Terrorist Murder In Jerusalem Synagogue

Steve, this was almost a good post, but I take pause in these two parts:

not inflammatory rhetoric. . . . <snip>. ..last week a Palestinian bus driver was lynched by the Israeli youth mob

The first part is I find many of your posts inflammatory, as for the second part I would like to see some sort of proof to your claim as that is news to all of us.
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Now its been reported that his grave is a shrine...Israel is the cause of retribution and hate, and despair...

Get your facts straight there bud.

Goldstein's gravesite became a pilgrimage site for Jewish extremists.[7] Upon the tomb, the following words are inscribed: “He gave his life for the people of Israel, its Torah and land.”[6] In 1999, after the passing of Israeli legislation outlawing monuments to terrorists, the Israeli Army dismantled the shrine that had been built to Goldstein at the site of his interment. The tombstone and its epitaph, calling Goldstein a martyr with clean hands and a pure heart, was left untouched.[8]

Link: Baruch Goldstein - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So as my quote reports, the 'shrine' was removed, but eludes to the tombstone and epitaph being left alone. However, it seems as though it too was covered:

After the flagstones around it were pried away under the eye of a military chaplain, the ground was covered with gravel.

Link: Israel Destroys Shrine to Mosque Gunman - New York Times
'The Muslims Don't Understand - We Don't Want Al-Aqsa'
Ramat Gan Chief Rabbi explains Al-Aqsa Mosque is outside the Temple boundaries, but Islam's focus on force prevents coexistence.

By Yishai Karov, Ari Yashar
First Publish: 11/20/2014, 5:30 PM


Al Aqsa Mosque (bottom-left) is outside the Temple Mount according to Jewish tradition

So very, very, very, very, very, very, very, Um, true.
Palestinians in their hate and violence have lost all credible right to claim the mount as exclusively theirs, or the city of Jerusalem. They have defiled al-Aqsa and their professed faith while practicing hate. They have brought shame to Islam and to other muslims by their actions.

+1!!! Aris, you have just become my new best friend. Or I guess, what I really mean is that I couldn't agree more.
Fact: Israel kicks their ass, every time that they commit violence - and in increasingly disproportionate rates, as the Israelis slowly harden their hearts and give up on talks.

Quoted for truth. I do not always agree with the new settlements, nor the destruction of the offender's family's homes as a deterrent, but what else is Israel supposed to do beside go German?
Children do not know hate. You can put a mix of toddlers and children in the same room without conflict. Hate is taught, mostly in the home but also through peer pressure by olders in the neighborhood. They are taught by how they see others behave and speak.
Hate is not natural.

And to further this position look at this school:

Jerusalem International YMCA

And where is it? Oh yeah, (west) Jerusalem.
Steve, this was almost a good post, but I take pause in these two parts:

not inflammatory rhetoric. . . . <snip>. ..last week a Palestinian bus driver was lynched by the Israeli youth mob

The first part is I find many of your posts inflammatory, as for the second part I would like to see some sort of proof to your claim as that is news to all of us.
brilliant cartoon Teddy,Just BRILLIANT
Steve, this was almost a good post, but I take pause in these two parts:

not inflammatory rhetoric. . . . <snip>. ..last week a Palestinian bus driver was lynched by the Israeli youth mob

The first part is I find many of your posts inflammatory, as for the second part I would like to see some sort of proof to your claim as that is news to all of us.
brilliant cartoon Teddy,Just BRILLIANT
Now its been reported that his grave is a shrine...Israel is the cause of retribution and hate, and despair...

Get your facts straight there bud.

Goldstein's gravesite became a pilgrimage site for Jewish extremists.[7] Upon the tomb, the following words are inscribed: “He gave his life for the people of Israel, its Torah and land.”[6] In 1999, after the passing of Israeli legislation outlawing monuments to terrorists, the Israeli Army dismantled the shrine that had been built to Goldstein at the site of his interment. The tombstone and its epitaph, calling Goldstein a martyr with clean hands and a pure heart, was left untouched.[8]

Link: Baruch Goldstein - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So as my quote reports, the 'shrine' was removed, but eludes to the tombstone and epitaph being left alone. However, it seems as though it too was covered:

After the flagstones around it were pried away under the eye of a military chaplain, the ground was covered with gravel.

Link: Israel Destroys Shrine to Mosque Gunman - New York Times
Forcibly removed...plain PR...

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Now its been reported that his grave is a shrine...Israel is the cause of retribution and hate, and despair...

Get your facts straight there bud.

Goldstein's gravesite became a pilgrimage site for Jewish extremists.[7] Upon the tomb, the following words are inscribed: “He gave his life for the people of Israel, its Torah and land.”[6] In 1999, after the passing of Israeli legislation outlawing monuments to terrorists, the Israeli Army dismantled the shrine that had been built to Goldstein at the site of his interment. The tombstone and its epitaph, calling Goldstein a martyr with clean hands and a pure heart, was left untouched.[8]

Link: Baruch Goldstein - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So as my quote reports, the 'shrine' was removed, but eludes to the tombstone and epitaph being left alone. However, it seems as though it too was covered:

After the flagstones around it were pried away under the eye of a military chaplain, the ground was covered with gravel.

Link: Israel Destroys Shrine to Mosque Gunman - New York Times
Forcibly removed...plain PR...
Well, jews being better than arabs is old news, of course.
I find your use of the word "juden" a personal attack on all the world's Jewry. In every post you make.
The word "juden" is the regular everyday word used by the German people when referring to a jewish person. It is not derogatory nor a slang word. ....... :cool:

This is not a german language forum. The use of the german word on an english forum is both rude and brings up images of pogroms and the nazi holocaust.
I am sure you are well aware how offensive your use of the term might affect others and do so to show your own prejudice.
You are not trying to engage in a meaningful conversation but trying to incite a negative emotional response
Bad form
I find your use of the word "juden" a personal attack on all the world's Jewry. In every post you make.
The word "juden" is the regular everyday word used by the German people when referring to a jewish person. It is not derogatory nor a slang word. ....... :cool:

And you as a convert to Islam like what the Germans called the Jews, eh?

Amin Al Husseini Nazi Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
I find your use of the word "juden" a personal attack on all the world's Jewry. In every post you make.
The word "juden" is the regular everyday word used by the German people when referring to a jewish person. It is not derogatory nor a slang word. ....... :cool:

This is not a german language forum. The use of the german word on an english forum is both rude and brings up images of pogroms and the nazi holocaust.
I am sure you are well aware how offensive your use of the term might affect others and do so to show your own prejudice.
You are not trying to engage in a meaningful conversation but trying to incite a negative emotional response
Bad form

He is exercising his right to be an ISIS loving Islamic Nazi. He promised he will send us a copy of his ISIS certificate after he moves to Syria and joins them.
PFLP hand out sweets to celebrate the Har Nof synagogue massacre

Language is a powerful part of our identity, as intellectuals from Bill Bryson to Slavoj Zizek to Steven Pinker acknowledge. Europeans are particularly sensitive to the use of racist language. We know how prejudicial and violent language can lead to horrific policy, so we carefully avoid parroting racist tropes.

Were someone to walk into a room and claim that the Jews caused all wars and revolutions and it is a moral duty to kill them, we would wince awkwardly, and treat such a person as a racist. Yet whilst language is important to the identity of any individual person or mass movement, there is more to identity than just language. Actions also matter.

This is worth bearing in mind when considering two Palestinian terror groups – Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) – which take different approaches to racism.

The Hamas charter claims that there is a secret world Jewish plot for global domination, and the Jews are behind any and every war and revolution the world has ever known. The PFLP, meanwhile, studiously avoids the crude anti-Semitic language of Hamas. The PFLP says it opposes “Zionists” rather than Jews, framing their fight as Marxist-Leninist “resistance” against “oppression”. On its website, PFLP claims its goal is to “establish a democratic national state in Palestine in which both Arabs and Jews will live as citizens with equal rights.”

When four Jewish rabbis – and a passing Druze policeman – were butchered to death whilst praying in their own sacred space, the response by Hamas and the PFLP were disturbingly similar. Hamas called the massacre a “quality development“, whilst the PFLP called it “heroic.” As Hamas distributed sweets in Gaza to celebrate the mass killings, the PFLP did the same.

This is not a german language forum. The use of the german word on an english forum is both rude and brings up images of pogroms and the nazi holocaust.
I just like the sound of the word juden when spoken.

Besides, how can the word juden bring up the holocaust myth? .... :cool:

German documents, the graves, the camps, the witnesses, the trials have proven the holocaust was not myth. Again you show your hate and prejudice by your words.
You cannot expect to be taken seriously with such behavior. You insist on doing harm rather than finding reason and understanding that would help the conflicts and humanity.
Shame on you.

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