Terminating healthcare workers backfires

Yep, the Trump virus.
If Biden reacted the same way as Trump?

Feb. 7: “It goes through air, Bob. That’s always tougher than the touch … You just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed. And, so that’s a very tricky one. … It’s also more deadly than your – you know, your, even your strenuous flus. … This is more deadly. This is 5, you know, this is 5% versus 1% and less than 1%. You know, so, this is deadly stuff.” —

Feb. 26“But that’s a little bit like the flu. It’s a little like the regular flu that we have flu shots for. And we’ll essentially have a flu shot for this in a fairly quick manner.” — Trump at a White House coronavirus task force briefing.

Feb. 27: “It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.” — Trump at a White House meeting with African American leaders.

It would then be the Biden virus.

For your education, viruses don't listen to people. Viruses do what viruses do. Dementia told us if you get the shot, you won't be able to get Covid. He told us he'd never have a mandate, and now he's fighting in court to continue his. Biden said President Trump should step down from the presidency because of the people that died of covid under his watch. Now that more people died under his watch, he says it's not a federal government issue, it's a state issue, so blame them.
yeah, guy, here's the thing. a 400 bed hosptial ship that wasn't set up to treat Covid Patients wasn't a help. it was a game show stunt and everyone saw it as such. NY had over 400,000 cases and only 20,000 hospital beds. Those people had to be sent somewhere, and nursing homes where they were already living and the staff knew about their conditions was the best option.

He sent the ship and retrofitted the Javits Center. Cuomo barely used either. Even if what you said was true, he could have packed those facilities first and then move on to step two. What Fn good would it have been to have 10 facilities to house a million people if the commie Governor wasn't going to use them anyway?
What choice did they have? Adhere to Big Brother or don't work.
Get tested every week, if you're afraid of shots.
Yes, adhere to 'big brother'........................your employer.

Yep, doing construction, no one should force you to wear a hard hat, safety glasses, work boots or drug testing.

That's tyranny.
Actually, fully vaccinated are less than 59%. The disease keeps spreading and you have people refusing to get vaccinated... that's the problem.

Most of the DEATHS are the unvaccinated. True, you might still catch it if you are vaxed, but you won't die.

The vaccines do not work on Omicron. My niece now has covid and very ill. She's been vaccinated since June. I got my booster a week ago, and my Doctor even told me it won't do shit against Omicron.

What's happening now is just about anybody that enters a hospital has Omicron. You go there to get something out of your eye and they test you first. If you have covid, they don't let you go home so our hospitals are full of patients for other things that are under observation and to help stop the spread of Omicron.
Get tested every week, if you're afraid of shots.
Yes, adhere to 'big brother'........................your employer.

Yep, doing construction, no one should force you to wear a hard hat, safety glasses, work boots or drug testing.

That's tyranny.

Employers were forced to enforce government rules, so don't blame it on the employer. Safety gear is required so you don't hurt yourself on the job. Apples and oranges.
For your education, viruses don't listen to people. Viruses do what viruses do. Dementia told us if you get the shot, you won't be able to get Covid.
No, he didn't.
He said it will protect you, just like seat belts protect you when driving a vehicle.

He told us he'd never have a mandate, and now he's fighting in court to continue his.
Oh well, people don't want to listen, that's why there are laws also.
Turns out people who ignore suggestions, end up obeying a law, when all they had to do is listen in the first place,.
Biden said President Trump should step down from the presidency because of the people that died of covid under his watch.
That's true.
Only because the orange retard dismissed the entire virus, called it a hoax, while 500,000 people were dying.
Now that more people died under his watch, he says it's not a federal government issue, it's a state issue, so blame them.
You're FOS.
No, he didn't.
He said it will protect you, just like seat belts protect you when driving a vehicle.

Oh well, people don't want to listen, that's why there are laws also.
Turns out people who ignore suggestions, end up obeying a law, when all they had to do is listen in the first place,.

That's true.
Only because the orange retard dismissed the entire virus, called it a hoax, while 500,000 people were dying.

You're FOS.

Maybe before you tell other people they are full of shit, check out your claims to make sure you're not first.
No, he didn't.
He said it will protect you, just like seat belts protect you when driving a vehicle.

Oh well, people don't want to listen, that's why there are laws also.
Turns out people who ignore suggestions, end up obeying a law, when all they had to do is listen in the first place,.

That's true.
Only because the orange retard dismissed the entire virus, called it a hoax, while 500,000 people were dying.

You're FOS.

I believe my point is that low vaccination rate is the main cause of this crisis. As stated.
We had a LOT more unvaccinated last year (because the TRUMP! vaccines weren't out yet), but the same number (and more) dead this year. Something isn't adding up.
No, shit.
Evidently, you like Chinese work rules.

Evidently you can't make a fair comparison. Requiring employees to be vaxed does not protect them. You can get covid anytime you are in contact with another human being inside and outside of work. When I punch out, I can take off my helmet and safety glasses. You can't remove the covid shot when you leave work.
July 22 2021
Calling on Americans to get vaccinated against Covid-19, Biden said, "If you're vaccinated, you're not going to be hospitalized, you're not going to be in the ICU unit and you're not going to die." In another exchange moments later, Biden said that even if vaccinated people do "catch the virus," they are "not likely to get sick."

So, in the same comment, he corrected himself.
This is true for most people compared to unvaccinated people.

Biden is right, as long as nut job governors allow people to run free with no precautions for anyone, it will never go away.
See above.
Maybe before you tell other people they are full of shit, check out your claims to make sure you're not first.
Unlike republicans, taking shit out of context, then never putting statements IN CONTEXT, I did.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not endorse the definitive language Biden did. The CDC notes on its website that "vaccine breakthrough cases will occur, even though the vaccines are working as expected" and "there will be a small percentage of fully vaccinated people who still get sick, are hospitalized or die from Covid-19."

Did Biden muzzle them?
NO, Trump did.

Just so people know, there will likely be more incidences like this, but Biden isn't going to dismiss it.
Evidently you can't make a fair comparison. Requiring employees to be vaxed does not protect them.
Yes, it does.
Hard hats, safety glasses, and work boots protect you from injury.
They don't make you immune from injury.

You can get covid anytime you are in contact with another human being inside and outside of work.
Same thing with the common flu.
A vaccine isn't going to prevent that.
When I punch out, I can take off my helmet and safety glasses. You can't remove the covid shot when you leave work.
So, you can do the same with a mask.
Calling on Americans to get vaccinated against Covid-19, Biden said, "If you're vaccinated, you're not going to be hospitalized, you're not going to be in the ICU unit and you're not going to die." In another exchange moments later, Biden said that even if vaccinated people do "catch the virus," they are "not likely to get sick."

So, in the same comment, he corrected himself.
This is true for most people compared to unvaccinated people.

He said you won't get covid if you get the shot. Need the video next?

Biden is right, as long as nut job governors allow people to run free with no precautions for anyone, it will never go away.

It won't go away if every single American got the vaccination because the vax does not prevent you from getting or spreading it.
So what employer or government requires you get a flu shot?
A lot in the healthcare or assisted living fields.
Again with moving the goal posts. We were not talking about masks.
So, now you don't want to wear a mask either?
Most employers will require, people who get tested once a week, require wearing a mask too.

Quit changing the subject when you lose a debate.
I didn't, moron.
He said you won't get covid if you get the shot. Need the video next?
So, in the same comment, he corrected himself.
This is true for most people compared to unvaccinated people.

So, Trump said it would disappear in the spring, then August, then by election day.
Did THAT happen?

The first person, I consult for heart surgery is a politician.
It won't go away if every single American got the vaccination because the vax does not prevent you from getting or spreading it.
Good tip DR. RAY.
So, in the same comment, he corrected himself.
This is true for most people compared to unvaccinated people.

So, Trump said it would disappear in the spring, then August, then by election day.
Did THAT happen?

The first person, I consult for heart surgery is a politician.

Good tip DR. RAY.

He did not correct himself on anything. He first said you won't get sick from covid, made a similar comment the second time they brought the subject up, and the third time later on, he made the statement you won't get covid if you get the shot. Read what I posted. It's from the Communist News Network so they wouldn't make this up about Dementia. It's not out of context in any way or form.

What Trump did was make a prediction. Making a prediction is a far cry from making a direct statement that you know is a lie.

Yes, that is my tip. Covid will not go away with vaccinations. People get covid with or without the vax, and pass it on with or without the vax.
A lot in the healthcare or assisted living fields.

So, now you don't want to wear a mask either?
Most employers will require, people who get tested once a week, require wearing a mask too.

I didn't, moron.

You did. When I made the obvious point about safety gear which you remove once not working and covid shots which you can't, you lost the debate and brought up masks for some reason.

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