Terminating healthcare workers backfires

These vaccines are a hoot. Biden says that being vaccinated protects you, the CDC says it doesn't. Those who are vaccinated are more afraid of unvaccinated people than they are of covid. Of course if you are vaccinated you have to wear a mask, and avoid other people as much as possible.

Lets not forget booster shots. Why would anyone bother to get vaccinated if it works so poorly?

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The Fox News article is pretty dishonest, blaming it all on the mandate. Here is another article that is a bit more informative. New York isn’t even the top tier of states facing a healthcare worker shortage. The main reasons given are burnout and the workers themselves getting sick.

Just watching this insanity would be funny, if it didn't always lead to leftists filling mass graves with the innocent...
Seems to me you’re doing a darn good job of that without any assistance from leftists.
Absolutely nobody saw this coming....yeah

This same thing will happen across the board

Fox News: Termination of unvaccinated health care workers backfires as Biden pledges help amid COVID surge.
So much fun overloading hospitals, trumpanzees, eh?
The Fox News article is pretty dishonest, blaming it all on the mandate. Here is another article that is a bit more informative. New York isn’t even the top tier of states facing a healthcare worker shortage. The main reasons given are burnout and the workers themselves getting sick.

The OP and other trumpanzees don't care about healthcare workers.
That's the genius of leftists. Have desperately needed healthcare workers fired amid a new outbreak of covid, use taxpayer dollars to replace them with less qualified workers, stress out hospitals, and that's how a liberal solves a problem.

What problem was solved? Nothing. Those workers are still not going to get his stupid shot. A lot of money wasted for nothing but leftist politics.

Or with a tiny stretch of the imagination........

They do that, create a crsis and then let it get bad enough they can waltz in and say "ok we're taking over healthcare "for the good of the country" and will handle all this with our newly announced national healthcare bureau because public healthcare isn't working".

If you create a problem that's bad enough, people will agree to anything for it to go away.
It is all part of their plan to depopulate the earth because the powers that be are convinced population levels need to be controlled.

If that was their plan, they should have put their faith is something a bit more deadly than COVID.

Perhaps an outbreak of ice cream headaches?
No.....we have always had enough room at hospitals...thanks to President trump at the initial stages of the outbreak.......and Gov. cuomo killed off enough senior citizens in New York by placing infected people in their old folks homes....this current problem is a direct result of the policies pushed by the democrats...

From hero to zero......

The Doctors, nurses and others who went to work when the threat was actually dying from the disease.....and you guys called them heroes.....
So now you are admitting people are actually dying from Covid?

Now, that they don't want to take the risk of an experimental vaccine with new side effects being revealed on a weekly basis...you guys are gleeful, and ragefully happy that they are being fired......

and now....your joy at them being fired because they did not comply is revealing the actual damage you caused.....

Actually…the vaccine mandate is not the main cause of them leaving. It is burn out. These people dedicate their lives to saving lives. Imagine how hard it must be to see some die who might not have with a simple vaccine.
No.....we have always had enough room at hospitals...thanks to President trump at the initial stages of the outbreak.......and Gov. cuomo killed off enough senior citizens in New York by placing infected people in their old folks homes....this current problem is a direct result of the policies pushed by the democrats...

After he killed all those people he got an Emmy. Accused of making rude sexual gestures at women, out you go buddy.
It's hilarious... you wingnuts did everything you could to resist controlling this disease and now you are whining we are having another spike.
It is not a disease. This Corona/Covid thing was deliberately planned and carried out with evil intent.
But, the King of kings is using them & their plan to punish America it's many Sins, that few are willing to confess and repent of, so America is going down.
Hopefully Tsar Putin is about to assist them in going down.
So now you are admitting people are actually dying from Covid?

Actually…the vaccine mandate is not the main cause of them leaving. It is burn out. These people dedicate their lives to saving lives. Imagine how hard it must be to see some die who might not have with a simple vaccine.
Nice hype for the system. Good job.
If their covid drugs worked, there would be no problem.
On the other hand, their drugs work well at killing people, which has been their intent all along.
However a Heroic German Man has exposed their drugs as containing a specially designed carbon molecule that slices up the blood vessels of people.
Dr. Andreas Noack has exposed the reason why folks die of Phizer Covid injections. He thoroughly knew and explained the nature of the graphene hydroxide in Phizer's Covid Injections. 4 days after producing a video explaining how graphene hydroxide destroys your blood distribtion system Austrian police arrested Dr Andreas Noack and murdered Him to prevent Him from exposing how mass Covid Vaxing is going to kill most Austrians.
Phizer designed graphene hydroxide which is very sharp and does not decompose. It slices up the insides of you blood vessels.

In this video he explains how graphene hydroxide cuts up blood vessels. He was one of the leading experts on carbon and graphene until He was silenced.

A couple of weeks ago, A Slovak nurse revealed that Phizer’s Covid injection bottles have 3 different codes, #1 saline solution for the big people, #2 for those who are to die later, #3 is the kill injection.

German whistleblower, Dr. Andreas Noack was MURDERED - Seemorerocks
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Actually…the vaccine mandate is not the main cause of them leaving. It is burn out. These people dedicate their lives to saving lives. Imagine how hard it must be to see some die who might not have with a simple vaccine.

Wait a minute. You're going to try and blame shift from Biden by saying they had to see people die because they didn't get vaccinated? God you people are pathetic and desperate.
If you are the kind of nutter who refuses to get a vaccination, I don't want you working on me at a hospital.

Of course, very few health care workers had to be fired... because most of them knew better, but leave it to Fox News to try to distract from the health crisis they've caused.

Just remember kiddies, everyone on Fox News who tells you anti-vax bullshit has been mandated to get their shots by their bosses. Let that one sink in.
So, Trumptards, has you constant blubbering caused hospitals or anyone to rehire the cult imbeciles that got themselves fired for rank incompetence?

No? Not even one, anywhere? Damn. That's some seriously impressive failure on your part.

It must suck to fail as hard as you cult imbeciles always fail. But go on, cry it out here. That always makes you feel better.
Red states are hiring them you MOONBAT.........lmao
Only ones that got fired are the same pool of workers that beat and rape the elderly. Good riddance to them. I mean, who else would go to work among the elderly unvaccinated besides sickos?
Wait a minute. You're going to try and blame shift from Biden by saying they had to see people die because they didn't get vaccinated? God you people are pathetic and desperate.
You should have listened to them being interviewed. You are so obsessed with Biden you ignore the larger picture which is that this has been going on for two years. I think, rather, it is “you people” who are so self absorbed you can’t see how you are crashing our healthcare system and burning out our healthcare workers.

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