Terminating healthcare workers backfires

Another science hater who thinks the ‘vaccine’ keeps you from catching and spreading the virus.
I read this or something like it at the time:

"the study also will evaluate the potential for the vaccine candidate to provide protection against COVID-19 in those who have had prior exposure to SARS-CoV-2, as well as vaccine prevention against severe COVID-19 disease."

It was the highlighted bit that took my eye; it seemed to me that if you caught it you wouldn't get it as badly as if you were untreated. That was all I was wanting.

As for side effects etc? Still even more to come out about them.

Their defense will be "I was only following orders"; hasn't been all that successful a defense in the past.


They have cover if the government regulates it but if the courts strike that down and they mandate it on their own, they are liable.
A hospital can't make you take any vaccine before leaving. What kind of drugs are you on anyway? They don't even demand a vaccine before entering a hospital.
WTF, kind of drugs are you on, moron.

Before an infant leaves the hospital they must have a vaccination for hepatitis B, then another booster shot within 2 months.

Plus a number of other vaccines at/within two months of leaving the hospital.
He did nothing of the sort, but I'm sure that's what Hate Radio told you he did.

You guys can't resist mandatory vaccinations and then complain that Covid isn't going away.
Yes Xiden did throw up his arms and QUIT. Threw all responsibility onto the states. The mandates are being thrown out left and right by the courts. When SCOTUS throws out the latest mandate try, there may well be a lot of wrongful termination suits coming. You vaccinated can’t start all these variants then complain about unvaccinated people.
CDC says the jab doesn’t prevent infection. I have no issue with you calling them liars and will not object.
70% are vaccinated.
80% of cases are the vaccinated.
Do the math.

Actually, fully vaccinated are less than 59%. The disease keeps spreading and you have people refusing to get vaccinated... that's the problem.

Most of the DEATHS are the unvaccinated. True, you might still catch it if you are vaxed, but you won't die.
You bought that shit hook, line and sinker. Cuomo after all his begging to Trump were told by the Communists to not use the facilities he sent. He had no choice but to send them back. The nursing homes begged him not to do it, but as usual with Democrats, party first--country second. There is no way they were going to give Trump credit for saving the day. So in spite of the millions we spent for those facilities, very few patients went there and were sent back to the nursing homes infected killing the other patients.

yeah, guy, here's the thing. a 400 bed hosptial ship that wasn't set up to treat Covid Patients wasn't a help. it was a game show stunt and everyone saw it as such. NY had over 400,000 cases and only 20,000 hospital beds. Those people had to be sent somewhere, and nursing homes where they were already living and the staff knew about their conditions was the best option.
Nope. What I remember is that she said she wouldn't take Trump's word on a vaccine, and frankly, given his track record of promoting quack cures, that's probably a good call.

Uh, no, that's what you wingnuts said when you sued to stop mandates... The problem is, you guys refuse to do your part and then whine that Biden hasn't done enough.

That's kind of the opposite of Trump, where state governments were trying to get this under control, and Trump undermined them at every turn.

Yes, because he LIED, and he knew he was lying.

Except the only reason why we don't have this under control is because of people refusing to get their shots and wear their masks.

As we should. The thing is, if there isn't a federal power to mandate vaccines, then it does fall to the states. Unfortunately, we have too many Bleachdrinkers in the state governments who won't do that.
Ian Malcolm said it best...

Actually, fully vaccinated are less than 59%. The disease keeps spreading and you have people refusing to get vaccinated... that's the problem.

Most of the DEATHS are the unvaccinated. True, you might still catch it if you are vaxed, but you won't die.
OK, 59% fully vaccinated people are catching and spreading the virus. That’s a solid majority. If 100% of people were vaccinated you’d be getting just as many cases as you are today. It’s not stopping the virus. And the data shows it. As people get boosters they are getting sick more easily.
And shifting the argument because you were wrong is what I expected. Data is debatable on deaths, and it’s not the governments job to oppress my liberties to keep me safe from the boogie man that never goes away.
yeah, guy, here's the thing. a 400 bed hosptial ship that wasn't set up to treat Covid Patients wasn't a help. it was a game show stunt and everyone saw it as such. NY had over 400,000 cases and only 20,000 hospital beds. Those people had to be sent somewhere, and nursing homes where they were already living and the staff knew about their conditions was the best option.
Hilarious. A hospital ship that travels the world helping sick people can’t treat sick people in New York harbor.

You Leftards are insane in your delusional world you’ve fabricated in your twisted minds.
I read this or something like it at the time:

"the study also will evaluate the potential for the vaccine candidate to provide protection against COVID-19 in those who have had prior exposure to SARS-CoV-2, as well as vaccine prevention against severe COVID-19 disease."

It was the highlighted bit that took my eye; it seemed to me that if you caught it you wouldn't get it as badly as if you were untreated. That was all I was wanting.

As for side effects etc? Still even more to come out about them.

FDA says they’ll let you know why they approved the vaccines in 2097.
Actually, fully vaccinated are less than 59%. The disease keeps spreading and you have people refusing to get vaccinated... that's the problem.

Most of the DEATHS are the unvaccinated. True, you might still catch it if you are vaxed, but you won't die.
Meanwhile in Antarctica:
“All 25 researchers were fully vaccinated and one had a booster shot. Before leaving for the station, they underwent a PCR test in Belgium two hours before flying to South Africa…In South Africa, they quarantined for 10 days and took another PCR test. A further test was needed when leaving Cape Town for Antarctica and a final one five days after that.”

2/3 of the Antarctica researchers have the ChiCom flu.
Candidate Biden promised to increase testing and end the pandemic.

How’s that working out?
So far, so good.

A month ago, they were closing down testing sites.
It's not a snap of your fingers.

Ending the pandemic?
At this point, not going to happen.

There will be other mutations after the micron. mutation.
Meanwhile in Antarctica:
“All 25 researchers were fully vaccinated and one had a booster shot. Before leaving for the station, they underwent a PCR test in Belgium two hours before flying to South Africa…In South Africa, they quarantined for 10 days and took another PCR test. A further test was needed when leaving Cape Town for Antarctica and a final one five days after that.”

2/3 of the Antarctica researchers have the ChiCom flu.
So, the Trump flu is spreading, just like the flu spreads, even with a vaccine.
Of course, you left this out.

Since Dec. 14, at least 16 of the 25 workers at the Princess Elisabeth Polar Station have caught the coronavirus. The first case was a researcher who had arrived at the base seven days earlier.
So, the Trump flu is spreading, just like the flu spreads, even with a vaccine.
Of course, you left this out.

Since Dec. 14, at least 16 of the 25 workers at the Princess Elisabeth Polar Station have caught the coronavirus. The first case was a researcher who had arrived at the base seven days earlier.
Do I care if you have polio or small pox?
Nope. I’ve been vaccinated.
And of course you blame an American for creating the virus to protect your Commie masters. You’re a Leftard.

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