Terminating healthcare workers backfires

The problem is, it isn't just about them. Heck, if Covid Killed off all the Bleach-drinkers, I wouldn't have a problem with that. Serves them right. But they are spreading the disease to others much more effectively than a vaccinated person might.

Bullshit. You can get covid from vaxed or not vaxed people, and the government has no authority to insist you take experimental vaccines to lessen that chance.
Absolutely nobody saw this coming....yeah

This same thing will happen across the board

Fox News: Termination of unvaccinated health care workers backfires as Biden pledges help amid COVID surge.
An opinion piece on FAUX?

Even "news" on FAUX is lies. Opinion pieces are just opinions about the lies they tell.
It is all part of their plan to depopulate the earth because the powers that be are convinced population levels need to be controlled.

So what may look as an idiotic move costing people their lives is really just part of their overall plan.

Besides, January 6th

It's a plan to depopulate Republicans.

Thanks for your support.
Bullshit. You can get covid from vaxed or not vaxed people, and the government has no authority to insist you take experimental vaccines to lessen that chance.

The point is, you are MUCH less likely to transmit the disease if you have a vax. The only way we get ahead of this is to reduce transmission.

But that's not the goal, is it?
The point is, you are MUCH less likely to transmit the disease if you have a vax. The only way we get ahead of this is to reduce transmission.

But that's not the goal, is it?

First of all that's a theory and not a fact. We don't have much accurate research on this vaccine. As I posted 22 employees of a cruise ship just got covid, and they were all vaccinated as per regulation of the company.

Bottom line is this has nothing to do with public safety which is why it will be struck down in the Supreme Court. The only people harmed by covid are those that are not vaccinated nor have natural immunities. Government cannot write laws on how we are to protect ourselves.
First of all that's a theory and not a fact. We don't have much accurate research on this vaccine. As I posted 22 employees of a cruise ship just got covid, and they were all vaccinated as per regulation of the company.

Bottom line is this has nothing to do with public safety which is why it will be struck down in the Supreme Court. The only people harmed by covid are those that are not vaccinated nor have natural immunities. Government cannot write laws on how we are to protect ourselves.

It will be struck down by SCOTUS because they are partisan hacks...

There's plenty of evidence the vaccine limits both transmission and effect of the virus. A few anecdotal cases not withstanding.
It will be struck down by SCOTUS because they are partisan hacks...

There's plenty of evidence the vaccine limits both transmission and effect of the virus. A few anecdotal cases not withstanding.

Bullshit. The vaccine has been out a little over a year and it takes years to accurately conduct research on it's effects and long term problems. The people pushing that garbage work for the government now controlled by the Communist party who is hell bent on getting everybody vaccinated even if it means by government force or if they don't need the vaccine in the first place.

The courts rule to insure our liberty and they are following the US Constitution as written. If every single person in this country was vaccinated, people would still be getting covid.
Bullshit. The vaccine has been out a little over a year and it takes years to accurately conduct research on it's effects and long term problems.

Actually, vaccines are proven and safe technology.... Let's look at what happened when polio vaccines came out.


Oh, damn, look at that.

The people pushing that garbage work for the government now controlled by the Communist party who is hell bent on getting everybody vaccinated even if it means by government force or if they don't need the vaccine in the first place.

Yes, that's what you do when you are confronted with a deadly disease, stupid.

The courts rule to insure our liberty and they are following the US Constitution as written. If every single person in this country was vaccinated, people would still be getting covid.

Yes, but not as many as are getting it now, and not as severely. That's kind of the point.

This has nothing to do with "Freedom" and everything to do with you guys not wanting to see Biden succeed where Trump failed.
Unfortunately for you is that the Declaration of Independence does guarantee us life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The key word in that is liberty which means going about your business like everybody else.

This is a new case because past cases allowed government to insist on vaccines to protect the public.
How is it new?
There have been a dozen pandemics in the US since the 1800's.
You've been brainwashed to believe that this vaccine can do that.
Thank you, Dr. Ray
It can't. You can get covid from a vaccinated person or a non-vaccinated person
No shit.
You don't know how vaccines work, not my fault.
so what this issue is really about is government control; the government punishing you for not protecting yourself the way they demand.
Yes, it is.
That's why there are seat belt laws.
That's why they mandated a 55 mph speed limit in 1973.
It's no different than the government making law against you sky diving. It's your life, you're not hurting anybody else by sky diving, and the government has no authority to stop you from sky diving.
Is sky diving contagious?
If every single person in this country was vaccinated, it won't change much of anything.
You really should submit your thesis to the New England Journal of Medicine.
Covid will still be with us. Like I said, the SC will likely side with the freedom of the people.
Now that, I won't disagree with.
Of course, the chief cause of this is low vaccination rate.

You deniers didn't give a shit the last time the hospitals approached 100% capacity, and you don't give a shit now.

So apare us your fraud and resume your normal happiness at the misfortune of others.
I am a conservative, fully vaccinated and rang in my 2022 with a COVID diagnosis. While many fellow conservatives don’t get vaccinated and speak out against vaccination, an equal number of Blacks and Latinos are also choosing not to get vaccinated yet don’t speak out against it.
I am a conservative, fully vaccinated and rang in my 2022 with a COVID diagnosis. While many fellow conservatives don’t get vaccinated and speak out against vaccination, an equal number of Blacks and Latinos are also choosing not to get vaccinated yet don’t speak out against it.
I've had the booster but I know I will still get Covid. I am just hoping that the vaccine prevents me getting serious symptoms or dying. Other than that I just get on with living. I hope your symptoms were mild and that you are well on the road to recovery.

It's hilarious... you wingnuts did everything you could to resist controlling this disease and now you are whining we are having another spike.

“There is no Federal solution. This gets solved at the state level”.
I've had the booster but I know I will still get Covid. I am just hoping that the vaccine prevents me getting serious symptoms or dying. Other than that I just get on with living. I hope your symptoms were mild and that you are well on the road to recovery.

Thank you. Knowing that Democrat politicians are out there saying things like the COVID crisis is “an opportunity to shape our vision” and/or being inconsistent with their words and actions when it comes to mask and vaccination mandates and then hiding behind “the science”, turns my stomach.
Actually, vaccines are proven and safe technology.... Let's look at what happened when polio vaccines came out.

View attachment 582477
Oh, damn, look at that.

Yes, that's what you do when you are confronted with a deadly disease, stupid.

Yes, but not as many as are getting it now, and not as severely. That's kind of the point.

This has nothing to do with "Freedom" and everything to do with you guys not wanting to see Biden succeed where Trump failed.
It took EIGHT YEARS to discover that the original Polio Vaccines spread a Simian 40 virus.



In 1960, it was discovered that Simian Virus 40 (SV40) contaminated up to 30% of the poliovirus vaccines in the US. This contamination arose because the vaccines were produced in monkey kidney cell cultures harboring SV40 between 1955 and 1963. During this period, approximately 90% of children and 60% of adults in the USA were inoculated for polio and possibly exposed to SV40. Many epidemiologic and molecular pathogenesis studies have been conducted in order to identify potential cancer risks since this 'natural' experiment began. Productive SV40 infection has the potential to initiate malignancy in a variety of target tissues. Epidemiological studies that investigated the relationship between SV40 infection and cancer risks have yielded mixed results. Studies can be grouped into three categories based on their exposure definition of SV40 infection: (1) use of vaccination or birth cohorts as proxy variables for infection, (2) follow-up of children of pregnant women who received polio vaccines, and (3) direct molecular detection of the virus or serologic detection of anti-SV40 antibody responses. A meta-analysis of five published studies did not support the hypothesis that SV40 exposure increases the overall risk of cancer incidence or cancer mortality. The analysis of specific cancer sites is largely inconclusive because of substantial problems that most studies have had in reliably defining exposure, defining latency effects, or dealing with confounding and other biases. A new generation of molecular epidemiologic studies is necessary to properly address these issues."

I have posted this to you previously you lying hack!!! And the mRNA vaccines have been in use ONLY A YEAR!!!!

Biden said that during the 2020 campaign before any vaccines were available. As such, it was unknown how many antivaxers there were going to be.

How could he not know? His VP pick was one of the first anti-vaxers to sound off against taking the vaccine, remember?

He said a lot of things, didn't he? He said there will be no mandates for the vaccine. He said we are going to shut down the virus--not the economy. He said if you take a covid shot you will not get covid. He said President Trump should step down because of the number of covid deaths under his watch. Now what is he saying? That you can't solve this problem at the federal level, blame the states.

Yet when President Trump was optimistic and trying to keep the country calm by stating covid will be gone by summer, he alone was responsible for all the deaths because of what he said.

If Dementia had any honesty and integrity, he would tell the public he apologies to President Trump on behalf of himself, his party, and the MSM for blaming him for covid deaths in 2020. He would say I'm sorry we lied about the entire thing. A President cannot control a microorganism much less the people.

But then again, when have we ever seen an honest Democrat politician with integrity? Blame the states now.
How could he not know? His VP pick was one of the first anti-vaxers to sound off against taking the vaccine, remember?

Nope. What I remember is that she said she wouldn't take Trump's word on a vaccine, and frankly, given his track record of promoting quack cures, that's probably a good call.

He said a lot of things, didn't he? He said there will be no mandates for the vaccine. He said we are going to shut down the virus--not the economy. He said if you take a covid shot you will not get covid. He said President Trump should step down because of the number of covid deaths under his watch. Now what is he saying? That you can't solve this problem at the federal level, blame the states.

Uh, no, that's what you wingnuts said when you sued to stop mandates... The problem is, you guys refuse to do your part and then whine that Biden hasn't done enough.

That's kind of the opposite of Trump, where state governments were trying to get this under control, and Trump undermined them at every turn.

Yet when President Trump was optimistic and trying to keep the country calm by stating covid will be gone by summer, he alone was responsible for all the deaths because of what he said.

Yes, because he LIED, and he knew he was lying.

If Dementia had any honesty and integrity, he would tell the public he apologies to President Trump on behalf of himself, his party, and the MSM for blaming him for covid deaths in 2020. He would say I'm sorry we lied about the entire thing. A President cannot control a microorganism much less the people.

Except the only reason why we don't have this under control is because of people refusing to get their shots and wear their masks.

But then again, when have we ever seen an honest Democrat politician with integrity? Blame the states now.

As we should. The thing is, if there isn't a federal power to mandate vaccines, then it does fall to the states. Unfortunately, we have too many Bleachdrinkers in the state governments who won't do that.
What countries controlled the pandemic better than us? Please use comparables (size, population, economy).

There literally are no countries comparable to the US in all 3 areas. Though I suspect that is the reason you put them up there.

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