Terrible roughing call

In the midst of all this talk about bad posting, let me say that NFL officials DO need to be especially careful to not let any roughing of quarterbacks go unpunished. NFL teams are acutely aware of the importance of the quarterback in the success of a team.

Defensive players can change an entire definition of a season, by injuring a quarterback of a team in their division, and significantly lessening that team's strength, resulting in a worse record, and failure to make the playoffs. Thus, enabling the rough tackler's team to get into the playoffs.

The better the quarterback, the more danger there is of this happening.
In the midst of all this talk about bad posting, let me say that NFL officials DO need to be especially careful to not let any roughing of quarterbacks go unpunished. NFL teams are acutely aware of the importance of the quarterback in the success of a team.

Defensive players can change an entire definition of a season, by injuring a quarterback of a team in their division, and significantly lessening that team's strength, resulting in a worse record, and failure to make the playoffs. Thus, enabling the rough tackler's team to get into the playoffs.

The better the quarterback, the more danger there is of this happening.

The same could be said about a variety of positions.

Would Dallas have won the Super Bowl XXX without Emmit Smith? Doubtful.

I think a lot of the protections in the game should be done away with. Fair catch? Screw that. Catch the ball and, if need be, take your hit like a man or let it go by. Touchbacks? What kinda' nonsense is that? If you catch the ball in the end zone, run. Spiking the ball? Fuck that. You're getting paid to play, so play. "In the grasp"? Horseshit. Quarterback sliding to avoid a tackle? Hell no.

Just thinking out loud...
The same could be said about a variety of positions.

Would Dallas have won the Super Bowl XXX without Emmit Smith? Doubtful.

I think a lot of the protections in the game should be done away with. Fair catch? Screw that. Catch the ball and, if need be, take your hit like a man or let it go by. Touchbacks? What kinda' nonsense is that? If you catch the ball in the end zone, run. Spiking the ball? Fuck that. You're getting paid to play, so play. "In the grasp"? Horseshit. Quarterback sliding to avoid a tackle? Hell no.

Just thinking out loud...
I coudn't disagree more,
If that’s roughing the passer they need to take the pads off the QBs and if anyone gets with in a yard of them the play is blown dead
It is roughing the passer, imo. . Not that I do not think NFL officiating is a problem, they make a lot of bad calls or no calls. There needs to be serious improvement.

That huge lineman intentionally put as much mass and force on the fallen QB as he could muster. . I know, he could have avoided doing that. . There was a deliberate attempt to make the falling on the QB as hurtful as possible. ---- Maybe you are right. . Maybe it should not have been called, but I still call it a dirty play by the KC player. . And a dirty play to injure is really deplorable in this day and age of the size and speed of NFL players.
A couple of days ago people were making a big stink on the roughing call involving Brady. Personally, I think what happened to Tua has made the refs a little quick on the trigger. No one wants to be officiating the game when something like that happens. People were clamoring for the whole reffing crew to be fired before Tua had even been dragged off the field.
The NFL has an advantage with people betting on it. Referees increasingly play a role in outcomes as video technology has proved decisions wrong with endless pages of rules expanding. Simplifying this is not easy.
I read it.

I disagree with it.

Sorry if that hurts your feewings...
There is no such thing as disagreement with it. It's impossible for the possibility to not exist - and the possibilities are in the very likely range. Did you think all football players were scrupulous ? :rolleyes:

Please stop being a moron.
It is roughing the passer, imo. . Not that I do not think NFL officiating is a problem, they make a lot of bad calls or no calls. There needs to be serious improvement.

That huge lineman intentionally put as much mass and force on the fallen QB as he could muster. . I know, he could have avoided doing that. . There was a deliberate attempt to make the falling on the QB as hurtful as possible. ---- Maybe you are right. . Maybe it should not have been called, but I still call it a dirty play by the KC player. . And a dirty play to injure is really deplorable in this day and age of the size and speed of NFL players.

It’s called tackling. He was also recovering a fumble. If you don’t want to be tackled, football might not be for you.
Admiral Rockwell Tory miketx Canon Shooter

Heres a few things to help you guys out.

If someone posts about a baseball game on Oct 28, 29 or 31 it’s probably about the World Series.

If the pay post about a football game on February 12, 2023 it’s probably about the Super Bowl

If someone posts about a Presidential election on Nov 7 2023 likely it’s not Venezuela, probably about the US elections.

If your having trouble figuring out what people are talking about you can PM me and I’ll clue you in so you don’t embarrass yourselves.
What presidential election is November 7 2023? Talk about embarrassment!

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