Terrorism: Los Angeles Closes All Schools

This threat was emailed to several school districts nationwide. Where the email came from no one has confirmed. This could be coming from overseas, but go ahead and say it's Obama's fault.

Then take the next logical step and say Obama must take control of the internet so this won't happen again. All emails have to be read by our government before they are allowed to go to recipient. Just take you stupid illogical statements and play them out....

NYC received same email and Bratton of NYPD stated it read like a television show plot. They are declaring it non-credible.
Terrorist attacks within America have skyrocketed the past 7 years. So yes, the guy who says there is no war on terrorism is to blame.

Link, please to show actual radical Islamist attacks in the last seven years within America, or else leave the fear-mongering rhetorical b.s. to Duh Donald.
And Obama has never said there is no war on terrorism. Never. You are losing cred faster than Ben Carson.
This threat was emailed to several school districts nationwide. Where the email came from no one has confirmed. This could be coming from overseas, but go ahead and say it's Obama's fault.

Then take the next logical step and say Obama must take control of the internet so this won't happen again. All emails have to be read by our government before they are allowed to go to recipient. Just take you stupid illogical statements and play them out....

NYC received same email and Bratton of NYPD stated it read like a television show plot. They are declaring it non-credible.
Terrorist attacks within America have skyrocketed the past 7 years. So yes, the guy who says there is no war on terrorism is to blame.

Link, please to show actual radical Islamist attacks in the last seven years within America, or else leave the fear-mongering rhetorical b.s. to Duh Donald.
And Obama has never said there is no war on terrorism. Never. You are losing cred faster than Ben Carson.

Man you have a short memory...
To the American Stupid.....this is what happens when you destabilize the Middle East, ie Bush....when you allow the NRA to own our politicians and their inability to speak on gun issues and when you validate and rally behind conservatives who talk nothing but hatred in this country....you then see the rewards...A nation paralyzed with fear.

I will say this for the last time, This country will always get, what it deserves!!
Bratton of NYPD says this email is a hoax. They think the email was generated from Germany. Many spelling errors in the email that show it's not sent by Jihadists.
If there's any one city who has learned something about terrorism, you can be sure it's New York.
This threat was emailed to several school districts nationwide. Where the email came from no one has confirmed. This could be coming from overseas, but go ahead and say it's Obama's fault.

Then take the next logical step and say Obama must take control of the internet so this won't happen again. All emails have to be read by our government before they are allowed to go to recipient. Just take you stupid illogical statements and play them out....

NYC received same email and Bratton of NYPD stated it read like a television show plot. They are declaring it non-credible.
Terrorist attacks within America have skyrocketed the past 7 years. So yes, the guy who says there is no war on terrorism is to blame.

Link, please to show actual radical Islamist attacks in the last seven years within America, or else leave the fear-mongering rhetorical b.s. to Duh Donald.
And Obama has never said there is no war on terrorism. Never. You are losing cred faster than Ben Carson.

Man you have a short memory...

Man, you are lazy. You made a statement, back it up or shut up. "skyrocket" it is not a number. "Terrorist attack" is not defined by a Muslim killing his family or another person.
Bratton of NYPD says this email is a hoax. They think the email was generated from Germany. Many spelling errors in the email that show it's not sent by Jihadists.
If there's any one city who has learned something about terrorism, you can be sure it's New York.
Because Muslim slime never make spelling errors right?
You're an idiot
To the American Stupid.....this is what happens when you destabilize the Middle East, ie Bush....when you allow the NRA to own our politicians and their inability to speak on gun issues and when you validate and rally behind conservatives who talk nothing but hatred in this country....you then see the rewards...A nation paralyzed with fear.

I will say this for the last time, This country will always get, what it deserves!!

Spot on, Tiger!
This threat was emailed to several school districts nationwide. Where the email came from no one has confirmed. This could be coming from overseas, but go ahead and say it's Obama's fault.

Then take the next logical step and say Obama must take control of the internet so this won't happen again. All emails have to be read by our government before they are allowed to go to recipient. Just take you stupid illogical statements and play them out....

NYC received same email and Bratton of NYPD stated it read like a television show plot. They are declaring it non-credible.
Terrorist attacks within America have skyrocketed the past 7 years. So yes, the guy who says there is no war on terrorism is to blame.

Link, please to show actual radical Islamist attacks in the last seven years within America, or else leave the fear-mongering rhetorical b.s. to Duh Donald.
And Obama has never said there is no war on terrorism. Never. You are losing cred faster than Ben Carson.
The stupid, it burns!

Obama Wins War on Terror By Saying It Doesn’t Exist [video]

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America
This threat was emailed to several school districts nationwide. Where the email came from no one has confirmed. This could be coming from overseas, but go ahead and say it's Obama's fault.

Then take the next logical step and say Obama must take control of the internet so this won't happen again. All emails have to be read by our government before they are allowed to go to recipient. Just take you stupid illogical statements and play them out....

NYC received same email and Bratton of NYPD stated it read like a television show plot. They are declaring it non-credible.
Terrorist attacks within America have skyrocketed the past 7 years. So yes, the guy who says there is no war on terrorism is to blame.

Link, please to show actual radical Islamist attacks in the last seven years within America, or else leave the fear-mongering rhetorical b.s. to Duh Donald.
And Obama has never said there is no war on terrorism. Never. You are losing cred faster than Ben Carson.

Man you have a short memory...

Man, you are lazy. You made a statement, back it up or shut up. "skyrocket" it is not a number. "Terrorist attack" is not defined by a Muslim killing his family or another person.
Man you are stupid. You make an asinine request, because you're too much of a hack to admit when you're wrong. Admit it or shut up.
To the American Stupid.....this is what happens when you destabilize the Middle East, ie Bush....when you allow the NRA to own our politicians and their inability to speak on gun issues and when you validate and rally behind conservatives who talk nothing but hatred in this country....you then see the rewards...A nation paralyzed with fear.

I will say this for the last time, This country will always get, what it deserves!!
The stupid, it burns!

FLASHBACK—Obama: ‘We’re Leaving Behind a Sovereign, Stable and Self-Reliant Iraq’
This threat was emailed to several school districts nationwide. Where the email came from no one has confirmed. This could be coming from overseas, but go ahead and say it's Obama's fault.

Then take the next logical step and say Obama must take control of the internet so this won't happen again. All emails have to be read by our government before they are allowed to go to recipient. Just take you stupid illogical statements and play them out....

NYC received same email and Bratton of NYPD stated it read like a television show plot. They are declaring it non-credible.
Terrorist attacks within America have skyrocketed the past 7 years. So yes, the guy who says there is no war on terrorism is to blame.

Yes christian terrorist activity has gotten worse
The Top Five Attacks On America Committed By Christian Terrorists, Not Muslims

The Top Five Attacks On America Committed By Christian Terrorists, Not Muslims

This threat was emailed to several school districts nationwide. Where the email came from no one has confirmed. This could be coming from overseas, but go ahead and say it's Obama's fault.

Then take the next logical step and say Obama must take control of the internet so this won't happen again. All emails have to be read by our government before they are allowed to go to recipient. Just take you stupid illogical statements and play them out....

NYC received same email and Bratton of NYPD stated it read like a television show plot. They are declaring it non-credible.
Terrorist attacks within America have skyrocketed the past 7 years. So yes, the guy who says there is no war on terrorism is to blame.

Link, please to show actual radical Islamist attacks in the last seven years within America, or else leave the fear-mongering rhetorical b.s. to Duh Donald.
And Obama has never said there is no war on terrorism. Never. You are losing cred faster than Ben Carson.

Man you have a short memory...

Man, you are lazy. You made a statement, back it up or shut up. "skyrocket" it is not a number. "Terrorist attack" is not defined by a Muslim killing his family or another person.

You want me to back up common knowledge?
This threat was emailed to several school districts nationwide. Where the email came from no one has confirmed. This could be coming from overseas, but go ahead and say it's Obama's fault.

Then take the next logical step and say Obama must take control of the internet so this won't happen again. All emails have to be read by our government before they are allowed to go to recipient. Just take you stupid illogical statements and play them out....

NYC received same email and Bratton of NYPD stated it read like a television show plot. They are declaring it non-credible.
Terrorist attacks within America have skyrocketed the past 7 years. So yes, the guy who says there is no war on terrorism is to blame.

Yes christian terrorist activity has gotten worse
The Top Five Attacks On America Committed By Christian Terrorists, Not Muslims

The Top Five Attacks On America Committed By Christian Terrorists, Not Muslims

You Leftards are the funniest joke on the planet.
It looks like the Nigerian Finance Minister got access to a computer again.
It looks like the Nigerian Finance Minister got access to a computer again.
That there is funny!' The finance Minister and Bonobo are 'kissing' cousins and both have millions of dollars for you. Just send them your bank account number.
Looks like ISIL is winning without doing more , they got you bedwetters and pants crappers in a frenzy and that is their goal, with threats
This threat was emailed to several school districts nationwide. Where the email came from no one has confirmed. This could be coming from overseas, but go ahead and say it's Obama's fault.

Then take the next logical step and say Obama must take control of the internet so this won't happen again. All emails have to be read by our government before they are allowed to go to recipient. Just take you stupid illogical statements and play them out....

NYC received same email and Bratton of NYPD stated it read like a television show plot. They are declaring it non-credible.
Terrorist attacks within America have skyrocketed the past 7 years. So yes, the guy who says there is no war on terrorism is to blame.

Link, please to show actual radical Islamist attacks in the last seven years within America, or else leave the fear-mongering rhetorical b.s. to Duh Donald.
And Obama has never said there is no war on terrorism. Never. You are losing cred faster than Ben Carson.
The stupid, it burns!

Obama Wins War on Terror By Saying It Doesn’t Exist [video]

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America

Brilliant video. Thanks. He was talking about the Taliban, not ISIS, but I know idiots aren't able to keep their militant groups straight.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in America

I saw this site, too. It's a biased entity linked to the Jewish Press. Many of these incidents are one-on-one.
Murder and assault and battery by a single person is not a terrorist attack.

So, as usual I have to help you lazy idiots out:

F.B.I. Definitions of Terrorism in the U.S. Code

18 U.S.C. § 2331 defines "international terrorism" and "domestic terrorism" for purposes of Chapter 113B of the Code, entitled "Terrorism”:

"International terrorism" means activities with the following three characteristics:

    • Involve violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;
    • Appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
    • Occur primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S., or transcend national boundaries in terms of the means by which they are accomplished, the persons they appear intended to intimidate or coerce, or the locale in which their perpetrators operate or seek asylum.*
"Domestic terrorism" means activities with the following three characteristics:

    • Involve acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;
    • Appear intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination. or kidnapping; and
    • Occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S.
18 U.S.C. § 2332b defines the term "federal crime of terrorism" as an offense that:

    • Is calculated to influence or affect the conduct of government by intimidation or coercion, or to retaliate against government conduct; and
    • Is a violation of one of several listed statutes, including § 930(c) (relating to killing or attempted killing during an attack on a federal facility with a dangerous weapon); and § 1114 (relating to killing or attempted killing of officers and employees of the U.S.).
* FISA defines "international terrorism" in a nearly identical way, replacing "primarily" outside the U.S. with "totally" outside the U.S. 50 U.S.C. § 1801(c).

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