOT those experts.doesnt their logic kill you?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

What do the "experienced pilots" say?

here is more on that as well.

Overwhelming Evidence Pentagon Aircraft Data Is Not From American Airlines Jet

Awww, isn't that cute. 9/11 inside jobby job is sourcing Bobby Balsamo's wonderland of weirdness and woo.
I've tried pity, ridicule is more fun..............

True, but it's not only unsportsmanlike to make fun if the mentally ill, it's a bit unChristian.

so what are saying is you are mentally ill and that's why you cant address the facts of wtc 7...so we should not make fun of you ?

Sure, go for it. Sorry if you think I'm being a big prick in your little bubble. If you think ridiculing me will help you feel better, then do it. It's that or medication, right?

All those members, and they still can't decide which side of the Citgo station flight 77 was on.

But at least they agree that it was pulling 11.6 G's in level flight. :lol:

Taking a wild guess I'd say that there are probably 300,000 Pilots in the USA. And Eots group has roughly 250 members, of which all are not pilots........

I wouldn't give them much credence..........

Kathleen Boyd
Army veteran/disabled veteran
"Thank you for all you do!"

Jennifer Agee
US Air Force veteran
NSU, Tahlequah, OK
SSGT USAF, retired, disabled

Allan Parker
Software Engineer
Total Flight Time: 350 hrs

Tonya Miller
Flight Attendant
Republic Airways

Gianluca Frati
Italian "duhbunker" who likes to play games

More fun from their list...

Bill Credle
Aviation Maintenance Technician
American Airlines
17 Years

Not a pilot

Mike Aybar
Aircraft Maintenance Technician, Crew Chief
American Airlines

Not a pilot

Canada ATC (in training)

Not even in aviation yet.

Greg Madden
Former Marine (non-pilot)
Radio Technician
Martin Co., Florida

Not a pilot and admits it.

There are over 100,000 professional pilots in our nation, many of them prior military. My experience is that most of them understand not only how our government works, but why this "conspiracy" could not be sustained. Americans in high levels of government plotting to murder other Americans would be leaked by someone since it is too big a conspiracy to contain for long.

Dude you need to take a political science class.The government keeps secrets from the citizens of our country as a matter of routine.we dont know half of what goes in washington and around the world.the government has a long history of keeping secrets from the population.for instance,back in the early 50's, the CIA was running a secret covert operation in indonisa that involved THOUSANDS of military/CIA men.THAT was kept a secret from americans for over 40 years till some independent experts went to the national archives in washington in the 90's and found the docummation on it.thats just ONE example.These people in high power only pick the most evil corrupt people they know will keep it a secret.also do you REALLY think someone is going to talk and spill the beans when they know they will end up dying as a mysterious dead body when they are going to be well paid?:lol::lol::cuckoo:

Look at all the people who died in mysterious deaths who came forward and gave a version of events about the kennedy assassination who all died in strange mysterious deaths after that.other witnesses that were there that day kept quiet over the decades because of all those people dying in mysterious deaths.these pilots have said they knew the official story was B.S because THEY could not do all these impossible maneuvers the government ALLEDGES these pilots did.the traffic controller when she saw on the rader the maneuvers the airliner was doing,she thought for sure it was a military fighter doing that because she knew no jet airliner can pull off those impossible moves.lol. then we have the government destroying and removing evidence and NOBODY gets fired or loses their job.only a MORON would not put two and two together these people got off easy street and rewarded for their incompetence instead of being reprimended for committing a crime like that.go to a crime scene and remove evidence.you know as well as I do the next call you will make will be from a prison cell,get with the program dude.

The official story of flight 77 tells us that it was traveling at 530 MPH as it made a 330-degree turn before slamming into the pentagon. Every airline pilot we have spoken with has stated that at that speed, the plane would have pulled approximately 5 G’s and torn itself apart. Physics, photos and common sense again ignored by PM.

The editors of PM (including James Meigs who will not return our phone calls), by ignoring or avoiding the key pieces of evidence, have exposed themselves as participants in the continued cover-up of the events of 911. If they truly were the journalists they purport themselves to be, they would have included the key pieces of evidence and dealt with them honestly and openly. Even a small army of experts cannot provide acceptable answers if they are not asked the right questions, nor provided vital pieces of information.

As long as these issues continue to be avoided by the mainstream media, they will continue to kindle and rekindle the growing controversies surrounding 911. These screaming questions will not go away, and neither will those asking them. Our numbers are growing internationally and are increasing faster than the powers that be care to admit. Time is not on their side and it is their move.

Great post. It's funny when I watch a debate like this and someone runs away form the topic.
It's been tens years and we've all come to accept as fact the story of Muslim extremists pulling off the worst terrorist plot in history. These same "master minds" now can't even blow up their own underwear. Makes one wonder how they were able to be so "succesful" on 9-11.

If it smells like I'm talking conspiracy here, let me assure you, I AM!

Save you tin foil hat comments, I didn't come to this position easily. I have wound up here because it is the only way to explain the facts.

Oh, you think you know the facts? OK, let's start with this one. I stumbled upon it about a year and a half ago and have been researching it ever since. Question: How many office towers collapsed into their own footprint on 9-11? Answer: THREE!
More than 6 hours after the twin towers had collapsed, Building 7, a conventionally built steel frame forty seven story office tower collapsed completely in seconds into it's own footprint.

Building 7 was not hit by an airplane, it only had superficial damage caused by falling debris from the twin towers. There was a moderate office fire of mysterious origin which firemen stopped fighting because somehow it was known that Building 7 would collapse.

This is the first time in the history of steel frame structures that one has completely collapsed into it's own footprint, except by controlled demolition. Even office towers which were completely involved in flames have not collapsed, only Building 7 which only had moderate fires on limited floors.

There is an orgnization called AE911 Truth, it is made up of over one thousand Registered Architechs and Engineers who have disputed the official story and are asking for a real investigation with subpoena power.

I won't try to convince those who refuse to see, I can't make you open your eyes. But if you have the courage of you conviction I suggest you Google 'Building 7' and watch the video of Building 7 collapsing. There are several views, take a look and see if you think this looks like the result of accident or careful planning.

After having researched this extensivley I can say without doubt that Building 7 was no accident, and by extension the Twin Towers destruction was not the result of a "Lucky Strike" by Al Queda.

So now we are supposed to believe without a shred of evidence that 3 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition?....

A Conspiracy of biblical proportions and we haven't had one person in ten years time come forward to give an interview?

Can a few of you guys put your pointy heads together and explain to us how much explosive material,when and by who was it placed?...Give us something.

Instead these guys say,conspiracy,Haliburton,black ops,thermal nuclear thermite charges...

What a joke.Too bad it's at the expense of over 3,000 dead Americans and their families.

It's a shame actually.
It's been tens years and we've all come to accept as fact the story of Muslim extremists pulling off the worst terrorist plot in history. These same "master minds" now can't even blow up their own underwear. Makes one wonder how they were able to be so "succesful" on 9-11.

If it smells like I'm talking conspiracy here, let me assure you, I AM!

Save you tin foil hat comments, I didn't come to this position easily. I have wound up here because it is the only way to explain the facts.

Oh, you think you know the facts? OK, let's start with this one. I stumbled upon it about a year and a half ago and have been researching it ever since. Question: How many office towers collapsed into their own footprint on 9-11? Answer: THREE!
More than 6 hours after the twin towers had collapsed, Building 7, a conventionally built steel frame forty seven story office tower collapsed completely in seconds into it's own footprint.

Building 7 was not hit by an airplane, it only had superficial damage caused by falling debris from the twin towers. There was a moderate office fire of mysterious origin which firemen stopped fighting because somehow it was known that Building 7 would collapse.

This is the first time in the history of steel frame structures that one has completely collapsed into it's own footprint, except by controlled demolition. Even office towers which were completely involved in flames have not collapsed, only Building 7 which only had moderate fires on limited floors.

There is an orgnization called AE911 Truth, it is made up of over one thousand Registered Architechs and Engineers who have disputed the official story and are asking for a real investigation with subpoena power.

I won't try to convince those who refuse to see, I can't make you open your eyes. But if you have the courage of you conviction I suggest you Google 'Building 7' and watch the video of Building 7 collapsing. There are several views, take a look and see if you think this looks like the result of accident or careful planning.

After having researched this extensivley I can say without doubt that Building 7 was no accident, and by extension the Twin Towers destruction was not the result of a "Lucky Strike" by Al Queda.

So now we are supposed to believe without a shred of evidence that 3 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition?....

A Conspiracy of biblical proportions and we haven't had one person in ten years time come forward to give an interview?

Can a few of you guys put your pointy heads together and explain to us how much explosive material,when and by who was it placed?...Give us something.

Instead these guys say,conspiracy,Haliburton,black ops,thermal nuclear thermite charges...

What a joke.Too bad it's at the expense of over 3,000 dead Americans and their families.

It's a shame actually.

The answer to your question can be found here:

Before It's News

The families of the victims of 9/11 have been calling for a new investigation into the tragedy for years.

That fact alone should warrant an investigation don't you think?
A Conspiracy of biblical proportions and we haven't had one person in ten years time come forward to give an interview?

Can a few of you guys put your pointy heads together and explain to us how much explosive material,when and by who was it placed?...Give us something.

Don't hold your breath for a rational answer. I won't. My brother lost a lot of friends with Cantor Fitzgerald that day. Having some nut job tell me those people were killed because of a government conspiracy is pure madness.

On the Internet, we're all equal. Anyone with a keyboard can make a post. No requirements, no qualifications, no sanity check. Most of us correlate what we see every day in public with what we see here, on this forum and others like it. How many times do we see people talking about the 9/11 conspiracy in public? The JFK assassination? We don't. It's because the people who do either hide themselves or are already under medical treatment.

Sorry to rant, but my sister is Bi-Polar and she just did one of her "things" again, so I'm a bit frustrated. I love my sister and want to help her, but there is no law against being crazy. She can do as she pleases as long as she abides by the other laws. It's frustrating not being able to help her.
A Conspiracy of biblical proportions and we haven't had one person in ten years time come forward to give an interview?

Can a few of you guys put your pointy heads together and explain to us how much explosive material,when and by who was it placed?...Give us something.

Don't hold your breath for a rational answer. I won't. My brother lost a lot of friends with Cantor Fitzgerald that day. Having some nut job tell me those people were killed because of a government conspiracy is pure madness.

On the Internet, we're all equal. Anyone with a keyboard can make a post. No requirements, no qualifications, no sanity check. Most of us correlate what we see every day in public with what we see here, on this forum and others like it. How many times do we see people talking about the 9/11 conspiracy in public? The JFK assassination? We don't. It's because the people who do either hide themselves or are already under medical treatment.

Sorry to rant, but my sister is Bi-Polar and she just did one of her "things" again, so I'm a bit frustrated. I love my sister and want to help her, but there is no law against being crazy. She can do as she pleases as long as she abides by the other laws. It's frustrating not being able to help her.

The 9/11 truth movement has provided expert testimony of some of the worlds top scientist, architects, explosive experts, eye witnesses, and even statements from U.S. Government officials.

I can't understand anyone discarding this information. Just what will it take exactly to for debunkers to believe? You have been presented with tons of evidence, yet you close your eyes.

Once again just exactly what would it take for any of you to believe?

The victims families have been calling for an investigation into 9/11 since it happened. We are told that we do the 3000 victims injustice by bringing this up, but I say that by ignoring the families of these victims it is the debunkers who are showing disrespect to the victims and not the other way around.
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there are many members that are fighter pilots,commercial air line pilots,several military crash investigators,no less than two former presidents of the U.S air crash investigation board..NORAD directors

you are in complete denial...
A Conspiracy of biblical proportions and we haven't had one person in ten years time come forward to give an interview?

Can a few of you guys put your pointy heads together and explain to us how much explosive material,when and by who was it placed?...Give us something.

Don't hold your breath for a rational answer. I won't. My brother lost a lot of friends with Cantor Fitzgerald that day. Having some nut job tell me those people were killed because of a government conspiracy is pure madness.

On the Internet, we're all equal. Anyone with a keyboard can make a post. No requirements, no qualifications, no sanity check. Most of us correlate what we see every day in public with what we see here, on this forum and others like it. How many times do we see people talking about the 9/11 conspiracy in public? The JFK assassination? We don't. It's because the people who do either hide themselves or are already under medical treatment.

Sorry to rant, but my sister is Bi-Polar and she just did one of her "things" again, so I'm a bit frustrated. I love my sister and want to help her, but there is no law against being crazy. She can do as she pleases as long as she abides by the other laws. It's frustrating not being able to help her.

The 9/11 truth movement has provided expert testimony of some of the worlds top scientist, architects, explosive experts, eye witnesses, and even statements from U.S. Government officials.

I can't understand anyone discarding this information. Just what will it take exactly to for debunkers to believe? You have been presented with tons of evidence, yet you close your eyes.

Once again just exactly what would it take for any of you to believe?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIOC1J44RYw]9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out, Trailer; AE911Truth.org, 9/11/11 Anniversary DVD - YouTube[/ame]

The victims families have been calling for an investigation into 9/11 since it happened. We are told that we do the 3000 victims injustice by bringing this up, but I say that by ignoring the families of these victims it is the debunkers who are showing disrespect to the victims and not the other way around.

Gee you are beginning to sound just like someone else we know.

Building 7 did not fall at free fall speed. A part of the building did for roughly 2 seconds. And that part was the facade that didn't move at all until about 7 seconds after the east penthouse collapsed into the interior of the building. Now ask yourself, what was going on during those 7 seconds? There were no recorded explosions, so what happened?

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