Term Limits? How Would That Affect the so-called "Deep State"?

we will never have term limits since it requires an amendment and the cooperation of all those elected officials.
Actually we are organizing a Convention of States to push several Amendments thru. If 34 states vote for the Amendments, they are approved. No one can invalidate them, not Congress, not the President, and not the US Supreme Court.

Help us get the Convention of States approved.
Term limits for House & Senate of 12-years, mandatory retirement age of 75, balanced budget, are a few amendments to be considered.

Fool, term limits only affect the political hand-puppets in Washington who put a false face on the deep state---- the actual deep state are not elected nor subject to any term limits; to affect them, you have to attack the institutions and agencies they work through.

Who is the “Deep State”?
Do they have membership cards and a secret handshake?
How do we identify them?

You keep saying you want to end it but have no idea who or what it is
There is currently a discussion about term limits. I'm against term limits. The reason is two fold. First off...if you look at the folks who were in charge when you were growing up 30-40 years ago and you look at the elected officials of today; you'll find that with very few exceptions there are new faces and new names. Did the "corruption" go away with new faces? Nope. So thinking that it will go away if you force by statute a revolving door of new faces is rather silly. In fact, it will likely make corruption more of an issue since, if you want to look at it from the standpoint of an employer, employees who remain at their job longer are less apt to become corrupt and corrupt employees are usually discovered pretty quickly and terminated. The second reason is this. If I like my rep; I want to continue voting for her or him.

Most of the silly angst I hear on this board is usually about something those on the right call "the deep state." It has become their crutch (aka excuse) to explain whatever outcome they don't favor. You can't get a straight answer from anyone about what the "deep state" is but most often it is called the un-elected appointed officials who remain at their jobs and are able to make all sorts of mischief counter to the wishes of whatever conservative overlord is installed.

My question is this. Shouldn't there be "term limits" for these folks too--all government employees? Postal workers, teachers, the lady at the DMV, the guys in the NRO, CIA etc...

Here's my priorities:

Photo ID presented to vote
up to the second database update (Blockchain voting)
Independent audit
Congress not allowed to hold a Bitcoin wallet or trade stocks or they go to jail for 5 times Martha Stewart sentence
Term Limits is just a BS wedge issue...
Term Limits means having less experience people running your country... This would mean Party machine & Civil Servants would increase their power as they would possess knowledge... Vast majority of areas in US are not competitive so the party machines will be passing out jobs for the loyalists to the machine..
What US needs is multi-seat districts and preference voting... Suddenly the map really does move... US would have at least 5 parties within 12 years with seats in Congress.. Independents would expand massively...
Term limits means that we would have people from the private sector writing policies and NOT professional politicians writing Bills only to garner cash from lobbyists just to get re-elected. Term limits means senators get two terms, House members 6-terms, or 12-years max. After that they go back and live under the laws they passed.
Who is the “Deep State”?
Do they have membership cards and a secret handshake?
How do we identify them?
You keep saying you want to end it but have no idea who or what it is
The "Deep State" are the people like Lois Lerner who wore her democrat hat at all times, including using her job at the IRS to punish conservatives.
Also people like Strzok, who use the FBI to cover up democrat wrong-doing while abusing the FISA warrants to spy on Trump, to the point of falsifying evidence.
Similarly, in the DOJ, EPA, in State, in all parts of the government where biased workers favor one party over the other.
Term limits means that we would have people from the private sector writing policies and NOT professional politicians writing Bills only to garner cash from lobbyists just to get re-elected. Term limits means senators get two terms, House members 6-terms, or 12-years max. After that they go back and live under the laws they passed.

Term limits will mean unqualified individuals with no idea how to pass legislation or the dynamics of Congress

If you believe in mandatory term limits….just stop voting for Senators and Congressmen after two terms

Those of us who like our Representatives can continue to vote for them
The "Deep State" are the people like Lois Lerner who wore her democrat hat at all times, including using her job at the IRS to punish conservatives.
Also people like Strzok, who use the FBI to cover up democrat wrong-doing while abusing the FISA warrants to spy on Trump, to the point of falsifying evidence.
Similarly, in the DOJ, EPA, in State, in all parts of the government where biased workers favor one party over the other.

Government officials are allowed to have a political affiliation
They also must conform with established laws and regulations.

It is obvious your definition of a Deep State means firing everyone who may belong to a political party other than the party that won the last election
There is currently a discussion about term limits. I'm against term limits. The reason is two fold. First off...if you look at the folks who were in charge when you were growing up 30-40 years ago and you look at the elected officials of today; you'll find that with very few exceptions there are new faces and new names. Did the "corruption" go away with new faces? Nope. So thinking that it will go away if you force by statute a revolving door of new faces is rather silly. In fact, it will likely make corruption more of an issue since, if you want to look at it from the standpoint of an employer, employees who remain at their job longer are less apt to become corrupt and corrupt employees are usually discovered pretty quickly and terminated. The second reason is this. If I like my rep; I want to continue voting for her or him.

Most of the silly angst I hear on this board is usually about something those on the right call "the deep state." It has become their crutch (aka excuse) to explain whatever outcome they don't favor. You can't get a straight answer from anyone about what the "deep state" is but most often it is called the un-elected appointed officials who remain at their jobs and are able to make all sorts of mischief counter to the wishes of whatever conservative overlord is installed.

My question is this. Shouldn't there be "term limits" for these folks too--all government employees? Postal workers, teachers, the lady at the DMV, the guys in the NRO, CIA etc...
Term limits will mean unqualified individuals with no idea how to pass legislation or the dynamics of Congress
If you believe in mandatory term limits….just stop voting for Senators and Congressmen after two terms
Those of us who like our Representatives can continue to vote for them
1. BULLSHIT. Term limits means that 90-year old vegetables like Diane Feinstein won't be vegging out in the House or Senate.
2. Term limits means that turnover in the House and Senate will happen faster, 1/6 of the House and Senate will be replaced every two years, then they go back and live under the laws they passed.
Government officials are allowed to have a political affiliation They also must conform with established laws and regulations.
It is obvious your definition of a Deep State means firing everyone who may belong to a political party other than the party that won the last election
1. Political affiliations are fine.
2. Showing bias based on that political affiliation is wrong, and should be grounds for dismissal.
There is currently a discussion about term limits. I'm against term limits. The reason is two fold. First off...if you look at the folks who were in charge when you were growing up 30-40 years ago and you look at the elected officials of today; you'll find that with very few exceptions there are new faces and new names. Did the "corruption" go away with new faces? Nope. So thinking that it will go away if you force by statute a revolving door of new faces is rather silly. In fact, it will likely make corruption more of an issue since, if you want to look at it from the standpoint of an employer, employees who remain at their job longer are less apt to become corrupt and corrupt employees are usually discovered pretty quickly and terminated. The second reason is this. If I like my rep; I want to continue voting for her or him.

Most of the silly angst I hear on this board is usually about something those on the right call "the deep state." It has become their crutch (aka excuse) to explain whatever outcome they don't favor. You can't get a straight answer from anyone about what the "deep state" is but most often it is called the un-elected appointed officials who remain at their jobs and are able to make all sorts of mischief counter to the wishes of whatever conservative overlord is installed.

My question is this. Shouldn't there be "term limits" for these folks too--all government employees? Postal workers, teachers, the lady at the DMV, the guys in the NRO, CIA etc...

The deep state is the unelected bureaucracy that remains in place regardless of who is elected. They are embedded in the DOJ, the EPA and other agencies in the government. They then implement rules and regulations that are not passed by congress.......and are currently using their power to target the political enemies of the democrat party.
There is currently a discussion about term limits. I'm against term limits. The reason is two fold. First off...if you look at the folks who were in charge when you were growing up 30-40 years ago and you look at the elected officials of today; you'll find that with very few exceptions there are new faces and new names. Did the "corruption" go away with new faces? Nope. So thinking that it will go away if you force by statute a revolving door of new faces is rather silly. In fact, it will likely make corruption more of an issue since, if you want to look at it from the standpoint of an employer, employees who remain at their job longer are less apt to become corrupt and corrupt employees are usually discovered pretty quickly and terminated. The second reason is this. If I like my rep; I want to continue voting for her or him.

Most of the silly angst I hear on this board is usually about something those on the right call "the deep state." It has become their crutch (aka excuse) to explain whatever outcome they don't favor. You can't get a straight answer from anyone about what the "deep state" is but most often it is called the un-elected appointed officials who remain at their jobs and are able to make all sorts of mischief counter to the wishes of whatever conservative overlord is installed.

My question is this. Shouldn't there be "term limits" for these folks too--all government employees? Postal workers, teachers, the lady at the DMV, the guys in the NRO, CIA etc...

Term limits protect me from the idiots you elect and keep electing no matter how evil and corrupt they are.......it is a check on the power of individual politicians who accumulate power over decades of office holding.

Yes.....all federal government employees should face term limits, and be moved around all the time....this is why commands in the military are turned over .....so that officers can't collect power .......

We need to also reduce the number of agencies in the government, to reduce and decentralize power.
Your blob dismantled, defunded, restructured agencies?

I support our agencies--the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc... Your blob funded them every year. It seems he supported them too.

Of course you support them.....they attack the people you hate......they are the democrat party STASI now......
Term Limits is just a BS wedge issue...

Term Limits means having less experience people running your country... This would mean Party machine & Civil Servants would increase their power as they would possess knowledge... Vast majority of areas in US are not competitive so the party machines will be passing out jobs for the loyalists to the machine..

What US needs is multi-seat districts and preference voting... Suddenly the map really does move... US would have at least 5 parties within 12 years with seats in Congress.. Independents would expand massively...
Not so sure about the multi-seat districts.

Unless we strip the power from the Parties to draw districts; it won't matter.
Term limits will mean unqualified individuals with no idea how to pass legislation or the dynamics of Congress

If you believe in mandatory term limits….just stop voting for Senators and Congressmen after two terms

Those of us who like our Representatives can continue to vote for them
Considering congress has a steady 20% approval rating, maybe term limits could be a solution. It sure as hell can't get much worse.
Term limits protect me from the idiots you elect and keep electing no matter how evil and corrupt they are.......it is a check on the power of individual politicians who accumulate power over decades of office holding.
LOL...so with term limits nobody will accumulate power? They won't have majority leaders, minority leaders, House Speaker, committee chairs etc? Interesting theory. Crazy...which makes it interesting.
Yes.....all federal government employees should face term limits, and be moved around all the time....this is why commands in the military are turned over .....so that officers can't collect power .......
The embedded spies we have in foreign governments are going to hate that. So will the letter carriers.
We need to also reduce the number of agencies in the government, to reduce and decentralize power.
Amazing the blob didn't do that. In fact; he expanded it--the Space Force.

Let me guess...you're all for that one, right fuck face? You would be the weight of a feather if you had your hypocrisy surgically removed.

Term Limits is just a BS wedge issue...

Term Limits means having less experience people running your country... This would mean Party machine & Civil Servants would increase their power as they would possess knowledge... Vast majority of areas in US are not competitive so the party machines will be passing out jobs for the loyalists to the machine..

What US needs is multi-seat districts and preference voting... Suddenly the map really does move... US would have at least 5 parties within 12 years with seats in Congress.. Independents would expand massively...
There is also the fact that the other countries are not worried about such things and the guy who was hanging drywall last week in Dusseldorf isn't going to be negotiating trade deals this week. For some reason conservatives think that the moron who didn't get past finger painting is the guy they want to represent them because...he's common folk.
With term limits you'd have the real slimeballs getting in and out quickly, just long enough to satisfy whatever special interest they have.
The virtue of the electorate itself has to change and that will in turn affect the laws.

As it is these days, and as a mere single example, tranny drag shows are being sold as wholesome family entertainment.

So I'm not holding my breath...
There is currently a discussion about term limits. I'm against term limits. The reason is two fold. First off...if you look at the folks who were in charge when you were growing up 30-40 years ago and you look at the elected officials of today; you'll find that with very few exceptions there are new faces and new names. Did the "corruption" go away with new faces? Nope. So thinking that it will go away if you force by statute a revolving door of new faces is rather silly. In fact, it will likely make corruption more of an issue since, if you want to look at it from the standpoint of an employer, employees who remain at their job longer are less apt to become corrupt and corrupt employees are usually discovered pretty quickly and terminated. The second reason is this. If I like my rep; I want to continue voting for her or him.

Most of the silly angst I hear on this board is usually about something those on the right call "the deep state." It has become their crutch (aka excuse) to explain whatever outcome they don't favor. You can't get a straight answer from anyone about what the "deep state" is but most often it is called the un-elected appointed officials who remain at their jobs and are able to make all sorts of mischief counter to the wishes of whatever conservative overlord is installed.

My question is this. Shouldn't there be "term limits" for these folks too--all government employees? Postal workers, teachers, the lady at the DMV, the guys in the NRO, CIA etc...
Term limits won't effect the deep state at all. Term limits only insure different Republicans and Democrats take office, to give us the exact same as what we already have. The only difference will be we will have to keep on changing name plates on all the office doors. Everything else will remain unchanged.

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