Terminating healthcare workers backfires

Like I said you can spread it just like an unvaccinated.

Did you need help with the big words, Sweetie?

Both vaccines reduced transmission, although they were more effective against the alpha variant compared to the delta variant. When infected with the delta variant, a given contact was 65 percent less likely to test positive if the person from whom the exposure occurred was fully vaccinated with two doses of the Pfizer vaccine. With AstraZeneca, a given contact was 36 percent less likely to test positive if the person from whom the exposure occurred was fully vaccinated.
Yes, Trumptards do, maybe less.

Trumptards refuse to get vaccinated or wear masks, then whine that people are still getting infected and dying, then whine that the vaccine doesn't work.

It's like bitching that your house burned down but never calling the fire department or even grabbing the neighbor's water hose to attempt to extinguish the fire.

Statistically it's minorities (you know, mostly Democrat voters) who are not getting the vaccine. Grabbing your neighbors garden hose to put out the fire is kinda like what Dementia is doing by allowing millions to illegally enter our country mostly untested and no vaccine mandate, and then flying or busing them from coast to coast across our country.
November 5 2021
The emergency temporary standard from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration is now available in the Federal Register. It goes into effect on Nov. 5. Employers have until Dec. 5 to comply with most of the requirements, but they have until Jan. 4 to comply with the requirement that unvaccinated employees get tested at least weekly.

The rule says that employers can either institute a mandatory vaccination policy or a policy requiring workers to either be fully vaccinated or be tested regularly. Unvaccinated employees also are required to wear face coverings when working near other people.

Employers are also required to provide up to four hours of paid time off for workers to get vaccinated, and paid sick leave as needed to recover from side effects.

Where are they supposed to get the test kits from? Dementia allowed us to be depleted of test kits and made no preparations to get more.
Did you need help with the big words, Sweetie?

Both vaccines reduced transmission, although they were more effective against the alpha variant compared to the delta variant. When infected with the delta variant, a given contact was 65 percent less likely to test positive if the person from whom the exposure occurred was fully vaccinated with two doses of the Pfizer vaccine. With AstraZeneca, a given contact was 36 percent less likely to test positive if the person from whom the exposure occurred was fully vaccinated.
Your own boy fauci said the vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting it, just makes the severity of less. Go ahead and keep up with the boosters, until you have a heart attack.
Spreading is more serious and military now, since since vaxxed saliva is still infectious and SARS-CoV-2 can remain in body and brain for 82 months.
That's the genius of leftists. Have desperately needed healthcare workers fired amid a new outbreak of covid, use taxpayer dollars to replace them with less qualified workers, stress out hospitals, and that's how a liberal solves a problem.

What problem was solved? Nothing. Those workers are still not going to get his stupid shot. A lot of money wasted for nothing but leftist politics.
They are planning to bring in "illegal aliens" who will be very obedient to their new masters and do whatever it takes to finish off those chosen to be finished.
An Austrian carbon expert, Dr. Andreas Noack has exposed the reason why folks die of Phizer Covid injections. He thoroughly knew and explained the nature of the graphene hydroxide in Phizer's Covid Injections. 4 days after producing a video explaining how graphene hydroxide destroys your blood distribtion system, Austrian police arrested Dr Andreas Noack, who was later murdered Him to prevent Him from further exposing how mass Covid Vaxing is for killing most Austrians.

Phizer designed graphene hydroxide which is very sharp and does not decompose. It slices up the insides of you blood vessels.
In this video he explains how graphene hydroxide cuts up blood vessels. He was one of the leading experts on carbon and graphene until He was silenced.

A couple of weeks ago, A Slovak nurse revealed that Phizer’s Covid injection bottles have 3 different codes, #1 saline solution for the big people, #2 for those who are to die later, #3 is the kill injection.

German whistleblower, Dr. Andreas Noack was MURDERED - Seemorerocks
German whistleblower, Dr. Andreas Noack was MURDERED - Seemorerocks
Yes, it is funny.
ANOTHER Tumptard doesn't know how vaccines work, like millions of other 'doctors'.
And you have zero clue about, well, anything. You’re still spreading Covid because vaccinated people arrogantly think they can’t catch or spread it because, well, Xiden said so. Back under your bridge troll.
Did you need help with the big words, Sweetie?

Both vaccines reduced transmission, although they were more effective against the alpha variant compared to the delta variant. When infected with the delta variant, a given contact was 65 percent less likely to test positive if the person from whom the exposure occurred was fully vaccinated with two doses of the Pfizer vaccine. With AstraZeneca, a given contact was 36 percent less likely to test positive if the person from whom the exposure occurred was fully vaccinated.
You need help with the truth and reality you racist misogynist. YOU are spreading variants. YOU are just as responsible for infecting people. YOU just repeat whatever your Dim masters say this week. If you’re so scared, remain under your bed wearing your 4 masks.
I know how vaccines work, and how they don't work. Here's a link to get you up to speed.

Great link?
Evidently, you still don't. get how vaccines work.

From your link:
The COVID-19 vaccines are the best way to protect yourself and others.

That's protect.
NOT prevent.

Research has shown the vaccines help:

Yes, HELP.

  • reduce your risk of getting seriously ill or dying from COVID-19
  • reduce your risk of catching or spreading COVID-19
  • protect against COVID-19 variants
There is a chance you might still get or spread COVID-19 even if you have a vaccine.

Just like the common flu shot.

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