Terminating healthcare workers backfires

Which is why we need a mandate.

We need shots in arms now, not worrying about someone who might get a shyster lawyer to claim "did you get the Covid shot and want to blame whatever maladies you have on it? You might be elibigle for compensation."

Remember when Republicans were FOR Tort reform?
Another science hater who thinks the ‘vaccine’ keeps you from catching and spreading the virus.
It's hilarious... you wingnuts did everything you could to resist controlling this disease and now you are whining we are having another spike.
Would that be xenophobe Trump putting travel restrictions on China or racist Trump for not letting infected illegals in and shipping them to the 4 corners of America to spread the virus?
Which is why we need a mandate.

We need shots in arms now, not worrying about someone who might get a shyster lawyer to claim "did you get the Covid shot and want to blame whatever maladies you have on it? You might be elibigle for compensation."

Remember when Republicans were FOR Tort reform?

Still are for it. If you electrocute yourself for taking your new toaster in the shower with you or your kid gets fat from eating too many happy meals. But when a company forces you to take an experimental vaccine nobody knows the long term effects of, they are liable.
It's already turning against them.

U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty wrote that the Biden administration unlawfully bypassed Congress when ordering that workers in Head Start programs be vaccinated by Jan. 31 and that students 2 years or older be masked when indoors or when in close contact outdoors.

Doughty, an appointee of then-President Donald Trump, wrote that the separation of powers is crucial to the country’s founding and quoted former President Ronald Reagan, who said “the nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.'”

“If the Executive branch is allowed to usurp the power of the Legislative branch to make laws, then this country is no longer a democracy — it is a monarchy,” Doughty wrote.

Sending covid patients to be mixed in with patients that didn't have covid did kill them.

Except that isn't what happened. The covid patients were sent back to the nursing homes they already resided in.

The "controversy" was that if Granny caught Covid in her Nursing Home, and she died in a hospital, NY was counting that as a hospital death instead of a nursing home death.
till are for it. If you electrocute yourself for taking your new toaster in the shower with you or your kid gets fat from eating too many happy meals. But when a company forces you to take an experimental vaccine nobody knows the long term effects of, they are liable.

They really shouldn't be... considering that most of these lawsuits are bullshit to start with.
Another science hater who thinks the ‘vaccine’ keeps you from catching and spreading the virus.
Vaccines strengthen your immune system so you are less likely to spread the virus or come down with the disease. That's the point.

Would that be xenophobe Trump putting travel restrictions on China or racist Trump for not letting infected illegals in and shipping them to the 4 corners of America to spread the virus?
We've been over this... Racist Trump kept Asian people out and let infected white people back in.

When he should have ordered a Shelter in Place until quarantine locations could be set up.
Vaccines strengthen your immune system so you are less likely to spread the virus or come down with the disease. That's the point.

We've been over this... Racist Trump kept Asian people out and let infected white people back in.

When he should have ordered a Shelter in Place until quarantine locations could be set up.
Well that’s total anti science lies. At best the jab builds up your immunity to allow you to fight it off better, but in no way is it keeping the virus out of your body and not spreading it to grandma.
Well that’s total anti science lies. At best the jab builds up your immunity to allow you to fight it off better, but in no way is it keeping the virus out of your body and not spreading it to grandma.
You have no idea how viruses work, do you?

One virus in your body doesn't do anything. Viruses become a problem when they rapidly reproduce, which vaccines prevent them from doing.
You have no idea how viruses work, do you?

One virus in your body doesn't do anything. Viruses become a problem when they rapidly reproduce, which vaccines prevent them from doing.
CDC says the jab doesn’t prevent infection. I have no issue with you calling them liars and will not object.
70% are vaccinated.
80% of cases are the vaccinated.
Do the math.
Vaccines strengthen your immune system so you are less likely to spread the virus or come down with the disease. That's the point.

We've been over this... Racist Trump kept Asian people out and let infected white people back in.

When he should have ordered a Shelter in Place until quarantine locations could be set up.
And BTW - the Americans returning from Asia were quarantined. Unlike the hundreds of thousands of illegals Brandon lets in and ships them all over America without being tested nor quarantined.
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Talking to Joe is like :aug08_031:
I do not think it's a person. Joey is a revolutionary new spambot: Joey is a STUPIDBOT. A couple guys from MIT wrote a program that would create more stupidity than fifty ordinary morons, and without pissing on the bathroom floor, leaving week-old pizza on the counter, using flower vases as bongs, or going a month without bathing. To show their friends, they ran the program once while drunk.

Upon waking up, they forgot about it...and Joey has been posting ever since.
Sorry, but your declarations just don't match reality.

Hospitals are almost at capacity again. It was a crisis last time, and it is a crisis now. If you want to say staffing shortages are making it worse, knock yourself out.

But the main cause is low vaccination rates among the populace. You are not ever going to put words in just the right order to make that "not a fact", so don't waste your time trying to do so.
Hospitals are "at capacity" because people are taking the home COVID tests and rushing to the ER in a panic...and because a bunch of the staff is gone, and there was ALREADY a shortage of nurses! Directly from three different nurses at three different hospitals in two states: plenty of room.
Whose whinning about a spike in Covid cases?

1) I've been screaming that the winter would bring on a huge spike all summer long sweetie....as virus tend to love to attack in Winter.

2) I'm thrilled as hell that we have Omicron and hope that instead of killing so many that the virus infects and leaves its victims with their life and immunity from the more deadly delta and other strains...as again I was the first before the doctors to list this a good possibility for the virus (which means I was thrilled from the moment that I heard about it.)

ERGO, I am hoping that the end of the Covid FEAR machines are ending.......and fear that a new strain of Bird Flu will be the globalists/pharma companies new vehicle to seize money and power.
Naah-the COVID panic-porn will NEVER end!
Hospitals are "at capacity" because people are taking the home COVID tests and rushing to the ER in a panic...and because a bunch of the staff is gone, and there was ALREADY a shortage of nurses! Directly from three different nurses at three different hospitals in two states: plenty of room.

The way I understand it is just about everybody that walks into a hospital has it. You go there for a twisted ankle and you test positive in most cases.
Except that isn't what happened. The covid patients were sent back to the nursing homes they already resided in.

The "controversy" was that if Granny caught Covid in her Nursing Home, and she died in a hospital, NY was counting that as a hospital death instead of a nursing home death.

You bought that shit hook, line and sinker. Cuomo after all his begging to Trump were told by the Communists to not use the facilities he sent. He had no choice but to send them back. The nursing homes begged him not to do it, but as usual with Democrats, party first--country second. There is no way they were going to give Trump credit for saving the day. So in spite of the millions we spent for those facilities, very few patients went there and were sent back to the nursing homes infected killing the other patients.
And if something goes wrong with these vaccines five or ten years from now, the employee or family will be able to hold the company responsible for forcing those employees into taking the vaccine. You would have to be a moron to do that from a legal perspective.
Their defense will be "I was only following orders"; hasn't been all that successful a defense in the past.


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