Terminating healthcare workers backfires

And Who the Fuck are you to tell anyone to get the jab........hmmm

It's not lying............Fuck your experimental jab.......You be their Lab Rat. Enjoy
Calling it “the jab” is another 2nd grade right wing nuttery move. I’m not telling you to get vaccinated you hick. I’m telling you you can’t work with old people in medical care if you don’t.

Let’s face it most of those people are cleaning up puke not operating. It takes a big heart to do that not a big brain. That’s why they are being easily manipulated, for no reason, by culture warrior nuts on the right, because, you know, libs want control.
So now you are admitting people are actually dying from Covid?

Actually…the vaccine mandate is not the main cause of them leaving. It is burn out. These people dedicate their lives to saving lives. Imagine how hard it must be to see some die who might not have with a simple vaccine.

Actually…the vaccine mandate is not the main cause of them leaving. It is burn out.

Yeah....sell that to biden voters....
Baloney...........don't see the panic porn down here like I see in places where they flood the ER and don't even have the sniffles yet...........Most down here are fucking over this crap. It's been almost 2 years of non stop FEAR PORN.

Good thing not many Karens here.......people would snap and throw them into the frozen foods section.

Just saying.
No point in telling this guy anything. Facts and reality left the building for him long ago.

Any fact that conflicts with his fantasies and fetushes -- with is nearly all of them -- just gets dismissed.

That's cultism, on parade.
I’m telling you you can’t work with old people in medical care if you don’t.
I don't work in the medical field...........And again who are you to tell anyone a damned thing

Let’s face it most of those people are cleaning up puke not operating. It takes a big heart to do that not a big brain. That’s why they are being easily manipulated, for no reason, by culture warrior nuts on the right, because, you know, libs want control.
In the Navy ......Choose your rate and choose your fate.........Who put a gun to their head and made them push for that job...........That is a choice..........I'm glad they do it.........but it was never forced.
I don't work in the medical field...........And again who are you to tell anyone a damned thing
You can’t drive 100 MPH on the highway. See? See how easy it is for me to tell you what you can and can’t do even though I don’t make the speed limit rules?

In the Navy ......Choose your rate and choose your fate.........Who put a gun to their head and made them push for that job...........That is a choice..........I'm glad they do it.........but it was never forced.
Part of that job is being up to date on Vax. I travel internationally to factories. I can’t get in or out of certain countries without a battery of shots. That’s the job.
You can’t drive 100 MPH on the highway. See? See how easy it is for me to tell you what you can and can’t do even though I don’t make the speed limit rules?
LOL. Word and mind games from you....lmao

Part of that job is being up to date on Vax. I travel internationally to factories. I can’t get in or out of certain countries without a battery of shots. That’s the job.
Well good for you...........Not my problem.
If you are the kind of nutter who refuses to get a vaccination, I don't want you working on me at a hospital.

Of course, very few health care workers had to be fired... because most of them knew better, but leave it to Fox News to try to distract from the health crisis they've caused.

Just remember kiddies, everyone on Fox News who tells you anti-vax bullshit has been mandated to get their shots by their bosses. Let that one sink in.
Let this sink in you rock headed idiot. Firing health care workers (who worked for a year plus without your precious vaccine), then replacing them with unqualified workers or the National Guard greatly lowers the quality of care. By the way NOBODY at any hospital wants to work on an asshole like you.
I believe my point is that low vaccination rate is the main cause of this crisis. As stated.
No moron. Firing health care workers for a bullshit reason (after working around these infected people for a year with no vaccine) means you leftards do not get to complain when you get turned away from the hospital due to staff shortages.
Please, feel free to keep ignoring reality and blaming it on Biden’s vaccine mandate if that makes you sleep better at night. There’s plenty to criticize Biden for, how about choosing something real instead?
Continue being an idiot and ignoring facts and reality. YOUR guy’s ILLEGAL vaccine mandate caused this. You just refuse to accept it because it shows how incompetent the left is. Then deny those workers unemployment. Bet you smile when you think of that.
Part of that job is being up to date on Vax. I travel internationally to factories. I can’t get in or out of certain countries without a battery of shots. That’s the job.

The differences are they are vaccines that have been around for a long time and thoroughly researched, and the fact you accepted those circumstances before taking the job, not have them throw it in your lap afterwards.
Calling it “the jab” is another 2nd grade right wing nuttery move. I’m not telling you to get vaccinated you hick. I’m telling you you can’t work with old people in medical care if you don’t.

Let’s face it most of those people are cleaning up puke not operating. It takes a big heart to do that not a big brain. That’s why they are being easily manipulated, for no reason, by culture warrior nuts on the right, because, you know, libs want control.

Three of my tenants are workers in a nursing home. They are all anti-vax. They are still working today with no vaccine.

The mandate applied to all healthcare workers who don't all change bed pans. They apply to people like badly needed RN's and nurse practitioners. I'm a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. There are no vaccine mandates for their workers there. My sister has worked there for over 30 years. She got the vaccine, but I doubt she'd lie to me about it.
I don’t trust them. They are liars. They make up reasons not to get it so this would just be another.

How do you lie about that? It's all on their medical records.

Now that Trump got the vaccines, this moron should work on putting money towards accurate antibody tests. That's what we really need to solve this delema. The problem is if we did develop such a test, we couldn't push these vaccines on those people, so Congress is spending all their time trying to defeat the man they fear the most in their life, Donald Trump.
Those drugs didn’t up being very effective if at all. And tbe whole changing narrative is not anyone’s fault. They change it when situation changes, there is new data, etc. It is the way science is supposed to work. You don’t stick to a process when invalidates it.

Why shouldn't that be up to the patient and doctor what kind of treatment they agree on? There are places that outlawed HCQ making the same claims you are. But this Democrat state rep claims she was just about to die when she decided to listen to President Trump and his support for HCQ and it saved her life.

Please, feel free to keep ignoring reality and blaming it on Biden’s vaccine mandate if that makes you sleep better at night. There’s plenty to criticize Biden for, how about choosing something real instead?

Why is that? Are you now denying he had a vaccine mandate? During the worst pandemic anybody alive today has ever seen, every single healthcare worker is critical.
Calling it “the jab” is another 2nd grade right wing nuttery move. I’m not telling you to get vaccinated you hick. I’m telling you you can’t work with old people in medical care if you don’t.

Let’s face it most of those people are cleaning up puke not operating. It takes a big heart to do that not a big brain. That’s why they are being easily manipulated, for no reason, by culture warrior nuts on the right, because, you know, libs want control.
Call it VACCINATED is another sign of being uneducated and clueless. These aren't really vaccines.
How do you lie about that? It's all on their medical records.

Now that Trump got the vaccines, this moron should work on putting money towards accurate antibody tests. That's what we really need to solve this delema. The problem is if we did develop such a test, we couldn't push these vaccines on those people, so Congress is spending all their time trying to defeat the man they fear the most in their life, Donald Trump.
The world has these tests in mass.........All they would have to do is buy them. And Antibody is not the test we need..........We need the serum test to check T and B cell long term memory studies........They will not do that because the results will screw up their narrative......and most will show they have already had the Kung Flu
32,000 is just a very few? You pull shit outa your hole and expect to be believed

We have 18 million health care workers in this country. 32K is less than 1%. So yes. Very few. I know that science and math confuse you guys.

Oh and please deny any emergency help if the person is unvaccinated. Please tell them before they try to save your life.

I shouldn't have to. That's the whole point. Just like I shouldn't have to check their licenses, or determine if they are qualified before they start working on me.

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