Terms of Service

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
I was thinking about this after reading some other threads around here where people were cheerleading about some web sites being shut down and kicked off the social networks and whatnot because of the actions of a single person. Given this recent trend, it would likely be in your favor to assign a qualified person to rewrite and add to your terms of service to make them modern and conforming to changes in law over the past few years. It needs to be intelligently written and proof-read, too.

And you don't have a specific written mission statement/common site goal. It would be in your favor to establish one that's a little more specific than just hosting free speech. There's nothing I see in it that differentiates free speech from responsible/irresponsible speech. You're pretty much wide open to be held liable for someone elses recklessness, regardless of whether you say you're not liable. You're not really protected from liability. Not really.

That's my couple of cents, but you're certainly free to disagree. No need to respond, it's only a passing thought.
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