Terminating healthcare workers backfires

You should have listened to them being interviewed. You are so obsessed with Biden you ignore the larger picture which is that this has been going on for two years. I think, rather, it is “you people” who are so self absorbed you can’t see how you are crashing our healthcare system and burning out our healthcare workers.

So far at least one of you leftists have made an excuse for each of his disasters to not blame him. They are getting more and more pathetic each time. It's almost embarrassing already.
Red states are among the hardest hit with the worst shortages.
Baloney...........don't see the panic porn down here like I see in places where they flood the ER and don't even have the sniffles yet...........Most down here are fucking over this crap. It's been almost 2 years of non stop FEAR PORN.

Good thing not many Karens here.......people would snap and throw them into the frozen foods section.

Just saying.
Baloney...........don't see the panic porn down here like I see in places where they flood the ER and don't even have the sniffles yet...........Most down here are fucking over this crap. It's been almost 2 years of non stop FEAR PORN.

Good thing not many Karens here.......people would snap and throw them into the frozen foods section.

Just saying.
These thirteen states are facing the worst hospital worker shortages

So far at least one of you leftists have made an excuse for each of his disasters to not blame him. They are getting more and more pathetic each time. It's almost embarrassing already.
Please, feel free to keep ignoring reality and blaming it on Biden’s vaccine mandate if that makes you sleep better at night. There’s plenty to criticize Biden for, how about choosing something real instead?
Please, feel free to keep ignoring reality and blaming it on Biden’s vaccine mandate if that makes you sleep better at night. There’s plenty to criticize Biden for, how about choosing something real instead?
I blame it on him pushing firing people for not getting the jab........ I sure do........I blame it on our gov't for not offering the cheap drugs early to stop the hospitalizations............I blame it on them changing the narrative over and over again til pinocchio doesn't believe them.
It's hilarious... you wingnuts did everything you could to resist controlling this disease and now you are whining we are having another spike.
Whose whinning about a spike in Covid cases?

1) I've been screaming that the winter would bring on a huge spike all summer long sweetie....as virus tend to love to attack in Winter.

2) I'm thrilled as hell that we have Omicron and hope that instead of killing so many that the virus infects and leaves its victims with their life and immunity from the more deadly delta and other strains...as again I was the first before the doctors to list this a good possibility for the virus (which means I was thrilled from the moment that I heard about it.)

ERGO, I am hoping that the end of the Covid FEAR machines are ending.......and fear that a new strain of Bird Flu will be the globalists/pharma companies new vehicle to seize money and power.
Haven't really heard of it down here..........maybe it's in Birmingham........highly doubt it.........hospitals all over the place there..........and the firings aren't really happening down here.......

So how did Forbes get that data..........We don't see it here in lower Alabama........
I don’t know where they got the data but I did a quick search for “Alabama healthcare worker shortage” and lot of articles came up from August to now.

It’s hard to find people to work right now,” said Dr. Sarah Nafziger, vice president of UAB Hospital Clinical Services, at a press conference last week.

“Early in the pandemic, when you came to work, you didn’t know if you were going to catch an illness that was potentially going to kill you or kill your family. And that was very destructive for a lot of people. It was very stressful to deal with,” she said.

Since then, healthcare workers have worked extra hours, picked up added shifts, and shouldered a lot of stress.

“We’ve missed vacations. We’ve missed family events. We’re really, really tired,” said Nafziger.

A quarter of Alabama hospitals reported a critical staffing shortage as of July 31, according to data from the Department of Health and Human Services.

The shortages reflect not just nurses and doctors, but also respiratory therapists, food workers and environmental staff. Shortages reached auxiliary positions that have proved critical during the pandemic.

“They’ve seen this movie before, they know how it plays out, and this time it was almost totally preventable. And so, that creates a lot of the frustration that this is truly a self-inflicted injury that we’re all having to deal with,” said Williamson.
Absolutely nobody saw this coming....yeah

This same thing will happen across the board

Fox News: Termination of unvaccinated health care workers backfires as Biden pledges help amid COVID surge.
Can't fix stupid. Democrats are stupid
I blame it on him pushing firing people for not getting the jab........ I sure do........I blame it on our gov't for not offering the cheap drugs early to stop the hospitalizations............I blame it on them changing the narrative over and over again til pinocchio doesn't believe them.
Those drugs didn’t up being very effective if at all. And tbe whole changing narrative is not anyone’s fault. They change it when situation changes, there is new data, etc. It is the way science is supposed to work. You don’t stick to a process when invalidates it.
I don’t know where they got the data but I did a quick search for “Alabama healthcare worker shortage” and lot of articles came up from August to now.

“It’s hard to find people to work right now,” said Dr. Sarah Nafziger, vice president of UAB Hospital Clinical Services, at a press conference last week.

“Early in the pandemic, when you came to work, you didn’t know if you were going to catch an illness that was potentially going to kill you or kill your family. And that was very destructive for a lot of people. It was very stressful to deal with,” she said.

Since then, healthcare workers have worked extra hours, picked up added shifts, and shouldered a lot of stress.

“We’ve missed vacations. We’ve missed family events. We’re really, really tired,” said Nafziger.

A quarter of Alabama hospitals reported a critical staffing shortage as of July 31, according to data from the Department of Health and Human Services.

The shortages reflect not just nurses and doctors, but also respiratory therapists, food workers and environmental staff. Shortages reached auxiliary positions that have proved critical during the pandemic.

“They’ve seen this movie before, they know how it plays out, and this time it was almost totally preventable. And so, that creates a lot of the frustration that this is truly a self-inflicted injury that we’re all having to deal with,” said Williamson.
Like I said........probably Birmingham.........who are right there with the panic porn........UAB is in tight with Gilead...........Anyways tons of hospitals there...........and during covid the doctor there told us that he was making more money playing golf than doing surgeries.......Empty waiting room...

We ended up getting my wife's surgery in Austin Texas.........Haven't heard of shortages here in lower Alabama.
Stop your infantile projecting and trolling.

The mandates blew up in your asses. Just like they will across the board. Of course you idiot leftists just have to defend your failed policy no matter what.
Don't take the vaccine....fortunately for you (and the rest of us) no one is forcing you to take it. That's just a lie from the Right...............
Those drugs didn’t up being very effective if at all. And tbe whole changing is not anyone’s fault. They change when situation changes, there is new data, etc. It is the way science is supposed to work. You don’t stick to a process when invalidates it.
Baloney.........I've shown the data and studies time and time again.......India, Africa, Japan, Bangladesh...........most of the studies shown here are LATE STAGE.......when the cytokine storm has turned the lungs into hamburger meat.......then they go..........SEE IT DOESN'T WORK.

The drugs work..........just no money in it..........NTZ is another........it's primary use is to kill the cytokine storm.........the thing that kills you...........but it's about 79cents a pill..........can't have that.
Don't take the vaccine....fortunately for you (and the rest of us) no one is forcing you to take it. That's just a lie from the Right............... View attachment 580911
Go troll someone else and stop derailing threads.

As for getting the vax? That's an individual's choice and nobody should be mandated to get it... that's just fascism...no wonder you're for it, eh?

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