Terminal Media Delusion

M.D. Rawlings

Classical Liberal
May 26, 2011
July 12, 2011
By Steve McCann
American Thinker


Among the most myopic of the various factions within the American ruling class is what is generically known as the mainstream media. Over the past ten years it has become painfully obvious that as a group they are determined to self-destruct while willing to accommodate, promote, or as necessary, turn a blind eye towards the devastating policies of the Left that will be the catalyst for their potential demise
A majority of the media chooses, either deliberately or out of ignorance, to obscure the reality that the American Left and Barack Obama are destroying the viability of the economy and culture, and ultimately their own future and standard of living.

This lack of coherence was never more manifest than the media's slavish fawning over an unknown, but politically correct, Barack Obama in the 2008 election. Their continued loyalty despite his myriad failings, his palpable disinterest in the job of President and his obstinate dedication to disastrous policies reveals their ideological blindness. Meanwhile the landscape of the once mighty journalism community is one of utter devastation brought about in great part by their overt liberal bias and this kind of sycophantic behavior over the past twenty plus years.

The liberal media is now doing real harm to the American people. I'm afraid that 1/2 truths, distortions and out and out lying is the call of the day. They're becoming the enemy.

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