Terminating healthcare workers backfires

Not having enough nurses and aides to care for the residents will kill exponentially more of them than the virus ever could in nursing homes.

And ask a Democrat politician if they care. Cuomo killed how many in his state, and his party didn't do anything to him until they found he was making inappropriate gestures at strange women. Dead Americans because you Fd up? We're giving you an Emmy. Making passes at women who didn't want them, now you're out buddy. You crossed the line right there.
How is it new?
There have been a dozen pandemics in the US since the 1800's.
It's new because a pecker wood in office thinks he can have you fired for not taking the jab

No shit.
You don't know how vaccines work, not my fault.
LOL Vaccines so great they had to change the definition to sell the snake oil. They were supposed to give immunity........not a few months where you will not die if you get the jab......They moved the goal posts lying for 2 years now........Sorry......go sell your snake oil elsewhere.
es, it is.
That's why there are seat belt laws.
That's why they mandated a 55 mph speed limit in 1973.
Since when does my Seat Belt inject me with a drug by law........BS comparison.......From the Fascist who worship Gov't........they are your religion.......Your problem and not mine.

Rest of your posting are like normal..........BS
And ask a Democrat politician if they care. Cuomo killed how many in his state, and his party didn't do anything to him until they found he was making inappropriate gestures at strange women. Dead Americans because you Fd up? We're giving you an Emmy. Making passes at women who didn't want them, now you're out buddy. You crossed the line right there.
And ask a Democrat politician if they care. Cuomo killed how many in his state, and his party didn't do anything to him until they found he was making inappropriate gestures at strange women. Dead Americans because you Fd up? We're giving you an Emmy. Making passes at women who didn't want them, now you're out buddy. You crossed the line right there.
Misreporting where people died isn't killing them. Sorry. You lose again.
It's new because a pecker wood in office thinks he can have you fired for not taking the jab
You're FOS, as usual.
You can get tested once a week instead, you moron.

LOL Vaccines so great they had to change the definition to sell the snake oil. They were supposed to give immunity........not a few months where you will not die if you get the jab......They moved the goal posts lying for 2 years now........Sorry......go sell your snake oil elsewhere.
ANOTHER lying Trumptard.
NO vaccine for anything gives you immunity, retard.
Since when does my Seat Belt inject me with a drug by law........BS comparison.......From the Fascist who worship Gov't........they are your religion.......Your problem and not mine.
It's a mandate, idiot.
They make you take vaccines to enter school or to even leave the hospital.

No whining then, why now?

Rest of your posting are like normal..........BS
Yours is, as usual over and above, BS.
You're FOS, as usual.
You can get tested once a week instead, you moron.
Fuck your swab..........Who the fuck are you to demand a damn thing.......go crawl back under that rock you came from Fascist.

ANOTHER lying Trumptard.
NO vaccine for anything gives you immunity, retard.
Most of them give you immunity for decades......The current snake oil a few months.......and it doesn't train the B cells............In other words it's a joke.

It's a mandate, idiot.
They make you take vaccines to enter school or to even leave the hospital.
This is AMERICA NOT CHINA ...so take your stinking mandates and shove them where the sun doesn't shine.........passports for this in Blue Shitholes.........Up yours......we WILL NOT COMPLY What you gonna do about it Mr. FASCIST.....

ours is, as usual over and above, BS.
Fuck your swab..........Who the fuck are you to demand a damn thing.......go crawl back under that rock you came from Fascist.
As employer/owner I have the final say in what is required of the safety of my employees and customers.
No shirt, no shoes, no foul language, no fucking service.
You're a moron.

Most of them give you immunity for decades......The current snake oil a few months.......and it doesn't train the B cells............In other words it's a joke.
Another idiot who got his medical degree from Trump U.?
The grifter doesn't give refunds.

This is AMERICA NOT CHINA ...so take your stinking mandates and shove them where the sun doesn't shine.........passports for this in Blue Shitholes.........Up yours......we WILL NOT COMPLY What you gonna do about it Mr. FASCIST.....
The next Darwin award candidates, take care of themselves.

Nov. 20, 2017 – The tax proposal supported by President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans would give five top pharmaceutical corporations a $42.7 billion tax break.
Table: Five pharmaceutical corporations hoarding more than $290 billion in profits abroad could avoid paying $42.7 billion in taxes under the administration’s proposed tax break.
As employer/owner I have the final say in what is required of the safety of my employees and customers.
No shirt, no shoes, no foul language, no fucking service.
You're a moron.

Another idiot who got his medical degree from Trump U.?
The grifter doesn't give refunds.


The next Darwin award candidates, take care of themselves.

Nov. 20, 2017 – The tax proposal supported by President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans would give five top pharmaceutical corporations a $42.7 billion tax break.
Table: Five pharmaceutical corporations hoarding more than $290 billion in profits abroad could avoid paying $42.7 billion in taxes under the administration’s proposed tax break.

You have Pfizer tatooed on your ass.
As employer/owner I have the final say in what is required of the safety of my employees and customers.
No shirt, no shoes, no foul language, no fucking service.
You're a moron.

And if something goes wrong with these vaccines five or ten years from now, the employee or family will be able to hold the company responsible for forcing those employees into taking the vaccine. You would have to be a moron to do that from a legal perspective.
And if something goes wrong with these vaccines five or ten years from now, the employee or family will be able to hold the company responsible for forcing those employees into taking the vaccine. You would have to be a moron to do that from a legal perspective.

Which is why we need a mandate.

We need shots in arms now, not worrying about someone who might get a shyster lawyer to claim "did you get the Covid shot and want to blame whatever maladies you have on it? You might be elibigle for compensation."

Remember when Republicans were FOR Tort reform?
It's a mandate, idiot.
They make you take vaccines to enter school or to even leave the hospital.

No whining then, why now?

A hospital can't make you take any vaccine before leaving. What kind of drugs are you on anyway? They don't even demand a vaccine before entering a hospital.
<1% fired. Those were the ones everyone was better off without. No hospital wants cult imbeciles who deny basic medical science around.

Why did that <1% even exist? Because any field has a few religious nutjobs in it.

Employers love vaccine mandates. They cause the trash to take itself out.
Another science hater who thinks the ‘vaccine’ keeps you from catching and spreading the virus.

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