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Terral's Challenge To Official 9/11 Govt Conspiracy Theory Stooges

Terral, is it your position that Flight 93 was fake because nothing else like it had ever happened before?

Ah, Patriot911, you're new here. Let me enlighten you on whom you are asking the question.


After a hiatus, Terral is back!

How could have I missed the $2.3 trillion that was stolen just before 9/11??????

* The 9/11 inside job conspiracy
* Also, the creators of Loose Change, the movie accusing Bush and the US government of being behind 9/11, are actually part of the conspiracy and are in the pay of the New World Order elites. To prove it, Terral got banned on the Loose Change boards for saying this.

* The economy was collapsed on purpose conspiracy

* The China is on its way to invade Mexico conspiracy

* The US is about to come under martial law conspiracy

* The Trinity conspiracy, which near as I can tell is about a lion and an eagle and a badger all battling each other in heaven.

* Obama creating new "Hitler Youth" conspiracy

* DoD/FBI/CIA CounterIntelligence Disinformation Propaganda Conspiracy

* Advanced BioWar Event Conspiracy

* Homosexuals Destroying the American Empire Conspiracy

* Cheney, Rove and Rumsfeld Murdering Americans Conspiracy

* The $9 Trillion Stolen from the Fed/Treasury/Government Conspiracy

* Secret Bush-Clinton-Federal Reserve Pakistani Accounts Conspiracy

* The New World Order Agenda to Reduce the Global Population to less than 2 Billion Conspiracy

* European bankers (Rothschild, Warburg, etc., i.e. Jewish banks) staged the 1907 Panic so they could create the Federal Reserve System so (100 years later) they could kill you or make you a subject of the CanAmeriMexico Fascist/Totalitarian State.

* The conspiracy to make you think the Federal Reserve has some sort of "reserve" so they can fool you and take all your money out of the country.

* The Rothschild/Warburg (i.e. "Jewish")-controlled Govt killed JFK

* The 1970s Gas Shortage Conspiracy. There was no gas shortage. It was a conspiracy between the Saudis and the Federal Reserve so the Rothchild/Warburg (i.e. Jewish) Banking Elites could continue their plan, er, 70 years later.

* The War in Iraq was because Iraq was going to stop pricing oil in dollar conspiracy.

* Big Oil and the Federal Reserve conspired to kill Vaporization Carburetor Technology so everyone would still have to drive cars powered by hydrocarbons.

* The Same People Who Created the Federal Reserve, Who Killed JFK, and Who Have Unleashed the Global Bio-Weapon Virus, Killed Abraham Lincoln Conspiracy. Yes, conspiracies are generational. Seven generations, in fact.

* The NAU and the formation of the "Fascist State CanAmeriMexico"

* The moon landing was fake.

* Obama wasn't born in America Conspiracy

* The Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics/Genocide Program conspiracy

* The "My current conclusion is that every Govt Agency of the USA is part of the ongoing 9/11 DoD/FBI/CIA/NSA Counterintelligence/Disinformation Cover-up Operation ... " Conspiracy.

Damn, I should have linked them all from the beginning

* The Warburgs/Rothschilds/Morgans/Rockefellers/Federal Reserve were behind 9/11 conspiracy.

* Goldman Sachs is a surrogate for "The House of Rothschild" Conspiracy. The Rothschilds own the Fed. (Of course, this is wrong.) Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama are all Rothschild puppets. That's because the Rothschilds have been killing Presidents since Lincoln.

* The Rothschilds are deliberately devaluing the euro to send "the European Union into Chaos for replacement by their New World Order."

* In fact, Obama was not born in the US, he is an illegal alien! Obama is analogous to Hitler. He is the "New World Order Messiah."

*Reptiles from outer space are walking amongst us. In Terral's own words, "Adam gave the Reptilian races their instructions NOT to interfere with the bearded races ... even before Eve was taken from his side. ... The Reptilian races run around in their spaceships looking for any evidence of the Messiah's return like 'he' (Adam) predicted thousands of years ago. Their technology is FAR advanced when compared to human technology today 'and' the aliens could have already enslaved everyone in this world a thousand times over IF that were there true intentions. No sir. The aliens remain in 'observer mode,' because they fear the rod of their father Adam;" Awesome.

* Silver is being manipulated and hoarded by, you guessed it, "Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Central Banks".

* "There are billions of barrels of oil under Gull Island, Alaska that the Govt and Big Oil does not want you to know about."

* "I have spent a good amount of time trying to help British Petroleum stop the supposed accidental Gulf Oil Spill." Did you know that the Gulf oil spill happened on April 20? Do you know what else happened on April 20? Me neither! But Terral thinks it somehow relates to 9/11. What, I have no idea. Maybe it was blown up by a bunch of dopers.

* Terral is "not ready" to draw any conclusions, but the facts are pretty obvious that the BP explosion was rigged so Obama could pass cap and trade. Did you know that "Halliburton is the contractor building REX84 Concentration Camps on US Military Bases ... and just happens to be the contractor responsible for the concrete work that was underway to begin this Crisis?" Just happens to be? Surely, this isn't a coincidence! Of course Haliburton is involved in this conspiracy! Plus, this Crisis has "yet to be explained." Oh, and BP hasn't contacted Terral yet about his solution to the crisis.

* The DoD misplaced 2.3 TRILLION dollars (with a T), just prior to these 9/11 attacks and the bookkeepers, accountants and budget analysts searching for the missing money were killed, and that money remains missing to this day along with other assets that were stolen under the cover of the 9/11 attacks conspiracy.
Wow. He sounds more icke than Icke! :lol: The more ridiculous the claims, the more they look like a fool when exposed. Thanks for the heads up, Toro!
Hi Corn:

This is the problem right here with these Official Govt Cover Story Stooges!

No missile wreckage was found.

Hey, Ms. Corn. I do not expect you or any of your Official Cover Story Idiots to offer rebuttals to A SINGLE WORD of my 911Truth Testimony. However, this challenge was made to show these USMB registered members and readers that NONE of you (Gamolon, Mr. Fizz, Ollie, Ms. Corn, Diver, Trojan, Retired Guy, etc.) can start your own Topic using your own 'evidence' to prop up the Official 9/11 Cover Story LIES. That means starting your Topic saying:

1. "Flight 93 Crashed In The Field Outside Shanksville."
2. "Flight 77 Crashed Into The Pentagon Going 530 Miles Per Hour."
3. "WTC-7 Collapsed From Building Fires."

Start your 911Topic in support of Bush's 9/11 LIES and show us YOUR EVIDENCE. Do it! You Govt Cover Story Stooges come out to this fine USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum every day to wave your arms around and support Inside Job MURDERERS Of Innocent Americans without one Topic detailing 'your thesis, claims and evidence to support those Official Cover Story Conclusions! ZERO.

Now you can 'put up' or SHUT UP, because everyone knows 'you' are a liar, just like Bush:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm73wOuPL60"]Bush (like you) Has Been Lying Since Day One[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zvQGqKGNSQ]Official Govt 911 Lies Are Too Many To Count[/ame]



MR Corn has never been able put up anything and he'll NEVER shup up.thats a given.
Shut the fuck up, you stupid bitch.:fu::fu:
Greetings to All:

Where are the Official Cover Story Stooges willing to start 'their' 911Truth Topics supporting the Official Govt LIE???? These idiots come to this fine USMB Board every day to pretend ANYONE hiding behind silly names like 'Gamolon, Fizz and CandyCorn' (what morons) has even a shred of real 'credibility.' If anyone coming to this Forum expects to stand in the true light of 'credibility,' then he is willing to post under HIS REAL NAME (#3). This is my name on the Loose Change Board where 'this Pentagon Topic' was the most-read with the most replies.

This is my name at the Prison Planet Forum where my "9:32 AM First Explosion At The Pentagon" Topic appears to be read by everyone. My "What Happened At The Pentagon" Topic appears at the LetsRoll Board under the name of ... guess who ... 'Terral.' You find the same name on the membership rolls of AE911Truth.org (search 'Terral') and the 'Tough Talk' Board and more places than you care to know about. Good luck finding 'the' 911Truth from any Gamolon, Fizzle or CandyAssCorn all hiding behind sockpuppet names that amount to 'no' credibility at all.

Any of the Official Cover Story Stooges 'can' work to elevate their current 'zero' credibility numbers by accepting my Challenge from the Opening Post of this Topic, but none will. Do you know why? That is very easy: They have 'no' credibility and 'no' evidence to support the Govt Story of what really happened on 9/11 ...


:lol::lol:This is a "conspiracy" section. NO ONE should start a thread of what you're asking. Can you even understand English?:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Hi Obamaidiot:

This is a "conspiracy" section. NO ONE should start a thread of what you're asking. Can you even understand English?:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Apparently the Obama Job-killing idiot cannot understand English! My Challenge (Opening Post) says for you Official Story idiots to start your own 'conspiracy' topic showing everyone how 19 Bearded Jihadist Radicals pulled off your 9/11 attacks! Show us 'your' evidence that Flight 93 or Flight 77 crashed anywhere! Show us how overbuilt skyscrapers collapsed into their own footprints from fire! Show us just one non-9/11 skyscraper that ever collapsed CD style FROM FIRE!!!!

You can't, because that is impossible ...


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notice treasonousterral still has not address the post i made, not once but twice.
Notice in my threads defending the official story, terral did nothing but deflect and insult.
Notice how treasonousterral proves with each and every post he makes that facts and reason are not on his side.

I suggest a new name for treasonousterral, Satan's little helper.

The lord of flies and lies gets more and more help from treasonousterral every day......

I see nothing has changed, treasonousterral still hides from the light.........what a surprise!
notice treasonousterral still has not address the post i made, not once but twice.
Notice in my threads defending the official story, terral did nothing but deflect and insult.
Notice how treasonousterral proves with each and every post he makes that facts and reason are not on his side.

I suggest a new name for treasonousterral, Satan's little helper.

The lord of flies and lies gets more and more help from treasonousterral every day......

I see nothing has changed, treasonousterral still hides from the light.........what a surprise!

And they still don't understand that it is not our job to prove that the only official investigation is right, but their problem if they want to prove that it is wrong.

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