Terminating healthcare workers backfires

Fauci redefined the meaning. A vaccine makes it so you don't get what you being vaccinated for. The covid vaccine doesn't do that. So carry on.
Vaccine: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.

Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.

It's the same fucking thing.

One is singular.
One is plural.

OMG........................Fauci ruined...................EVERYTHING.
Morgues and cemeteries love useless idiots like you.
Good for business.
Funny how I’m still here and not even getting the sniffles. Despite numerous leftards here wishing Covid and death on me and many other conservatives here. Don’t cry but, we will be here long after the side effects from the jab catch up with you.
Funny how I’m still here and not even getting the sniffles.
Good for you.
Despite numerous leftards here wishing Covid and death on me and many other conservatives here. Don’t cry but, we will be here long after the side effects from the jab catch up with you.
So, will we long after the 'side effects' from covid catches up to you.
Absolutely nobody saw this coming....yeah

This same thing will happen across the board

Fox News: Termination of unvaccinated health care workers backfires as Biden pledges help amid COVID surge.
What percentage of the total health care workers have been fired?

I have a feeling it's not very significant
Go ahead and bet your life savings on that. All 50 cents of it. Keep wishing Covid and death on me. I’ll just keep laughing at you and your 5 masks and screaming about 6 feet.
Go ahead and bet your life on Dr. Facebook, Dr. Twitter, Dr. MGT, and the dentist.
Vaccine: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.

Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.

It's the same fucking thing.

One is singular.
One is plural.

OMG........................Fauci ruined...................EVERYTHING.
It doesn't protect you from getting covid, dumbass.
You must be a genius, like Trump, moron.

don't know how a vaccine works.
The vaccine doesn't protect you, idiot, your immune system does that, genius.
And the vaccine doesn't boost your immune system from getting it. My gosh taking to my son when he was a baby made more sense than you. I bet you were one of those people that wrapped their house in plastic during the anthrax scare. Lol
And the vaccine doesn't boost your immune system from getting it. My gosh taking to my son when he was a baby made more sense than you. I bet you were one of those people that wrapped their house in plastic during the anthrax scare. Lol
OK, Dr. jknownothing.

You're a moron.
Even your baby thought you were FOS.
If the vaccine worked, you would be right. But it doesn't, so fuck off. Biden is a total failure.
It does work, moron.
It's hilarious... you wingnuts did everything you could to resist controlling this disease and now you are whining we are having another spike.
I don't know what makes you think it CAN be controlled, considering that no government anywhere has succeeded in controlling it.

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